Category: Other Nonsense & Spam

Astral Projection Part II By The Joker And The Occult Crue


The following was taken directly from the book Journeys Out of
the Body, by Robert A. Monroe.


After you have achieved the state of vibration and some control
of your stage of relaxation, one additional factor must be
considered. It is probable that you have already obtained it,
since it is ordinarily a product of the previous exercises.
However, it should be emphasized.
This factor is thought control. In the state of
vibration, you are apparently subject to every thought, both
willful and involuntary, that crosses your mind. Thus you must
be as close to "no thought" or "single thought" (concentration)
as possible. If one stray idea passes through your mind, you
respond instantly, and sometimes in an undesirable manner. I
suspect that one is never completely free of such misdirection.
At least I have not been, which may account for the many
inexplicable trips to places and people I do not know. They seem
to be triggered by thoughts or ideas I didn't realize I had,
below the conscious level. The only approach is to do the best
you can.
With this in mind, the first practices of disassociating
the Second from the physical body should be limited in time and
action. What follows is designed basically as a familiarization
and orientation technique which should permit an approach to
disassociation without fear or concern.
Release of extremities. This serves to acquaint you with
the sensation of the Second Body without full commitment. After
relaxation and creation of the vibration state, work with either
your right or left hand and arm, one at a time. This is
important, as it will be your first affirmation of the reality of
the Second. With one hand, reach for any object – floor, wall,
door, or whatever – that you remember as being beyond the reach
of your physical arm. Reach for that object. Make the reaching
process neither upward nor downward, but out in the direction
your arm is pointing. Reach as if you were stretching your arm,
not raising or lowering it. A variation is simply to reach out
with the hand and arm in the same manner with no special object
in mind. Often this method is better, as you then have no
preconceived idea of what you will "feel."
When you reach out in this fashion and feel nothing, push
your hand a little farther. Keep pushing gently, as if
stretching you arm, until your hand encounters some material
object. If the vibration pattern is in effect, it will work, and
your hand will eventually feel or touch something. When it does,
examine with your sense of touch the physical details of the
object. Feel for any cracks, grooves, or unusual details which
you will later be able to identify. At this point, nothing will
seem unusual. Your sensory mechanisms will tell you that you are
touching the object with your physical hand.
Here, then, is your first test. After acquainting
yourself with the object with your outstretched hand, straighten
out your hand and push against the object with your fingertips.
You will encounter resistance at first. Push a little harder,
and gently overcome the resistance you feel. At this point, your
hand will seem to go right through the object. Keep pushing
until your hand is completely through the object and meets some
other physical object. Identify the second object by touch.
Then carefully withdraw your hand, back through the first object,
and slowly back to normal, so that it feels as if it is where it
With this, decrease the vibrations. The best way to do
this is slowly to attempt to move the physical body. Think of
the physical body, and open your physical eyes. Bring back your
physical senses, deliberately.
Once the vibrations have faded away completely, lie still
for a few minutes for full and complete return. Then get up and
make a notation of the object which you "felt," locating it
relative to the position of your hand and arm when you were lying
down. Note the details of both the first and second objects
which you felt. Having done this, compare your description with
the actual first object. Make special note of small details
which you could not have seen from a distance. Physically feel
the object to compare it with what you felt under the vibrations.
Examine the second object in the same manner. You may
not have been consciously aware of its presence or position prior
to the experiment. This too is important. Test the line of
direction from the place where your physical hand lay, through
the first object and up to the second. Is it a straight line?
Check your results. Was the first object you touched
physically located at a distance it would have been absolutely
impossible to reach without physical movement? Did the details
of the object – especially the minute details – coincide with the
notes you have made? Make the same comparison for the second
If your answers are affirmative, you have had your first
success. If the facts do not check out, try again another day.
Almost without qualification, if you have produced the
vibrational state, you can perform this exercise.
You can also practice the following quite easily. After
producing the vibrational state, lying on your back, arms either
at your sides or on your chest, gently lift your arms without
looking at them and touch your fingers together. Do this quite
casually, abstractly, and remember the sensory results. Once you
have clasped your hands above your chest, look at them first with
your closed eyes. If you have moved easily enough, you will see
both physical and non-physical arms. Your physical arms will be
at rest at your side or upon your chest. The sensory impressions
will be with the non-physical arms and hands above your physical
body. You should test this phenomenon as many times as you wish,
however you desire. Prove to yourself that you are moving not
your physical arms, but something else. Do it by whatever means
are necessary to give you full assurance of this reality.
It is important always to return your non-physical arms
to full conjunction with their physical counterparts before
"shutting off" the vibration state. Although there may be no
severe aftereffect if this is not done, I think it best not to
find out in the early stages.
Disassociation technique. The simplest method to use in
separating from the physical is the "lift-out" procedure. The
intent here it not to travel to far-off places, but to get
acquainted with the sensation in your own room, with familiar
surroundings. The reason for this is that the first true
experience will then be examined and explored with identifiable
points of reference.
In order to assist in this orientation, it is better that
these first complete disassociation exercises be conducted during
daylight. Test for yourself your needs in regard to the amount
of light in the room. Avoid using an electric light if possible.
To establish the condition, achieve the vibrational
state, and maintain complete control of your thought processes.
You are going to stay only in the confines of your familiar room.
Think of getting lighter, of floating upward, of how nice it
would be to float upward. Be sure to think how nice it would be,
as the subjective associated thought is most important. You want
to do this because it is something you will respond to
emotionally; you react even before the act, in anticipation. If
you continue to hold only these thoughts, you will disassociate
and float gently upward from your physical. You may not achieve
it the first time, or the second. But quite surely, if you have
achieved the preceding exercises, you will achieve it.
A second method is the "rotation" technique, which has
been mentioned elsewhere. Under the same prescribed conditions,
slowly try to turn over, just as if you were turning over in bed
to be more comfortable. Make no attempt to help yourself rotate
with either arms or legs. Start turning by twisting the top of
your body, your head and shoulders, first. By all means move
slowly, exerting gently but firm pressure. If you do not, you
may become loose and actually spin like a log rolling in water
before you can alter the pressure. Such action is disconcerting
only because you may lose all orientation and be forced to find
your way back carefully in rotation juncture.
The ease with which you begin to turn, with no friction
or sense of weight, will inform you that you have begun to
succeed in disassociating. As this happens, turn slowly until
you feel that you have moved 180 degrees (i.e., face to face with
your physical body). It is uncanny how you will recognize this
position. this 180 degrees about face is merely two 90 degree
turns, and without orientation, it is easy to sense.
Once you are in the 180 degree position, stop the
rotation by merely thinking of doing so. Without hesitation,
think of floating upward, backing up away from the physical body.
Again, if you have reached the vibrational state successfully,
this method will surely bring results.
Of the two separation techniques, the first should be
tried before the second. Then, after both have been examined and
tested, the one that seems easiest to you should be utilized.
Local experiments and familiarization. Once you have
succeeded in the separation process, it is most important for
your own objective continuity that you remain in complete
control. The only possible way to do this seems to be by staying
close to the physical in the early stages. Whatever you may feel
emotionally, keep in close proximity to the physical. This
admonition is made not because of any known danger, but so that
you will maintain a step-by-step familiarity and thus perceive
for yourself exactly what is taking place. Wild, uncontrolled
trips at this stage may well produce uncomfortable situations and
conditions that will force you to relearn much of what you have
already achieved. The process of mental acclamation will be
different from any you have ever consciously experienced. The
gradual adaptation will greatly enhance your peace of mind and
At this point, the principal exercise is to return. Keep
your separation distance no more than three feet away, hovering
over the physical. Do not make any attempt at this time to move
laterally or farther "up." How do you know how far aware you
are? Again, this is something you sense. Your vision now is
zero. You have conditioned yourself not to open your eyes, and
let them remain closed for the moment. Stay close to the
physical. The mental concept of this will keep you in proper
For the next three or four exercises, do nothing but
practice getting "out" and returning to the physical. To return
under these conditions, merely "think" yourself back into the
physical, and you will return. If you have used the first method
of separation, the reintegration is relatively simple. When you
are back in exact alignment, you will be able to move any portion
of the physical body and reactivate any or all of your physical
senses. Each time you return, open your physical eyes and
physically sit up so that you know you are completely "back
together." This is to ensure orientation, to instill confidence
that you can return at will, and most important, to assure
yourself of continued contact with the material world in which
you now belong. Whatever you believe, this reassurance is most
If you have applied the rotation method, move slowly back
toward the physical, again by thinking of it, and when you feel
you have made complete contact, start your rotation back 180
degrees to conjunction with the physical. It seems to make no
difference whether you continue the circle of rotation or reverse
and turn back in a motion opposite to that which helped you
In both techniques, there seems to be a slight,
click-like jerk when you are again in conjunction with the
physical. An exact description of this sensation is quite
difficult, but you will recognize it. Always wait a few moments
before sitting up after you have returned, primarily to avoid any
possible uneasiness. Give yourself some time to readjust to the
physical environment. The physical act of sitting up provides
evidence of continuity in a demonstrable form; you will know
that you can consciously, willfully act in a physical movement
interspersed with experiments in the non-physical environment and
retain conscious awareness throughout the process.
You will have completed the cycle when you are able to
separate, return to the physical, sit up and note the time, go
back to the separation process, and return to the the physical a
second time, all without loss of conscious continuity. The
notation of the clock reading will help in this.
The next step in familiarization is to separate to a
slightly farther distance, applying the same procedures. Any
distance up to ten feet will do. Always keep mental
concentration on a single purpose without stray though patterns,
especially in these extended exercises. After you have become
accustomed to the feeling of being more "apart," mentally tell
yourself that you can see. Do not think of the act of opening
your eyes, as this may well transmit you to the physical and
diminish the vibrational state. Instead, think of seeing, that
you can see – and you will see. There will be no sensation of
eye opening. The blackness will just disappear suddenly. At
first, your seeing may be dim, as if in half-light, indistinct or
myopic. It is not known at present why this is so, but with use,
your vision will become more sharp.
The first sight of your physical body lying below you
should not be unnerving if you have applied the previous
exercises. After you are satisfied that it is "you" lying there,
visually examine the room from the perspective of your position.
Mentally move slightly in one direction or another, slowly and
never violently. Move your arms and legs to reassure yourself of
your mobility. Roll around and cavort in the new element if you
wish, always staying within the prescribed range of the physical.

Astral Projection Part I By The Joker And The Occult Crue

This information is taken directly from the book Journeys Out of
the Body by Robert A. Monroe.

Throughout this writing, I have made many references to
one evident fact: the only possible way for an individual to
appreciate the reality of this Second Body and existence within
it is to experience it himself.
Obviously, if this were an easy task, it would now be
commonplace. I suspect that only an innate curiosity will enable
people to overcome the obstacles in the path of this achievement.
Although there are many cases of existence experienced apart from
the physical body, they have for the most part – at least in the
Western world – been of a spontaneous, one time nature, occurring
during moments of stress or physical disability.
We are speaking of something entirely different, which
can be objectively investigated. The experimenter will want to
proceed in a manner that will produce consistent results, perhaps
not every time, but often enough to validate the evidence to his
own satisfaction. I believe that anyone can experience existence
in a Second Body if the desire is great enough. Whether or not
anyone should is beyond the scope of my judgment.
Evidence has led me to believe that most, if not all,
human beings leave their physical bodies in varying degrees
during sleep. Subsequent reading has proved that this idea is
thousands of years old in man’s history. If it is a valid
premise, then the condition itself is not unnatural. On the
other hand, conscious, willful practice of separation from the
physical is contrary to the pattern, it would seem, in view of
the limited data available.
Harmful physical effects from such activity are
undetermined. I have not detected (nor have any physicians) any
physiological changes, good or bad, that can be attributed
directly to the out-of-the-body experience.
There have been many psychological changes that I
recognize, and probably many more that I have not been aware of.
However, even my friends in the psychiatric profession have not
claimed that these have been detrimental. My gradual revision of
basic concepts and believes is apparent in a number of ways
throughout this writing. If these psychological and personality
changes are truly harmful, there is not much that can be done
about it now.
A note of caution is in order here for those who are
interested in experimenting, for once opened, the doorway to this
experience cannot be closed. More exactly, it is a copy of “you
can’t live with it and you can’t live without it.” The activity
and resultant awareness are quite incompatible with the science,
religion, and mores of the society in which we live. History is
strewn with martyrs whose only crime was non-conformity. If your
interest and research become commonly known, you run the risk of
being labeled a freak, phony, or worse, and of being ostracized.
In spite of this, something extremely vital would be missing if
you did not continue to explore and investigate. In the
unaccountable “low” periods when you cannot produce this activity
no matter how carefully you try, you realize this deeply. You
have a strong sense of being left out of things, of the shutting
out of a source of great meaning to living.
Here, then, is the best written description I can give of
the technique of developing the non-physical experience.


There is one great obstacle to the investigation of the
Second Body and the environment in which it operates. Perhaps it
is the only major barrier. It seems to be present in all
people, without exception. It may be hidden by layers of
inhibition and conditioning, but when these are stripped away,
the obstacle remains. This is the barrier of blind, unreasoning
fear. Given only small impetus, it turns to panic, and then to
terror. If you consciously pass the fear barrier, you will have
passed a milestone in your investigation.
I am reasonably sure that this barrier is passed
unconsciously by many of us each night. When that part of us
beyond our consciousness takes over, it is not inhibited by fear,
although it seems to be influenced by the thought and action of
the conscious mind. It seems to be accustomed to operating
beyond the fear barrier, and understands better the rules of
existence in this other world. When the conscious mind shuts
down for the night, this Super Mind (soul?) takes over.
The investigative process relative to the Second Body and
its environment appears to be a melding or blending of the
conscious with this Super Mind. If this is accomplished, the
fear barrier is overcome.
The fear barrier is many-faceted. The most fearless of
us think it does not exist, until, much to our own surprise, we
encounter it within ourselves. First and foremost, there is the
death fear. Because separation from the physical body is much
like what is expected at death, early reactions to the experience
are automatic. You think, “Get back in the physical, quickly!
You are dying! Life is there, in the physical; get back in!”
These reactions appear in spite of any intellectual or
emotional training. Only after repeating the process eighteen to
twenty times did I finally gather enough courage (and curiosity)
to stay out more than a few seconds and observe objectively. The
death fear was either sublimated or assuaged by familiarity.
Others who have tried the technique have stopped after the first
or second experience, unable to suppress this first aspect of the
The second aspect of the fear barrier is also linked with
the death fear: will I be able to return to the physical or to
get back “in.” With no guidelines or specific instructions, this
remained a prime fear of mine for several years, until I found a
simple answer that made it work every time. Mine was a matter of
rationalization. I had been “out” several hundred times, and the
evidence showed that I was able to return safely one way or
another. Therefore, the probability was that I would return
safely the next time also.
The third basic fear was fear of the unknown. The rules
and dangers of our physical environment can be determined to a
reasonable degree. We have spent our lifetime building up
reflexes to cope with them. Now, suddenly, here is another,
completely different set of rules, another world of entirely
different possibilities, populated by beings who seem to know all
of them. You have no rule book, no road map, no book of
etiquette, no applicable courses in physics and chemistry, no
incontrovertible authority you can turn to for advice and
answers. Many a missionary has been killed in a remote land
under just such conditions!
I must confess that this third fear still crops up, and
with justification. The unknown is still to a great degree
unknown. Such penetration as I have made has brought forth
pitifully few unalterable and consistent rules. I can say only
that, to date, I have survived these expeditions. There is so
much that I do not comprehend or understand, and more that is
beyond my ability to do so.
Another fear is the consequent effects on the physical
body as well as on the conscious mind of participation and
experimentation in this form of activity. This too is very real,
as our history, at least to my knowledge, does not seem to
contain accurate reporting of this area. We have studies on
paranoia, schizophrenia, phobias, epilepsy, alcoholism, sleeping
sickness, acne, virus diseases, etc., but no assembled body of
objective data on the pathology of the Second Body.
I do not know how to circumvent the fear barrier, except
by cautious initial steps that create familiarity bit by bit as
you proceed. I hope this writing in its entirety will provide
the psychological “step” over the barrier. It may help to
recognize conditions and patterns that are familiar in that at
least one person has had similar experiences and survived.
The following are the necessary procedural developments.


The ability to relax is the first prerequisite, perhaps
even the first step itself. It is deliberately generated, and is
both physical and metal. Included with the condition of
relaxation must be the relief from any sense of time urgency.
You cannot be in a hurry. No pending appointments or anticipated
calls for your services or attention must clutter up your
thoughts. Impatience of any sort can effectively stifle your
prospects for success.
There are many techniques available for obtaining this
kind of relaxation, and a number of good books cover the subject.
Simply select the method that works best for you. There are
three general methods that seem to work, two of which are
applicable in these exercises.
Auto- or self-hypnosis. Most self-study books offer this
method in different versions. Again, it is a matter of which is
most effective for you individually. The most efficient and
speediest way is to learn self-hypnosis through the training of
an experienced hypnotist. He can set up posthypnotic suggestion
that will bring immediate results. However, select a tutor with
care. Responsible practitioners are rare, and neophytes
numerous. Forms of meditation can be converted to effective
Borderland sleep state. This is perhaps the easiest and
most natural method and usually ensures relaxation of both body
and mind simultaneously. The difficulty here lies in the
maintenance of that delicate “edge” between sleep and complete
wakefulness. All too often, you simply fall asleep and that ends
the experiment for the moment.
By practice, conscious awareness can be taken up to this
borderland state, into it, and through it, to your destination.
There is no way to achieve it that I know of that than practice.
The technique is as follows: lie down, preferably when you are
tired and sleepy. As you become relaxed and start to drift off
to sleep, hold your mental attention on something, anything, with
your eyes closed. Once you can hold the borderland state
indefinitely without falling asleep, you have passed the first
stage. It is, however, a normal pattern to fall asleep many
times in the process of this consciousness deepening. You will
not be able to help yourself, but do not let this discourage you.
It is not an overnight process. You will know you are
successful when you become bored and expect something more to
If attempts to remain at the borderland state make you
nervous, this too is a normal reaction. The conscious mind seems
to resent sharing the authority it has during wakefulness. If
this occurs, break the relaxation, get up and walk around,
exercise, and lie down again. If this does not relieve the
nervousness, go to sleep and try another time. You are just not
in the mood.
When your “fixative,” the picture thought you have been
holding, slips away and you find yourself thinking of something
else, you are close to completion of condition A.
Once you have achieved Condition A – the ability to hold
calmly in the borderland state indefinitely with your mind on an
exclusive thought – you are ready for the next step. Condition B
is similar, but with the concentration eliminated. Do not think
of anything, but remain poised between wakefulness and sleep.
Simply look through your closed eyes at the blackness ahead of
you. Do nothing more. After a number of these exercises, you
may hallucinate “mind pictures,” or light patterns. These seem
to have no great significance, and may merely be forms of neural
discharge. I can remember, for example, attempting to achieve
this state after watching a football game on TV for several
hours. All I saw were mind pictures of football players
tackling, running, passing, etc. It took at least a half hour
for the pattern to fade away. These mind pictures are apparently
related to your visual concentration in the preceding eight or
ten hours. The more intense the concentration, the longer it
seems to take to eliminate the impressions.
You have accomplished Condition B when you are able to
lie indefinitely after the impressions have faded away, with no
nervousness, and seeing nothing but blackness.
Condition C is a systematic deepening of consciousness
while in the B state. This is approached by carefully letting go
of your rigid hold on the borderland sleep edge and drifting
deeper little by little during each exercise. You will learn to
establish degrees of this deepening of consciousness by “going
down” to a given level and returning at will. You will recognize
these degrees by the shutting down of various sensory mechanism
inputs. The sense of touch apparently goes first. You seem to
have no feeling in any part of your body. Smell and taste soon
follow. The auditory signals are next, and the last to fade out
is vision. (Sometimes the last two are reversed; I suspect that
the reason for vision being last is that exercises calls for the
use of the visual network, even in blackness.)
Condition D is the achievement of C when one is fully
rested and refreshed, rather than tired and sleepy, at the
beginning of the exercise. This is quite important, and not
nearly as easy to achieve as it is to write about. To enter the
relaxation state full of energy and wakefulness is great
insurance for maintaining conscious control. The best approach
to take in the early attempts at the Condition D exercise is to
start it immediately after you wake up from a nap or a night’s
sleep. Start the exercise before you move around in bed
physically, while your body is still relaxed from sleep and your
mind is fully alert. Don’t take too many liquids before
sleeping, and you won’t have the immediate need to empty your
bladder upon awakening.
Induction by drugs. None of the relaxation-producing
drugs that are readily available seem to help. Barbiturates

The Etymology Of The Word “Posh”

From: (Jerry Gaiser)
Subject: POSH

This re-emergence of POSH has caused me to dig into one of the best books
(IMNSHO) on the etymology of words, The Browser’s Dictionary by John Ciardi.

I quote (of course without permission):

posh Swanky. Deluxe. [A direct borrowing of the form but not the sense of
Romany ‘posh’, half. Brit. Gypsies commonly, if warily, worked with Brit.
rogues. ‘Shiv’, Romany for “knife,” came into Eng. through this association.
Similarly ‘rum go’ is at root ‘Rom go’, “a Gypsy thing,” hence a queer thing.
Brit. rogues came to know posh in such compounds as ‘posh-houri,’ half pence,
and ‘posh-kooroona,’ half crown, so associating it with money, and from
XVII to mid XIX ‘posh’ meant “money” in thieve’s cant, the sense then
shifting to “swank, fashionable, expensive” (“the good things money can
NOTE. A pervasive folk etymology renders the term as an acronym of
p(ort) o(out), s(tarboard) h(ome), with ref. to the ideal accomodations
on the passage to India by way of the Suez Canal, a packet service provided
by the Peninsula and Eastern steamship line. The acronym is said to explain
the right placement of one’s stateroom for being on the shady or the lee
side of the ship. On the east-west passage it is true, the ship being north
of the sun, that the acronym will locate the shady side (though time of year
will make a substantial difference). The lee side, however, is determined
by the monsoon winds, and since they blow into the Asian heartland all
summer and out all winter, only the season can determine which side will be
sheltered. The earlier dating of ‘posh’ as glossed above sufficently refutes
the ingenious (but too late) acronymic invention. And as a clincher, veterans
of the Peninsula and Eastern, questioned about the term, replied that they
had never heard it in the acronymic sense.

Just another data point.

Jerry Gaiser ( (voice) 503-359-4017
Fidonet 1:105/380 (bbs) 503-359-5111
.. I read banned books ..

The Poisons Of The Realm (For A Game)

– Poisons of the Realm –

This document reveals most of the poisons, toxins, venoms, and
acids that have been discovered in use around the realms. The
terms are described below. Note that some of these are real-life
poisons and should NOT EVER be considered for anything other than


Poison: Some form of harmful substance that exists in
naturally with no alterations from PC’s (Other than
the collecting of said poison)

Toxin: A damaging substance that does NOT occur in nature.
A toxin must be produced manualy by an alchemist or

Mixture: A substance that is used as a poison, but must be
made and produced by magic.

Venom, Spit:A sdamaging substance that is produced ONLY within
the glands of an animal. Generally thought to be
the strongest of the poison types, but also the
hardest to collect.

Acid: A corrosive substance that either exists in nature,
is produced by an animal gland, or is produced by
someone. Causes damage upon contact but can
usually be washed off upon initial contact to stop
damage, unlike a poison.


– Forms of Poisons –

Ingestive: This form of poison is the most common. To effect
a creature, it must first ingest the poison. This
means that the creature must eat the poison one way
or another. Getting a poison in this form is of a
normal cost.

Insinuative: This form of poison will effect a creature just by
getting it into it’s blood stream. This is the
form of poison that is used on weapons. (And in
specialized weapons as a Dagger of Venom). This
form of poison costs an extra 50% to create (Cost *

Contact: This form of poison will effect a creature just by
coming in contact with the poison. This is one of
the most expensive and most dangerous forms. Many
a user has slain themselves through carelessness.
This form of poison costs 300% normal cost (Cost *
3) NOTE: This form of poison is easily bypassed
by thick gloves. However I have heard of an
assassin which mixes acid and poison for just that
sort of case.

Gas: This form of poison is very dangerous. It will
effect EVERYTHING within range. You will have to
pay a pretty gold piece for any alchemist to add an
oxidizing agent to a poison and it’s EXPENSIVE to
ask someone to risk their life for that. This form
costs 1000% normal costs (Cost * 100). The normal
effect is a sealed vial which when broken will
produce a 20′ x 20′ x 20′ cloud of gas.

Antidotes: Antidotes are available if a sample of the poison
is made available. The antidote usually cost
120% of the purchace price of the poison.
Antidotes take approximately one week to create,
and must be administered within 2 rounds of the
toxification to be effective. If no sample of the
toxin is availible, one cam be distilled from a
blood sample, but that will take approximately a
month and a 1,000 extra gold (by then it’s too late


These poison (toxins…etc…) have not been assigned any
price or dosage for effect (with few exceptions). These
things are up to you. This also goes for availability of
these and antidotes (Note thought that there are a few that
have no known antidote!) The only other note I should make
is to keep these in control. To many can really throw a
game out of balance. For assassins to study these, I
usually allow them on type (Poison, Toxin, venom…etc…)
to learn and they may learn how to use, collect, produce..
it from 5th level on. For each level afterwards, they may
learn one more from that type of poison.

– Now for the Poisons –

A Causes 6 – 10 points of damage
(1-6, 1-8, 1-10)

AA Causes six or less points of damage
(1-3, 1-4, 1-6)

Achaierai poison Creates a poison gas cloud which
does 2 – 12 (2d6) damage (no save),
then save vs. poison or go insane
for 3 hours as the druid FEEBLEMIND

Ajida Odorless, colorless liquid. Does 5
– 60 (5d12) damage, starts in 1 – 6
rounds, runs it’s course in 1 – 3
turns. Vision grows dim after
victim takes 10 points of damage,
continues to dim until 30 points of
damage is taken, at which time
victim is functionally blind. Only
a CURE BLINDNESS spell will
neutralize this effect. If
blindness does not occur, victim’s
vision will clear in 2 – 5 turns.
Save for half damage at -4

Amber death Appears as a thin amber colored
carbonated liquid or amber gel.
Starts in 1-4 (1d4) rounds, and
runs it’s course in 2-20 (2d10)
rounds. Damage is equal to the
total hit points of the victim
divided by the number of active
rounds of the poison. (Round *ALL*
fractions up!)

Antman poison This poison does 4-26(4d6) damage,
save for half

Archer bush poison Save vs. poison or die. If save is
made, victim loses half their
remaining hit points

Ascomoid spores Save vs. poison or die in 1-4 (1d4)
rounds. If save is made, the
victim is blinded and stunned for
1-4 (1d4). Victim gains NO shield
or dexterity bonus

Asp toxin Save vs. poison or take 1-8 (1d8)
damage per round for 20 rounds (or
until cured). Save each round for
half damage

Asp venom Does 4d6 points of damage

Assassin bug poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for
7 – 12 rounds, a save indicates
that it effects the recipient as a
SLOW spell for 1 turn

Assassin snake toxin Created from a mixtre of various
types of snake venoms. Due to a
constant state of instability, the
save and damage results must be
rolled for at time of
Rolled # Save Result
——– —- ——————-
01 – 04 +3 Incapacitated
05 – 08 +2 Death
09 – 11 +1 2-8 (2d4) damage
12 – 14 0 3-12 (3d4) damage
15 – 17 -1 Incapacitated 4 days
18 – 19 -1 Incapacitated 12 days
20 -3 Death

Assassin’s venom A standard poison for assassins, it
does 1d20 per day of brewing time
(an average dose does 1d20 to 4d20,
but cannot exceed 10d20 in damage).
It costs 500 gold per day to make
and if a 5,000 gold piece gemstone
is powdered and added to the brew,
the poison will do an additional
1d12 damage per gemstone per day
(one stone per day maximum)

Ayala Scarlet fluid. Does 4 – 24 (4d6)
damage, starts in 2 rounds, runs
it’s course in 1 – 3 rounds. Save
for half damage at -3

B Causes 10 – 20 points of damage
(2d6, 2d8, 3d6, 2d10, 1d20)

Bamboo poison Damage done is 1d8 to 4d8, and the
creature is -1 to -4 to hit for 1 –
6 days afterward due to skin

Banded krait venom 77% chance of death, NO SAVE. If
this venom is left out in the open
air, it will evaporate in 4-7
(1d4+3) segments

Baneberry Save vs. poison or victim now has
double chance to catch lycanthropy,
decreasing 1% per week until down
to normal percentages

Barba amarilla Save vs. poison or all voulentary
muscles will cease to function for
1-4 (1d4) days. Save at -2

Belpren This is a luminescent blue acidic
substance does 1-12 (1d12) damage
instantly upon skin and internal
tissues (No save). Further
applications of Belpren will not
cause any more damage to the
effected area, but the damage given
above is for a roughly hand-sized
area of exposure; for each
additional area exposed, add an
additional 1-12 (1d12) damage.
However, no damage will be taken if
used internally (As Ingestive
poison), it will cause only
immediate and invoulentary
vomiting. Belpren will not corrode
metal, nor will it harm cloth or
cured leather. It dries and
becomes ineffective in but a single
round when exposed to open air, so
it cannot be used as a blade venom.
Belpren is neutralized by lamp oil.
Belpren is effecting on all

Birdsnake venom Save or take 2 points of damage per
round for 1-10 (1d10) rounds. A
save indicates half damage

Black hydra This is an acid that bursts into
flames upon cotact with the air,
annd does 3-36(6d6) damage

Black mead Clear liquid or gel, smells like
honey. Does 10 – 80 (10d8) damage,
starts in 1 round, runs it’s course
in 15 rounds. Causes disorentation
(-2 to hit, damage, 30% chance of
spell failure) after 20 points of
damage are taken; Disorentation
increases in steps of 10 points
(Additional -1 to hit, damage, +5%
to spell failure). This effect
wears off 1 – 3 turns after poison
has run it’s course. Save for half
damage at -4

Black scorpion poison Paralyzes victim and does 9-36(9d4)
to 16-64(16d4) damage

Black widow toxin Does 1-6(1d6) damage

Black widow venom Save vs. poison or take 1d4 damage
per round for 10 rounds. Save for
half damage each round

Black willow acid Causes 1-4 (1d4) damage per round
until neutralized. Water will wash
this off

Bleeding heart This plant toxin causes irratic
muscle spasms causing the victim to
roll a system shock successfully or
die immediately on the spot

Blight worm poison Save vs. poison or take 4-24 (4d6)

Bloodrot Bloodrot toxin causes nausea,
vomiting, faintness, vertigo, and
insensability. It reduces the
bodies physical strength to the
point where the victim has to
concentrate to keep their heart
beating. Save at -1 or die in 3-18
(3d6) rounds

Bloodthorn elixir This elixir is derived from the
thorns and stalks of the bloodthorn
vine. When used, one random limb
of the victim will become paralyzed
for 3-6 (1d4+2) rounds. Save is
made at -1

Blowfish oil poison This poison is a modified Blowfish
poison, only it will paralyze the
victim. It has no effect if the
victim saves vs. poison

Blowfish poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for
1 – 4 days, else victim effected by
a SLOW spell for 2 – 12 turns

Blue lotus Topaz colored gel. Does 5-30 (5d6)
damage, starts in 1-4 (1d4) rounds,
runs it’s course in 1-8 (1d8)
rounds. Paralisys sets in after 15
points of damage, wears off in 1-3
(1d6/2) turns in victim survives.
Save for half damage at -2

Blueback mushroom poison Causes the victim to become dizzy
and light-headed, causing a FUMBLE
spell and the loss of any sense of
direction for 48 hours

Bluebog Poison Made from creatures from a
different dimension, this poison is
very rare. When it comes in
contact with the air, it explodes
for 8-64 (8d8) damage is a 20 foot

Boggle oil This oil is alchemical preperation
of boggle skin secretions. When
used, the victim must save vs.
paralyzation EACH time they attempt
a movement. If the save is missed,
they fall down. It takes one round
to stand or sit again. The
duration is 25 – constitution

Boomslang Save or die (at +2)

Bracken poison Destroys red blood cells (See
Mistletoe poison), victim takes 1
point of damage per day
(Cumulative) and 3d6 damage is
taken at introduction of poison
into victim

Braylock An odorless, surupy amber liquid.
Does 5 – 40 (5d8) damage, starts in
1 – 2 rounds, runs it’s course in 1
turn. Save for half damage at -1

Breek An odorless colorless liquid. Does
5 – 40 (5d8) damage, starts in 1 –
8 rounds, runs it’s course in 1 – 4
turns. Save for no damage

Buckeye honey The honey from this rare plant will
cause vertigo, confusion, and if a
save is not made, the victim will
go into a coma for 2-12 (2d6) days

Budwhipper mushrooms This mushroom powder causes
advanced drunkedness, the victim
will pass out and will be out for
23 – constitution rounds. Any
alcohol consumed over the next week
will cause a relapse into the
previous state

Buluka Bluish paint-like substance.
Contact does 3 – 30 (3d10) damage,
starts in 1 – 6 rounds, runs it’s
course in 1 turn. Save for half
damage at -2. Leaves a blue
discoloration after being applied

Bumblebee toxin There are three types of this
toxin: Normal, Warrior, Queen.
The toxin does 5d4 damage if no
save is made (Half damage if save
is made). The save is adjusted
according to the type of toxin

– Normal: +0 save / +0 damage
– Warrior: -2 save / +2 damage
– Queen: -4 save / +4 damage

C Causes 21 – 30 points of damage
(3d8, 4d6, 3d10, 5d6)

Cascabel venom Save or die else take 2 points of
damage per round until the venom is
neutralized. The antidote to this
venom works only 35% of the time

Cashew oil poison Causes 4d6 points of damage

Catfish poison Does 2-8 (2d4) damage, half damage
if save is made

Chak White chalky fluid. Does 2-16
(2d8) damage, starts in one round,
runs it’s course in 1-3 (1d6/2)
rounds. This actually reduces the
creatures dexterity by one point
per six points of damage taken.
restoration is required to recover
the lost points. Save for no
damage at -5

Chayapa A blue liquid, used on arrows,
darts, needles, and sometimes in
daggers of venom. It must be
injected and works only on
humaniods (ie: characters), never
on monsters, and it sets in
immediately. It’s effect is to
cause a deep sleep for 3 – 7
(1d4+2) rounds. This poison will
effect elves. Save for no effect

Choke weed poison Causes choking for 1-12(1d12)
rounds (Incapacitating the victim),
in addition, the victim must save
vs. poison or take 1-6(1d6) damage
each round. This poison will not
effect orcs or half-orcs in any way

Chrysanthemums Destroys the central nervous system
of the victim, Damage is 8d8. Save
indicats one quarter damage

Cobra dust Save vs. poison (at -2) or be
blinded until a HEAL spell or a

Cobra venom Does 6d6 points of damage

Conehead poison Save vs. poison or take 4-24
(1d4*6) damage

Convultionary Causes invoulntary muscle spasms,
placing the character out of action
for 3 – 18 rounds

Copper centipede (Pincher) Save vs. poison or take 2-12(2d6)
damage. A save indicates no damage

Copper centipede (Stinger) Save vs. poison or take 6-36(6d6)
damage. A save indicates half

Coral snake venom Save or take 4-24 (4d6) damage

Corrabus poison Save vs. poison or take 10-60(10d6)
damage. A save indicates half
damage. Then save vs paralyzation
or be paralyzed until cured

Couatl venom Save vs. poison or die

Coulmbine This poison causes accute shortness
of breath, the victim may fight or
move rapidly for only three rounds
before having to rest for a round.
This lasts for 10-20 (1d10+10)

Crocotta poison This poison from this creature is a
blend of TWO neurotoxins as only
mother nature can do, therefore the
victim must save vs. poison twice.
Each poison does 7-42(7d6) damage,
ans a save indicates half damage

Crowfoot Save vs. poison or ths poison will
cause accute blistering inside the
trachea causing the victim to
slowly choke to death in 3 rounds
(plus constitution bonus)

Crystle elixir Created by Alchemy from crystle
ooze, this will paralyze victims
for 3-18 (3d6) rounds and will do
2-8 (2d4) damage. Save for half

Cuph A clear liquid, smells like
pineapple. Does 4 – 24 (4d6)
damage, starts in 1 – 6 rounds,
runs it’s course in 1 – 8 turns.
Save for no damage at +1

Cyanide Save vs. poison or die else take
4d4 damage

D Causes 31 – 40 points of damage
(4d8, 6d6, 4d10, 5d8, 2d20)

DM-A Causes 20 points of damage, 10 if
save is made

DM-B Causes 30 points of damage, 15 if
save is made

DM-C Causes 40 points of damage, 20 if
save is made

DM-D Causes death, 25 points of damage
if save is made

DM-E Causes death, 30 points of damage
if save is made

DM-F Causes 15 points of damage, none if

DM-G Causes 25 points of damage, none if

DM-H Causes 35 points of damage, none if

DM-I Causes death, nothing if save

DM-J Turns victim to stone for 5 – 20
rounds (System Shock check is not

DM-K Muscle relaxant, Causes all
voluntary muscles to relax (-5 to
strength, +3 to armor class)

Hint: A good cure for convultionary

Darksnake Reddish powder, leaves a pale
reddiscoloration on flesh or others
surfaces when applied. Does 4 – 24
(4d6) damage, starts in 1 round,
runs it’s course in 1 – 10 rounds.
Save for no damage

Death adder venom Save for die else lose half of
remaining hit points

Death coma Save vs. poison or this toxin
causes total loss of muscular
coordination and rapid breathing.
Victim may not move unassissted
while under the influence of this
toxin, lasts 5-20 (5d4) rounds

Death cup toxin This toxin appears only in the form
of powder, as it is made from a
RARE form of mushrooms. Once a
victim has been toxified by this
substance, the effects will not
begin to show until 10 to 20
(1d10+10) hours after the initial
introduction. This toxin kills by
disolving the red blood cells in
the blood stream, as such the
victim must save vs. death (at -3)
or they die. This requires a
to recover the victim

Death dog toxin A poison which the victim must save
vs. poison or become sick and die
in 1 – 4 days

Death-A Save at +2 or go into a coma for 1
– 4 days

Death-B Save at +1 or go into a coma for 1
– 6 days

Death-C Save normally or go into a coma for
1 – 8 days

Death-D Save at -1 or go into a coma for 2
– 12 days

Deathwine Odorless, burgandy colorless
liquid. Often mistaken for wine.
May be used both ways, as
insinuative (Blade venom) or as
ingestive (Food poison). It is
tremendiously leathal. A save is
allowed (at -5), and if it fails,
death occurs in 1 round. If the
save is successful, the victim
still takes 25 damage, 12 points of
damage in the first round and 13
points in the second round. If an
antidote is to be used, it must be
administered within six segments or
it will not be effective.
Deathwine and it’s antidote are
EXTREEMLY RARE. This poison will
effect ANY humanoid even trolls and
the like

Deathwing poison (Bite) Save vs. poison or take 8-80(8d10)
damage, a save indicates half

Deathwing poison (Stinger) Save vs. poison or take 8-64(8d8)

Delusionary Recipient has effectivly one half
of their Intellegence, they get no
save vs. illusions, and will also
“see things” 50% of the time

Demon locust poison Does 6-48(6d8) damage and causes
blindness for 11-16(1d6+10) turns
with no save. Hobbits are not
effected by this poison in any way

Depressent Recipient is suprised 3 in 6 times,
they are also -1 to hit due to
relaxation which also makes them
one armor class easier to hit

Devil-Ale Odorless liquid, very light orange
color. Does a flat 60 points of
damage, Starts in 1 – 3 rounds
after ingestion, runs it’s course
in 2 – 5 (1d4+1) turns. No saving
throw, Antidote is only hope

Diffenbachia Save vs. poison or this toxin
causes total and complete
relaxation of the vocal chords.
Lasts for 3-12 (3d4) rounds

Disease Causes a random disease (Weigh roll
towards the virulent diseases)

Dog demon poison Save vs. poison or take 3-18 (3d6)

Dracolisk acid Does 4-24 (4d6) damage, save for
half damage

Dragonfish poison Save vs. poison at -1 or die else
take 1 – 6 damage

Dream juice Green, black or white fluid. Does
3-24 (3d8) damage, starts
immediately, runs it’s course in 1-
10 (1d10) rounds. Causes it’s
victims to fall down and become
catatonic and have vivid
pleasentdreams while dying. Save
for no damage

Droon poison Does 1-6(1d6) to 3-18(3d6) damage,
save for half damage

Drow toxin Save vs. poison at -4 or fall
unconcious for 1 – 3 days

Dus poison This poison paralyzes the victim
and then they must save or take 1-
4(1d4) damage every round until

Dust poison Damage is usually 1d4 to 8d4, but
this poison will not kill. It just
leaves the victim at zero hit

Dwarf poison Kills only Dwarves, all else take 2
– 12 (2d6) damage

Dwarfbane This is a rare gummy oil that is
poisonous only to dwarves. Used
insinuatively, it is commonly
smeared upon weapons. It will not
dry out, but prolonged exposure to
air will lesson it potentcy (+2 on
save). Upon contact, it does 1-8
(1d8) damage with a pain “like
blazing skewers” and a further 1-6
(1d6) points of damage on the next
three rounds. A sucessful save
indicates half damage

E Causes 41 – 50 points of damage
(7d6, 6d8, 8d6, 5d10)

Elephant-fly poison Save vs. poison or take 6-36 (6d6)

Elven poison Kills only Elves, all else take 2 –
12 (2d6) damage

Ettercap poison Does 1 – 8 (1d8) damage (No save)

Eye killer toxin Made from the eyes of an EyeKiller,
the recipient must save vs. poison
or die, else the victim takes 3 –
18 (3d6) damage

F Causes 51 – 60 points of damage
(9d6, 7d8, 6d10, 3d20)

Fighterbane A very simple poison though it is
magical based. The effect simply
moves the body’s center of gravity
one foot higher than normal and
shortens the arms by one foot.
Duration: 4 – 24 (4d6) rounds.
(Note: While under the effect of
this poison, all attacks are at –
4/-4 and the recipient’s armor
class is at -4)

Fire snake venom Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for
2 – 8 (2d4) turns

Flumph acid toxin An acidic toxin that does 1d8
damage, then 1d4 damage per round
for 2 – 8 (2d4) rounds

Flydance A green odorless liquid. Can be
made into a gas, otherwise used as
Chayapa. Acts in 1 – 3 rounds.
Causes convultions that knock the
victim off their feet and cause
them to shake and twitch around.
Lasts for 1 – 6 rounds. Save for
no effect at +2

Formian poison Does 4-16 (4d4) damage, save for
half damage

Freeze bee poison Does 2-16(2d8) damage (Cold
damage), Save for half damage

Frin A pale green liquid or powder,
smells like apples. Does 3 – 30
(3d10) damage, starts in 1 – 3
rounds, runs it’s course in 1 – 8
rounds. Save for no damage

Frog oil poison Created from large river toads,
this poison does 5d6 points of

Fungoid mushroom poison Save vs. poison or this mushroom
dust will act as a FEEBLEMIND spell
upon the victim

Fungus poison Does 2d8 to 7d8 points of damage

Fuzzy poison Save vs. poison or take 2-12 (2d6)
damage and be paralyzed for a like
amount or rounds

G Causes 61 – 70 points of damage
(8d8, 11d6, 7d10)

Gaboon A unique venom, as it is very
powerful but slow (save at -2). If
a save is not made the victim will
seem to be under a SLOW spell, the
next day,the victim will be totally
paralized. The following days, the
victim will take 5 points of damage
a day (cumulative: 5, 10, 15, 20,
…) until the poison is

Galas Pale blue liquid or powder, smells
like horse sweat. Does 4 – 40
(4d10) damage, starts in 1 – 3
rounds, runs it’s course in 2
turns. Save for no damage

Galtrit saliva Anestitises the body and causes the
loss of 1d4 constitution points
(Regained at the rate of 1

Garbug toxin Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for
1 – 6 turns

Ghoul poison Save vs. poison or take 4d6 damage
and begin to rot at 1 point of
damage per turn until healed, or
the poison is neutralized, or a
REMOVE CURE is case upon the
victim. A save indicates that no
damage will be taken, but the
victim still rots

Ghoul sweat A scummy green gel, used like
Chayapa. Smells like rotten meat.
It’s effects are to paralyze for 5
– 10 (1d6+4) rounds. It acts
immediatly. Save for no effect at

Giant Hornet poison Save vs. poison or take 5 – 30
(5d6) damage and be incapacitated
for 2 – 12 (2d6) days, a save
indicates half damage and no

Giant ant poison This acid does 1-3(1d3) to 20-
60(20d3) damage, save for half

Giant lizard poison Save vs. poison or take 2-6 (2d3)
to 20-60 (20d3) damage. A save
indicates half damage

Giant scorpion poison Save vs. poison or die

Giant sea spider venom Save vs. poison or take 1-4 (1d4)

Giant snake venom Save vs. poison or take 1-4 (1d4)
to 20-80 (20d4) damage

Gila monster venom Save vs. poison or take 1-6 (1d6)
damage per round for 10 rounds (or
until cured). Save each round for
half damage

Gila poison Does 1-8(1d8) damage

Gnome poison Kills only Gnomes, all else take 2
– 12 (2d6) damage

Goldbug poison Save vs. poison or DIE!

Golden fool Gold powder. Touch does 4 – 48
(4d12), starts in 1 rounds, runs
it’s course in 1 – 8 rounds. Save
for half damage. Completely
indetectable on gold items,
otherwise it leaves a gold
discoloration after application

Gom Jabbar Does damage equal to the victims
hit points (minus 1) and kills that
victim with no save

Greenback mushroom poison Made from a VERY RARE form of green
mushrooms, the victim must save vs.
poison or sucumb to the effects of

Grell poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for
20 rounds (Less the victims
constitution, Min of 5 rounds)

Grey horror Appears as greyish powder, does 4-
32(4d8) to 8-64(8d8) damage and
paralyzes victim. Save vs. poison
for half damage and no
paralyzation. Hobbits dissolve at
3-18(3d6) damage per round until

Grey horror poison Save vs. poison (-2) or take 8-48
(8d6) damage and be paralyzed for
that many rounds

Grond poison Save vs. poison or take 3-18 (3d6)

Ground golden mushrooms This mushroom powder is not a
“true” poison, but it does have
value to an assassin. If placed on
a piece of stone it will turn to
flesh, also if placed on flesh, the
flesh will turn to stone.

Duration: Until magically dispelled

Ground panther whiskers Consuming this substance is
comparable to eating ground glass,
the substance does 4d8 damage

Ground rakasta whiskers Similar to ground panther whiskers,
this substance is also very deadly.
This poison works only when
ingested and it does 5d10 damage

Gurch Dark green liquid or powder, smells
like wax. Starts in 1 round does a
flat 75 points of damage over 1 –
10 turns. Very painfull; victim
disabled after taking 15 points of
damage, cannot walk, fight, barely
able to talk. Save for half damage
at -4

Gyronite poison Does 8-32(8d4) to 15-45(15d4)
damage, save at +4 for no damage

H Causes 71 – 80 points of damage
(9d8, 12d6, 13d6, 8d10, 4d20, 10d8)

Hangman’s acid Does 3-12 (3d4) damage, lasts for
2-4 (1d4, treating all 1’s as 2’s).
This acid will wash off with water,
but if alcohol is applied to it, it

Harvestman poison Save vs. poison or take 3-24 (3d8)

Hell moth poison Does 1-8(1d8) damage

Hellebore Causes the following effects:
–Extreem salivation
–Abdominal pain
–Paralisys of extremities

If the save is made, the symptoms
vanish after 2-12 (2d6) rounds,
else the victim dies after a like
amount of time

Hemlock poison Causes internal bleeding, doing 1d8
damage per day until death or a
CURE SERIOUS WOUNDS or better spell
is cast upon the victim (or a

Hobbit poison Kills only Hobbits, all else take 2
– 12 (2d6) damage

Huecuva poison Save vs. poison or catch a cardio-
vascular-renal disease (Very
acute), a save indicates 1 – 4
(1d4) damage

Huld Also known as “Leap” or
“Deathdance”. This is an odorless
oil that is effective on non-
humanoid creatures – except for
humans and demi-humans. It works
only by insinuation. It’s effects
are the same regardless of dosage
and appear 1-4 (1d4) rounds after
application. Huld causes severe
muscle spasms involving nausea and
the loss of motor control, balance,
and speech – lasting for 1-6 (1d6)
rounds. During this time the
victim is helpless, but by no means
an easy target since he/she/it is
thrashing around wildly and
unpredictable. Mental processes
are totally uneffected (IE:
Psionics or other communication can
be initiated or continued, and in
some cases a psionic ability can be
used to control or stop the poisons
effects). A peticular individual
will be 95% resistant to Huld for a
period of 10-21 (1d10+9) days after
exposure to it, and thus repeated
doses will not be effective. Huld
will effect all individuals

Humbaba poison Save vs. poison or take 10-80(10d8)
damage. A save indicates 2/3rds

I Causes 81 – 90 points of damage
(14d6, 11d8, 9d10, 15d6)

Ikaheka venom Lose 1-6 (1d6) points of
constitution. They are regained at
the rate of ONE per week. A
RESTORATION spell will replace all
of them.

Imp poison Save vs. poison or die else take 1
– 4 damage

Ink coprinus Comes from a very common mushroom
as it is only toxic when consumed
with alcoholic beverages. Does 5-
20 (5d4) damage, save for half

Insanity Causes a random insanity for 1 – 4

J Causes 91 -100 points of damage
(12d8, 16d6, 10d10, 5d20)

Jameson’s mamba venom This venom causes the victim’s
pulse rate to double what it is
normally for 1-6 (1d6) rounds,
causing 1-12 (1d12) damage per
round. Also if a save is not made,
the victim will suffocate in 3
rounds (plus constitution bonus)

Jeteye This is a glossy (reflective) black
liquid that effects all mammals
upon ingestion, it is ineffective
as a insinuative poison. Save for
half damage. It causes the pupils
of the eyes to go black (although
this does not effect vision in any
way) and causes 1-8 (1d8) damage to
the neural system immediately. No
pain is felt by the victim however,
for Jeteye kills all pain and
tactile sensation for a period of
9-16 (1d8+8) rounds (the “black
eyes” sign will stay for the same
duration). Jeteye is sometimes
used voluntarily before torture or
immediately after battle injuries
(preventing a system shock roll).
It has a bitter walnut-like taste
and is hard to disguise in food or

Jima A light red powder or liquid,
smells like papaya. Does 8 – 48
(8d6) damage, starts in 1 – 10
rounds, runs it’s course in 1 – 3
turns. Save for half damage at -3

Khargra toxin This poison causes 3 – 18 (3d6)
damage, the side effect of this
poison is that it will dissolve any
metal that it is applied to

Kill kitten poison Save vs poison or die, else victim
is paralyzed for 1-6(1d6) days

Killer bee poison Save vs. poison (at -2) or die

King cobra poison Save vs. poison or take 1-6 (1d6)
damage per round for 10 rounds (or
until cured). Save each round for
half damage

Kolas A thick brown liquid, smells like
roses. Does 8 – 48 (4d12) damage,
starts in 1 – 8 rounds, runs it’s
course in 1 – 4 turns. Save for no

Kotra A clear oily fluid. Does 5 – 30
(5d6) damage, acts in 1 round, runs
it’s course in 1 – 10 rounds. Save
for half damage at -1

Krag poison Save vs. poison (at -3) or turn to
stone. A save indicates that the
victim is slowed for 2-12(2d6)
rounds less their constitution
bonus (Minimum of 1 round of

Kumba Odorless, colorless liquid. Starts
is 1 – 6 rounds, death follows one
round thereafter. Save for no
damage at -3, Failed save means

Kuurus Named after the Assassin that
invented it, Kuurus does 1-6 (1d6)
damage per constitution point that
the victim has. Save (-3) for half

Kuyss poison Causes leprosy, and until a CURE
DISEASE is cast upon the victim, no
other cure spells will work on that

Land urchen toxin Save vs. poison (-1) or be
paralized for 6 turns

Lhurdas (Also known as “Yellow Death” and
“Beltyn’s Last Drink”) This is a
wine based poison. It has a sharp
dry white-grape taste and will
readily mix with any such wine. It
reacts with the digestive acids of
the stomach (Effective in any of
the player races) to eat away the
internal organs and tissues.
Ingestion produces rapid (within
two rounds) nausea, convultions,
and terrific internal cramps with
burning pain. It does 1-6 (1d6)
damage in the first round, 2-12
(2d6) damage in the second round,
and 1-4 (1d4) damage in the third
and final round. Thereafter it
will do no more damage, regardless
of dose, and further exposer to
Lhurdas will cause discomfort and
failure to heal, but no more
damage. This resistance lasts for
3-25 (3d8) days. This is an
ingestive poison only. Save for
half damage

Lisssteeen A liquid that when found will
always be labeled:

This yellow liquid has no smell but
it will make your mouth water, it
tastes spicy hot (like tabasco
sauce), and works only when
swallowed (Only ingestive type
poison). There is no discernable
effect to or on any creature within
100 feet of the imbiber. BUT to
any creature more than 100 feet
from the imbiber will hear the
voice of the imbiber due to the
“effect” on the imbiber’s vocal
coards. This fluid causes the
imbiber’s vocal cords to transmit
on a ultrasonic as well as a
subsonic level making all within a
mile of them hear the imbiber.
This sound level permiates ALL
planes and dimensions also. Any
diety’s name which is spoken has a
50% bonus of hearing and any
creature within 300 feet CANNOT be
surprised under any circumstances!
Lasts 25 rounds – imbiber’s wisdom

Lomat An odorless, colorless powder or
liquid. Does 5 – 30 (5d6) damage,
starts in 1 – 6 turns, runs it’s
course in 1 – 4 turns. Save for
half damage at -2

Longlicker toxin This poison lasts for four rounds,
starts instantly, save vs. poison
for the first three rounds or take
3-18 (3d6) damage (take 1-6 (1d6)
damage if save is made). On the
fourth round, take 3-18 (3d6)
damage automaticaly (No save)

Lotus dust, black Causes instant death

Lotus dust, brown Encases the victim in wood
(Required 20 strength to break out)

Lotus dust, clear Burns for 1-6 (1d6) damage per
round when it comes in contact with
flesh. Lasts for 1-6 (1d6) rounds

Lotus dust, copper Encases victiim in copper (Requires
a 21 strength to break out)

Lotus dust, emerald Paralizes victms lungs/gills for 2-
12 (2d6) rounds

Lotus dust, metalic Blinds victim and causes lung
failure for 2-12 (2d6) rounds

Lotus dust, red Causes objects to turn to stone

Lotus dust, yellow Causes victims to fall asleep (Yes,
Even elves!)

Luptak A nerve toxin that may be injected
or rendered into a gas. It appears
to effect dexterity, causing the
victim to stumble, be unable to
fight, cast spells, etc…; However
it does NO direct damage. There is
a 50% chance of a victim taking
physical damage from a fall while
affected by the toxin. A victim
who was poisoned in melee would be
quite helpless. It’s effects last
from 3 – 6 (1d4+2) turns. Save for
no effect

Magebane A very stable liquid that can be
disguised as any other potion
(Commonly disguised as potions of
HEROISM). The effect is one of
severe mental sluggishness and
effectively causes the victim to
have one third of their actual
intellegence.. Lasts one round per
intellegence point “lost”

Malange toxin Causes tunnel vision, allowing +1
to hit for any opponent not
directly in front of the poisoned
creature {Or not in direct line of
sight}. A creature that has this
introduced into the bloodstream
will develop deep blue eyes in 1 –
4 days. The poison will last for 1
– 6 + 4 days (A total of 5 to 10

Man skorpion poison Save vs. poison or die instantly

Mantri poison The victim subtracts their
constitution from 25 and takes the
difference in damage (minimum of 5
points of damage)

Marine spider venom Save vs. poison or be paralized for
2-12 (2d6) rounds

Megalo-centipede This is an acidic toxin, it burns
the skin for 1-8 (1d8) damage.
Save for half damage

Mental Depressent-A Causes a loss of Psionics for 4-48

Mental Depressent-B Causes a chemically induced Psionic

Milkweed Causes a severe intestinal disorder
that makes the victim regurgatate
anything that has been eaten, lasts
for 5-10 (1d6+4) days. The victim
will starve to death if the toxin
is not neutralized

Mistletoe poison Destroys red blood cells, victim
takes 1 point of damage per day
(Cumulative). Example: Day 1, take
1 point. Day two, take 2

Mold poison Causes 1d12 or 2d12, a rare form is
said to cause 4d20

Monkshood This poison causes accute vomiting
and diarreha for 1-4 (1d4) and if
a save is not made (+1), the victim
will have intense convoultions and
die in severe pain in 2-8 (2d4)

Morphus A clear citrus-smelling liquid.
Fumes will cause victim to sleep
for 1 – 6 turns (After a round of
contact). Morphus is used like
chloroform for abductions and the
like, and is a potent gas when
mixed properly. Even works on
elves. Save for no effect at -2

Mufa Odorless, colorless liquid. Starts
in 1 – 10 rounds, throws victim
into painfull twisting convultions,
then does 15 points of damage per
round until victim dies.
Convultions have a 50% chance of
causing an extra 1 – 6 points of
damage in each round. No saving

Myconid-H Save vs. poson or begin to
hallucnate for 2-16 (2d8) rounds.
Roll below:

– 01 – 10 : Cower & Wimper
– 11 – 15 : Stare into nothngness
– 16 – 18 : Run in a random direction
– 19 – 20 : Attack the nearest creature

Myconid-P Save vs. poison or be totally
passive. Victim may only watch,
cannot take any actons, even if
they are being attacked. Lasts for
2-6 (1d6, treatng all 1’s as 2’s)

Naral poison Save vs. poison or take 6-36 (6d6)

Narcosis Once introduced into the body, is
takes effect for 1 – 4 rounds, this
poison causes severe nitrogen
narcosis (Similar effect to comming
up from 300′ underwater to the
surface in 1 second). Save for
half damage. Poison lasts until
dispelled. Does 7 – 12 (1d6+6)
damage per round and victim cannot

Nettle A light brown powder that causes
extreem skin inflamation. The
burning, itching & stinging can
last up to 20 days. This causes -3
to hit and -2 to damage and armor

Nibon An odorless colorless liquid. Does
6 – 48 (6d8) damage, starts in 1
round, runs it’s course in 1 turn.
Save for half damage made at -4

Nightcrawler poison Save vs. poison or take 7-56 (7d8)
damage and be paralyzed for that

Nightseeker poison Save vs. poison or take 3-12 (3d4)

Ninthla poison Anything under 12 hit dice must
save or die, any that does save
will fall into a catatonic state
for 1-20(1d20) days

Nyosan butterfly poison Save vs. poison or take 2-12 (2d6)

OOPS! A clear liquid that is often
mistaken for Holy Water. While
under the influence of this poison,
any type of spell which divulges
color (such as TRUE SIGHT, or
DETECT ALIGNMENT) will reveal the
exact opposite color!. This poison
is sometimes called ColorBlind.
Duration: 2-12 (2d6) days

OUCH! A very deep ruby red gel or liquid
that tastes like listerine. This
“poison” holds damage, that is the
next SIX times the imbiber takes
damage, the fluid will “hold” the
damage so that the body does not
really take it. This damage can be
cured before the body really takes
the damage. This is only good for
SIX hits, for on the SEVENTH hit,
the fluid’s power is dispelled and
the imbiber takes ALL damage taken
in the previous seven hits that
hasn’t been cured yet!

Oliander poison Save vs. poison or the victim’s
heart stops and death ensues

Opia A brown powder with a honey/almond
smell. When drunk (it dissolves
into liquids instantly), it causes
blindness within 1 – 6 rounds.
This is temporary, lasting 1 – 10
rounds. Save for no effect

Optical-A Causes blindness equal to the 30 –
characters constitution

Optical-B Causes double vision for 30 days
less characters constitution

Optical-C Causes inflamation of the
characters tear ducts, makeing the
character susceptable to taking
damage from bright lights

Orvas This is a translucent liquid with a
green cast and a bitter-sweet
taste. It does 1-6 (1d6) damage
upon entering the bloodstream
(immediately if introduced into a
wound or scrape, or in 18-24
{1d6+17} turns if introduced by
ingestive means), and 1-4 (1d4)
points of damage on the next two
rounds. A successful save vs.
Orvas means that it is ineffective
against that creature. Orvas is an
antidote to Varrakas if introduced
into the bloodstream before
Varrakas has run it’s course (Both
counterace each other) Orvas works
only on mammals

Pain Causes severe pain making the
victim -1 to hit for 2 – 12 (2d6)
days (Cumulative)

Paralasys Causes paralasys for 1 – 4 turns

Phraint poison Save vs. poison or take 2-7 (1d6+1)

Phraint venom Also called “Hive Drink”, This is
VERY POTENT, does 1d100-1 damage
(0-99), a save indecates that 2-20
(2d10) points can be subtracted
from the total poison damage

Pink lightning Pinkish fluid, Does 5-20 (5d4)
damage, starts in 1-6 (1d6) rounds,
runs it’s course in 1-3 (1d6/2)
rounds. Save for half damage at -4

Pit viper venom Save or die else take 3-18 (3d6)

Poison Ivy toxin Causes a skin rash that makes the
creature -1 to -4 to hit and -2 to
armor class

Poison ivy hedge toxin Save vs. poison (-3) or take 1-6
(1d6) damageand be at -3/-3 for 28
turns – constitution because of

Poison pie This mushroom powder is always off-
white and smells like radishes.
When consumed, it causes
destruction of the gastrointestinal
tract. Save vs. poison or take 4-
32 (4d8) damage

Pollen poison Damage done is in d4, the number of
dice damage done is equal to 20
minus the victims constitution.
This poison does NOT break down, so
it will effect the victim every
hour until neutralized (Death does
not neutralize a poison)

Praka Small blue & white speckled
pellets. Starts in 1 – 4 rounds,
does 20 points of damage each round
until death. Causes vivid,
monsterous hallucinations; 25%
chane of permenant insanity in
victim somehow survives. Save in
each round for half damage at -5,
but still eventually fatal

Prespa (Also called “Mother’s Bane”)
This is an odorless, colorless
liquid that mixes readily with any
drinkables except for milk and it’s
byproducts (from which it seperates
almost instantly). Effective only
in humans, and only if it is
ingested. It causes sudden dizzy
spells and visual disorentation,
beginning 1-3 (1d6/2) rounds after
ingestion and lasting 1-12 (1d12)
rounds. During this time the
victim moves unsteadily and fights
at -2 to hit and +2 worse on armor
class if having normal vision. If
the victim has infravision, the
effect is only -1/+2. At the same
time, the victim endures 1-2
(1d4/2) damage per rounds as
surface blood vessels burst all
over the body (Giving a blotched,
reddenedappearance to the skin).
Each round a successful saving
throw will avoid the damage, but if
the victim suffers injury through
combat or misadventure during the
round, no saving throw is allowed

Pseudo-Dragon poison Save vs. poison or fall into a
catatonic state for 1 – 6 days

Purple worm poison Save vs. poison or die else take
2d4 damage

Pybra poison (Bite) Take 3-18 (3d6) damage (No save!)

Pybra poison (Spit) Take 2-7 (1d6+1) damage

Pybra poison (Sting) Save vs. poison or take 3-18 (3d6)

Pybra venom Does 1d2 to 6d2 damage, this is an
acidic venom, so if a save is NOT
made, the victim will take double
damage from the acid.

Quaggoth toxin Save vs. poison (-4) or be stunned
and walk in a random direction.
The victim will walk 1 round for
each point that they missed their
save by. If the victim cannot walk
in the rolled direction, they will
simply move off in another untill
the toxin wears off

Quiggly toxin Save vs. poison (-2) or the toxin
causes a painful form of arthritis
that manifests itself in the hands.
Every time a dexterious action
(pick pockets, remove traps, spell
casting…) is attempted, the
victim mst save vs. paralization or
fumble the action. The toxin lasts
untill neutralized or the arthritis
is cured

Recursion This poison causes an initial 1
point of damage and then the victim
must save vs. poison. If they
miss, they will take 1 more point
of damage and must save again.
This will continue until the victim
dies or a save is made.

Red Slaad pellets When these pellets come in contact
with bare skin, the person must
save vs. poison or die in 3 – 36
(3d12) hours (Only a CURE DISEASE,
BARKSKIN will affect this “poison”,
any of the above will stop it)

Red Urched poison Save vs. poison or sleep for 1 – 4

Red fang toxin Does 3-12(3d4) to 8-32(8d4) damage.
This toxin will paralyze all elves
for 3-8 (1d6+2) turns

Red mamba venom Save vs. poison (-3) or take 2-12
(2d6) to 6-36 (6d6) damage

Redback mushrooms This mushroom powder has the same
chemical makeup as the potion used
in the IDENTIFY spell, when
consumed, the same effect occurs

Redbog poison When comming into contact with the
air, this poison oxidizes into a 60
foot could of redish opaque gas.
Anyone or thing that is under 12
hit dice must save or fall into a
deep sleep for 1 – 100 (1d100)
rounds. Anyone over 12 hit dice
that does not save is slowed. This
poison will even put elves to

Retch Derived from the retch plant, this
toxin has NO saving throw. Any
victim will vomit and heave for 1-3
(1d6/2) rounds and lose 50% of
their current strength for 6 turns
(1 hour)

Rhododendron Save vs. poison or this poison
causes vertigo and headaches,
watering of the eyes and fluttering
of the heart that is followed in 2-
8 (2d4) rounds by irregular and
slow pulse convoultions and
paralisys of the arms and legs.
The victim will die 12 rounds after
the slowed pulse begins

Rhubarb poison This poison shuts down the victims
kidneys, so that each day after
poisoning, the victim must roll 3d6
under their constitution or die.
Each successive day adds 1 to the
die roll (cumulative)

Rock poppy Save vs. poison or turn to stone as
per FLESH TO STONE spell

Rockworm acid Does 7-32(5d6+2) damage

Roper poison Save vs. poison or lose one half
strength for 1 – 4 days

S Sleep Poison, After two rounds,
acts as a SLEEP spell upon the
victim (Causes No damage, but this
will even put elves asleep)

Salt spider poison Save or Die!

Sand poison A RARE FORM of poison made by dune
stalkers that does 1d6 damage and
if a save vs. poison is not made,
the victim takes 2d6 more damage

Screamin’ scarlet poison Causes a scarlet rash that has
intense itching. The victim will
commense to itch the rash causing –
3 to hit and -3 to armor class.
This will last until neutralized.
To neutralize it requires a
NEUTRALIZE POISON and one pint of
holy water

Sea demon poison Does 4-24(4d6) damage and paralyzes
victim for 1d6 days unless victim
is an elf or an undead, in which
case they dissolve for 2-24(2d12)
points of damage per round (No

Shaggy beast fluid (Bite) Causes 2-12 (2d6) damage

Shaggy beast fluid (Stinger) Causes 1-8 (1d8) damage

Sheet ghoul acid Does 2 – 7 (1d6+1) damage (No save)

Silver Urchen toxin Save vs. poison or this poison will
shut down the central nervous
system of the victim, putting the
creature in a comatose state for 1
– 3 days

Silver lightning Silvery liquid. Does 5-40 (5d8)
damage, sets in immediately, runs
it’s course in 1-6 (1d6) rounds.
Save for half damage at -3

Silver lotus Light silver liquid or powder,
smells like lotus flowers. Does 7
– 42 (7d6) damage, starts in 1 – 2
turns, runs it’s course in 1 – 6
turns. Reduces victim’s
constitution by 1 point for every
10 points of damage taken. System
shock roll is required for every
point lost; Failure means instant
death. Constitution points can
only be regained by rest. Save for
half damage

Skorpadillo poison Paralyzes victim and does 6-36(3d6)
damage, Save for no damage

Skorpoon poison Does 1-4(1d4) to 4-16(4d4) damage,
save for no damage

Skyzorr’n poison Save vs. poison or take 2-5 (1d4+1)
damage and lose one point from
strength and dexterity for 2-8
(2d4) turns

Slowness Causes effects similar to a SLOW
spell cast by a Magic User of the
same level as the person that made
the poison

Sluggoth acid Does 3-18(3d6) to 8-42(8d6) damage

Snig venom Save vs. poison or take 8-64 (8d8)
damage. Save indicates half damage

Snow snake venom Save vs. poison or the victim will
freeze solid. If a save is made,
the victim will take 4d8 damage.

Snow spider poison Does 3-24(3d8) damage (Half if save
is made) and victim is blinded for
1-10(1d10) turns. If the save is
missed, the victim is permenantly

Spell poison When this poison is introduced into
the blood stream, it releases a
random spell. After that, any
wound recived fires off another
random spell. This goes on until 2
– 12 (2d6) spells have been “cast”
(This does NOT incluse the original
spell) or 7 days have passed

Spice poison Comsuning this poison or skin
contact with it will cause 2 – 10
(1d6+1d4) damage, and will also
counteract the next TWO potions
that the victim consumes (They will
be gone but will NOT take effect)

Spiga venom Does 2-12(2d6) to 12-72(12d6)
damage and paralyzes the victim. A
save indicates half damage and no

Spiny slayer poison Save vs. poison or take 8-64 (8d8)
damage. A save indicates half

Spore poison Damage done is 2d6 to 7d6, Half if

Sporoid mushroom poison This poison effects the lungs, as
it causes the lungs to shut down.
The victim can’t breath and they
will take no damage for one round
per point of constitution hit dice
bonus, after that they take one
point of damage and one point off
of their intellegence until dead or
the poison is neutralized. If
their intellegence goes to zero,
they are brain dead and must be
raised. Lost intellegence points
may be recovered be a RESTORATION

Stego-centipede Save or die. If save is made, take
3-12 (3d4) damage

Steroid mushroom poison Save vs. poison or this mushroom
dust will act upon the victim as a
12th level druidical CONFUSION

Stingray poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for
5 – 20 (5d4) rounds and take a like
amount of damage, else take 1 – 3
points of damage

Stingwing poison Save vs. poison TWICE or die. If
both save are made, save again, if
successful take 3-18 (3d6) damage,
if failed, take 6-36 (6d6) damage

Stirge sweat Brownish, sap-like liquid. Does 6
– 24 (6d4) damage, starts in 2 – 4
(1d4+2) rounds, runs it’s course in
2 – 8 (2d4) rounds. Save for no

Stonefish toxin This toxin from the stonefish is
given is small doses in respect to
the intense pain that is causes.
The pain, which is described as
instantainious, intense, sharp, and
burning radiating within minutes
from the wound site, involving the
entire leg, groin, abdomin, or if
in the upper extremities, the
armpit, shoulder, neck and head.
The pain may become so severe that
the victim thrashes about, rolling
on the ground, screaming in agony,
and at times losing consciouness.
The areas around the wound (and
extremity) become numb, a condition
that continues for 2-12 (2d6) days
(In some cases the limb has been
paralyzed for three weeks). Death
(If the save failed) will happenone
to six (1d6) hours after the
initial onset of the toxin. Each
successive dose will reduce the
victim’s save by one for each dose
introduced. This is permenant (It
is also against future saves as

Stunjelly poison Save vs. poison or be stunned and
paralyzed for 5 – 20 (5d4) rounds

Sunbear saliva Causes victim to burst into flames
for 1-8(1d8) damage per round.
Save for half damage. Holy water
will extinguish the flames as will

Sundew acid Does 1 point of damage per round,
lasts 1-10 (1d10) rounds. Oil
washes it off

Surchur saliva This saliva causes 2-8 (2d4) damage
per round until neutralized.
Either salt water or a NEUTRALIZE
POISON will do this

Svirfneblin acid Instantly destroys any armor worn
by the victim and causes 2 – 8
(2d4) damage in the process

Svirfneblin poison Causes 1 – 3 damage, stunds for 1 –
3 rounds and then SLOWs the victim
for 1 – 6 rounds

T’cheem Save vs. poison or the victim will
sucumb to the effects of a REVERSE
GRAVITY spell. They must save each
round for 1-6 (1d6) rounds

Taer elixir Save vs. poison (+1) or become
nauseated for 2-5 (1d4+1) hours
(12-30 turns), causeing -2 to hit
and -1 to damage

Teko Light blue oil. Does 4 – 32 (4d8)
damage, starts in 1 round, runs
it’s course in 1 – 3 rounds. Save
for half damage at -3

Temperature Alteration Raises or lowers the victims body
temperature up or down by 2 to 12
degrees (also causing a like amount
of damage, lasts for 3 minutes)

Tenamort poison Save vs. paralyzation or be
paralized for 1 – 6 rounds and the
characters internal organs will
begin to soften so that they will
take double damage from and
physical attacks for 1 – 12 days or
until a HEAL spell is cast upon

Teneborus poison Does 1-6 (1d6) damage and save (-3)
or be paralized for 6-36 (6d6)

Teneborus toxin Does 4-40 (4d10) damage, save (-3)
for half damage

Terragon poison A rare spice which if comsumed raw
will cause 6 – 60 (6d10) damage to
the victim, and will cause 3 – 30
(3d10) if placed in contact with
bare flesh. (There is no save vs.
poison when flesh contact is made)

Thaykhay poison Save vs. poison or take 2-20 (2d10)

Thessalhydra acid Causes 1-20 (1d20) damage, 1 point
per round

Thri-kreen venom Save vs. poison or be paralized for
2-16 (2d8) rounds

Thrum A light blueish liquid, smells like
sour lemons. Does 6 – 36 (6d6)
damage. Starts in 1 – 4 rounds,
runs it’s course in 1 – 3 turns.
Save for half damage

Tigerfly poison Save vs. poison or take 4 – 24
(4d12) damage and be paralized for
1 – 6 rounds

Timewasp poison Save vs. poison (-1) or take 8-80
(8d10) damage and be timestopped
for a same number of rounds

Tomatoeleaf poison Save vs. poison or die, else it
effects as a HURT spell on the

Touch-Spice poison Any contact with this poison causes
sensory deprivation, depending of
course, on how long (one round of
contact equals one contact), or how
many times contact is made.
Consult the following chart:
13…Death of victim
14…Disintigration of victim’s body

* = Permenant loss (Only a WISH will restore)

Toxic toad spittle Save vs. poison or take 4-32 (4d8)
damage. Save indicates half damage

Tri-flower pollen Save vs. poison (-1) or sleep for
1-4 (1d4) days

Tri-flower sap Does 2-8 (2d4) damage per round
until neutralized. Water will wash
it off

Trif Odorless, light gold liquid. Does
5 – 30 (5d6) damage, starts in 1 –
4 turns, runs it’s course in 1 – 12
rounds. Reduces victim’s dexterity
by 2 points for every 10 points of
damage taken. This is only
restored by rest. Save for half
damage at -2

Triffid poison Save vs. poison or take 4-24 (3d6)
damage. Save indicates half damage

Trivern poison Save vs. poison or take 8-48 (8d6)
damage, a save indicates half

Trollsblood Grayish green fluid. Does 4 – 48
(4d12) damage, starts in 1 – 4
rounds, runs it’s course in 1 – 6
rounds. Save for no damage

Tubon A pale yellow liquid or powder,
smells like ripe mellons. Does 5 –
30 (5d6) damage, starts in 1 – 10
rounds, runds it’s course in 1 – 6
turns. Save for half damage at +1

Twilightbloom poison Save vs. poison (-2) or die

Tylatch Clear liquid, smells like
sandlewood. Starts in 1 round,
runs it’s course in 6 turns, doing
10 points of damage per turn.
Victim fall instantly asleep,
cannot be awakened. Save for half
damage at -2. If victim survives,
they will awaken after the 6 turn

Ulcrun This is a milky white, viscous
liquid that is effective on all
warm blooded creatures, by
insinuation only (No saving throw).
Two rounds after contact, it causes
1-4 (1d4) damage to the muscular
system – weakening and softening
tendons, ligaments, bones and
cartilage. On the following round,
it causes 1-12 (1d12) damage and
then take 1-4 (1d4) damage on the
third round after which the effects
of the poison pass. Until healing
processes (either natural or
magical) counter it’s damage, the
effected creature will have lost 1-
4 (1d4) points of strength and

Uropygus gas Save vs. poison (-3) or
fight/defend at -3 due to nervous
spasms, lasts for 3-18 (3d6) rounds

Ustilagor acid Causes 2-5 (1d4) damage per round
for 2 rounds

Valley-lilly A neuro-toxin that effects the
pulmanary muscles. It causes the
heart to beat at a very irregular
rate. The beat will be 1-100
(1d100) per round. Victim will
take 30 – constitution per round.
Toxin lasts 1-6 (1d6) rounds

Varrakas This is a thick black syrup. To
avoid detection, single drops are
added to gravy or dark sauces, but
the effects increase with each dose
(drop) ingested. Varrakas has a
slightly oily taste, but no strong
flavor. Every drop of Varrakas
does 1-4 (1d4) damage when it
enters into the bloodstream (It
bypasses the digestive system by
masquerading as a nutrient). It
lies dormant for a period of 18-24
(1d8+17) rounds after ingestion.
Varrakas is only an ingestive
poison. It is effective in ALL

Vedya Pale purle liquid or powder, smells
like rasins. Does 10 – 100
(10d10), starts in 1 – 6 turns,
runs it’s course over a period of 1
– 6 days (assess appropriate points
of damage each day, dividing total
into one hour increments).
Agaonizing very slow death. No
saving throw

Velvet slime mold poison Save vs. poison or take 2-8 (2d4)

Vilmat Clear oily liquid. Does 6-36 (6d6)
damage, starts in 3-7 (1d4+3)
rounds, runs it’s course in 1 turn.
This actually reduces the creatures
intellegence by one point per six
points of damage taken. THIS LOSS
IN PERMENANT. A restoration is
required to recover the lost
points. Save indicates half damage

Vocal The effect of this poison would
only effect spell casters, as it’s
effects on the vocal cords are the
same as if the victim had inhaled
helium (No vocal components can be
used while poison is in effect).
Lasts 24 hours

Voloe poison Does 1-3(1d3) to 4-12(4d3) damage
and blinds the victim, save for no

Vord poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed
until cured. A save indicates the
recipient creature has a muscular
slowdown, the creature will be
SLOWed until it/they recieve a

Wave This poison dehidrates 5 points of
damage per round (double for water
will not stop this, only a CREATE
WATER will. Duration: Until death
or stopped. No save

Weakness Causes a permenent loss of 2 – 8
hit points

Weeverfish toxin Weeverfish toxin generally produces
instant pain which comes
progressively more severe until it
reaches an excruciating peak. The
severeity of the pain is such that
the victim frequently thrashes
about wildly, and may lose
consciousnes. These symptoms last
anywhere from 2-24 (2d12) hours and
are accompanied by headaches,
fever, chills, cardiac
palpitations, and convoultions.
Death will occur if more than one
dose is given. No save vs. this
one. It is used commonly by the
upper echelon of the assassin’s
guild as a warning (One dose only
causes the pain and convoultions)

Whisper wasp poison Save vs. poison or fall asleep
(Instantly) for 8-96(8d12) days, a
save indicates groginess (-2 to
hit, -2 to Armor class)

White hydra This is an acid which freezes upon
contact with the air, it does 6-
36(6d6) damage

Whither A rare blend of herbs and spices
that causes a unique chemical
breakdown in the body, lasts for 10
rounds. Save each round or lose
one constitution point

Wiess A desert poison that causes the
skin to break down. It causes the
pigment cells in the skin to die,
turning the creature into an albino
within a matter of weeks (20

If subjected to intense light (such
as desert sun), the creature will
take two (2) points of damage per
turn in the sun

Wimp poison No save vs. this one, as it always
does only 1 point of damage

Wind devil toxin Save vs. poison or take 4-32 (4d8)
freezing damage per round until
cured. Save each round for half

Witchhand A clear liquid, almost impossible
to detect. Upon contact with flesh
it does 3 – 24 (3d8), starts in 1 –
4 rounds, runs it’s course in 1 –
10 rounds. Save for no damage

Witherstench fluid Save vs. poison or be retching and
vomiting causing the victim to be
unable to defend or attack for 1 –
10 rounds (Less the victim’s
constitution bonus, Not to go less
than 1 round of retching)

Witherweed smoke When released, this thick oily
smoke expands into a 20 foot x 20
foot cloud and all inside it take 2
– 12 (2d6) damage with no save

Wobra poison Gotten from a rare form of a cobra,
this poison does 2-12(2d6) damage
then lies in state in the body for
2-8(2d4) turns. It then becomes
active again doing 1-8(1d8) damage
each round until neutralized. A
SLOW POISON spell will add 2-
12(2d6) turns to the “sleep” time
of the poison, or if it has
awakened, it will cause “dormancy”
for 1-4(1d4) rounds.

Wolf spider poison Does 1-4(1d4) damage

Wyvern venom Save vs. death else take 1 – 6
(1d6) points of damage

Wyverwraith poison Save vs. poison or take 9-54 (9d6)
damage, save indicates half damage.
Save again or lose one life level,
if successful, take 1-4 (1d4)

X Causes 10 points of damage until
death occurs

XX Causes Instant Death (Save
indicates no effect)

XXX Causes Instant Death (No Save)

Yaanth poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed
forever (It never wears off!)

Yaksa A white liquid or powder, smells
like cherries. Does 4 – 32 (4d8)
damage, Starts in 1 – 8 rounds
after contact, runs it’s course in
1 – 4 turns. Save for no damage at

Yellow peril poison Save vs. poison or take 7-42 (7d6)
to 12-72 (12d6) damage

Yellow peril toxin Does 4-16(4d4) to 7-28(7d4) damage,
save for no damage. Anyone who has
been damaged by this toxin will
retain a yellowish tint in their
skin until a RESTORATION spell is
cast upon them

Yellow urchen poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for
1 – 6 days

Yellowback mushroom poison When this mushroom powder is
consumed, it disolves into a
chemical that causes an chemically
induced “Power Word, STUN”

Yellowbog Poison When this poison comes in contact
with the air, it oxidizes instantly
into a 10 – 60 foot diameter cloud
(1d6*10). All creatures in the
cloud take 3 – 18 (3d6) damage per
round. Save for half damage

Yellowbog poison When this poison comes into contact
with the air, it oxidizes
instantly, creating a cloud (10 –
60 feet in diameter). All in the
cloud taking 3-18(3d6) damage per
round (Save for half damage)

Zebrilla toxin Does 1-4 (1d4) damage and the
victim must save or fall into an
epileptic state that lasts 1 round
+ 1 round for each point that they
missed their save by. If a 1 was
rolled, the epilepsy lasts for 5
turns and has a 10% chance of being

Zzotza This toxin gets NO save. It does
1-20 (1d20) damage, 1 point per
round. But the victim is stunned
and placed into a gassious state
for the duration as well

Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction. Documented BAD Case Of PMS.

by: William Mann MD
Univ of North Dakota School of Medicine


Case History

An unemployed nulliparous 19-year-old woman was arrested for stabbing
her boyfriend while intoxicated. Menarche was at 13 years, and she had
been well with no behavioral problem until l5, when she began to
exhibit paroxysmal aberrant behavior including: slashing her wrists,
shoplifting, arson, promiscuity, alcohol intoxication, expulsion from
school for assaulting teachers, and mutilation of her hands and feet
with cuts and cigarette burns. In prison, prior to her next four
menstrual periods, she assaulted a guard, tried to hang herself, cut her
wrists, and attempted to escape. During the rest of her cycle, she was
cooperative, rational, and penitent. All past episodes of aberrant
behavior which could be accurately dated, occurred on a cycle length of
29+- 2.5 days.

Initially in prison she was treated with Chlorpromazine 100mg bid and
fluphenazine injections 20 mg every 10 days. She stated that she felt
a little calmer, but depressed, with continued cyclic suicidal impulses
and a wish to “escape from life”. On several occasions during the
premenstruum she requested that she be locked up alone and expressed
fear that she was going to lose control.

She was started on medroxyprogesterone 10 mg qd on day 22 of each cycle,
and for the past two years has been free of premenstrual behavior
changes, with only mild symptoms of restlessness and bloating. She is
now working full time and married.


Premenstrual Syndrome is any combination of symptoms and signs occurring
cyclically prior to menses and resolving with the onset of menses.

Clinical Presentation


The commonest symptoms are related to mood; – depression, irritability,
tension, lability, lassitude, insomnia and impulsivity; to body fluid
changes; – edema, weight gain, abdominal bloating, and breast fullness;
and to physical discomfort – headache, breast pain, abdominal pain or
generalized physical dysphoria.

Polydipsia, polyphagia, diarrhea and acne are also common.
Pre-existing physical and emotional problems may be exacerbated.


Weight gain is common, but so is weight loss, and affect changes may be
apparent in familiar patients. Laboratory investigations are not
generally helpful.

Clinical Management


Almost all women report some premenstrual symptoms. It is essential to
differentiate between those who find their symptoms tolerable, and
those who consider themselves ill and who have distressing symptoms and
impaired functional capacity. It is also important to assess any
exacerbation of ongoing health problems. The specific symptoms most
troublesome to the patient and their severity guide rational therapy.


The large number of theoretical models of the biochemical basis of PMS
reflect the fragile, incomplete understanding of the problem and the
complexity of its causative mechanisms. Likewise, the large number of
recommended treatments, none of which are consistently effective,
suggest a multiplicity of mechanisms with variable expression from
patient to patient. In general terms, PMS seems to represent protean
manifestations of psycho-neuro-endocrine flux, or dysfunction in the
cycling of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. Particular
symptoms suggest a role for specific mediators and provide some
rationale for management of individual cases.

Estrogen effects sodium and water retention, and in addition alters the
metabolism of plasma renin and angiotesin II with a resultant increase
in Aldosterone

Progesterone has a natriuretic effect, but also increases aldosterone
activity. PMS symptoms do not occur when physiologic progesterone
levels are low in the pre-ovulatory phase and anovulatory cycles.
Paradoxically, progesterone frequently is effective treatment.
Although excreted levels of estrogren and progesterone are not
measurably abnormal, an imbalance of estrogen/progesterone is a
currently favored hypothesis. Further confusing this is the
observation that as many patients are made worse as are made better
with OCs.

Prolactin and vasopressin secretion may play a role in breast and fluid
balance changes, and although plasma levels have not correlated with
symptoms, normal bromocriptine has been beneficial, as have ergot

Changes in central catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine, and
epinephrine) may play a role in affective and fluid balance changes.

The measurable changes in other pituitary products – alpha MSH,GH,LH,
FSH and Beta endorphin – which occur premenstrually probably contribute
to the complexity of PMS.

Numerous clinical therapeutic trials have been provoked by such
possible causal associations as Vitamin B6 with abnormal tryptophan
metabolism and estrogen metabolism, by the anti-estrogenic effect of
Vitamin A, and its effect on acne, by possible allergy to endogenous
progresterone, and by catharsis as a means of eliminating fluid and
unspecified toxin in constipated patients.


The goal of therapy is to reduce symptoms to a level which is tolerable
to the patient and which does not impair her function. Treatment
should be aimed at the specifically troublesome symptoms, and frequent
follow up should gauge the effect on these symptoms and the patient’s
improvement in function. Treatment should be carefully matched to the
patient’s distress, as many suggested therapies have significant

Documented weight gain can be rationally approached with spironolactone
25-50 mg b-tid, and if this fails, hydrochlorothiazide, 25-50 mg qd.

Headache, mastalgia, and generalized discomfort may be relieved with
mild analgesics, and NSAIDs may be particularly useful with patients
who also suffer from dysmenorrhea.

Non-specific measures such as local heat, rest, and sodium restriction
may be helpful, as may exercise and weight loss which, in theory, may
have a beneficial effect on estrogen metabolism.

In patients with sleep disturbance and depression, tricyclics and
occasionally lithium may be indicated.

Bellergal, a combination of ergot, phenobarbitol, and belladonna, is a
non-specific but frequently useful treatment for patients with
irritability, breast tenderness, and abdominal bloating. Except in low
dose for occasional use, tranquilizers are best avoided as they are
entirely non-specific, even though they will reduce any patient’s
complaints about most symptoms.

Medroxy progesterone 10 mg daily during the symptomatic days, and
progesterone suppositories are very frequently effective. The estrogen
antagonist methyltestosterone is very effective, but rarely, if ever,
indicated. Bromocriptine counteracts the osmoregulatory actions and
breast stimulation of prolactin, but also has numerous poorly
understood actions in the pituitary hyopthalamus and basal ganglia.

Follow Up

The fine adjustment of treatment against symptoms can generally be
achieved in a few monthly visits.


Explanation that PMS is not pathologic, accompanied by support from the
physician and from acquaintances with PMS is very helpful. The patient
should understand the goals of treatment and be given the
responsibility for adjustment of therapy.


Most women suffer some symptoms of PMS, and at least a third report
significant incapacity. Psychiatric disturbance, crime and accidents
are more frequent during the premenstrual period but still less
frequent than the noncycling base line for males. The data, then, may
suggest that women deteriorate toward the male level of functioning
during the premenstrual period, or conversely that women have a
syndrome of functional improvement during the rest of the cycle, with
fewer seizures, fewer symptoms, less aberrant behavior, increased
energy and self-esteem, and improved mood.


The very significant costs of functional disability, interpersonal
discord, and personal distress may be greatly ameliorated with
education, support, and carefully adjusted symptomatic treatment.

Learning Issues

In managing a problem with no consistent physical signs or laboratory
abnormalities, it is essential to make an accurate assessment of the
patient’s function and symptomatic distress, to tailor treatment to
these, and to set and move toward appropriate goals together with the


Premenstrual Syndrome, Editorial; Lancet; December 1981, 1393-94.

Reid, R.L. and Yen, S.S.C. Premenstrual Syndrome; American Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynecology; 139; 85-104. 1981.

Elsner, C.W., Bromocriptine in the Treatment of Premenstrual
Tension Syndrome, Obstetrics and Gynecology; 56, 6; 723-26. 1980.
in the pre-ovulatory phase and anovulatory cycles.
Paradoxically, progesterone frequently is effective treatment.
Although excreted levels of estrogren and progesterone are not
measurably abnormal, an imbalance of estrogen/progesterone is a
currently f

The Thirty-Seven Dramatic Situations


1. SUPPLICATION (To humbly petition). Elements: a persecutor, a humble
petitioner, and a power in authority whose decision is doubtful.

A1 Fugitives imploring the powerful for help against their enemies.

A2 Assistance implored for the performance of a pious duty which has been

A3 Appeals for refuge in which to die.

B1 Hospitality besought by the shipwrecked.

B2 Charity entreated by those cast off by their own people, whom they have

B3 Expiation: the seeking of pardon, healing or deliverance.

B4 The surrender of a corpse, or relic, solicited.

C1 Supplication of the powerful for those dear to the suppliant.

C2 Supplication to a relative in behalf of another relative.

C3 Supplication to a mother’s lover, in her behalf.

2. DELIVERANCE. Elements: an unfortunate, a threatener, a rescuer.

A Appearance of a rescuer to the condemned.

B1 A parent replaced on the throne by his children.

B2 Rescue by friends, or by strangers grateful for benefits or hospitality.

3. CRIME PUNISHED BY VENGEANCE. Elements: an avenger and a criminal.

A1 The avenging of a slain parent or ancestor.

A2 The avenging of a slain child or descendant.

A3 Vengeance for a child dishonored.

A4 The avenging of a slain wife or husband.

A5 Vengeance for the dishonor, or the attempted dishonoring, of a wife.

A6 Vengeance for a mistress slain.

A7 Vengeance for a slain or injured friend.

A8 Vengeance for a sister seduced.

B1 Vengeance for intentional injury or spoilation.

B2 Vengeance for having been dispoiled during absence.

B3 Revenge for an attempted slaying.

B4 Revenge for a false accusation.

B5 Vengeance for violation.

B6 Vengeance for having been robbed of one’s own.

B7 Revenge upon a whole sex for a deception by one.

C Professional pursuit of criminals.

guilty kinsman, remembrance of the victim, a relative of both.

A1 A father’s death avenged upon a mother.

A2 A mother avenged upon a father.

B A brother’s death avenged upon a son.

C A father’s death avenged upon a husband.

D A husband’s death avenged upon a father.

5. PURSUIT. Elements: Punishment and fugitive.

A Fugitives from justice pursued for crimes, political offenses, etc.

B Pursued for a fault of love.

C A hero struggling against a power.

D A pseudo-madman struggling against an alienist.

6. DISASTER. Elements: A vanquished power, a victorious enemy or a

A1 Defeat suffered.

A2 A fatherland destroyed.

A3 The fall of humanity.

A4 A natural catastrophe.

B A monarch overthrown.

C1 Ingratitude suffered.

C2 The suffering of unjust punishment or enmity.

C3 An outrage suffered.

D1 Abandonment by a lover or a husband.

D2 Children lost by their parents.

7. FALLING PREY TO CRUELTY OR MISFORTUNE. Elements: an Unfortunate; a Master
or a Misfortune.

A The innocent made the victim of ambitious intrigue.

B The innocent despoiled by those who should protect.

C1 The powerful dispossessed and wretched.

C2 A favorite or an intimate finds himself forgotten.

D The unfortunate robbed of their only hope.

8. REVOLT. Elements: Tyrant and Conspirator.

A1 A conspiracy chiefly of one individual.

A2 A conspiracy of several.

B1 Revolt of one individual, who influences and involves others.

B2 A revolt of many.

9. DARING ENTERPRISE. Elements: A bold leader, an object, an adversary.

A Preparations for war.

B1 War.

B2 Combat.

C1 Carrying off a desired person or object.

C2 Recapture of a desired object.

D1 Adventurous expeditions.

D2 Adventure undertaken for the purpose of obtaining a beloved woman.

10. ABDUCTION. Elements: The abductor, the abducted, the guardian.

A Abduction of an unwilling woman.

B Abduction of a consenting woman.

C1 Recapture of the woman without the slaying of the abductor.

C2 The same case, with the slaying of the ravisher.

D1 Rescue of a captive friend.

D2 Of a child.

D3 Of a soul in captivity to error.

11. THE ENIGMA. Elements: Interrogator, seeker, and problem.

A Search for a person who must be found on pain of death.

B1 A riddle to be solved on pain of death.

B2 The same case, in which the riddle is proposed by the coveted woman.

C1 Temptations suffered with the object of discovering his name.

C2 Temptations offered with the object of ascertaining the sex.

C3 Tests for the purpose of ascertaining the mental condition.

12. OBTAINING. Elements: A solicitor and an adversary who is refusing, or
an arbitrator opposing parties.

A Efforts to obtain an object by ruse or force.

B Endeavor by means of persuasive eloquence along.

C Eloquence with an arbitrator.

13. ENMITY OF KINSMEN. Elements: A malevolent kinsman, a hated or
reciprocally hating kinsman.

A Hatred of brothers:

A1 One brother hated by several.

A2 Reciprocal hatred.

A3 Hatred between relatives for reasons of self-interest.

B Hatred of father and son:

B1 Of the son for the father.

B2 Mutual hatred.

B3 Hatred of daughter for father.

C Hatred of grandfather for grandson.

D Hatred of father-in-law for son-in-law.

E Hatred of mother-in-law for son-in-law.

F Infanticide.

14. RIVALRY OF KINSMEN. Elements: the preferred kinsman, the rejected
kinsman, and the object.

A1 Malicious rivalry of a brother.

A2 Malicious rivalry of two brothers.

A3 Rivalry of two brothers, with adultery on the part of one.

A4 Rivalry of sisters.

B1 Rivalry of father and son, for an unmarried woman.

B2 Rivalry of father and son, for a married woman.

B3 Case similar to the two foregoing, but in which the object is already
the wife of the father.

B4 Rivalry of mother and daughter.

C Rivalry of cousins.

D Rivalry of friends.

15. MURDEROUS ADULTERY. Elements: Two adulterers, betrayed husband or wife.

A1 The slaying of a husband by or for a paramour.

A2 The slaying of a trusting lover.

B Slaying of a wife for a paramour, and in self-interest.

16. MADNESS. Elements: Madman and victim.

A1 Kinsman slain in madness.

A2 A lover slain in madness.

A3 Slaying or injuring of a person not hated.

B Disgrace brought upon oneself through madness.

C Loss of loved ones brought about by madness.

D Madness brought on by fear of hereditary insanity.

17. FATAL IMPRUDENCE. Elements: The imprudent, the victim or the object

A1 Imprudence the cause of one’s own misfortune.

A2 Imprudence the cause of one’s own dishonor.

B1 Curiosity the cause of one’s own misfortune.

B2 Loss of the possession of a loved one, through curiosity.

C1 Curiosity the cause of death or misfortune to others.

C2 Imprudence the cause of a relative’s death.

C3 Imprudence the cause of a lover’s death.

C4 Credulity the cause of kinsman’s death.

18. OEDIPAL. Elements: The lover, the loved, and the revealer.

A1 Discovery that one has married one’s mother.

A2 Discovery that one has had one’s sister as mistress.

B1 Discovery that one has married one’s sister.

B2 The same case, in which the crime has been villainously planned by a
third person.

B3 Being upon the point of taking one’s sister, unknowingly, as a mistress.

C Being upon the point of violating, unknowingly, a daughter.

D1 Being upon the point of committing an adultery, unknowingly.

D2 Adultery committed unknowingly.

19. SLAYING OF A KINSMAN UNRECOGNIZED. Elements: The slayer, the
unrecognized victim.

A1 Being upon the point of slaying a daughter unknowingly, by command of a
divinity or an oracle.

A2 Through political necessity.

A3 Through a rivalry in love.

A4 Through hatred of the lover of the unrecognized daughter.

B1 Being upon the point of killing a son unknowingly.

B2 The same as case B1, strengthened by Machiavellian instigations.

B3 The same as case B2, intermixed with hatred of kinsmen.

C Being upon the point of killing one’s brother unknowingly:

C1 Brothers slaying in anger.

C2 A sister slaying through professional duty.

D Slaying of a mother unrecognized.

E1 A father slain unknowingly through Machiavellian advice.

E2 The simple slaying of a father unrecognized.

E3 The same case reduced from murder to simple insult.

F1 A grandfather slain unknowingly, in vengeance and through instigation.

F2 Slain involuntarily.

F3 A father-in-law killed involuntarily.

G1 Involuntary killing of a loved woman.

G2 Upon the point of killing a lover unrecognized.

G3 Failure to rescue an unrecognized son.

20. SELF-SACRIFICING FOR AN IDEAL. Elements: The hero, the ideal, the
creditor or the person or things sacrificed.

A1 Sacrifice of life for the sake of one’s word.

A2 Life sacrificed for the success of one’s people.

A3 Life sacrificed for the happiness of one’s people.

A4 Life sacrificed in filial piety.

A5 Life sacrificed for the sake of one’s faith.

B1 Both love and life sacrificed for the sake of a cause.

B2 Love sacrificed to interests of state.

C Sacrifice of well-being to duty.

D The ideal of honor sacrificed to the ideal of faith.

21. SELF-SACRIFICE FOR KINDRED. Elements: The hero, the kinsman, the
creditor or the person or thing sacrificed.

A1 Life sacrificed for that of a relative or loved one.

A2 Life sacrificed for the happiness of a relative or loved one.

B1 Ambition sacrificed for the happiness of a parent.

B2 Ambition sacrificed for the life of a parent.

C1 Love sacrificed for the sake of a parent’s life.

C2 For the happiness of one’s child.

C3 For the happiness of a loved one.

C4 The same as 2, but caused by unjust laws.

D1 Life and honor sacrificed for the life of a parent or loved one.

D2 Modesty sacrificed for the life of a relative or a loved one.

22. ALL SACRIFICED FOR A PASSION. Elements: The lover, the object of the
fatal passion, and the person or thing sacrificed.

A1 Religious vows of chastity broken for passion.

A2 A vow of purity broken.

A3 Respect for a priest destroyed.

A4 Power ruined by a passion.

A5 Ruin of mind, health, and life.

A6 Passion gratified at the price of life.

A7 Ruin of fortunes, lives, and honor.

B Temptations (see 12) destroying the sense of duty, pity, etc.

C1 Destruction of honor, fortune, and life by erotic vice.

C2 The same effect produced by any other vice.

23. NECESSITY OF SACRIFICING LOVED ONES. Elements: The hero, the beloved
victim, and the necessity for the sacrifice.

A1 Necessity for sacrificing a daughter in the public interest.

A2 Duty of sacrificing her in fulfillment of a vow to God.

B1 Duty of sacrificing, under the same circumstances, one’s father.

B3 Duty of sacrificing, under the same circumstances, one’s husband.

B4 Duty of sacrificing a son-in-law for the public good.

B5 Same case under the sake of reputation.

B6 Duty of contending with a brother-in-law for the public good.

B7 Duty of contending with a friend.

24. RIVALRY OF SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR. Elements: The superior rival, the
inferior rival, and the object.

A Masculine rivalries.

A1 Of a mortal and immortal.

A2 Of two divinities of unequal power.

A3 Of a magician and an ordinary man.

A4 Of conqueror and conquered.

A5 Of victor and vanquished.

A6 Of a master and a banished man.

A7 Of usurper and subject.

A8 Of Suzerian King and Vassal Kings.

A9 Of a powerful person and upstart.

A10 Of rich and poor.

A11 Of an honored man and a suspected one.

A12 Rivalry of two who are almost equal.

A13 Rivalry of equals, one of whom in the past has been proved guilty of

A14 Of a man who is loved and one who has not the right to love.

A15 Of the two (or more) successive husbands of a divorcee.

B Feminine rivalries.

B1 Of a sorceress and an ordinary woman.

B2 Of victor and prisoner.

B3 Of a queen and slave.

B4 Of lady and servant.

B5 Of a lady and a woman of humbler position.

B6 Of a lady and two women of humbler class.

B7 Rivalry of two who are almost equals, complicated by the abandonment of

B8 Rivalry between the memory or an ideal (that of a superior woman) and a
vassal of her own.

B9 Rivalry of mortal and immortal.

C Double rivalry (A loves B, who loves C, who loves D).

D Oriental rivalries (Hindu polygamy).

D1 Rivalry of two immortals.

D2 Of two mortals.

D3 Of two lawful wives.

25. ADULTERY. Elements: A deceived husband or wife and two adulterers.

A A mistress betrayed:

A1 For a young woman.

A2 For a young wife.

A3 For a girl.

B A wife betrayed:

B1 For a slave, who does not love in return.

B2 For debauchery.

B3 For a married woman.

B4 With the intention of bigamy.

B5 For a young girl, who does not love in return.

B6 A wife envied by a young girl who is in love with her husband.

B7 By a courtesan.

B8 Rivalry between a lawful wife who is antipathetic and a mistress who is

B9 Between a generous wife and an impassioned girl.

C1 An antagonistic husband sacrificed for a congenial lover.

C2 A husband, believed to be lost, forgotten for a rival.

C3 A commonplace husband sacrificed for a sympathetic lover.

C4 A good husband betrayed for an inferior rival.

C5 For a grotesque rival.

C6 For an odious rival.

C7 For a commonplace rival, by a perverse wife.

C8 For a less handsome, but useful rival (with comic false suspicions).

D1 Vengeance of a deceived husband.

D2 Jealousy sacrificed out of pity.

E A husband persecuted by a rejected rival.

26. CRIMES OF LOVE. Elements: The lover and the betrayed.

A1 A mother in love with her son.

A2 A daughter in love with her father.

A3 Violation of a daughter by her father.

B1 A woman enamored of her stepson.

B2 A woman and her stepson enamored of each other.

B3 A woman being the mistress, at the same time, of a father and son, both
of whom accept the situation.

C1 A man becomes the lover of his sister-in-law.

C2 The man alone becomes enamored.

C3 A brother and sister in love with each other.

D1 A man enamored of another man, who yields.

D2 A woman enamored of a bull.

27. DISCOVERY OF THE DISHONOR OF A LOVED ONE. Elements: The discoverer and
the guilty one.

A1 Discovery of a mother’s shame.

A2 Discovery of a father’s shame.

A3 Discovery of a daughter’s dishonor.

B1 Discovery that one’s wife has been violated before marriage… since the

B2 That she previously committed a fault.

B3 Discovery that one’s wife has formerly been a prostitute.

B4 Discovery of dishonor on the part of a lover.

B5 Discovery that one’s mistress, formerly a prostitute, has returned to
her old life.

B6 Discovery that one’s lover is a scoundrel, or that one’s mistress is a
woman of bad character… The same discovery concerning a so-called king.

B7 The same discovery concerning one’s wife.

C Discovery that one’s son is an assassin.

D1 Duty of punishing a son who is a traitor to country. A brother who is a
traitor to his party.

D2 Duty of punishing a son condemned under a law which the father has made.

D3 Duty of punishing a son believed to be guilty.

D4 Duty of sacrificing, to fulfill a vow of tyrannicide, a father until
then unknown.

D5 Duty of punishing a brother who is an assassin.

D6 Duty of punishing one’s mother to avenge one’s father.

28. OBSTACLES TO LOVE. Elements: Two lovers and an obstacle.

A1 Marriage prevented by inequality of rank.

A2 Inequality of fortune an impediment to marriage.

B Marriage prevented by enemies and contingent obstacles.

C1 Marriage forbidden on account of the young woman’s previous betrothal to

C2 The same case, complicated by an imaginary marriage of the beloved

D1 A free union impeded by the opposition of relatives.

D2 Family affection disturbed by the parents-in-law.

E By the incompatibility of temper of the lovers.

F Love

29. AN ENEMY LOVED. Elements: The beloved enemy, the lover, and the hater.

A The loved one hated by the kinsman of the lover.

A1 The lover pursued by the brothers of his beloved.

A2 The lover hated by the family of his beloved.

A3 The lover is the son of a man hated by the kinsmen of his beloved.

A4 The beloved is an enemy of the party of the woman who loves him.

B1 The lover is the slayer of the father of his beloved.

B2 The beloved is the slayer of the father of the beloved.

B3 The beloved is the slayer of the brother of her lover.

B4 The beloved is the slayer of the husband of the woman who loves him, but
who has previously sworn to avenge that husband.

B5 The same case, except that a lover, instead of a husband, has been

B6 The beloved is the slayer of a kinsman of the woman who loves him.

B7 The beloved is the daughter of the slayer of her lover’s father.

30. AMBITION. Elements: An ambitious person, a thing coveted, and an

A1 Ambition watched and guarded against by a kinsman or patriot friend or
by a brother.

A2 By a relative or person under obligation.

A3 By partisans.

B Rebellious ambition (akin to #8).

C1 Ambition and covetousness heaping crime upon crime.

C2 Parricidal ambition.

31. CONFLICT WITH A GOD. Elements: A mortal and an immortal.

A1 Struggle against a deity

A2 Strife with the believers in a god.

B1 Controversy with a deity.

B2 Punishment for contempt of a god.

B3 Punishment for pride before a god.

B4 Presumptuous rivalry with a god.

B5 Imprudent rivalry with a deity.

32. MISTAKEN JEALOUSY. Elements: The jealous one, the object of whose
possession he is jealous, the supposed accomplice, and the cause or the author
of the mistake.

A1 The mistake originates in the suspicious mind of the jealous one.

A2 Mistaken jealousy aroused by a fatal chance.

A3 Mistaken jealousy of a love which is purely platonic.

A4 Baseless jealousy aroused by malicious rumors.

B1 Jealousy suggested by a traitor who is moved by hatred.

B2 The same case, in which the traitor is moved by self-interest.

B3 The same case, in which the traitor is moved by jealousy and self-

C1 Reciprocal jealousy suggested to husband and wife by a rival.

C2 Jealousy suggested to the husband by a woman who is in love with him.

C3 Jealousy suggested to the wife by a second rival.

C4 Jealousy suggested to a happy lover by a deceived husband.

33. ERRONEOUS JUDGEMENT. Elements: The mistaken one, the victim of the
mistake, the cause or author of the mistake, and the guilty person.

A1 False suspicion where faith is necessary.

A2 False suspicion (in which the jealousy is not without reason) of a

A3 False suspicions aroused by a misunderstood attitude of a loved one.

A4 By indifference.

B1 False suspicions drawn upon oneself to save a friend.

B2 They fall upon the innocent husband of the guilty one.

B3 The same case as B2, but in which the innocent had a guilty intention or
in which the innocent believes himself guilty.

B4 A witness to a crime, in the interest of a loved one, lets accusation
fall upon the innocent.

C1 The accusation is allowed to fall upon an enemy.

C2 The error is provoked by an enemy.

C3 The mistake is directed against the victim by her brother.

D1 False suspicion thrown by the real culprit upon one of his enemies.

D2 Thrown by the real culprit upon the second victim against whom he has
plotted from the beginning.

D3 False suspicion thrown upon a rival.

D4 Thrown upon one innocent, because he has refused to be an accomplice.

D5 Thrown by a deserted mistress upon a lover who left her because he would
not deceive her husband.

D6 Struggle to rehabilitate oneself and to avenge a judicial error
purposely caused.

34. REMORSE. Elements: The culprit, the victim or the sin, and the

A1 Remorse for an unknown crime.

A2 Remorse for parricide.

A3 Remorse for an assassination… for a judicial murder.

A4 Remorse for the murder of husband or wife.

B1 Remorse for a fault of love.

B2 Remorse for adultery.

35. RECOVERY OF A LOST ONE. Elements: The seeker and the one found.

36. LOSS OF LOVED ONES. Elements: A kinsman slain, a kinsman spectator, and
an executioner.

A1 Witnessing the slaying of kinsmen, while powerless to prevent it.

A2 Helping to bring misfortune upon one’s people through professional

B Divining the death of a loved one.

C Learning of the death of a kinsman or ally.

D Relapse in primitive baseness, through despair on learning of the death
of a loved one.


A Thinking someone is rich when he’s poor.

B The wrong man caught in the web of fear.

C Schizophrenia.

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“Raw Data for Raw Nerves”

The Diversionary Tactic Of Plant Pain, By Ted Wayn Altar (December 18, 1992)

From: (Ted Wayn Altar)
Subject: Plant Pain
Organization: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., Canada
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1992 16:54:17 GMT
Lines: 389

[This document contains both parts concatenated.]

I see that the old chestnut of “plant pain” has again been
invoked. Apparently, this is a common argument and so, dear
reader, permit me to re-post an older message of mine that
attempts to address this issue in a discursive, but also
humourous manner.

Happy Holiday Season,





With respect to this extravagant debate on plant pain we
have at hand a most promiscuous adjoining of some verified
facts with improper inferences. This reminds me of a story
(probably apocryphal as are so many of the best anecdotes)
about Charles Darwin who in his later years was the guest of
a family whose two boys approached him with a clever
deception. Using some old desiccated specimens of insects,
they had deftly attached the wings of a butterfly, the head
of a beetle and the legs of a grasshopper to the body of a
centipede. “We have this strange bug we caught some time
ago” they innocently said, “Can you tell us what it might
be?” Darwin squinted and examined it as best he could and
asked, “Can you remember if it hummed when you caught it?”
he asked in all seriousness. Without smirking, the boys
answered yes, whereupon Darwin replied, “Just as I thought,
it is a humbug!”


No doubt we all have been amazed by much “humbug” on this
conference, but maybe no greater example is to be given than
that of “plant pain”. Those whose common sense remains
intact will have no difficulty in accepting as sufficient
the following:

1. Our best science to date shows that plants lack any
semblance of a central nervous system or any other system
design for such complex capacities as that of a conscious
suffering from felt pain.

2. Plants simply have no evolutionary need to feel pain.
Animals being mobile would benefit from the ability to sense
pain; plants would not. Nature does not create gratuitously
such complex capacities as that of feeling pain unless there
should be some benefit for the organism’s survival.

Well, as Oliver Goldsmith realistically observed, “Every
absurdity has its champions to defend it”. And yes, we
have some defenders who would ignore common sense and argue
for plant pain. Remarkable!. But maybe not so remarkable
if we keep in mind the motivation for such humbug. The
following argument has repeated been voiced against the
concern of us who would forward greater regard for the
woefully neglected and grievous suffering of those sentient
creatures who cannot defend, nor articulate in words, their
plight. The following `reductio ad absurdum’ is supposed to
suffice as an irrefutable trashing of animal rights.

Premise(1) If a sentient being can consciously experience
pain and suffering, then it is wrong to inflict
pain & suffering on such a sentient being
Premise(2) Plants are sentient beings that can experience
pain & suffering
Conclusion: It is wrong to inflict pain & suffering on plants.

In order to challenge the acceptability of premise(1), the
anti-AR would have us believe that such a premise
ineluctably leads to the absurd conclusion as stated above.
In order to achieve this coup de grace of animal rights, the
anti-AR who would give little or no coin to premise (1),
would instead introduce the claims of premise(2) as somehow
“scientifically established”. In order to debunk animal
rights as foolish, the anti-AR would first have us believe
in the reality of “plant pain”. Hence, they would attempt
to bury AR into a hole but ironically by first bulldozing a
much deeper one for themselves.


You say that I am merely spinning my wheels on a straw man?
Then permit me to quote from two of the most loquacious and
articulate promoters of plant “pain” on this conference.

Poster A would bait us with the following argument, an
argument that presumably he still holds as having merit by
virtue of his repeated postings of this worn polemic:

AR: “You’re crude and unfeeling; you’d probably laugh
at your mother’s death.”
non-AR: “That’s silly, my mother is a human. A deer isn’t.”
AR: “Deer can suffer, and so do cattle…so I don’t eat meat.”
non-AR: “You apparently have no problem killing plants, though.”
AR: “It’s not the same. Plants aren’t animals.”
non-AR: “You’re killing a living thing for food, nevertheless.”
AR: “But it can’t feel; it’s not sentient; it has no nervous
non-AR: “Does dissimilarity rule out ‘pain’?”
AR: “Yes.”
non-AR: “That’s completely illogical and unscientific.”

Note how Poster A would invoke the authority of logic and
science as “completely” on his side. Next, consider the
assertions of Poster B:

As a plant molecular biologist with quite a few
refereed papers on the subject of cellular
communication in plants, please allow me to debunk the
unsubstantiated mythology described above. Plants have
no *need* to feel pain? Ridiculous.

When a plant is attacked by an herbivorous insect,
might it not be in the best interest of the plant to
mobilize its chemical defenses in other parts of the
plant in anticipation of further insect attack? When a
leaf is infected by a pathogenic fungus, might the rest
of the plant wish to bolster its chemical and enzymatic
defenses against the spread of the pathogen? News
flash — the plant *would* benefit, hence the
development of a systemic (throughout the plant)
response to local tissue damage by herbivores and
pathogens. (Many) references available upon request.
It might easily be argued that *because* plants can’t
move they need effective chemical defenses and
effective detection and communication. This is the
case. You may doubt the sensory and integrative
abilities of plants, so I invite you to spend a few
weeks in my lab and learn the truth. Plants don’t have
nerves, since they don’t share a particularly recent
common ancestor with animals. Plants feel tissue
injury and respond quickly, precisely, and with an
effective battery of defenses. They don’t feel *like
us*, but it would be a mistake to say that they *don’t

Here we have the authority of logic, science and “truth”
being imprecated against the sorry state of AR nescience and
“mythology”. Yet, no single published book, or paper in a
scientific journal, has been cited as indeed making this
claim that “plants feel pain”. Sure, there is interesting
evidence about plants reacting to local tissue damage and
even sending signalling molecules serving to stimulate
certain chemical defenses of nearby plants. But what has
this got to do with supporting the only morally relevant
claim worth considering, namely that “plants FEEL AND SUFFER
from pain”? Where are the scientific references for this
putative fact?

Now, dear reader, please be patient with my indulgence to
develop a reasoned reply to such assertive and authoritative
pronouncements about plant pain.


Although the plant pain promoters are fond of reductios,
they will not likely appreciate the following extension of
their own. By their “logic”, it would equally be the case
that rain clouds behave purposefully in the sense that they
could be said to functionally remove, by way of raining,
excessive moisture that is causing their overstaturation.
Furthermore, rain clouds bear meaningful information about
their level of oversaturation in the form of weight relative
to volume. Do not clouds, therefore, “sense” (in some
tortured notion of the word) when atmospheric pressure is
insufficient for their moisture content to remain in a
vaporous state? The promoters of plant pain would have us
believe, against our good common sense, that by the mere
presence of purposive BEHAVIOURS of avoidance and REACTIONS
to tissue damage in plants we therefore must attribute to
plants mental states like that of some kind of “felt pain”.
Well, then by the same logic we must do the same to clouds.
In the hole that these promoters of plant pain would dig for
themselves, not only must we accept the thesis of plant
pain, we would also have to swallow some notion of “cloud


Lest we forget the ultimate point of what follows, let us
not forget the central thesis of AR. Simply stated: to the
extent other animals share with us, at least to some degree,
certain morally relevant attributes, then to that extent we
cannot ignore, for the purposes of consistency or justice,
giving due regard and concern towards those animals. Two
attributes that are arguably relevant are:

1. our commonly shared interest in the avoidance of
pain and suffering.

2. and the quality of other animals also being
subjects-of-a-life which matters to them as to how such
a life fares well or ill.

Both these qualities posit other animals having certain
mental states. Also note that in order to speak of “mental
states” proper, we would denote, as common usage would
dictate, that such states are marked by consciousness. It
is simply insufficient to mark off mental states by only the
presence of purposefulness or intentionality since many
objects, like thermostats and hand calculators, possess
purposeful-looking behaviours or are in an information-
bearing state.

Let us further observe that the attribution of morally
relevant mental states to even humans was at one time an
issue of contention. For example, consider the case of that
very prestigious scientific apologist of his society’s
ambient prejudices, Silas Mitchell, founder of American
neurology. He claimed that civilized men suffered pain in a
far more ethically relevant manner:

“In our process of being civilized we have won . . .
intensified capacity to suffer. The savage does not
feel pain as we do” [1].

Today, we can witness a similar prejudice that animals do
not suffer pain to the same capacity as we do. For
instance, a cow after surgery will right away start eating
grass, therefore it will be said that the cow cannot be
suffering from post-surgery pain. Just as with the stoic
“savage”, who is to say that a cow is not likewise simply
bearing the pain more “heroically” since, as with the non-
civilized human, food is more of an imperative than moaning
with pain; indeed, what else can they do?

So then, how do we properly attribute the existence of
mental states to other animals, or even to ourselves for
that matter, since in the past we have certainly made
mistakes on this score? As we have seen, the *criterion of
outward functional behaviour* has been faulty with even
humans. Yet, our plant pain promoters would employ this
same criterion at a different level, turn things on their
head and argue that because plants react to noxious stimuli,
they therefore feel pain. Now, if the inference of pain
from overt behaviours has been faulty for attributing pain
where we now know pain most assuredly exists, then it is
probably equally faulty in attributing pain where pain does
not exist. If reactions or behaviours were sufficient, then
we would have to say that a mere toy doll crying and
wriggling, when triggered to do so by certain stimuli, was
indeed in pain.

Similarly, we cannot infer the presence of felt pain simply
by the presence of a sub-class of behaviours which are
functional for an organism’s amelioration or avoidance of
noxious stimuli. Thermostats obviously react to thermal
changes in the environment and respond in a functionally
appropriate manner to restore an initial “preferred” state
thereby maintaining an equilibrium of the status quo. We
would be dirt foolish, however, to then attribute to
thermostats that therefore they must “sense” or “feel” some
kind of “pain”. Even warning quotes around our terms don’t
protect us from such an catachrestic absurdity.

Clearly, the behavioral criterion of even functional
avoidance/defense reactions, is simply not sufficient nor
even necessary for the proper attribution of pain as a felt
mental state. This is not to say that it is completely
irrelevant for it can at least index the presence of pain in
those creatures we already know or have good reason to
believe experience and suffer pain. Behaviour by itself
does not index pain in our toy doll or thermostat, but
behaviour does usefully index the occurrence of pain and
suffering in those animals that we already have reason to
believe have the capacity to suffer.


To state the obvious, science, including the biological
sciences, are generally committed to the working assumption
of scientific materialism or physicalism [2]. Now, unless
the “new” biology has returned to some arcane version of
vitalism or dualism, then we must start with the generally
accepted scientific assumption that matter is the only
existent or real primordial constituent of the universe.

Let it be said at the outset that scientific materialism as
such does not preclude the existence of emergent or
functional qualities like that of mind, consciousness, and
feeling (or even, dare I say it, free will), but all such
qualities are dependant upon the existence of organized
matter. If there is no hardware, there is nothing for the
software to run on. If there is no intact, living brain,
there is simply no mind. Now, just for the record it should
also be said that even contemporary versions of dualism or
mind-stuff theories will also make depended their embodied
mental states in this world on the presence of sufficiently
organized matter.

To briefly state the case, what is referred to as non-
reductive materialism [3] would simply consider cognitive
functions like consciousness and mind as emergent properties
of sufficiently organized matter. Just as breathing is a
function of a complex system of organs referred to
aggregately as the respiratory system, so too is
consciousness a function of the immensely complex
information-processing capabilities of a central nervous
system. Now, according to such a neo-functionalist account
of mental states, HOW the matter is organized and in with
WHAT materials is not necessarily delimited to the mammalian
brain. It is possible in theory, that our Alpha Centaurians
who evolved from carrots could equally instantiate some
“higher” functions of consciousness. This may even be
possible with a future computer given a sufficiently complex
and orderly organization of its hardware and clever
software. While such a computer does not yet exist, and we
don’t yet know about those Alpha Centaurians, we DO know
that certain living organisms on this planet do possess the
requisite complexity of specialized and highly organized
structure for the emergence of mental states.

In theory, plants could possess a mental state like pain,
but IF, AND ONLY IF there is a requisite complexity of
organized plant tissue which could serve to INSTANTIATE the
kinds of complex information processing that is prerequisite
to such higher order mental states as that of consciousness
and felt pain. A mammalian brain is not necessary but an
immensely complex hierarchically organized central processor
of some form would be.

Now, where is the morphological evidence that such a
complexity of tissue in plants exist? Single cells or even
aggregates of surrounding tissue is not sufficient for there
to be a functional state of felt pain any more than even
todays complex integrated circuit chips evince consciousness
of any kind. A lot is required and plants just don’t have
it. This is not to say that they cannot exhibit complex
reactions, but we are simply OVER-INTERPRETING such
reactions when they are designated as “felt pain”.

With respect to all mammals, birds, and reptiles, we know
that they possess a sufficiently complex neural structure to
enable felt pain plus an evolutionary need for such
consciously felt states. They possess complex and
specialized organizations of tissue call sense organs, they
possess a specialized and complex structure for processing
information and for centrally orchestrating appropriate
behaviours in accordance with mental representations,
integrations and reorganizations of that information. The
proper attribution of felt pain in these animals is well
justified, but it is not for plants by any stretch of the



[1] Cited from M. Pernick’s (1985) “A CALCULUS OF SUFFERING:
AMERICA. New York: Columbia University Press. Cited
in turn in Bernard Rollin’s (1989), “THE UNHEEDED CRY:
Oxford: Oxford University Press. I would strongly
recommend Rollin’s book as a very well argued and
documented scholarly work on this important issue.

MODERN SCIENCE. London: Routledge & Kegan
[3] See Flanagan, Owen’s THE SCIENCE OF THE MIND (2n ed).
Mass.: The MIT Press. Provides for a good review of
these issues.

Many are destined to reason wrongly, others, not to
reason at all; and others, to persecute those who do
reason. (Voltaire)

How, then, could anybody seriously entertain this humbug of plant
pain? Is it not remarkable that the most persistent and
articulate of the anti-AR would forward such contentious and
prima facie absurd claims. But I guess it is not so remarkable
if we keep in mind their dogged intent to debunk the claims of
animal rights, seemingly no matter at what cost to good sense,
rationality, or even established scientific fact. Since, as we
have seen, many would claim to be avowed ethical subjectivists,
at least when it is convenient to do so, I guess we should not be
surprised that rationality and intellect is merely made sullied
handmaidens for advancing their quest to discredit the case for
animal rights.

What follows, dear reader, are five of the common flaws of reason
masquerading as arguments on behalf of plant rights.


In the name of open-mindedness, we are asked to take seriously
the claim of plant pain because the disbelievers and the
incredulous simply cannot prove that plants have no felt pain, or
that our knowledge of such things as with many other things, is
simply incomplete and uncertain. For instance, it has been said

“The simple fact that “cruelty” cannot be DIS-proved
introduces reasonable doubt into this argument.”

Here we have the presumption of innocence found in a court of law
being inappropriately transferred to how scientific theories are
to be established or seriously entertained. Normally, we would
argue on BEHALF of a scientific theory by presenting evidence for
it, not by pointing to our current lack of evidence unless one is
arguing AGAINST a theory. The plant pain promoters would turn
the logic of scientific justification on its head.

Now, in a general or ultimate sense it is TRIVIALLY TRUE that
there is no final “proof” against such wild notions, but then
there is also no ultimate proof against unicorns or ghosts. It
is a well known INFORMAL FALLACY to conclude from a lack of
disproof for something’s existence that it therefore exists or
must be taken as a serious possibility for existence. That is to
say, it is simply false to argue that a proposition is true
simply on the basis that it has not been proved false. The idea
here is to try to persuade people of a proposition which avails
itself of facts and reasons the falsity or inadequacy of which is
not readily discerned.

This flawed logic is technically referred to by logicians as the
“ARGUMENTUM AD IGNORANTIUM” (argument from ignorance). This is a
logically invalid argument, one that would exploit our common
ignorance of things. Now, you might ask, why shouldn’t we permit
speculative theories to enter into our foundation of ethics.
Consider, however, the following example:

“no breath of scandal has ever touched the mayor,
therefore she is MUST be incorruptibly honest”.

Maybe she is and maybe she is not, but our ignorance does not
establish the truth or falsity of the conclusion that she is
incorruptibly honesty. It is simply unfair to employ our
ignorance as the sole basis of support for some social/public

Similarly, what we DO KNOW about how animals experience pain and
suffering is of relevance for a system of public ethics. What we
do know about plants is that they DO NOT HAVE a nervous system
nor a structure at the cellular level designed to process
information in a manner that would conceivably enable a conscious
suffering of pain or discomfort. What we do NOT YET KNOW about
the workings of plants, of how consciousness in general is
enabled, or of how the universe as a whole works, is simply not
relevant. It is one thing to plea for open-mindedness, it is
quite another to promote intellectual promiscuity under the same


To understand this very slippery and flawed reasoning that
logicians refer to as the informal fallacy of EQUIVOCATION,
consider the following example:

“The end of a thing is its perfection;
death is the end of life;
hence, death is the perfection of life”

Note the two senses of the word “end” and how the last part of
the sentence confuses them. The word “end” may mean either
“goal” or “last event”. Both meanings are legitimate, but to
confuse the two in an argument is a fallacy. In the example
above we have two legitimate premises but a false conclusion that
does not follow from the premises, unless we remove the
equivocation and rewrite, say, the first premise as:

“The LAST EVENT of a thing is its perfection”.

But such a premise is patently false.

This is exactly the kind of flawed argumentation that is
occurring with our promoters of plant pain. For instance, the
term “sentient” is deemed applicable to plants given ONE of its
meanings to simply be the “responsiveness to sensory stimuli”.
After arguing further that what plants do at a molecular level
can be deemed a “sensory response”, even thought they do not
possess specialized organizations of tissue called sense organs
(see error #3 below), they would then have us accept the
designation that plants are “sentient”.

Let us, for the sake of argument, accept their twisted meaning of
the term of “sentient” to simply mean a functional reaction on a
biochemical or cellular level to noxious or warning stimuli. In
this sense, they will argue that a plant can be said to be
“sentient”. But at a different juncture they would then have us
conclude that because plants are indeed “sentient” they also
“feel” tissue injury or assault as “unpleasant”! What the wily
plant pain promoters have done is simply bootleg a false
conclusion by switching between two quite difference meanings of
the word “sentient”. Permit me to lay it out:

premise 1: Plants are responsive to “sense” impressions
premise 2: As defined in the dictionary, anything
responsive to sense impressions are sentient
conclusion 1: Plants are sentient

Note that premise 1 employs the word “sense” in a very
restrictive manner to mean, for the plant pain promoters,
“reactions to certain stimuli”. Now, for them to jump from this
minimal and idiosyncratic usage of “sentient” to the issue of
plant pain, our wily abusers of ordinary language IMPLICITLY are
forwarding something like the following argument.

conclusion 1: Plants are sentient
premise 3: Sentient beings are conscious of sense
conclusion 2: plants are conscious of sense impressions

premise 4: To be conscious of a noxious stimuli is felt as
conclusion 3: noxious stimuli to plants is unpleasant

From unpleasant we then arrive at plant pain. Of course, our
plant promoters will protest that they never said that plants
have “consciousness” or “feel” pain, but only that they respond
in a manner similar to how we respond to pain. Well, if that be
truly the only claim and no more, then there is simply no
relevance whatsoever of such an idiosyncratic notion plant “pain”
to the real ethical issue of animals suffering from felt pain.
If it is not irrelevant, then we have either one of 2 results:

1. equivocating on usage of “sentient” to bootleg a false
conclusion. This is a logical, not a semantic, fallacy.

2. redefining what ordinary people mean by pain and
suffering so that these terms no longer refer to a conscious
awareness of pain/suffering. Now we have the error of
irrelevant re-definition. This brings us to the next error
of reasoning.


. For most people, “sentient” designates the capacity to feel.
That is, it would refer to a mental state, not a mere set of
behaviours. The Oxford English Dictionary list 3 core meanings,
of which the plant pain promoters will selectively choose only
one, it being the most minimal definition, namely:

“def 2: Phys. Of organs or tissues: responsive to sensory

Of course, they do not look any further. If they were, they
might be surprised to discover that the word “sensory” refers to
the organs of “sense” or belonging to “sensation” In turn, the
words “sense” and “sensation” refers to the organs or mental
states of perception, of psychical affection, of consciousness,
etc. Indeed, it is designated right at the beginning that
“sensation” is “now commonly the subjective element in the
operation of the senses; psychical feeling” (OED). The meanings
that predominate refer to mental states, and as we have noted,
all mental states are marked by consciousness. Yet, our plant
pain promoters ignore these obvious conventions of ordinary word
meanings and would legislate their own. And what motivates this
re-definition of our terms? Certainly, not to promote clarity or
scientific accuracy. If plants have “pain” but no consciousness
then what are we to make of such muddy oxymorons as that of an
“unconscious pain” or an “unfelt pain”?

If our promoters of plant pain weren’t so blunt serious, this
might all be very funny. Indeed, good puns and amusing gaffs
result from an incongruous and inapposite word usage. For
example, someone once stole the seats from all the toilets in a
Canadian RCMP station. The official press release by the
Mounties said that they still had nothing to go on. Methinks our
pain promoters also have nothing to go on.


Now, we have been entertained by our plant pain promoters of some
interesting facts like that of oak trees diverting some of its
activity to an increase production of tannic acid in respond to,
say, a Gypsy moth invasion. We are informed that:

> There IS a parallel here, and the relative complexity of the
> sensory and interpretive mechanisms is irrelevant.

The cruel fact remains, however, that PARALLELS DO NOT MAKE FOR
IDENTITIES. Indeed, how something is achieved is just as
important as what is being achieved in order to properly
attribute there to be identity. For animals, conscious
motivation to avoid pain figures very large in how they would
avoid or mitigate pain. Pain is not something that is unfelt.
It makes no sense to speak of “unfelt, unconscious pain”, yet our
plant pain promoters will insist upon there being a morally
relevant parallel.

To illustrate this point about identity, please permit me to work
from a different and more familiar example. Now, it has been
argued that computers “think” as evidence by their capacity to
manipulate symbols. What shall we make of this?.

Searle’s (1980) well-known Chinese room argument, however, at
least makes clear that computers as syntactic engines are not
“understanders” of language even if they should one day be
successful at translating from Chinese to English back to
Chinese. The subjective life and mind accompanying a person’s
performances would seem to involve more than the computer’s
superior efficiency at manipulating data according to sequences
of algorithm-governed operations. To even here speak of “rule-
governed operations” is misleading since it suggests we can talk
of these machines under the description of them “following
rules”. Shanker (1987) makes the case that this violates our
logical grammar of rule-following being a normative rather a
mechanical action and that it is an action predicated on some
necessary minimal “understanding” of the rule. Due to the
literal ascription implied by this trope about computers, we are
lapsing into the same kind of conceptual confusion that would
occur if we were to literally ascribe to the members of a meeting
that they were following Robert’s rules of order even though they
were ignorant of, or did not understand the rules. If we were to
say such a thing, it would only be FIGURATIVE for simply saying
that the members just happen to be inadvertently or unknowingly
abiding by Robert’s rules. Notwithstanding the generosities of
idealization and wishful rhetoric, the computer analogue still
remains a metaphor and one that too often invites a misleading
anthropomorphism (Dreyfus, 1987).

Indeed, as the problems of the computer metaphor are becoming
more widely appreciated and, as Michie (1982) notes, the former
heuristic value of the metaphor is being replaced by more exact
and fruitful formalizations and mathematics, the metaphor is
beginning to become less frequent in the scientific prose of AI
science itself. While anthropomorphic speculation inaugurated
both the animal and computer models, it is a circumspect
anthropomorphism tempered with naturalism that now appears to be
the most fruitful approach for the understanding of animals
(Griffin, 1981), but it is an “objectivist”, or more precisely an
electrical-mechanical and symbolic-mathematical prose, that is
more fitting for AI. With respect to plants, the language of
mental states is simply addleheaded and daft.


Now, we have been told that “there IS some evidence which shows
that plants are “sentient”, in the broad sense of the word.”
Hmm., more likely the narrow and twisted sense of the word. But
again, all we have is simply the interesting but morally
irrelevant facts about plants reacting to certain noxious
stimuli, or to the signalling molecules of other plants under
attack. We are then asked about how this might be different from
our own sense of smell. They would ask, “is this not equivalent
to plant sensation or of a plant sensing its environment?” By
now, we should be able to readily reply that such usage simply
stretches our ordinary definitions of the word “sense”. Mere
behavioural reactions and avoidance to certain stimuli is
insufficient for the attributions of mental states like that of
perceptions and knowing sensation. Again, we have either an
equivocation of usage to bootleg false conclusion, or we simply
have a re-defninition of our ordinary meanings to something
idiosyncratic and morally irrelevant. HOW the plants do what
they do is just as important as the function of what those
reactions subserve.

Here is an example of over-interpretation that was due to this
error of only observing the end result and not the means. It was
once thought that army ants were comprised of a strategic
military column marching through the forest with direction,
purpose and foresight. Well, it turns out that these ants simply
follow the smell of the ants in front, and in turn the leading
ants simply, in a somewhat random manner, lurch or are, pushed
forward. If these ants were to be placed on a flat surface and
the leading ants were to make a circle back to the rump end of
the column, the marching column of ants would simply go around
and around until they died. Where is the intentional purpose,
planning and foresight? There is no scouting ahead of the
terrain, no deliberative leadership, just a very simply mechanism
that under normal conditions in the uneven terrain of the forest
works very effectively to keep the ants ever moving forward in
search new food supplies. The key point is that for many
centuries people over-interpreted what was going on simply
because they only observed the overt functional behaviours and
not the means and enabling conditions for those behaviours.


Patient reader, permit me to finish with one last observation.
Hypochondriacs are, as you know, people who believe in pains that
simply don’t exist. This much they have in common with our plant
pain promoters. Of course, hypochondriacs also are easily
persuaded that they must themselves have what even the most
superficial description of an illness would describe. I’ll leave
it to the reader to decide if this parallel also applies to our
plant pain promoters. Now, there is the amusing story of one
such person who after hearing a lecture on diseases of the
kidney, immediately phoned his doctor. The good doctor patiently
explained that in that particular disease there were no pains or
discomfort of any kind, whereupon our hypochondriac gasped, “I
knew it, my symptoms exactly!” 🙂



Dreyfus, Hubert L. (1987). Misrepresenting human intelligence.
In Rainer Born (Ed.), Artificial intelligence: The case
against. London: Croom Helm.
Griffin, Donald R. (1981). The question of animal awareness:
Evolutionary continuity of mental experience (2nd ed.).
California: William Kaufmann. Another good book that I
would highly recommend.
Michie, Donald (1982). Machine intelligence and related topics.
London: Gordon & Breach Science Publishers.
Searle, J. (1980). Minds, brains, and programs. Behavioral and
Brain Sciences, 3, 417-457.
Shanker, S. G. (1987). The decline and fall of the mechanist
metaphor. In Rainer Born (Ed.), Artificial intelligence:
The case against. London: Croom Helm.
Taylor, Charles (1964). The explanation of behaviour. London:
Routledge & Kegan Paul.

How To Make A Paper Airplane

1) Begin with a rectangular sheet of paper without
holes, folds, or tears. Eight and one half inches on one set
of sides by eleven inches on the other are recommended
dimensions of the sheet of paper, but other sizes may be
2) Imagine a line with endpoints at the bisection of the
shorter sides, and fold the paper in half at this line.
Crease the fold and then open the paper so that it rests upon
the fold, and the halves of the paper point upward in a `V’
shape. Designate one of the short ends as forward and the
other as rear.
3) Fold the right forward corner to the crease so that
an isoscoles triangle is formed. The equal sides should be
each one half the width of the paper, one running from the
forward end of the crease until the right angle of the
corner, which should also lay on the crease. The other equal
side should run from the corner to the right edge of the
paper, and should be perpendicular to the crease.
4) Repeat step 3 on the left side as if it were the
mirror image of the right. You should now have a five sided
shape resembling a triangle sitting on top of a rectangle.
5) Starting with the first point at forward, mentally
designate each corner with a letter going clockwise A, B, C,
D and E. Fold corner B down to the crease so that side AB
follows the crease. Then fold corner E to the crease so that
side EA is on the crease.
6) Fold the main crease back up so that the two sides
match and cover each other. Make a fold on each side
parallel to the crease and approximately one-fourth to one-
third of the width from the crease to the side. These folds
should point away from each other and should form a flat
surface perpendicular to the main body.
Optional: the following are steps that can be taken to
`jazz up’ your paper airplane, but are not essential to basic
7) To give a longer, smoother flight, place a paper clip
one or two inches from the forward tip. The clip should be
placed over the crease.
8) For a more predictable and stable flight, place a
short piece of scotch tape from one wing to the other. The
tape should not exceed one and one half inches in length and
should be placed approximately one third of the way from the
rear to the front.
9) To make a tail, cut or carefully tear at the rear of
the plane (one to two inches from the rear) starting from the
crease straight to the wings being careful not to cut or tear
the wings. Push the rear section that you have just
separated up with your fingers until the section from the cut
back sticks up from the wings in the opposing direction from
the body.
Other tips can be found in the Advanced How to Make a
Paper Airplane by the author.

Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven

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Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766
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“Raw Data for Raw Nerves”

Extensive(!) Listing Of Broadcasting Pioneers

September 1, 1987

Despite extensive interest about the formation of the American broadcasting
service and its pioneering members, there has been a dearth of information
about a number of fundamental topics. This is designed as an overview and
reference source for some of the neglected areas, spotlighting the period
through May of 1922.


The formal inauguration of the broadcasting service took place in September of
1921 (1), with the assignment of two wavelengths: 360 meters (833 kiloHertz)
for entertainment, defined as “news, concerts, lectures, and such matter”, and
485 meters (618 kiloHertz) for “crop reports and weather forecasts”. The use
of two different wavelengths reflected the department practice of segregating
different activities on different wavelengths. Individual station
authorizations were issued for either or both of the wavelengths, depending on
the service the station provided. Although broadcasting activities had been
evolving for more than a decade, this allocation was the first to designate
stations stations specifically licensed for, and restricted to, public
broadcasting, using wavelengths exclusively set aside for the broadcasting

The choice of these two wavelengths was apparently ratification of previous
practice. Two stations, operated by the Westinghouse Electric and
Manufacturing Company, already held licenses authorizing radiophone operation
on 360 meters: KDKA, East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which received its initial
license October 27, 1920 and began daily transmissions with election returns on
November 2, 1920, and WJZ, Newark, New Jersey, which received its initial
authorization in May of 1921, but did not begin regular broadcasts until the
first of October. (3) Westinghouse officials had specifically requested the
use of 360 meters to avoid interference from other services, (4) and the
wavelength apparently had never been previously used. (5)

The status of the other broadcasting wavelength, 485 meters, prior to its
assignment to the broadcasting service, is less clear. However, an
experimental station, 5XD, operated by the New Mexico State College in State
College, New Mexico, is reported to have used it for transmitting telegraphic
“time signals, weather reports, and news items”, and then, beginning in early
1920, for voice transmissions including music and educational talks. (6)


At the time of the creation of the broadcasting service, licensing was
conducted under the provisions of the Radio Act of 1912. Although the standard
since the 1927 formation of the Federal Radio Commission has been that stations
serve the “public convenience, interest, or necessity”, (7), no comparable
guideline was mandated by the 1912 act, and licensing of the pioneer broadcast
service stations amounted to little more than registration. Licensing
authority at the time of the creation of the broadcasting service was vested in
the Secretary of Commerce, and exercised through the Bureau of Navigation.
This body operated on a much more informal basis than successor regulators.
Moreover, control was much more decentralized, with oversight, performed
primarily by regional Radio Inspectors, generally limited to insuring that
stations met technical standards. (8)

The standard procedure for procuring a broadcast license in the early twenties
was as follows: the prospective station operator filled out an “Applicant’s
Description of Apparatus” (Form 761), obtained from the region’s Radio
Inspector.(9) The completed form, which provided mostly technical information,
was submitted to the inspector, who, if deemed necessary, inspected the
proposed apparatus. Next the form, including the inspection report plus a
recommendation on the type of authorization to be issused, was forwarded to the
Commissioner of Navigation in Washington, D.C. (10)

Here two distinct steps were taken: first call letters were assigned to the
application, then, if everything was in order, a formal operating authorization
was issued. The period between the assignment of call letters and formal
authorization ranged from immediate action to as much as forty days, and
according to Commerce records was usually in the range of one to three days.

The assignment of a call sign, usually recorded in the files as taking place
when the Form 761 was received, was not considered as establishing a station.
New stations were not reported in the RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN until the first
operating authorization–usually a license but in a few cases a preliminary
telephoned or telegraphed authorization–was issued. (11)

License periods for broadcasting stations ranged from as few as ten days (12)
to one year, with one year licenses the norm for grants made until early
January, 1922, six months the standard during mid-January, 1922, and three
months the norm thereafter. License renewal was obtained via the submission of
an updated Form 761 at the required intervals.

The above covers the standard and normally used procedures, although Commerce
files report the process was speeded in a few special cases by direct letters,
telegrams, and telephone conversations between applicants and Washington


Station deletions in the early twenties were performed with even less formality
and consistency than licensing. When a station discontinued broadcasting
before the end of a license period, the station operator could return the
license for cancellation. However, it appears that in most cases the station
owners didn’t bother–instead they just let the licenses expire in due course.
Moreover, the lapse of a station license was seen as no more the the close of
an operating authorization, and rarely resulted in immediate deletion from the
official station lists. Generally a grace period was allowed, on the
assumption that many would eventually received another license.

The timespan between the expiration of a license and formal deletion varied
greatly, and according to Commerce files most stations were not removed from
the published lists until one to six months after their operating licenses had
lapsed. The whole process has a distinct “we’ll delete them when we get around
to it” feel, and appears to have been to some degree dependent on the diligence
of the district Radio Inspectors.(13) Because of the flexible deletion
practices, the number of stations deleted in a given month is by no means a
precise barometer of the decline in activity for that month, as the licenses
for many of these stations had in fact expired a number of weeks or months
previously. Likewise, official lists of this period invariably include
stations no longer holding active licenses, and merely awaiting formal removal.


One category of broadcasting stations has been almost completely
undocumented–that of temporary grants. These were issued for special
occasions, usually lasting a month or less, and were not reported in the RADIO
SERVICE BULLETIN. There is very little detailed information about these grants
recorded in the Commerce files, although at least seventy were issued in the
period from January, 1922 to October, 1928. For temporary grants made through
May, 1922, where wavelength information is recorded, the wavelength assigned
was always 360 meters.(14) Detailed histories for five temporary stations
operated by educational organizations can be found in EDUCATION’S OWN

Listed below are the fifteen stations listed in Commerce files as receiving
temporary grants for the period through the end of May, 1922. Commerce records
for these stations are minimal, and as there is apparent source of additional
information, save for those stations documented in EDUCATION’S OWN STATIONS,
there can be no guarantee of completeness.

1st Air Call
date Assign Call Location Grantee/notes
——- —— —- ——– ————-
1/– 1/20 WPU Buffalo, NY Buffalo Courier and Enquirer
2/– 2/2 KDP Seattle, WA Saint James Cathedral
2/23 2/22 WHO Kansas City, MO Kansas City Post (2 days)
3/– 3/1 WWS Pella, IA Fowler Telephone Company
3/10 3/– WBI Marquette, MI Northern State Normal School
(2 days)
3/16 3/6 WTB Evansville, IN Sieffert Electric Company
3/– 3/10 WSH New York, NY Experiment Information
Service (2 days)
3/23 3/20 WMX Port Huron, MI Port Huron Times Herald
(also for 3/27/22)
3/27 3/9 WTA Uhrichsville, OH Board of Trade
3/– 3/27 WDS Richmond, VA Mann S. Valentine
4/16 4/15 WAAT Jersey City, NJ Jersey Review (also 4/19/22)
4/16 4/15 WAAU Philadelphia, PA H. C. Kuser
4/28 4/18 WBAC Des Moines, IA Kiwanas Club (2 days, also
for 2 days starting 4/28/23)
5/13 5/5 WCAI Topeka, KS American Legion
5/– 5/31 WEAL Des Moines, IA Mystic Shrine, special train
“to coast and back”


One area which has been particularly murky is that of call letter policies.
Following the adoption of the “Radio Act of 1912”, call signs for most
non-amateur services were composed of three letters.(16) Because most early
commercial land stations were clustered along the coast, the original policy
for land stations was that those on the Pacific coast were normally assigned
calls starting with K, while calls starting with W were normally assigned to
outlets along the Great Lakes and the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.(17)

With the development of inland services, further refinements were required. As
land stations, broadcasters have generally followed the “K’s in the West, W’s
in the East” standard. However, two different East-West dividing lines have
been used. Originally the boundary ran along the eastern borders of Montana,
Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico. It was only in late January, 1923 that the
line was shifted to the current standard of the Mississippi River.

The rapid expansion of the ship service during World War One required
utilization of four-letter calls for ship stations, including, in alphabetical
order, calls from the KE–, KI–, KO–, KU–, and, starting June, 1920, KD–
blocks. (Land stations continued to generally receive three-letter calls.) The
assignment of the conspicuous call KDKA to the pioneer East Pittsburgh
broadcaster has been viewed as evidence of some sort of special status.
However, review of the RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN shows what actually occurred was
more mundane. For some reason, during the period of June, 1920 through April,
1921 most commercial land stations received calls from the four letter ship
blocks, and by nothing more significant than coincidence KDKA was the only
broadcaster to be born in this period.(18)

The policy of three-letter calls for land stations was restored after this
lapse, until the flood of broadcasting grants required that the broadcasting
service switch to four-letter calls, with Western broadcasting stations sharing
the KD–, and later KF– and KG– blocks with ship stations, while Eastern
broadcasters were assigned calls from the W-A-, and later W-B-, blocks. Some
stations received calls outside these blocks due to special requests, and
eventually individual call requests became the norm.

Call letter “combinations which, for various reasons, international, national,
local, or individual may be objectionable” (19) were avoided. Accordingly, in
this period it was apparently decided that “WDAM” might be considered
objectionable, as Commerce records show that the assignment of this particular
call to a Western Electric Company station in New York City was changed after
ten days, with the call WEAF substituted. (This station is now WNBC.)


While preparing the chronological list of station activity some idiosyncracies
of three traditional sources of licensing information became apparent. The
best generally available source of information for the early twenties is the
RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN, issued by the Bureau of Navigation, which reported
monthly the changes, deletions, and new station grants made during the
preceding month. Three important characteristics of the Bulletin have
sometimes been overlooked. The first is that its station lists do not report
chronologically the grants within a given month, as the Bulletin lists always
used non-chronological formats, such as alphabetically by city of license or
call sign. Second, a few stations entered the broadcasting service
classification by metamorphosis from another service category, so their debuts
are recorded in the “alterations and corrections” lists, rather than the new
station lists which herald the appearance of more conventional entrants to the
service. This alternate route was used by three stations in the period through
May, 1922: KQV, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; KDPT, San Diego, California; and
WRR, Dallas, Texas. Third, broadcasting station additions, changes, and
deletions were not reported in a separate category until the July 1, 1922
issue. Prior to this date they were intermixed with the other classes of
“commercial land stations”, so care must be taken in extracting broadcast
service information.

The Bulletin was not completely free from occasional typographical errors–for
example, in the January 2, 1922 issue both KJB, Everett, Washington and KFL,
Seattle, Washington are incorrectly listed as being broadcast grants, and one
station, WGI (later WARC), Medford Hillside, Massachusetts, seems to have
disappeared without benefit of official notification. However, overall there
were only a few minor discrepancies betweeen information contained in the
Bulletin, and that found in government records.

Another source of licensing information proved somewhat more suspect. W. E.
Downey, Supervisor of Radio at the Department of Commerce, appears to have
regularly provided monthly totals of broadcasting station additions, deletions,
and outstanding authorizations.(20) As seen in the listing below there are a
number of discrepancies, for the period through May, 1922, between the monthly
figures reported by Downey, and the information contained in Commerce records

W.E Downey Figures Research Figures
—————— —————–
Month New Deleted Increase Total New Deleted Increase Total
—– ————————– ————————–
Sept 3 .. 3 3 4* .. 4 4
Oct 1 .. 1 4 3 .. 3 7
Nov 1 .. 1 5 2** .. 2 9
Dec 23 .. 23 28 20 . 20 29

Jan 8 .. 8 36 9 .. 9 38
Feb 24 .. 24 60 23 .. 23 61
Mar 77 .. 77 137 79 2 77 138
Apr 76 .. 76 213 83 .. 83 221
May 97 .. 97 310 96 5 91 312

* includes WJZ ** includes KDKA

The most troubling feature about the Downey figures is the complete absence of
deletions. In fact, Downey reports no deletions until September of 1922.
However, review of the Commerce records and the RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN clearly
shows that fifteen stations were deleted prior to September, beginning with two
in March. Since the Downey figures do not list specific stations, the cause of
the differences is not readily apparent.

Finally, the new station totals appearing in Gleason Archer’s HISTORY OF RADIO
TO 1926 (22) have a readily identifiable flaw. Archer’s figures are inflated,
because they are actually the number of new “commercial land stations” reported
monthly by the RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN. As noted earlier, this means the
figures erroneously include many non-broadcast service grants, and also omit a
few transfers to the broadcast service that were reported in the change lists.


Presented at the close is a chronological list of broadcasting service activity
for all non-temporary stations from October, 1920 to the close of May, 1922.

Most of the actions are new station grants. The information for new grants is
organized according to the headers appearing at the top of each page. The
additions are listed by their initial broadcasting service authorization
date–normally the date of the first broadcast service license. “LIC” refers
to the standard case where the first broadcast authorization was the licensing
of a new station. “TRN” denotes stations whose first broadcast license was a
transfer from a non-broadcast service classification, using the same call sign.
“REL” refers to the relicensing of a previously deleted broadcast station. In
a few cases an authorization to broadcast was made before the first license was
issued. Initial authorizations by telephone and telegraph are denoted “TP” and
“TG” respectively. “STA” stands for a “Special Temporary Authorization”, while
“AUT” appears for one station where the records merely list it as “authorized”.

Included with the initial authorization date is the call sign, city of license,
and station owner, plus frequency assigned. “E” stands for the entertainment
wavelength of 360 meters (833 KiloHertz), and “M” denotes the market and
weather wavelength of 485 meters (618 kiloHertz).

The next column covers the call letter assignment information, which as noted
earlier was a part of the application process, and took place prior to the
issuance of an operating authorization. The three entries here are the date of
the call assignment, the form of the request, and the origin of the request.
In most cases the standard procedure was followed, with the application process
begun with the receipt of a Form 761 from a regional Radio Inspector. The nine
radio inspection districts were headquartered in the following locations:

1. Boston, Massachusetts 6. San Francisco, California
2. New York, New York 7. Seattle, Washington
3. Baltimore, Maryland 8. Detroit, Michigan
4. Savannah, Georgia 9. Chicago, Illinois
5. New Orleans, Louisiana

In addition, a few of the Form 761s came via Norfolk, Virginia.

Most exceptions to the standard procedure occurred when the station owners
(“OWN”) dealt directly with Washington, via telephone (“TP”), telegraph (“TG”),
letter (“LET”), or call letter reservation (“RES”). In one case W. E. Downey
(“WED”) was listed as the person involved in making the call assignment.

The next column notes the date of the first broadcast service license and the
duration of that initial license. The final “status” column lists the eventual
fate of the station–either its deletion date (with call sign if different from
the original) or status as of September 1, 1987.

When only the month of an action is known, usually reflecting data derived from
the RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN, two dashes appear for the day the action took
place. A “(?)” marks a “best guess” required because of incomplete or
ambigious information, which in most cases should not be more than a few days
off. As might be expected, some errors, both in the original records and
during the research process, must be assumed to have crept in. However,
extensive cross-referencing of original records and other source material
should insure that errors have been minimalized. Moreover, it is certain that
these 319 grants comprise the complete roster of non-temporary broadcasting
authorizations issued during this period.

The one entry which must be viewed with due caution is that of current status.
Unlike human beings, which have clearly defined births, lives, and deaths,
these stations sometimes had very complicated histories, complete with
resurrections, call sign and ownership changes, consolidations of two or more
stations under a single call, and facility exchanges. Review of the station
histories in EDUCATION’S OWN STATIONS will give a good idea of the tumultuous
histories some of these stations enjoyed. This caveat nowithstanding, the
status information was included to provide a feel for the outcome of these
stations as a class, even though a few station histories are really too tangled
to allow refinement to a single entry. One general standard for status column
entries was that, in case of doubt, the nod was given to interpretations which
provide continuity and longevity. In particular, stations which were deleted
but then immediately relicensed were treated as having a single unbroken
lifespan, so deletion dates are those where the final unreversed deletion took
place, and stations still active might have been deleted and relicensed
somewhere along the way.


The information presented will hopefully provide a more complete understanding
of the policies of the period, and permit more detailed analysis of the
development of the broadcast service. For instance, the chronological list of
new broadcast station grants clearly shows the abrupt shift from the slow
initial expansion of the service though November of 1921, with the grand total
of nine grants dominated by notheastern and midwestern radio equipment firms,
to the popular expansion that began in December of 1921, when owners of all
kinds sponsored stations. In fact, this popularization has every appearance of
a rapidly spreading West Coast fad, as fully sixteen of the twenty-two grants
made from December, 1921 to January 4, 1922 were for West Coast facilities.


The original card files for broadcasting stations, maintained by the Commerce
Department, comprised the basic source of station information through the
period up to the March, 1927 assumption of regulatory authority by the Federal
Radio Commission. [NOTE: A major componant of the Commerce files used for
this research no longer exists. The nature of the Ownership card files, which
held licensee and license date data, was apparantly misunderstood, and
according to FCC employee Mary McDonald these files were declared in August,
1987 to be “no longer needed” and destroyed]. Information from that point
forward is included in the Federal Communications Commission station card
files. Both sets of cards are currently available through the Mass Media
Bureau of the Federal Communica- tions Commission, and as of September, 1987
obtainable from the Public Reference Room located on the second floor of 1919 M
Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C.

Information from the basic resources was double-checked against a number of
sources, the most important being the grant, deletion, and cumulative station
lists appearing in the RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN, the original station licenses
and 761 Forms archived at the Washington National Records Center in Suitland,
Maryland, and an undated “List of First Stations Licensed for Broadcasting”
(through March, 1922, with a few omissions), which was prepared by FCC
personnel, but had no additional identification, and was obtained through the
Broadcast Pioneers Library in Washington, D. C.


(1) Gleason L. Archer, HISTORY OF RADIO TO 1926, (New York, NY, American
Historical Society, 1938), p. 215-216

(2) United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Navigation, “Amendments to
Regulations”, RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN (No. 57), January 3, 1922, (Washington,
DC, Government Printing Office, 1922), p. 10

(3) Gleason L. Archer, HISTORY OF RADIO TO 1926, (New York, NY, American
Historical Society, 1938), p. 203, 208, 217

Tower in Babel (New York, Oxford University Press, 1966), p. 69

(5) KDKA and WJZ did not receive broadcasting service licenses until November
7, 1921 and September 30, 1921 respectively. However, these two stations are
considered for the purposes of this review to mark the start of the broadcast
service, and unless otherwise noted are listed according to their initial 360
meter grants.

(6) S. E. Frost, EDUCATION’S OWN STATIONS, (Chicago, IL, University of
Chicago Press, 1937), p. 246

(7) “The Radio Act of 1927”, section 9, and the “Communications Act of 1934”,
section 307(a)

Tower in Babel (New York, Oxford University Press, 1966), p. 95

(9) The United States was divided into nine Radio Inspection Districts, with
the region’s Radio Inspector headquartered at a major port of each district.
United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Navigation, “Radio
Broadcasting”, RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN (No. 60), April 1, 1922, (Washington,
DC, Government Printing Office, 1922), p. 23

(10) Form 761 instructions; United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of
Navigation, “Radio Broadcasting”, RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN (No. 60), April 1,
1922, (Washington, DC, Government Printing Office,1922), p. 23; C. Joseph
(Washington, DC, University Press of America, Inc., 1980), p. 18-19, 24-25

(11) United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Navigation, “Land Station
Licenses”, RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN (No. 61), May 1, 1922, (Washington, DC,
Government Printing Office, 1922), p. 15

(12) The initial license for WDT, Ship Owner’s Radio Service in New York, NY,
was for only ten days, as there was concern that the station might cause

(13) A number of station files refer to a letter from the Radio Inspector as
the impetus for deletion.

(14) The Radio Corporation of America’s temporary grant for WJY, Hoboken, New
Jersey, used to report the Dempsey-Carpentier prize fight on July 2, 1921, is
not considered in this review to be part of the broadcasting service, as it
transmitted on the longwave wavelength of 1600 meters (187 kilohertz).

(15) The five review are: Bancroft School, Haddonfield, NJ (WRAQ); Gardenville
High School, Gardenville, NY (WGHS); Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA (WDBG);
Milton College, Milton, WI (WSAM); and Northern State Normal School, Marquette,
MI, (WBI).

(16) Government stations received calls starting with N, and until October,
1928, when W and K prefixes were added, amateur and special land stations had
calls composed of the district number followed by two or three letters.

(17) United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Navigation, RADIO STATIONS
OF THE UNITED STATES, July 1, 1914, (Washington, DC, Government Printing
Office, 1914), p. 6

(18) Two non-broadcast service stations first licensed during this period,
KDPM, Cleveland, OH, and KDPT, San Diego, CA, later transfered to the broadcast
service. Both were eventually deleted.

(19) United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Navigation, RADIO STATIONS
OF THE UNITED STATES, July 1, 1914, (Washington, DC, Government Printing
Office, 1914), p. 8

(20) Hiram L. Jome, ECONOMICS OF THE RADIO INDUSTRY, (Chicago, A. V. Shaw
Company, 1925), p. 78 (through August, 1924), and “The Broadcast Hotel is
Overcrowded”, Radio in the Home, April, 1925, (H. M. Neely Publishing
Company, Philadelphia, PA, 1925), p. 28 (through February 12, 1925)

(21) The research information is based on the list of broadcast service
activity appearing at the close. This information agrees fully with that
appearing in the RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN, with the exception of three
stations–KFI, KOJ, and WBAZ–listed by the Bulletin as being April grants.
These stations are recorded in Commerce files with license dates of March 31st
for KFI, and May 1st for KOJ and WBAZ.

(22) Gleason L. Archer, HISTORY OF RADIO TO 1926, (New York, NY, American
Historical Society, 1938), p. 241 (Monthly grant totals for August, 1921 to
May, 1922)


White Chronoligical list of the first 319 Broadcast Service authorizations,
including changes and deletions, for the period through May 31, 1922.
Companion to the review of policies and procedures in PION1. Includes current
status of surviving stations.

Add#|1st Auth|Call|Location |Call Asgn|First Lic|
Type|Owner |Freq|Type|Loc |Duration |Status 9/1/87

1 10/27/20 KDKA East Pittsburgh, PA 10/22/20 11/07/21 KDKA-1020
LIC Westinghouse Elec & Mfg Co E 761 DET 1YR Pittsburgh, PA

2 05/–/21 WJZ Newark, NJ –/–/– 09/30/21 WABC-770
LIC Westinghouse Elec & Mfg Co E — — — New York, NY

3 09/15/21 WBZ Springfield, MA –/–/– 09/15/22 WBZ-1030
LIC Westinghouse Elec & Mfg Co E — — 3M Boston, MA

4 09/19/21 WDY Roselle Park, NJ 09/16/21 09/19/21 DEL 02/20/23
LIC Radio Corporation of America E 761 NYC 3M

5 09/29/21 WCJ New Haven, CT 09/23/21 09/29/21 DEL 12/01/22
LIC A. C. Gilbert Company E 761 BOS 1YR

6 10/13/21 KQL Los Angeles, CA –/–/– 10/13/21 DEL 06/09/22
LIC Arno A. Kluge E — — 1YR

7 10/13/21 WBL Detroit, MI 10/06/21 10/13/21 WWJ-950
LIC Detroit News EM 761 DET 1YR Detroit, MI

8 10/13/21 WJX New York, NY 10/05/21 10/13/21 DEL 06/–/24
LIC De Forest Radio Telep & Teleg E 761 NYC —

9 11/09/21 KYW Chicago, IL 11/09/21 11/15/21 KYW-1060
?TP Westinghouse Elec & Mfg Co E TP CHI 1YR Philadelphia, PA

10 12/07/21 KWG Stockton, CA 12/07/21 12/07/21 KWG-1230
LIC Portable Wireless Telephone Co E 761 SF 1YR Stockton, CA

11 12/08/21 KDN San Francisco, CA 12/03/21 12/08/21 DEL 05/01/23
LIC Leo J. Meyberg Company E 761 SF 1YR

12 12/08/21 KFC Seattle, WA 12/03/21 12/08/21 DEL 01/23/23
LIC Northern Radio & Elec Company E 761 SEA 1YR

13 12/08/21 KGB San Francisco, CA –/–/– 12/08/21 DEL 03/23/22
LIC Edwin L. Lorden E — — 1YR

14 12/08/21 KGC Hollywood, CA –/–/– 12/08/21 KNX-1070
LIC Electric Lighting Supply Co E — — 1YR Los Angeles, CA

15 12/08/21 WJH Washington, DC 12/03/21 12/08/21 DEL 03/26/24
LIC White & Boyer Company E 761 BAL 1YR

16 12/09/21 KQW San Jose, CA 12/07/21 12/09/21 KCBS-740
LIC Charles D. Herrold E 761 SF 1YR San Francisco, CA

17 12/09/21 KVQ Sacramento, CA 12/07/21 12/09/21 DEL 01/02/23
LIC J. C. Hobrecht E 761 SF 1YR

18 12/09/21 KYJ Los Angeles, CA 12/07/21 12/09/21 DEL 05/01/23
LIC Leo J. Meyberg Company E 761 SF 1YR

19 12/09/21 KZC Los Angeles, CA 12/07/21 12/09/21 DEL 03/09/23 (KOG)
LIC Western Radio Electric Company E 761 SF 1YR

20 12/09/21 KZM Oakland, CA 12/07/21 12/09/21 DEL 06/23/31
LIC Preston D. Allen E 761 SF 1YR

21 12/09/21 KZY Oakland, CA 12/07/21 12/09/21 DEL 01/24/23
LIC Atlantic-Pacific Radio Suppl E 761 SF 1YR

22 12/20/21 KJJ Sunnyvale, CA 12/16/21 12/20/21 DEL 06/16/23
LIC The Radio Shop E 761 SF 1YR

23 12/20/21 KJQ Stockton, CA 12/16/21 12/20/21 DEL 04/–/25 (?)
LIC C. O. Gould E 761 SF 1YR

24 12/20/21 KYY San Francisco, CA 12/16/21 12/20/21 DEL 01/24/23
LIC The Radio Telephone Shop E 761 SF 1YR

25 12/22/21 WDM Washington, DC 12/22/21 12/22/21 DEL 06/08/25
LIC Church of the Covenant E 761 BAL 30D

26 12/22/21 WDT New York, NY 12/22/21 12/22/21 DEL 12/28/23
LIC Ship Owners Radio Service E 761 NYC 10D

27 12/22/21 WDW Washington, DC 12/22/21 12/22/21 DEL 05/–/22
LIC Radio Construction & Elec Co E 761 — 30D

28 12/29/21 WOU Omaha, NE 12/29/21 12/29/21 DEL 06/23/23
LIC R. B. Howell EM 761 — 1YR

29 12/30/21 WMH Cincinnati, OH 12/29/21 12/30/21 DEL 12/11/23
LIC Precision Equipment Company EM 761 DET 1YR

30 01/04/22 KLB Pasadena, CA 01/03/22 01/04/22 DEL 04/25/23
LIC J. J. Dunn & Company E 761 SF 1YR

31 01/04/22 KLP Los Altos, CA 01/03/22 01/04/22 DEL 03/09/23
LIC Colin B. Kennedy Company E 761 SF 1YR

32 01/09/22 KQV Pittsburgh, PA –/–/– 01/09/22 KQV-1410
TRN Doubleday-Hill Electric Co E — — — Pittsburgh, PA

33 01/10/22 WPB Pittsburgh, PA 01/10/22 01/10/22 DEL 05/05/22
LIC Newspaper Printing Company E 761 — 6M

34 01/13/22 WHA Madison, WI –/–/– 01/13/22 WHA-970
LIC University of Wisconsin EM — — 6M Madison, WI

35 01/13/22 WLB Minneapolis, MN –/–/– 01/13/22 KUOM-770
LIC University of Minnesota EM — — 6M Minneapolis, MN

36 01/18/22 WNO Jersey City, NJ 01/18/22 01/18/22 DEL 03/–/23 (?)
LIC Wireless Telephone-Hudson Cnty E 761 NYC 6M

37 01/26/22 WDZ Toledo, OH –/–/– 01/26/22 DEL 01/02/23(WBAJ)
LIC Marshall-Gerken Company EM — — 3M

38 01/26/22 WLK Indianapolis, IN 01/18/22 01/26/22 DEL 06/01/23
LIC Hamilton Manufacturing Company E 761 CHI 3M

02/02/22 Change KZC [19] Los Angeles, CA

39 02/03/22 WGH Montgomery, AL 02/01/22 02/03/22 DEL 06/05/22
LIC Montgomery Light & Power Co EM 761 NO 3M

40 02/04/22 WGY Schenectady, NY 02/03/22 02/04/22 WGY-810
LIC General Electric Company E 761 NYC 3M Schenectady, NY

41 02/07/22 WGI Medford Hillside, MA 02/01/22 02/07/22 DEL 04/–/27 (?)
LIC American Radio Research Corp E 761 BOS 3M WARC

42 02/08/22 KGF Pomona, CA 02/01/22 02/08/22 DEL 12/06/22
LIC Pomona Fixture & Wiring Co E 761 SF 3M

43 02/08/22 WGL Philadelphia, PA 02/01/22 02/08/22 DEL 12/31/24
LIC Thomas F. J. Howlett E 761 BAL 3M

44 02/13/22 KUO San Francisco, CA 02/14/22 02/13/22 DEL 01/21/26
LIC Examiner Printing Company E 761 SF 30D

45 02/16/22 WOK Pine Bluff, AR 02/15/22 02/16/22 DEL 06/–/24
LIC Pine Bluff Company E ASN — 3M

46 02/16/22 WOZ Richmond, IN 02/16/22 02/16/22 DEL 04/09/23
LIC Palladium Printing Company EM LET OWN 3M

47 02/17/22 WOQ Kansas City, MO 02/16/22 02/17/22 DEL 06/14/34
LIC Western Radio Company EM 761 CHI 3M

48 02/18/22 WOC Rock Island, IL 02/18/22 02/18/22 WOC-1420
LIC Karlowa Radio Company EM 761 — 3M Davenport, IA

49 02/20/22 WOH Indianapolis, IN 02/18/22 02/20/22 DEL 02/14/23
LIC Hatfield Electric Company E 761 CHI 3M

50 02/20/22 WOR Newark, NJ 02/17/22 02/20/22 WOR-710
LIC L. Bamberger & Company E 761 NYC 3M New York, NY

51 02/21/22 WBU Chicago, IL 02/09/22 02/21/22 DEL 11/07/23
LIC City of Chicago E 761 CHI 3M

52 02/21/22 WHK Cleveland, OH 02/20/22 02/21/22 WHK-1420
LIC Warren R. Cox E 761 DET 3M Cleveland, OH

53 02/23/22 WOS Jefferson City, MO 02/20/22 02/23/22 DEL 03/27/36
LIC Missouri State Marketing Bur M 761 CHI 3M

54 02/24/22 WFO Dayton, OH 02/24/22 02/24/22 DEL 11/28/22
LIC Rike-Kumler Company EM 761 DET 3M

55 02/24/22 WHQ Rochester, NY 02/17/22 02/24/22 DEL 10/02/22
LIC Rochester Times Union EM 761 DET 3M

56 02/24/22 WHW East Lansing, MI 02/24/22 02/24/22 DEL 01/16/23
LIC Stuart Seeley (US Wx Bureau) M 761 DET 3M

57 02/24/22 WRK Hamilton, OH 02/24/22 02/24/22 DEL 09/29/30
LIC Doron Brothers Electric Co E 761 DET 3M

58 02/28/22 KFU Gridley, CA 02/25/22 02/28/22 DEL 07/22/22
LIC The Precision Shop E 761 — 3M

59 02/28/22 KHQ Seattle, WA –/–/– 02/28/22 KAQQ-590
LIC Louis Wasmer E — — 3M Spokane, WA

60 02/28/22 WHU Toledo, OH 02/25/22 02/28/22 DEL 10/27/22
LIC William B. Duck Company E 761 OWN 3M

61 02/28/22 WJK Toledo, OH 02/28/22 02/28/22 DEL 02/01/23
LIC Service Radio Equipment Co E 761 DET 3M

03/–/22 Change KDN [11] San Francisco, CA

03/–/22 Change KYJ [18] Los Angeles, CA

03/–/22 Change KYW [9] Chicago, IL

03/–/22 Change WOU [28] Omaha, NE
OWNER: Metropolitan Utilities Dist

62 03/02/22 WLW Cincinnati, OH 03/02/22 03/02/22 WLW-700
LIC Crosley Manufacturing Company E 761 DET 3M Cincinnati, OH

63 03/02/22 WRL Schenectady, NY 03/02/22 03/02/22 DEL 02/–/25
LIC Union College E 761 NYC 3M

03/03/22 Change WBL [7] Detroit, MI

64 03/09/22 KJR Seattle, WA 03/06/22 03/09/22 KJR-950
LIC Vincent I. Kraft EM 761 SEA 3M Seattle, WA

65 03/10/22 KJS Los Angeles, CA 03/06/22 03/10/22 KFAC-1330
LIC Bible Institute of Los Angeles E 761 SF 3M Los Angeles, CA

66 03/10/22 KLS Oakland, CA 03/06/22 03/10/22 KDIA-1310
LIC Warner Brothers E 761 SF 3M Oakland, CA

67 03/10/22 KLZ Denver, CO 03/06/22 03/10/22 KLZ-560
LIC Reynolds Radio Company EM 761 CHI 3M Denver, CO

68 03/11/22 KRE Berkeley, CA 03/11/22 03/11/22 KBLX-1400
LIC Maxwell Electric Company E 761 SF 3M Berkeley, CA

69 03/11/22 KSL San Francisco, CA 03/11/22 03/11/22 DEL 06/16/23
LIC The Emporium E 761 SF 3M

70 03/11/22 WBS Newark, NJ 03/11/22 03/11/22 DEL 07/18/62(WHBI)
LIC D. W. May E 761 NYC 3M

71 03/13/22 WRR Dallas, TX –/–/– 03/13/22 KAAM-1310
TRN City of Dallas EM — — 3M Dallas, TX

72 03/14/22 KGU Honolulu, HI 03/11/22 03/14/22 KGU-760
LIC Marion A. Mulrony E 761 SF 3M Honolulu, HI

73 03/14/22 KSD Saint Louis, MO 03/07/22 03/14/22 KUSA-550
LIC Post Dispatch E TG OWN 3M Saint Louis, MO

74 03/14/22 WGF Des Moines, IA 03/14/22 03/14/22 DEL 09/29/23
LIC The Register & Tribune E TG OWN 3M

75 03/14/22 WGR Buffalo, NY 03/11/22 03/14/22 WGR-550
LIC Federal Telephone & Telegraph EM 761 DET 3M Buffalo, NY

76 03/14/22 WIK McKeesport, PA 03/14/22 03/14/22 DEL 03/09/25
LIC K & L Electric Company E 761 DET 3M

77 03/14/22 WIL Washington, DC 03/14/22 03/14/22 DEL 09/13/24
LIC Continental Electrical Supply E 761 BAL 3M

78 03/14/22 WPM Washington, DC 03/06/22 03/14/22 DEL 05/10/23
LIC Thomas J. Williams E — WED 3M

79 03/14/22 WRW Tarrytown, NY 03/11/22 03/14/22 DEL 07/31/26
LIC Tarrytown Radio Research Lab E 761 NYC 3M

80 03/15/22 KGG Portland, OR 03/14/22 03/15/22 DEL 11/25/24
LIC Hallock & Watson Radio Service E 761 SEA 3M

81 03/15/22 KGO Altadena, CA 03/11/22 03/15/22 DEL 08/21/23
LIC Altadena Radio Laboratory E 761 SF 3M

82 03/15/22 WGM Atlanta, GA 03/15/22 03/15/22 DEL 08/28/23
? Atlanta Constitution EM 761 — —

83 03/15/22 WSB Atlanta, GA 03/15/22 04/11/22 WSB-750
TG Atlanta Journal EM TG OWN 3M Atlanta, GA

84 03/16/22 KDPT San Diego, CA 03/01/22 03/16/22 DEL 03/19/25
TRN Southern Electrical Company E 761 SF —

85 03/16/22 WHD Morgantown, WV 03/11/22 03/16/22 DEL 11/19/23
LIC West Virginia University E 761 DET 3M

86 03/16/22 WKY Oklahoma City, OK 03/06/22 03/16/22 WKY-930
LIC Oklahoma Radio Shop EM 761 NO 3M Oklahoma City, OK

87 03/16/22 WPA Fort Worth, TX 03/16/22 03/16/22 DEL 05/24/23
LIC Fort Worth Record E 761 NO 3M

88 03/16/22 WSL Utica, NY 03/11/22 03/16/22 DEL 04/29/25
LIC J & M Electric Company E 761 DET 3M

89 03/18/22 KHJ Los Angeles, CA 03/18/22 03/18/22 KRTH-930
LIC C. R. Kierulff & Company E 761 SF 3M Los Angeles, CA

90 03/18/22 KOP Detroit, MI 03/17/22 03/18/22 DEL 11/28/25
LIC Detroit Police Department E 761 DET 3M

91 03/18/22 WBT Charlotte, NC 03/17/22 03/18/22 WBT-1110
LIC Southern Radio Corporation E 761 BAL 3M Charlotte, NC

92 03/18/22 WFI Philadelphia, PA 03/16/22 03/18/22 WFIL-560
LIC Strawbridge & Clothier E 761 — 3M Philadelphia, PA

93 03/18/22 WHN Ridgewood, NY 03/17/22 03/18/22 WFAN-1050
LIC Ridgewood Times Printing & Pub E 761 NYC 3M New York, NY

94 03/18/22 WOO Philadelphia, PA 03/17/22 03/18/22 DEL 02/20/29
LIC John Wanamaker E 761 BAL 3M

03/20/22 Delete WDZ [37] Toledo, OH

95 03/20/22 KOA Denver, CO 03/17/22 03/20/22 DEL 06/23/23
LIC Young Men’s Christian Assoc M 761 CHI 3M

96 03/20/22 WIP Philadelphia, PA 03/16/22 03/20/22 WIP-610
LIC Gimbel Brothers E 761 — 3M Philadelphia, PA

97 03/21/22 KGW Portland, OR 03/20/22 03/21/22 KGW-620
LIC Oregonian Publishing Company E 761 SEA 3M Portland, OR

98 03/21/22 WCN Worcester, MA 03/17/22 03/21/22 DEL 06/25/23
LIC Clark University EM 761 BOS 3M

99 03/21/22 WGV New Orleans, LA 03/17/22 03/21/22 DEL 06/–/24
LIC Interstate Electric Company E 761 NO 3M

100 03/21/22 WJT Erie, PA 03/21/22 03/21/22 DEL 10/21/22
LIC Electric Equipment Company E 761 DET 3M

101 03/21/22 WRP Camden, NJ 03/21/22 03/21/22 DEL 08/20/23
LIC Federal Inst Radio Telegraphy E 761 BAL 3M

102 03/21/22 WSX Erie, PA 03/21/22 03/21/22 DEL 01/26/23
LIC Erie Radio Company E 761 DET 3M

103 03/22/22 WCM Austin, TX 03/17/22 03/22/22 KTRH-740
LIC University of Texas EM 761 NO 3M Houston, TX

03/23/22 Delete KGB [13] San Francisco, CA

104 03/23/22 KFZ Spokane, WA 03/22/22 03/23/22 DEL 09/08/23
LIC Doerr-Mitchell Electric Co E 761 SEA 3M

105 03/23/22 KMJ Fresno, CA 03/23/22 03/23/22 KMJ-580
LIC San Joaquin Light & Power Corp E 761 SF 3M Fresno, CA

106 03/23/22 KQT Yakima, WA 03/22/22 03/23/22 DEL 10/06/22
LIC Electric Power & Appliance Co E 761 SEA 3M

107 03/23/22 WEV Houston, TX 03/17/22 03/23/22 DEL 01/10/25
LIC Hurlburt-Still Electrical Co EM 761 NO 3M

108 03/23/22 WEW Saint Louis, MO 03/17/22 03/23/22 WEW-770
LIC Saint Louis University M 761 CHI 3M Saint Louis, MO

109 03/23/22 WEY Wichita, KS 03/17/22 03/23/22 DEL 06/23/23
LIC Cosradio Company EM 761 CHI 3M

110 03/23/22 WKC Baltimore, MD 03/22/22 03/23/23 DEL 11/24/23
LIC Joseph M. Zamoiski Company E 761 BAL 3M

111 03/23/22 WKN Memphis, TN 03/22/22 03/23/22 DEL 06/11/23
LIC Riechman-Crosby Company EM 761 NO 3M

112 03/23/22 WMU Washington, DC 03/22/22 03/23/22 DEL 10/–/25 (?)
LIC Doubleday-Hill Electric Co E 761 BAL 3M

113 03/24/22 WWZ New York, NY 03/24/22 04/17/22 DEL 11/05/23
?TG John Wanamaker E — — 3M

114 03/25/22 KFV Yakima, WA 03/24/22 03/25/22 DEL 05/05/23
LIC Foster-Bradbury Radio Store E 761 SEA 3M

115 03/25/22 WWI Dearborn, MI 03/24/22 03/25/22 DEL 04/24/26
LIC Ford Motor Company E 761 DET 3M

116 03/25/22 WWT Buffalo, NY 03/25/22 03/25/22 DEL 10/02/22
LIC McCarthy Brothers & Ford E 761 DET 3M

117 03/27/22 WMC Youngstown, OH 03/24/22 03/27/22 DEL 12/19/22
LIC Columbia Radio Company E 761 DET 3M

118 03/27/22 WNJ Albany, NY 03/24/22 03/27/22 DEL 06/–/24
LIC Shotton Radio Manufacturing Co E 761 NYC 3M

119 03/27/22 WPG New Lebanon, OH 03/24/22 03/27/22 DEL 02/19/24
LIC Nushawg Poultry Farm E 761 DET 3M

120 03/27/22 WWB Canton, OH 03/24/22 03/27/22 DEL 11/19/23
LIC Daily News Printing Company E 761 DET 3M

121 03/28/22 KYG Portland, OR 03/28/22 03/28/22 DEL 10/13/22
LIC Willard P. Hawley Junior E 761 SEA 3M

122 03/28/22 WAH El Dorado, KS 03/27/22 03/28/22 DEL 03/06/23
LIC Midland Refining Company M 761 CHI 3M

123 03/28/22 WHX Des Moines, IA –/–/– –/–/– DEL 05/–/22
TG Iowa Radio Corporation E — — —

124 03/28/22 WPO Memphis, TN 03/24/22 03/28/22 DEL 06/12/23
LIC United Equipment Company E 761 NO 3M

125 03/28/22 WRM Urbana, IL 03/24/22 03/28/22 WILL-580
LIC University of Illinois E 761 CHI 3M Urbana, IL

126 03/28/22 WSV Little Rock, AR 03/24/22 03/28/22 DEL 11/06/22
LIC L M Hunter & G L Carrington E 761 NO 3M

127 03/29/22 WEH Tulsa, OK 03/29/22 –/–/– DEL 06/12/23
? Midland Refining Company M 761 NO —

128 03/29/22 WGU Chicago, IL 03/29/22 03/29/22 WMAQ-670
LIC The Fair E 761 CHI 3M Chicago, IL

129 03/29/22 WSY Birmingham, AL 03/24/22 03/29/22 DEL 10/30/24
LIC Alabama Power Company E 761 NO 3M

130 03/29/22 WTK Paris, TX 03/24/22 03/29/22 DEL 11/20/22
LIC Paris Radio Electric Company E 761 DET 3M

131 03/30/22 KGY Lacey, WA 03/24/22 03/30/22 KGY-1240
LIC Saint Martin’s Coll (Rev Ruth) E 761 SEA 3M Olympia, WA

132 03/30/22 KMO Tacoma, WA 03/24/22 03/30/22 KKMO-1360
LIC Love Electric Company E 761 SEA 3M Tacoma, WA

133 03/30/22 KQY Portland, OR 03/29/22 03/30/22 DEL 05/03/23
LIC Stubbs Electric Company E 761 SEA 3M

134 03/30/22 WDV Omaha, NE 03/30/22 03/30/22 DEL 02/07/23
LIC John O. Yeiser Junior E 761 CHI 3M

135 03/30/22 WTP Bay City, MI 03/24/22 03/30/22 DEL 07/20/23
LIC George M. McBride E 761 DET 3M

136 03/31/22 KFI Los Angeles, CA –/–/– 03/31/22 KFI-640
LIC Earle C. Anthony E TG OWN — Los Angeles, CA

137 03/31/22 KGN Portland, OR 03/24/22 03/31/22 DEL 06/–/24 (?)
LIC Northwestern Radio Mfg Company E 761 SEA 3M

138 03/31/22 KLN Monterey, CA 03/24/22 03/31/22 DEL 11/30/23
LIC Noggle Electric Works E 761 SF 3M

139 03/31/22 KMC Reedley, CA 03/24/22 03/31/22 DEL 09/01/23
LIC Lindsay-Weatherill & Company E 761 SF 3M

140 03/31/22 WWL New Orleans, LA 03/31/22 03/31/22 WWL-870
LIC Loyola University E 761 NO 3M New Orleans, LA

04/–/22 Change WAH [122] El Dorado, KS

04/–/22 Change WBT [91] Charlotte, NC

04/–/22 Change WLK [38] Indianapolis, IN

04/–/22 Change WOC [48] Rock Island, IL
LOC: Davenport, IA OWNER: Palmer School of Chiropractic

04/–/22 Change WPA [87] Fort Worth, TX

141 04/03/22 WCK Saint Louis, MO 04/03/22 04/03/22 DEL 11/30/28(WSBF)
LIC Stix-Baer-Fuller E 761 CHI 3M

142 04/05/22 KHD Colorado Springs, CO 04/04/22 04/05/22 DEL 03/20/23
LIC C F Aldrich Marble & Granite M 761 CHI 3M

143 04/05/22 KNJ Roswell, NM 04/04/22 04/05/22 DEL 11/26/23
LIC Roswell Public Service Company E 761 NO 3M

144 04/05/22 KOB State College, NM 04/04/22 04/05/22 KKOB-770
LIC New Mexico College EM 761 NO 3M Albuquerque, NM

145 04/05/22 WBAA West Lafayette, IN 04/04/22 04/05/22 WBAA-920
LIC Purdue University E 761 CHI 3M West Lafayette, IN

146 04/05/22 WBL Anthony, KS 04/04/22 04/05/22 DEL 12/15/24
LIC T & H Radio Company E 761 CHI 3M

147 04/05/22 WCE Minneapolis, MN 04/04/22 04/05/22 DEL 12/01/23
LIC Findley Electric Company E 761 CHI 3M

148 04/05/22 WDZ Tuscola, IL 04/04/22 04/05/22 WDZ-1050
LIC James L. Bush E 761 CHI 3M Decatur, IL

149 04/05/22 WEB Saint Louis, MO 04/04/22 04/05/22 WIL-1430
LIC Benwood Company E 761 CHI 3M Saint Louis, MO

150 04/05/22 WMB Auburn, ME 04/04/22 04/05/22 DEL 03/21/23
LIC Auburn Electrical Company E 761 BOS 3M

151 04/05/22 WPE Kansas City, MO 04/04/22 04/05/22 KMBZ-980
LIC Central Radio Company E 761 CHI 3M Kansas City, MO

152 04/05/22 WPJ Philadelphia, PA 04/04/22 04/05/22 DEL 01/19/23
LIC Saint Joseph’s College E 761 — 3M

153 04/06/22 WJD Granville, OH 04/04/22 04/06/22 DEL 12/07/25
LIC Richard H. Howe E 761 DET 3M

154 04/06/22 WMA Anderson, IN 04/04/22 04/06/22 DEL 03/01/23(WEAW)
LIC Arrow Radio Laboratories E 761 CHI 3M

155 04/06/22 WOE Akron, OH 04/04/22 04/06/22 DEL 07/–/23 (?)
LIC Buckeye Radio Service Co E 761 DET 3M

156 04/06/22 WPI Clearfield, PA 04/04/22 04/06/22 DEL 07/20/23
LIC Electric Supply Company E 761 DET 3M

157 04/06/22 WPL Zanesville, OH 04/04/22 04/06/22 DEL 10/23/22
LIC Fergus Electric Company E 761 DET 3M

158 04/06/22 WSN Norfolk, VA 04/04/22 04/06/22 DEL 01/16/23
LIC Ship Owners Radio Service E 761 NOR 3M

159 04/06/22 WTG Manhatten, KS 04/04/22 04/06/22 KKSU-580
LIC Kansas State Agricultural Coll M 761 CHI 3M Manhatten, KS

160 04/07/22 WAAF Chicago, IL 04/07/22 04/07/22 WJPC-950
LIC Union Stock Yards & Transit Co EM 761 CHI 3M Chicago, IL

161 04/08/22 KGB Tacoma, WA 04/08/22 04/08/22 DEL 12/11/25
LIC William Mullins Electric Co E 761 SEA 3M

162 04/10/22 KJC Los Angeles, CA 04/08/22 04/10/22 DEL 01/24/23
LIC Standard Radio Company E 761 SF 3M

163 04/10/22 KNR Los Angeles, CA 04/08/22 04/10/22 DEL 08/23/22
LIC Beacon Light Company E 761 SF 3M

164 04/10/22 KNV Los Angeles, CA 04/08/22 04/10/22 DEL 04/02/24
LIC Radio Supply Company E 761 SF 3M

165 04/10/22 KON San Diego, CA 04/08/22 04/10/22 DEL 03/09/23
LIC Holzwasser E 761 SF 3M

166 04/10/22 KSS Long Beach, CA 04/08/22 04/10/22 DEL 04/02/24
LIC Prest & Dean Radio Research E 761 SF 3M

167 04/10/22 KXS Los Angeles, CA 04/08/22 04/10/22 DEL 03/09/23
LIC Braun Corporation E 761 SF 3M

168 04/10/22 KZI Los Angeles, CA 04/08/22 04/10/22 DEL 08/15/22
LIC Irving S. Cooper E 761 SF 3M

169 04/10/22 WAAH Saint Paul, MN 04/08/22 04/10/22 DEL 11/07/23
LIC Commonwealth Electric Company E 761 CHI 3M

170 04/10/22 WAAJ Boston, MA 04/08/22 04/10/22 DEL 05/15/23
LIC Eastern Radio Institute E 761 BOS 3M

171 04/10/22 WAAL Minneapolis, MN 04/08/22 04/10/22 DEL 06/23/23
LIC Minn Tribune& Anderson-Beamish E 761 CHI 3M

172 04/10/22 WAAM Newark, NJ 04/08/22 04/10/22 WNEW-1130
LIC I. R. Nelson Company E 761 NYC 3M New York, NY

173 04/10/22 WAAO Charles Town, WV 04/08/22 04/10/22 DEL 12/01/22
LIC Radio Service Company E 761 DET 3M

174 04/11/22 WAAG Shreveport, LA 04/11/22 04/11/22 DEL 12/19/22
LIC Elliott Electric Company E 761 NO 3M

175 04/12/22 KOE Spokane, WA 04/11/22 04/12/22 DEL 10/07/22
LIC Spokane Chronicle E 761 SEA 3M

176 04/12/22 KOQ Modesto, CA 04/11/22 04/12/22 DEL 09/06/22
LIC Modesto Evening News E 761 SF 3M

177 04/12/22 KQP Hood River, OR 04/11/22 04/12/22 KYTE-970
LIC Blue Diamond Electric Company EM 761 SEA 3M Portland, OR

178 04/12/22 WAAE Saint Louis, MO 04/11/22 04/12/22 DEL 09/23/22
LIC Saint Louis Chamber of Comm E 761 CHI 3M

179 04/13/22 KUS Los Angeles, CA 04/12/22 04/13/22 DEL 04/04/24
LIC City Dye Works & Laundry Co E 761 SF 3M

180 04/13/22 KWH Los Angeles, CA 04/12/22 04/13/22 DEL 03/18/25
LIC Los Angeles Examiner E 761 SF 3M

181 04/13/22 KXD Modesto, CA 04/12/22 04/13/22 DEL 03/10/24
LIC Herald Publishing Company E 761 SF 3M

182 04/13/22 WAAK Milwaukee, WI 04/12/22 04/13/22 DEL 12/01/23
LIC Gimbel Brothers E 761 CHI 3M

183 04/13/22 WAAN Columbia, MO 04/12/22 04/13/22 DEL 03/16/25
LIC University of Missouri E 761 CHI 3M

184 04/13/22 WAAQ Greenwich, CT 04/13/22 04/13/22 DEL 05/15/23
LIC New England Motor Sales Co E 761 BOS 3M

185 04/13/22 WAAR Huntington, WV 04/13/22 04/13/22 DEL 12/04/22
LIC Groves-Thornton Hardware Co E 761 DET 3M

186 04/13/22 WAAZ Emporia, KS 03/11/22 04/13/22 DEL 01/28/24
LIC Hollister-Miller Motor Company E TG OWN 3M

187 04/14/22 WAAP Wichita, KS 04/13/22 04/14/22 DEL 10/15/23
LIC Otto W. Taylor E 761 CHI 3M

188 04/17/22 KPO San Francisco, CA 04/13/22 04/17/22 KNBR-680
LIC Hale Brothers E 761 SF 3M San Francisco, CA

189 04/17/22 WAAB New Orleans, LA 04/04/22 04/17/22 WJBO-1150
LIC Times-Picayune E 761 — 3M Baton Rouge, LA

190 04/17/22 WAAS Decatur, GA 04/13/22 04/17/22 DEL 05/25/23
LIC Georgia Radio Company E 761 NOR 3M

191 04/19/22 WAAV Athens, OH 04/17/22 04/19/22 DEL 12/01/22
LIC Athens Radio Company E 761 DET 3M

192 04/19/22 WAAW Omaha, NE 04/17/22 04/19/22 KCRO-660
LIC Omaha Grain Exchange E 761 CHI 3M Omaha, NE

193 04/19/22 WAAX Crafton, PA 04/17/22 04/19/22 DEL 01/04/23
LIC Radio Service Corporation E 761 DET 3M

194 04/19/22 WAAY Youngstown, OH 04/17/22 04/19/22 DEL 06/12/23
LIC Yahrling-Rayner Piano Company E 761 DET 3M

195 04/19/22 WBAB Syracuse, NY 04/17/22 04/19/22 DEL 03/22/23
LIC Andrew J. Potter E 761 DET 3M

196 04/20/22 KZC Seattle, WA 04/14/22 04/20/22 DEL 04/11/23
LIC Public Market & Market Stores E 761 SEA 3M

197 04/21/22 KZN Salt Lake City, UT 04/20/22 04/21/22 KSL-1160
LIC The Deseret News EM 761 SF 3M Salt Lake City, UT

198 04/21/22 WBAE Peoria, IL 04/19/22 04/21/22 DEL 11/01/22
LIC Bradley Polytechnic Institute EM 761 CHI 3M

199 04/21/22 WBAF Moorestown, NJ 04/20/22 04/21/22 DEL 10/05/23
LIC Fred M. Middleton E 761 BAL 3M

200 04/21/22 WBAG Bridgeport, PA 04/20/22 04/21/22 DEL 04/16/23
LIC Diamond State Fibre Company EM 761 BAL 3M

201 04/21/22 WBAH Minneapolis, MN 04/20/22 04/21/22 DEL 09/05/24
LIC The Dayton Company E 761 CHI 3M

202 04/22/22 KTW Seattle, WA 04/13/22 04/22/22 DEL 08/30/75
LIC First Presbyterian Church E TG OWN 3M

203 04/22/22 WBAD Minneapolis, MN 04/19/22 04/22/22 DEL 04/22/24
LIC Sterling Elec & Journal Print E 761 — 3M

204 04/22/22 WBAJ Toledo, OH 04/21/22 04/22/22 DEL 01/02/23
REL Marshall-Gerken Company E 761 DET 3M

205 04/24/22 WAAC New Orleans, LA 04/05/22 04/24/22 DEL 11/25/25
LIC Tulane University E TG OWN 3M

206 04/24/22 WBAM New Orleans, LA 04/22/22 04/24/22 DEL 10/17/22
LIC I. B. Rennyson E 761 NO 3M

207 04/24/22 WBAN Paterson, NJ 04/24/22 04/24/22 DEL 04/10/25
LIC Wireless Phone Corporation E 761 NYC 3M

208 04/24/22 WIZ Cincinnati, OH 03/18/22 04/24/22 DEL 07/20/23
LIC Cino Radio Manufacturing Co EM 761 — 3M

209 04/25/22 KNN Los Angeles, CA 04/24/22 04/25/22 DEL 06/07/23
LIC Bullock’s E 761 SF 3M

210 04/25/22 KUY El Monte, CA 04/24/22 04/25/22 DEL 09/29/24
LIC Coast Radio Company E 761 SF 3M

211 04/25/22 WBAO Decatur, IL 04/24/22 04/25/22 WSOY-1340
LIC James Millikin University E 761 CHI 3M Decatur, IL

212 04/26/22 KNT Aberdeen, WA 04/25/22 04/26/22 DEL 03/19/25
LIC North Coast Products Company E 761 SEA 3M

213 04/26/22 KSC San Jose, CA 04/24/22 04/26/22 DEL 07/06/22
LIC O. A. Hale & Company E 761 SF 3M

214 04/26/22 KYF San Diego, CA 04/25/22 04/26/22 DEL 12/01/22
LIC Thearle Music Company E 761 SF 3M

215 04/26/22 WBAP Fort Worth, TX 04/26/22 05/02/22 WBAP-820
STA Wortham-Carter Publishing Co EM — — 3M Fort Worth, TX

216 04/28/22 WOI Ames, IA 03/06/22 04/28/22 WOI-640
LIC Iowa State College EM 761 CHI 3M Ames, IA

04/28/22 Change WGM [82] Atlanta, GA
FREQ: EM OWNER: Georgia Railway (Atlanta Cons)

217 04/29/22 KNI Eureka, CA 04/28/22 04/29/22 DEL 06/16/23
LIC T. W. Smith E 761 SF 3M

218 04/29/22 WBAQ South Bend, IN 04/28/22 04/29/22 DEL 11/07/22
LIC Myron L. Harmon (YMCA) E 761 CHI 3M

219 04/29/22 WBAU Hamilton, OH 04/28/22 04/29/22 DEL 09/17/23
LIC Repubican Publishing Company E 761 DET 3M

220 04/29/22 WBAV Columbus, OH 04/28/22 04/29/22 WTVN-610
LIC Erner & Hopkins Company E 761 DET 3M Columbus, OH

221 04/29/22 WBAW Marietta, OH 04/28/22 04/29/22 DEL 01/21/24
LIC Marietta College E 761 DET 3M

222 04/29/22 WBAX Wilkes-Barre, PA 04/28/22 04/29/22 WBAX-1240
LIC John H. Stenger Junior E 761 — 3M Wilkes-Barre, PA

223 04/29/22 WBAY New York, NY 04/29/22 04/29/22 DEL 11/06/24(WECO)
LIC American Telephone & Telegraph E 761 NYC 3M

05/–/22 Delete WDW [27] Washington, DC

05/–/22 Delete WEH [127] Tulsa, OK

05/–/22 Delete WHX [123] Des Moines, IA

05/–/22 Change KNJ [143] Roswell, NM

05/–/22 Change KUO [44] San Francisco, CA

05/–/22 Change WEW [108] Saint Louis, MO

05/–/22 Change WLW [62] Cincinnati, OH

224 05/01/22 KOJ Reno, NV –/–/– 05/01/22 DEL 06/07/22
LIC University of Nevada E — — 3M

225 05/01/22 WBAZ Richmond, VA 04/29/22 05/01/22 DEL 10/18/22
LIC Times-Dispatch Publishing Co E 761 BAL 3M

226 05/03/22 KLX Oakland, CA 05/03/22 05/03/22 KNEW-910
LIC Tribune Publishing Company E 761 SF 3M Oakland, CA

227 05/03/22 KZV Wenatchee, WA 05/03/22 05/03/22 DEL 06/–/24
LIC Wenatchee Battery & Motor Co E 761 SEA 3M

228 05/03/22 WCAB Newburgh, NY 05/03/22 05/03/22 DEL 06/15/23
LIC Newburgh News Print & Pub Co E 761 NYC 3M

229 05/03/22 WCAE Pittsburgh, PA 05/03/22 05/03/22 WTAE-1250
LIC Kaufman & Baer Company E 761 DET 3M Pittsburgh, PA

230 05/04/22 KNX Los Angeles, CA 05/04/22 05/04/22 KNX-1070
REL Electric Lighting Supply Co E 761 — 3M Los Angeles, CA

231 05/04/22 KQI Berkeley, CA 05/04/22 05/04/22 DEL 12/10/23
LIC University of California E 761 SF 3M

232 05/04/22 KYI Bakersfield, CA 05/03/22 05/04/22 DEL 05/01/23
LIC Alfred Harrell E 761 SF 3M

233 05/04/22 WCAC Fort Smith, AR 05/03/22 05/04/22 DEL 06/12/23
LIC John Fink Jewelry Company E 761 NO 3M

234 05/04/22 WCAD Canton, NY 05/03/22 05/04/22 DEL 06/03/41
LIC Saint Lawrence University E 761 — 3M

235 05/04/22 WCAG New Orleans, LA 05/04/22 05/04/22 DEL 07/15/25
LIC Daily States Publishing Co E 761 NO 3M

236 05/04/22 WCX Detroit, MI 05/04/22 05/04/22 WJR-760
LIC Detroit Free Press EM 761 CHI 3M Detroit, MI

05/05/22 Delete WPB [33] Pittsburgh, PA

237 05/06/22 WCAJ University Place, NE 05/06/22 05/06/22 DEL 08/01/33
LIC Nebraska Wesleyan University EM 761 CHI 3M

238 05/06/22 WCAK Houston, TX 05/06/22 05/06/22 DEL 01/10/25
LIC Alfred P. Daniel E 761 NO 3M

239 05/06/22 WCAL Northfield, MN 05/06/22 05/06/22 WCAL-770
LIC Saint Olaf College E 761 CHI 3M Northfield, MN

240 05/08/22 KDYL Salt Lake City, UT 05/08/22 05/08/22 KBUG-1320
LIC Telegram Publishing Company E 761 SF 3M Salt Lake City, UT

241 05/08/22 WCAM Villanova, PA 05/06/22 05/08/22 DEL 06/10/24
LIC Villanova College E 761 BAL 3M

242 05/08/22 WCAN Jacksonville, FL 05/08/22 05/08/22 DEL 10/26/22
LIC Southeastern Radio Telephone E 761 BAL 3M

243 05/08/22 WCAO Baltimore, MD 05/06/22 05/08/22 WCAO-600
LIC Sanders & Stayman Company E 761 BAL 3M Baltimore, MD

244 05/08/22 WCAP Decatur, IL 05/08/22 05/08/22 DEL 03/05/23
LIC Central Radio Service E 761 OWN 3M

245 05/09/22 KDYO San Diego, CA 05/08/22 05/09/22 DEL 01/24/23
LIC Carlson & Simpson E 761 SF 3M

246 05/09/22 KDYQ Portland, OR 05/08/22 05/09/22 DEL 01/23/25
LIC Oregon Institute of Technology M 761 SEA 3M

247 05/09/22 WCAQ Defiance, OH 05/08/22 05/09/22 DEL 03/–/23 (?)
LIC Tri-State Radio Mfg & Supply E 761 DET 3M

248 05/09/22 WCAR San Antonio, TX 05/08/22 05/09/22 KTSA-550
LIC Alamo Radio Electric Company E 761 NO 3M San Antonio, TX

249 05/09/22 WCAS Minneapolis, MN 05/08/22 05/09/22 DEL 09/04/31(WHDI)
LIC William Hood Dunwoody Inst E 761 CHI 3M

250 05/09/22 WCAT Rapid City, SD 05/08/22 05/09/22 DEL 10/28/52
LIC S Dakota State School of Mines M 761 CHI 3M

251 05/10/22 KDYM San Diego, CA 05/08/22 05/10/22 DEL 03/19/25
LIC Savoy Theatre E 761 SF 3M

252 05/10/22 KDYN Redwood City, CA 05/08/22 05/10/22 DEL 11/08/22
LIC Great Western Radio Corp E 761 SF 3M

253 05/10/22 KDYR Pasadena, CA 05/10/22 05/10/22 DEL 12/01/22
LIC Pasadena Star-News Publishing E 761 SF 3M

254 05/10/22 WCAU Philadelphia, PA 05/10/22 05/10/22 WCAU-1210
LIC Philadelphia Radiophone Co E 761 — 3M Philadelphia, PA

255 05/10/22 WHB Kansas City, MO 04/21/22 05/10/22 WHB-710
LIC Sweeny School Company EM RES OWN 3M Kansas City, MO

256 05/13/22 KDYS Great Falls, MT 05/13/22 05/13/22 DEL 11/30/23
LIC The Tribune E 761 SEA 3M

257 05/13/22 KDYU Klamath Falls, OR 05/13/22 05/13/22 DEL 11/01/22
LIC Herald Publishing Company E 761 SEA 3M

258 05/13/22 KDYV Salt Lake City, UT 05/13/22 05/13/22 DEL 03/15/23
LIC Cope & Cornwell Company E 761 SF 3M

259 05/13/22 WAAD Cincinnati, OH 04/06/22 05/13/22 DEL 06/15/29
LIC Ohio Mechanics Institute E TG OWN 3M

260 05/13/22 WCAH Columbus, OH 05/05/22 06/12/22 WBNS-1460
?TG Entrekin Electric Company E TG OWN 3M Columbus, OH

261 05/13/22 WCAV Little Rock, AR 05/13/22 05/13/22 DEL 03/11/25
LIC J. C. Dice Electric Company E 761 NO 3M

262 05/13/22 WCAW Quincy, IL 05/13/22 05/13/22 DEL 06/23/23
LIC Quincy Herald & Quincy Elec E 761 CHI 3M

263 05/13/22 WCAX Burlington, VT 05/13/22 05/13/22 WVMT-620
LIC University of Vermont E 761 BOS 3M Burlington, VT

264 05/15/22 KDYW Phoenix, AZ 05/15/22 05/15/22 DEL 04/04/24
LIC Smith Hughes & Company E 761 SF 3M

265 05/15/22 WCAY Milwaukee, WI 05/15/22 05/15/22 WTMJ-620
LIC Kesselman O’Driscoll Company E 761 CHI 3M Milwaukee, WI

266 05/15/22 WCAZ Quincy, IL 05/15/22 05/15/22 WCAZ-990
LIC Compton & Quincy Whig-General E 761 CHI 3M Carthage, IL

267 05/15/22 WDAA Nashville, TN 05/15/22 05/15/22 DEL 11/04/22
LIC Ward-Belmont School E 761 NO 3M

268 05/15/22 WDAB Portsmouth, OH 05/15/22 05/15/22 DEL 10/23/22
LIC H. C. Summers & Son E 761 DET 3M

269 05/15/22 WDAC Springfield, IL 05/15/22 05/15/22 DEL 05/05/23
LIC Illinois Watch Company M 761 CHI 3M

270 05/15/22 WDAD Lindsborg, KS 05/15/22 05/15/22 DEL 11/07/23
LIC William L. Harrison E 761 CHI 3M

271 05/15/22 WDAE Tampa, FL 05/15/22 05/15/22 WDAE-1250
LIC Tampa Daily Times EM 761 BAL 3M Tampa, FL

272 05/16/22 WDAF Kansas City, MO 05/16/22 05/16/22 WDAF-610
LIC Kansas City Star E 761 CHI 3M Kansas City, MO

273 05/16/22 WDAG Amarillo, TX 05/16/22 05/16/22 KGNC-710
LIC J. Laurance Martin E 761 NO 3M Amarillo, TX

274 05/16/22 WDAH El Paso, TX 05/16/22 05/16/22 DEL 10/01/40
LIC Mine & Smelter Supply Company E 761 NO 3M

275 05/16/22 WDAI Syracuse, NY 05/16/22 05/16/22 DEL 11/19/23
LIC Hughes Electrical Corporation E 761 DET 3M

276 05/18/22 KDYY Denver, CO 05/17/22 05/18/22 DEL 03/–/23
LIC Rocky Mountain Radio Corp E 761 CHI 3M

277 05/18/22 WDAJ College Park, GA 05/17/22 05/18/22 DEL 09/10/23
LIC Atlanta & West Point Railroad E 761 BAL 3M

05/19/22 Delete WGM [82] Atlanta, GA

278 05/19/22 KDZA Tucson, AZ 05/18/22 05/19/22 DEL 04/12/23
LIC Arizona Daily Star E 761 SF 3M

279 05/19/22 WDAL Jacksonville, FL 05/18/22 05/19/22 DEL 12/22/23
LIC Florida Times-Union EM 761 BAL 3M

280 05/19/22 WDAM New York, NY 05/18/22 05/19/22 WNBC-660
LIC Western Electric Company E 761 NYC 3M New York, NY

281 05/19/22 WDAN Shreveport, LA 05/18/22 05/19/22 KEEL-710
LIC Glenwood Radio Corporation E 761 NO 3M Shreveport, LA

282 05/19/22 WDAO Dallas, TX 05/18/22 05/19/22 DEL 06/–/24
LIC Automotive Electric Company E 761 NO 3M

283 05/19/22 WDAP Chicago, IL 05/19/22 05/19/22 WGN-720
LIC Mid West Radio Central Inc E 761 CHI 3M Chicago, IL

284 05/20/22 KDZB Bakersfield, CA 05/19/22 05/20/22 DEL 02/12/26
LIC Frank E. Siefert E 761 SF 3M

285 05/20/22 WDAQ Brownsville, PA 05/19/22 05/20/22 DEL 01/22/23
LIC Hartman-Riker Elec & Mach Co E 761 DET 3M

286 05/20/22 WDAR Philadelphia, PA 05/19/22 05/20/22 WFIL-610
LIC Lit Brothers E 761 BAL 3M Philadelphia, PA

287 05/22/22 WDAK Hartford, CT 05/17/22 05/22/22 DEL 07/30/24
LIC The Courant E TG OWN 3M

288 05/22/22 WDAS Worcester, MA 05/20/22 05/22/22 DEL 01/03/25
LIC Samuel A. Waite E 761 BOS 3M

289 05/22/22 WDAT Worcester, MA 05/20/22 05/22/22 DEL 10/05/22
LIC Delta Electric Company E 761 BOS 3M

290 05/22/22 WDAU New Bedford, MA 05/20/22 05/22/22 DEL 11/18/24
LIC Slocum & Kilburn E 761 BOS 3M

291 05/22/22 WDAW Atlanta, GA 05/20/22 05/22/22 DEL 08/28/23 (WGM)
LIC Georgia Railway & Power Co EM 761 NOR 3M

292 05/23/22 KDZD Los Angeles, CA 05/22/22 05/23/22 DEL 11/08/22
LIC W. R. Mitchell E 761 SF 3M

293 05/23/22 KDZE Seattle, WA 05/23/22 05/23/22 KMPS-1300
LIC The Rhodes Company E 761 SF 3M Seattle, WA

294 05/23/22 WDAV Muskogee, OK 05/22/22 05/23/22 DEL 01/15/23
LIC Muskogee Daily Phoenix E 761 NO 3M

295 05/23/22 WDAX Centerville, IA 05/22/22 05/23/22 DEL 01/03/24
LIC First National Bank E 761 CHI 3M

296 05/23/22 WDAY Fargo, ND 05/22/22 05/23/22 WDAY-970
LIC Kenneth M. Hance EM 761 CHI 3M Fargo, ND

297 05/25/22 KDZF Los Angeles, CA 05/24/22 05/25/22 DEL 04/04/24
LIC Automobile Club of Southern Ca E 761 SF 3M

298 05/25/22 KDZG San Francisco, CA 05/24/22 05/25/22 DEL 06/16/23
LIC Cyrus Peirce & Company E 761 SF 3M

299 05/25/22 KDZH Fresno, CA 05/24/22 05/25/22 DEL 05/16/23
LIC Fresno Evening Herald E 761 SF 3M

300 05/25/22 WEAA Flint, MI 05/24/22 05/25/22 WFDF-910
LIC Fallain & Lathrop E 761 DET 3M Flint, MI

301 05/25/22 WEAB Fort Dodge, IA 05/24/22 05/25/22 DEL 10/30/23
LIC Standard Radio Equipment Co E 761 CHI 3M

302 05/25/22 WEAC Terre Haute, IN 05/24/22 05/25/22 DEL 03/05/23
LIC Baines Elec Service Company E 761 CHI 3M

303 05/25/22 WEAD Atwood, KS 05/24/22 05/25/22 DEL 08/13/23
LIC Northwest Kansas Radio Supply E 761 CHI 3M

304 05/25/22 WEAE Blacksburg, VA 05/24/22 –/–/– DEL 03/01/23
? Virginia Polytechnic Institute E 761 — —

05/25/22 Change WDAM [280] New York, NY

305 05/26/22 KDZI Wenatchee, WA 05/25/22 05/26/22 DEL 07/18/24
LIC Electric Supply Company E 761 SEA 3M

306 05/26/22 KDZJ Eugene, OR 05/25/22 05/26/22 DEL 11/02/22
LIC Excelsior Radio Company E — SEA 3M

307 05/26/22 WEAH Wichita, KS 05/25/22 05/26/22 KFH-1330
LIC Wichita B.O.T. & Lander Radio EM 761 — 3M Wichita, KS

308 05/27/22 WEAI Ithaca, NY 05/26/22 05/27/22 WHCU-870
LIC Cornell University E 761 DET 3M Ithaca, NY

309 05/27/22 WEAJ Vermillion, SD 05/26/22 02/06/23 KUSD-690
AUT University of South Dakota E TG OWN 3M Vermillion, SD

310 05/29/22 KDZK Reno, NV 05/27/22 05/29/22 DEL 11/30/23
LIC Nevada Machinery & Electric Co E 761 SF 3M

311 05/29/22 KDZL Ogden, UT 05/27/22 05/29/22 DEL 03/13/23
LIC Rocky Mountain Radio Corp E 761 SF 3M

312 05/29/22 KDZM Centralia, WA 05/28/22 05/29/22 DEL 03/12/23
LIC E. A. Hollingworth E 761 SEA 3M

313 05/29/22 WEAG Edgewood, RI 05/25/22 05/29/22 DEL 11/12/23
LIC Nichols-Hineline-Bassett Lab E 761 BOS 3M

314 05/31/22 KDYX Honolulu, HI 05/16/22 05/31/22 DEL 06/17/24
LIC Star Bulletin E TG OWN 3M

315 05/31/22 KDZP Los Angeles, CA 05/31/22 05/31/22 DEL 01/24/23
LIC Newberry Electric Corporation E 761 SF 3M

316 05/31/22 KDZQ Denver, CO 05/31/22 05/31/22 KHOW-630
LIC Motor Generator Company E 761 CHI 3M Denver, CO

317 05/31/22 KDZR Bellingham, WA 05/31/22 05/31/22 DEL 12/20/24
LIC Bellingham Publishing Company E 761 SF 3M

318 05/31/22 WEAK Saint Joseph, MO 05/31/22 05/31/22 KGBX-1260
LIC Julius B. Abercrombie E 761 CHI 3M Springfield, MO

319 05/31/22 WEAM North Plainfield, NJ 05/31/22 05/31/22 DEL 12/21/28
LIC Borough of North Plainfield E 761 BAL 3M

Creating The Perpetual Party

“How to Create the Perpetual Party.”

Most parties of this day and age are small events; rarely bringing in more than
fifty to sixty people. A majority of these parties are sponsored by high
school kids who love being killed by their parents. All this is nice and well,
but if you want a real party, it has to last forever. The following instruc-
tions document entirely the materials and steps to be taken in order to create
the Perpetual Party. (Do not try this at home. You’ll never fix your house!)

In order to begin, you must have an overabundance of money or an inheritance
from some insane uncle. (He’d have to be insane to leave anything to you!)

Now, the first step is to purchase a good sized estate: about 10 to 15 acres.
Make sure you use Astro-turf and put steel cages around the trees. Upon this
tract of land, build a 20 bedroom, 10 bathroom, and 2 kitchen house. Make sure
that all walls, floors, and ceilings are fireproof, washproof, and immune to
structural damage.

The next step is to get furniture. Get heavy duty, king-sized beds, steel
reinforced tables, and about 6 to 7 bars. Be sure to bolt all furniture to the
floor. Oh, don’t forget to put a couch in every room. With vynil covers, of

The next step is to get entertainment. Get at least four or five stereo
systems, a VCR and TV for every room in the house, and one or two video game
rooms. If you think it will lengthen the attention span of your guests, you
can get live entertainment. Female and male strippers would do nicely. Or, if
you really want some raunchy material, get some female mud wrestlers. Also,
get at least five copies of every rock song and X-rated movie available. A
favorite thing to get is a swimming pool full of Jello. It provides for hours
of good, wholesome fun.

The next thing to be gotten is food and drink to last for at least a year or
two. Try to get foods with either high sodium, high sugar, and/or high grease
content. Good examples are potato chips, pretzels, cake, ice-cream, candy,
anything from McDonald’s or Wendy’s, or any organic material from a nearby
high-school cafeteria.

As far as drinks are concerned, try and avoid alcoholic beverages unless you
have a reliable bus service. Any type of accident can easily bring any party,
Perpetual or not, to an end. Good drinks to get are beer, vodka, tequila,
scotch, bourbon, rum, soda, etc. To complement the food and drinks, get the
following medicines: Ex-Lax, Pepto Bismol, Alka Seltzer, any type of generic
aspirin except Tylenol, and easy access to a toilet.

After all the above is achieved, the time to start the party has begun. In
order to get a good turnout for the first few weeks, you must advertise.
Advertisements in local newspapers are not enough, you must advertise in
magazines and other national periodicals that will not object to your ad. One
way to really bring ’em in is to advertise on TV and radio. This is where an
ad agency can come in handy.

Eventually, people will not take your ads as jokes and come to your place of
social immoralities. Now, here is where you must begin to plan ahead. Since
you have started a Perpetual Party, you must make sure it remains per- petual.
In order to do this, you must get contracts of indefinite termination with
certain companies. It is important to get a hold of a good and reliable
catering service. Keeping in touch with three or four local liquor shops is
necessary. See if you can get flat rate service from the phone company, and
buy stock in the electric company. With the bills you’ll be running up, it
will pay off.

By now, your vast riches have dwindled to almost nothing. Since this is a
business, you need capital, so charge your guests admission fees. Don’t make
the prices too high or people will not want to come. But don’t be too generous
or you’ll be broke in no time. If you can’t bear to charge admission in money,
at least charge it in food and/or drink. That way you’ll at least save on the
caterer. Try to throw fees around as much as you can without making it look
suspicious. One way to get money rolling in is to open up a small casino. Get
a license for it. As mentioned earlier, you want to avoid trouble.

Eventually, unless you had a very strange accident or are a mad scientist, you
will die. And if you make no plans for this, your party will certainly die
out. So, during the many years of partying, find one person who fits you the
best and get married and have kids. When you near your end, leave the entire
party, all profits, and all responsibilities to the kid who is the more extreme
party animal. Be sure to leave explicit instructions on how to run the party.
This document is perfect. If all goes well, things will continue under good

So far, these are the necessary steps needed to create the Perpetual Party. If
anything has been omitted, (which is probably true) go ahead and augment this
document. It’s your party anyway.

A Collection Of Palindromes

Newsgroups: misc.misc,misc.writing
From: (John Jensen)
Subject: Palindrome request: SUMMARY
Keywords: palindromes
Organization: Carleton University
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1992 05:07:15 GMT
Lines: 480

Well, my request for palindromes has been answered! Here is a summary
of all the ones that were posted to the net or sent to me via mail.
Many thanks to all who responded.

A dog, a plan, a canal: pagoda.

Rats live on no evil star.

Straw, no, to stupid a fad, I put soot on warts.

I roamed under it as a tired, nude Maori.

Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo,
Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena, Ida,
Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, Mario, Jan, Ina,
Lily, Arne, Betty, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne, Pearl,
Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora, Tina, Arden,
Noel, and Ellen sinned.

A man, a plan, a canal; Panama?

A man, a plan, a cat, a canal; Panama?

A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal–Panama!
Go deliver a dare, vile dog.

Doc note, I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod.


Mood’s mode!
Pallas, I won!
(Diaper pane, sold entire.)
Melt till ever sere, hide it.
Drown a more vile note;
(Tar of rennet.)
Ah, trowel, baton, eras ago.
The reward? A “nisi.” Two nag.

Otary tastes putrid, yam was green.
Odes up and on; stare we.
Rats nod. Nap used one-erg saw.
(May dirt upset satyr?)

A toga now; ’tis in a drawer, eh?
Togas are notable.
(Worth a tenner for Ate`.)
Tone liver. O Man, word-tied I.

Here’s revel!
Little merit, Ned? Lose, Nap?
Repaid now is all apedom’s doom.

Tarzan raised a Desi Arnaz rat.

Able was I, ere I saw Elba!

If I had a hi-fi

A man, a plan, a canoe, pasta, hero’s, rajahs, a coloratura,
maps, snipe, percale, macaroni, a gag, a banana bag, a tan,
a tag, a banana bag again, or: a camel, a crepe, pins, spam,
a rut, a Rolo, cash, a jar, sore hats, a peon, a canal, Panama!

Here is some information about a few palindromes related to the one
you mention. As far as I know, the first person to put a cat in the
canal was Jim Saxe, in his 9 October 1983 plan file.

A man, a plan, a cat, a canal; Panama?

Guy Jacobson added several items later that year.

A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal–Panama!

Guy’s palindrome appears on page 127 of COMMON LISP, THE LANGUAGE
(page 170 of the 2nd edition). The 2nd edition of COMMON LISP, THE
LANGUAGE also contains the remarkable:

A man, a plan, a canoe, pasta, heros, rajahs, a coloratura, maps,
snipe, percale, macaroni, a gag, a banana bag, a tan, a tag, a
banana bag again (or a camel), a crepe, pins, Spam, a rut, a Rolo,
cash, a jar, sore hats, a peon, a canal–Panama!

which is presumably the work of Guy Steele, the book’s author.

I dredged up the problem in 1984, and discovered the following 540-word
version with the help of a computer program that I wrote.

A man, a plan, a caret, a ban, a myriad, a sum, a lac, a liar,
a hoop, a pint, a catalpa, a gas, an oil, a bird, a yell, a vat,
a caw, a pax, a wag, a tax, a nay, a ram, a cap, a yam, a gay,
a tsar, a wall, a car, a luger, a ward, a bin, a woman, a vassal,
a wolf, a tuna, a nit, a pall, a fret, a watt, a bay, a daub,
a tan, a cab, a datum, a gall, a hat, a fag, a zap, a say, a jaw,
a lay, a wet, a gallop, a tug, a trot, a trap, a tram, a torr,
a caper, a top, a tonk, a toll, a ball, a fair, a sax, a minim,
a tenor, a bass, a passer, a capital, a rut, an amen, a ted,
a cabal, a tang, a sun, an ass, a maw, a sag, a jam, a dam, a sub,
a salt, an axon, a sail, an ad, a wadi, a radian, a room, a rood,
a rip, a tad, a pariah, a revel, a reel, a reed, a pool, a plug,
a pin, a peek, a parabola, a dog, a pat, a cud, a nu, a fan, a pal,
a rum, a nod, an eta, a lag, an eel, a batik, a mug, a mot, a nap,
a maxim, a mood, a leek, a grub, a gob, a gel, a drab, a citadel,
a total, a cedar, a tap, a gag, a rat, a manor, a bar, a gal,
a cola, a pap, a yaw, a tab, a raj, a gab, a nag, a pagan, a bag,
a jar, a bat, a way, a papa, a local, a gar, a baron, a mat, a rag,
a gap, a tar, a decal, a tot, a led, a tic, a bard, a leg, a bog,
a burg, a keel, a doom, a mix, a map, an atom, a gum, a kit,
a baleen, a gala, a ten, a don, a mural, a pan, a faun, a ducat,
a pagoda, a lob, a rap, a keep, a nip, a gulp, a loop, a deer,
a leer, a lever, a hair, a pad, a tapir, a door, a moor, an aid,
a raid, a wad, an alias, an ox, an atlas, a bus, a madam, a jag,
a saw, a mass, an anus, a gnat, a lab, a cadet, an em, a natural,
a tip, a caress, a pass, a baronet, a minimax, a sari, a fall,
a ballot, a knot, a pot, a rep, a carrot, a mart, a part, a tort,
a gut, a poll, a gateway, a law, a jay, a sap, a zag, a fat,
a hall, a gamut, a dab, a can, a tabu, a day, a batt, a waterfall,
a patina, a nut, a flow, a lass, a van, a mow, a nib, a draw,
a regular, a call, a war, a stay, a gam, a yap, a cam, a ray,
an ax, a tag, a wax, a paw, a cat, a valley, a drib, a lion,
a saga, a plat, a catnip, a pooh, a rail, a calamus, a dairyman,
a bater, a canal–Panama.

This was done with the Unix spelling dictionary and a fairly
simple-minded program. With a better word list and a smarter program
I’m sure the palindrome could be ten times as long.

I am somewhat concerned that people have been redistributing these
palindromes without attribution. Please don’t do so. And if you get
a copy of my palindrome without my name on it, I would appreciate it
if you mention my objection to whoever sends it to you.

Dan Hoey

Rise to vote sir

Madam I’m Adam

A Toyota! Race fast, safe car. A Toyota

You can cage a swallow can’t you but you can’t swallow a cage can you?

Madam in Eden, I’m Adam.

Sit on a potato pan, Otis.

Top step’s pup’s pet spot.

A fine snore, rare Ronsen IFA.

A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!

Satan oscillate my metallic sonatas.

Cigar? Toss it in a can, it is so tragic.

Unremarkable was I ere I saw Elba Kramer, nu?

A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal – Panama!

A man, a plan, a canoe, pasta, heros, rajahs, a coloratura, maps,
snipe, percale, macaroni, a gag, a banana bag, a tan, a tag, a banana
bag again (or a camel), a crepe, pins, Spam, a rut, a Rolo, cash, a
jar, sore hats, a peon, a canal – Panama!

Oh, no! Don Ho!

Bonk! One Mac. Newton sees not wen came (no knob).

Lisa Bonet ate no basil.

Toni Tennille fell in net. I, not!

Vanna, wanna V?

Man, Oprah’s sharp on A.M.

Damn! I, Agassi, miss again! Mad!

(… Yawn.) Madonna Fan? No damn way!

E. Borgnine drags Dad’s gardening robe.

Neil A. sees alien!

The almanac can am laeth

I’m runnin’! – Nurmi

A man, a plan, a canal…Suez!

Is Don Adams mad? (A nod.) Si!

No, Mel Gibson is a casino’s big lemon.

Alan Alda stops racecar, spots ad: “Lana-L.A.”

Bush saw Sununu swash sub.

Cain: A maniac!

Depardieu, go razz a rogue I draped.

Ed, I saw Harpo Marx ram Oprah W. aside.

I, Rasputin, knit up Sari.

Let O’Hara gain an inn in a niagara hotel.

Noriega can idle, held in a cage…Iron!

O, geronimo, no minor ego!

Plan no damn Madonna LP.

Red lost case, Ma. Jesse James acts older.

Sis, ask Costner to not rent socks “As Is”!

So, G. Rivera’s tots are virgos.

T. Eliot nixes sex in toilet!

To Idi Amin: I’m a idiot!
A dog! A panic in a pagoda!

A slut nixes sex in Tulsa.

A tin mug for a jar of gum, Nita.

Ah, Satan sees Natasha.

Al lets Della call Ed Stella.

amaryllis sillyrama

Animal loots foliated detail of stool lamina.

Bird rib.

Bombard a drab mob.

But sad Eva saved a stub.

Camus sees sumac.

Cigar? Toss it in a can, it is so tragic.

Daedalus: nine, Peninsula: dead.

Dairy myriad.

Deirdre wets altar of St. Simons – no mists, for at last ewer dried.

Denim axes examined.

Dennis and Edna sinned.

Dior droid.

Drat Sadat, a dastard!

Drat Saddam, a mad dastard!

Draw, o coward!

Egad! No bondage!

Egad, an adage!

emu fat sap pasta fume

Enid and Edna dine:
Eda Nomel’s lemonade
Bel Paese a pleb
Parkay yak rap
Feeble el beef
Roti de pup editor
Eel, urbane hen a brulee
Self-furnace Pecan ruffles

Eros? Sidney, my end is sore.

Evil olive.

Flee to me, remote elf.

Flesh! Saw I Mimi wash self!

Gert, I saw Ron avoid a radio-van – or was it Reg?

Gnu dung.

Go hang a salami! I’m a lasagna hog!

God! A red nugget! A fat egg under a dog!

God, a slap! Paris, sir, appals a dog.

Goldenrod-adorned log

Golf? No sir, prefer prison-flog.

Gustav Klimt milk vats – ug!

I maim Miami.

I roamed under it as a tired, nude Maori.

I, zani Nazi.

Jar a tonga, nag not a raj.

Kay, a red nude, peeped under a yak.

Kayak salad – Alaska yak.

Lager, Sir, is regal.

Laminated E.T. animal.

Lay a wallaby baby ball away, Al.

Lepers repel.

“M” lab menial slain: embalm.

Ma is a nun, as I am.

Man, Eve let an irate tar in at eleven a.m.

May a moody baby doom a yam?

Mayhem, eh Yam?

“Miry rim! So many daffodils,” Delia wailed, “slid off a dynamo’s miry rim!”

Must sell at tallest sum.

Naomi, did I moan?

Ned, go gag Ogden.

Never odd or even.

No lemons, no melon.

Nog eroded Oregon.

Nosegay ages on.

Now Ned, I am a maiden nun: Ned, I am a maiden won.

O.E.D. or rodeo?

Pa’s a sap.

Paganini: Din in A Gap.

Party boobytrap.

Poor Dan is in a droop.

Red Nevada vendor.

Reflog a golfer

Reno loner

“Reviled did I live,” said I, “as evil I did deliver.”

Rise, take lame female Kate, sir.

Rococo “R”.

Rot-corpse Sumatran art amuses proctor.

Senile Felines

Sex at noon taxes.

Sex-aware era waxes.

Sh, Tom sees moths.

Sir, I soon saw Bob was no Osiris.

Sis, Sargasso Moss a grass is.

Sit on a potato pan, Otis.

Sniff’um muffins.

So, Ida, adios!

Solo gigolos.

Sore eye, Eros?

Sore was I ere I saw Eros.

Stab nail at ill Italian bats.

Star comedy by Democrats.

Stella won no wallets

Step on no pets!

Stop! Murder us not, tonsured rumpots!

Strategem: megatarts.

straw warts

T. Eliot, top bard, notes putrid tang emanating, is sad. “I’d assign it a
name: gant dirt upset on drab pot toilet

Tarzan raised Desi Arnaz’ rat.

Tense, I snap Sharon roses, or Norah’s pansies net.

Too bad, I hid a boot.

Trafalgar rag: La Fart

Tuna nut

U.F.O. tofu.

Viva le te de Tel Aviv

Was raw tap ale not a reviver at one lap at Warsaw?

We seven, Eve, sew.

Yawn a more Roman way.

Yell upset a cider: predicates pulley.

Yo! Bottoms up, U.S. Motto, boy!


Subi dura a rudibus (endure rough treatement from uncultured brutes)

Sator Arepo tenet opera rotas (The sower Arepo works with the help of a wheel.)


Saippuakauppias (soap dealer)
(the longest one word palindrome in the world!)

suolatalous – salt economy

iso rikas sika sokosakissa kirosi – a fat rich pig cursed in a poker gang

isa, ala myy myymalaasi – father, don’t sell your shop (two dots over those a’s)

Llad dafad dall (kill a blind sheep)

Ni talar bra latin (you speak good Latin)

| John Jensen Department of Political Science |
| Carleton University |
| CI$: 76104,2030 Ottawa, Canada |

The Backcountry Turing Test

Newsgroups: rec.backcountry
From: (Eugene N. Miya)
Subject: [l/m 11/5/92] Telling questions r.b. Turing test DW: (20/28) XYZ
Organization: NAS Program, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 93 12:20:16 GMT
Lines: 546

Descriptive portion of the test

True or false:
New York is where I’d rather stay. I get allergic smelling hay.
I just adore a penthouse view. Darling I love you, but give me Park Avenue.
If True, hit ‘n’ now.

Thermarest index: For sleeping (select one)
A) Bed (perhaps water) with a canopy and mirror above are required.
B) A feather bed is the ONLY requirement.
C) A nice firm mattress suits me fine, a hotel room or vehicle will do.
D) A tent over my head is a necessity.
E) A Thermarest is the only way to go.
F) An Ensolite is quite adequate for me.
G) A flat bed of sand is enough in summer time.
H) Any flat ledge is comfortable. Pad? Too heavy.

Water index:
I) Perrier, s’il vous plait?

J) In the desert, I insist the water I drink be clear and bug free.

K) I have to be able to clearly see the bottom of the cut before I drink the

L) The presence of a few floaters, sinkers or suspensions in my water does
not bother me. Zooplankton add protein.

M) A little grit helps the digestive tract.

Fire index:
N) Nothing like a nice, big, roaring camp (bon) fire. Makes it feel homey.

O) Ugh! Can we make Red-man fire?

P) Fire?! I’m telling Smokey the Bear on you!

Fire index 2 (aka stove index):
Q) I know how to use the microwave

R) Gas heats best.

S) Priming? I prefer Bleuet

T) I eat food cold.

U) Svea priming? No sweat, just slobber with fuel.

V) MSR priming? Sure, in a tent.

Can you explain how a Svea, Primus, or Optimus stove works?

Fire index 3:

V) I can’t even get my stove to light.

W) “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”

X) Douce with white gas and light.

Y) Start stove. Start wood fire using the stove.

Z) Matches/Bic lighter

A) Flint and steel

B) Rub two sticks

Earth index:
Which word do you use with frequency:

C) Dirt (or mud)

D) Soil (or loam)

E) Earth (or regolith)

Fauna Index
F) Animals! Ugh! Dirty.

G) Animals! Ah, so cute, don’t you just want to feed them?

H) Well, we’re not supposed to, but just a little crumb is okay.

I) Nope, nothing what so ever. Camp robbers!

J) Nope, nothing what so ever. Natural foods for you.

K) Don’t get started.

Mosquito index:
L) A pit helmet and net for me.

M) DEET is fine.

N) Bugs? What bugs?

O) When you swat a mosquito and it falls into you food, you think:
Fresh protein.

Plant index:
Which word do you use with frequency:
P) Weeds

Q) Plants

R) Flora

On a scale of 1-10, rate the value of toilet paper.

Bathing/Washing Index:
Note the maximum number of days you would go without a bath or shower:
(Simple hand washings can be ignored [assume IEEE Floating Point: Inf is
an option])

Technology index:
S) The thin mylar spaceblankets reflect 90% of your body’s heat back to you.
They are quite adequate.

T) Clothing colors must coordinate like Liz Claiborne.

U) A down comforter is the way to go.

V) Everything should be Patagonia (or LL Bean).

W) Covered in thick rugged wool from head to toe (olive drab is the usual

X) What ever I can afford. If I can pay for fiberfill, then so be it.

Compass index:

Y) Why bother? The only use of a topo map I know is to start fires.

Z) Ask someone which way is north.

A) I can use a compass to find magnetic north.

B) I can use a compass and the magnetic declination to find true north.

Navigation index:

C) I need a (large) landmark that I know I’m South of.

D) I need a compass to find north

E) I can find the north star on a clear night

F) If the sun is shining then I can find north using a watch or a 3 foot stick.

Swim index I:

H) Where’s the hot tub?

I) Not unless it’s heated and chlorinated.

J) Only if it is fairly weed and algea free.

K) As long as it’s wet and ice free.

L) Chop a hole in the ice and jump in.

Swim index II:

M) Not without a swimsuit.

N) Underware will do in a pinch.

O) Skinnydipping is ok if I’m alone.

P) Skinnydipping is ok if no members of the opposite sex are near.

Q) I don’t care who is watching. Just grin and “bare” it.

Temperature index (i.e. temperature ranges one is willing to be
outside [with adequate clothing and water])
R) 60 to 70F
S) 40 to 80F
T) 20 to 90F
U) 0 to 100F
V) -20 to 110F
W) absolute zero to infinity.

Real test starts here:
Telling questions:

You are hiking on a trail when you catch up to another party
travelling in the same direction but slower. Do you:
a) Pass them without saying a word.
b) Ask to pass.
c) Stay behind them.
Why? Name other conditions which may effect this answer.

You are packing with friends who are enjoying those dehydrated meals
(you know, the same ones you eat). As you are cleaning up for the
evening, you notice your friend throw that nice little foil and
plastic pouch into the fire. What do you do?

Would you be backpacking|climbing, etc. if the equipment weighed
twice as much?

Driving home on a steep, twisty mountain road at night. You come
upon an accident. The fire danger is very high. Do you put road
flares out?

You, your spouse, and your child have an accident. Given an
equal probability of rescue, which you can only do once,
who do you save?

You witness two people wander onto a frozen lake and fall thru.
What is the first rule of rescue?

Is the privilege of just seeing Yosemite enough?

How much would you pay for gas to visit the backcountry?

You are on Mt. Everest. Two members of your international team
were climbing high. A tyrolean traverse was needed to return.
The German member thought nothing of this section and started
back, but his partner, the Indian member had trouble. The
German waited and stompped his feet until he could take it no
more. He went back to camp and got you the assistant climbing
leader. You rushed up high as quickly as your could with 6
other members. You wisely grabbed a set of ski poles as wands
to find your way back. Night is approaching and a storm is
coming. You reach the Indian; he is badly frozen but alive.
The members decide to try to lower into a crevice to escape
the storm. Hacking together available fixed rope, you lower
the stricten Indian, but you are 40 feet, too short. What do
you do?

See the film Back to the Future III. In one scene, the character
Marty gets some water. Would you drink it?

You are faced with making a dicey rock climbing move.
Your only real hold is a locker finger jam. If you bury your finger
in the jam and fall, you will most likely severely damage/lose the finger.
If you loosely grip the hold, you will probably fall.
How do you make the move?

A heel hook is the most secure way to make the move, but if you fall upside
down while hooking, you may get hurt.

If you try to clip a fixed piece midway through a strenuous crux,
you will probably pump out and fall, but if you don’t clip it you may
take a long whipper.

If you try to make turns while skiing an icy slope, you will probably fall,
but if you don’t make turns, you may develop a dangerous amount of speed.

True or false: The natural world exists and only has value in the
context of Mankind.

If you take the bivy sack to the summit, you will probably need it,
but if you don’t….

You are driving to the woods. You arrive at a broken traffic intersection
street light. Four cars arrive simultaneously from each of the four
directions. Who goes first?

You are offered a class on wilderness medicine on a given weekend. You
were hoping to go backpacking that weekend. Do you take the class or do
you go backpacking (and hope you will not need the class before you have
another chance to take it)?

Is there a situation where you would break the law to defend your family?
To defend your home?
To defend your environment?

Your new husband is from Alaska, “the frozen state,” do you move up there
and join him?

Your new wife is from New York City, the concrete jungle. Do you move
there to join her?

You are snowmobiling in Yellowstone in winter. You see a bison break thru
the ice into the frozen river. Assume you have a rope. Do you rescue the
bison? A ranger comes by, what do you think the ranger would say?

Would you defend your family, even if it meant breaking the law?
Would you defend your house, when only property and not life was threatened,
even if it meant breaking the law?
Would you defend your environment, even if it meant breaking the law?

You come across a pair of turkeys busyly making sure that there will be
a new generation of turkeys. Do you watch quietly, make some noise (so
that they know you are there) or leave (letting them have some privacy)?
What if they are human instead of feathered?
What if the story involved bears|bares instead?

If a tree falls in a forest and no human is around, does it make a sound?
If a tree falls in a forest and no human is around, does it have data?

At what age, or how do you tell, when you become too old to drive?

Rappeling has been justly flamed in many recent posts – but I have to
respond a little. Not every group of rappelers you encounter out are
necessarily rap-junkie nerds. I helped teach a vertical techniques
class to a group of cavers a couple weeks ago – and vertical techniques
for cavers means rappel and jumar practice. Your choice – you are
several hours underground, following a good breeze down a streamway, and
you come to the top of a pit of unknown depth. Typically, it is smooth
walled and overhanging. Rappel or downclimb? Remember, this is a stream
passage – whatever you do, you are going to be in the water. Ok, so you
rap the pit…on the return trip, you are now confronted by an overhanging,
smooth walled, waterfall – that happens to have a nice static rope hanging
down in it. Climb, perhaps using the rope as a top belay, or jumar?
Second scenario: El Sotano de las Golondrinas, Mexico. Here you have a
pit some 200 feet in diameter, opening to the surface, which bells out
quickly below the lip. On the near side, the bottom is 1100 feet straight
down. The walls of the pit are pretty solid near the top, but very rotten
in several layers. Downclimb or rappel? You rap, of course, assuming you
planned ahead and brought adequate rope (we had a 1500′ PMI when I was
there a few years back). You rig off a block that hangs over the edge, and
never touch the wall after the first five feet – by the time you reach the
bottom, the walls are many hundred feet distant. Ascent: climb or jumar?
Jumar, of course – but if you are going to be doing much of this kind of
thing, you are going to develop some strange systems for climbing rope.
Two jumars and a pair of etriers just don’t cut it after a couple hundred
feet of free hanging rope.

Do you trench your tent?

You are skiing in mountainous backcountry with a group of five skiers. The
trail emerges from the trees on a sidehill. Trees are absent above and below
the trail, but reappear about 150 feet ahead. What do you do?
Suppose you are on the return leg of a 15 mile loop. What do you do?
Consider equipment you may have and weather conditions over the past month
when solving the problem.

You are to lead a backcountry skiing day trip. The trip is only 6 miles
long, round trip. The elevation is over 11,000 feet. The sky is clear.
Two members of the group show up expecting to ski in blue jeans. Do you
allow them to go?

Your car dies in a desert, 30 miles from the nearest town. It is early
morning and the temperature is already over 100 degrees. No one will miss
you for the next week (you are on vacation). No one is likely to drive past
in the next week either. You only have 1 quart of water. Do you stay
with the car or start walking to town? Do you drink the the water as
you feel you are thirsty or do you try to ration it?

You tend to participate in activities above your skill level, i.e.
ski black slopes as an intermediate skier, do not attend classes,
or use gear designed for teh activity (i.e. backpacking w/ only an
old sleeping bag, a zippo lighter, a bag of tortilla chips and
a Sunday paper).
Is ths acceptable behaviour? Does the ‘go with the flow’ attitude
enhance or detract from the experience? Does the ‘well, I won’t hurt
abyone else if I screw up’ attitude remove moral culpability?

Five guys are crossing a glacier near the Chinese border, a kind of neutral
strip. They spent 2 months for getting a permit to there – they had to
convince the Border Guard. Suddenly a military helicopter drops them a
capsule. Inside is an order to come back. Should they go back =?

A band of four is swiftly skiing across a treeless rugged backountry towards
the ridges of Ural. They do it for 4 days, crossing numerous passages. All of a
sudden, one of them tells to their leader that he has a stomach ulcer and
it just turned worse. =?

You just went to sleep at your tent in a nice valley of Caucasus. Suddenly
a ranger wakes you up asking for help and good anesthetics: somebody up
there fell and has a vertebrae problem. Surprisingly you have what they
haven’t. A night ascent -> that lady with crushed vertebrae is not to be
brutally transported -> there’s a chance to get a copter, but no
walkie-talkie. These poor rangers have a car radio below in the valley.
You spend the rest of the night to get there. There really is one ranger
in the car, and he’s absolutely drunk, barely able to say something.
he says: tha-yk! you guys yek! would you -wmmm? drink too – =?

You got a ticket to a plane that flies from the city of Norilsk to a frozen
lake at Putorana Mountains, some 300 miles ahead. The plane appears to be
out of order, so you are told to be ready to use the next flight – which is
2 weeks later. Meanwhile, your permit is issued by the Border Guard and
expires a month later. It’s possible to get to mountains by ski – their
foothills are just in 140 miles from you. =?

You just broke/lost your compass in the middle of an eight hour (or
eight day) hike and you are in a maze of twisty little valleys very
similar. How can you find your way out? (assume going down stream
will not get you to civilianization in a reasonable time.)

Before you are the disassembled parts of a high powered hunting
rifle and the assembly directions written in Swahili, in five
minutes an angry rhino will charge into your room. Solve this problem.


What is the role of forgetting to an AI system?

Can you prove your educational flexibility?

You are in the desert, at your feet is a tortoise. The tortoise
is laying on his back in the hot desert sun…..

Good questions always sought.

If you think the out of doors is a social process or a social club,
that the forest is like Bambi, or Rambo, or the movies,
you are mistaken. This is how track skiers and sport climbers get
into trouble in increasing numbers. Get out while you can.

–rec.backcountry.nimng ranger

TABLE OF CONTENTS of this chain:

20/ “Telling questions” backcountry Turing test
21/ AMS
22/ Words from Foreman and Hayduke
23/ A bit of song (like camp songs)
24/ What is natural?
25/ A romantic notion of high-tech employment
26/ Other news groups of related interest, networking
27/ Films/cinema references
28/ References (written)
2/ Ethics
3/ Learning I
4/ learning II (lists, “Ten Essentials,” Chouinard comments)
5/ Summary of past topics
6/ Non-wisdom: fire-arms topic circular discussion
7/ Phone / address lists
8/ Fletcher’s Law of Inverse Appreciation and advice
9/ Water Filter wisdom
10/ Words from Rachel Carson
11/ Snake bite
12/ Netiquette
13/ Questions on conditions and travel
14/ Dedication to Aldo Leopold
15/ Leopold’s lot.
16/ Morbid backcountry
17/ Information about bears
18/ Poison ivy, frequently ask, under question
19/ Lyme disease, frequently ask, under question

A Visit To Origin Systems


By late October in the Hill Country of Texas, the scorching heat of summer has
mellowed into warm days and cool nights. The sun’s rays are welcome rather than
shunned, and it is easy to kick back and relax in some of the finest weather and
scenery that Texas has to offer. But in one set of offices nestled in the hills
outside of Austin, the energy is beginning to approach a fever pitch. Just
around the corner is Christmas, traditionally the busiest time of year for
computer games and the companies that produce them. Origin Systems is certainly
no exception.

I had the opportunity to visit the Origin offices and learn about the games
they’ve created, as well as a few that they’re working on now. In this report, I
hope to convey some of the creative energy and excitement of the work being done
at Origin, while providing some insight into the way modern computer games are


During my visit, Lord British (aka Richard Garriott) was working night and day
(literally) on his Spookhouse, set to run for the five days leading up to
Halloween. He did have some time to chat with me about his ULTIMA series of
computer role-playing games.

Over a dinner of sesame chicken, I asked Richard about the moral themes that
ran through the latest ULTIMA Trilogy (ULTIMA’s IV through VI). Where would he
take this thread next, or was it destined to be dropped?

Richard replied by first correcting me: “My games are concerned with _ethical_
issues, not moral ones.” He went on to explain that ethics are founded on logic,
and provide a systematic basis for human interaction. Morality, by contrast,
tends to be dogmatic and rigid, a point amply demonstrated in ULTIMA V. He also
said that his pursuit of ethical issues would continue in ULTIMA VII.

Richard cautioned that ULTIMA VII was not yet defined. He did say that the game
would be yet another re-working of the ULTIMA game system. “Each time, I tear
down the old and create something new, hopefully preserving some of the best
ideas of previous ULTIMAs, while breaking new ground. We also work hard to
preserve the spirit of ULTIMA in each game, so that even as the system evolves,
you can always tell when you are playing an ULTIMA.”

As I struggled with my chopsticks, we discussed the WORLDS OF ULTIMA games, and
Richard mentioned that these games would use the most current ULTIMA system.
Thus, SAVAGE EMPIRE uses the ULTIMA VI system, as does the WORLDS OF ULTIMA game
in development: MARTIAN DREAMS. For the first time, the elaborate systems
developed for the ULTIMA games is being re-used in other, similar games to take
advantage of the latest advance in computer role-playing engineered by Richard
and the crew at Origin.

I mentioned the recent success of WING COMMANDER, and Richard nodded
vigorously. “It’s a fantastic game, Chris [Roberts, the designer] has done an
incredible job. However, I admit to some ambivalent feelings. Till now, the
success of Origin depended to a large degree on my work with ULTIMA. Now that
isn’t true, which of course is an adjustment for my ego.” He laughed a bit at
this, and seemed obviously pleased with the new situation. He also gave credit
to Chris for inspiring some of the new interface ideas used in ULTIMA VI through
Chris’s game, TIMES OF LORE.


Chris and I were able to chat as we recovered from a horseback ride in the
hills. We began by talking about his newest game, WING COMMANDER.

Chris emphasized the cinematic elements in the game, pointing out some of the
visual effects that help propel the story line and convey some sense of how the
player’s actions fit into the scheme of things. He pointed out that there were
40 missions in WING COMMANDER, but most players will see only a subset of those
(perhaps two dozen) while playing a complete game. Not only does this enhance
replay value, but it gives players who fail at a mission a different path
through the game. Thus, it can actually be more enjoyable to struggle through
the complete game, as a player may then get to experience more of the missions

Another innovation that Chris was excited about is the way he used music to
dynamically reflect the action taking place in the game. In WING COMMANDER, the
music shifts in tone depending on what is happening to the player. Again, this
lends a cinematic feel to the game, with the music helping to establish the
right mood for each situation.

Chris is also enthused about the 3-D bit-map technology employed in the game. I
asked him how he was able to achieve real-time animation using sophisticated 3-D
images. The secret, he told me, is in doing the work ahead of time. First, 3-D
polygons are generated for each object in the game. Then, bit-maps are painted
for each facet of these polygons. Finally, the bit-maps are rotated through all
angles of display for each polygon. These different images are stored in memory
when the game is started, and retrieved dynamically as required for the game.

Needless to say, this puts a tremendous premium on memory when running a
program of this type. That was one of the reasons for the use of expanded memory
by WING COMMANDER. Fortunately, for those of us who don’t have expanded memory,
WING COMMANDER will run using just 640K of RAM; what you lose are some special
effects and some caching of images.

I suggested that Origin was the first company I knew of to break the 640K
barrier, and asked Chris if he had any concerns about being a pioneer. He
responded by saying that he felt it was important for Origin to be out in front
of the technology. This includes not only the ability to exploit the
capabilities of high-powered machines, but also the use of other technologies,
such as CD-ROM.

Chris and I chatted about other games that he found interesting, and DUNGEON
MASTER was mentioned. Chris pointed out that Origin is working on a new game
(tentatively entitled TUNNELS OF ULTIMA) that he promises will go beyond DUNGEON
MASTER. Chris described how you’ll be able to move freely in the new game,
rather than by squares and 90-degree turns. Walls and objects will be 3-D
bit-maps, similar to those used in WING COMMANDER, and some of the
objectification techniques of ULTIMA VI will be carried over to TUNNELS OF
ULTIMA. Chris was clearly excited about the project, but said it was too early
to project a date for release.


I confess that I’m fascinated with computer art, particularly the outstanding
work that has been created in the past year or so using the capabilities of VGA.
In that time, Origin has gone from a company with forgettable graphics, to one
on the leading edge in graphics and presentation in its games. When I had the
opportunity to chat with some of the people responsible for this transformation,
I found myself spending literally hours talking about their work.

Just over two years ago, Origin made the decision to hire Denis Loubet as its
full-time artist. Denis had already done extensive work for Origin, stretching
back to the artwork used to advertise ULTIMA I. But now Denis was being asked to
illustrate not only the game materials (box, rules, etc.), but the actual game
itself. As Origin moved into full support of VGA graphics and the scope of its
games increased, it became clear that this was more than a one-person job. At
this time, Origin employs six full-time artists, and there is plenty of work to
go around.

At one machine in the crowded artists’ area, Denis was working on the art for
the ULTIMA Gameboy product due in early 1991. We shared some chuckles about the
extensive “four shades of green” palette that he had to use. Still, Denis was
able to create astonishingly detailed “tiles” for the game.

Behind Denis, Keith Berdak was working in zoom mode on the face of one of the
Martian characters in MARTIAN DREAMS (the next WORLDS OF ULTIMA game). Keith is
responsible for the character portraits in this game, and helped create many (if
not most) of the 188 character portraits in ULTIMA VI. Keith showed me several
of his unique creations, as well as several that were derived from actual human
characters. Players of SAVAGE EMPIRE should have little trouble recognizing
Larry, Moe, and Curly of the Three Stooges.

Keith was working in DELUXE PAINT II ENHANCED, as were all of the Origin
artists. I asked if they used any object-based drawing tools like COREL DRAW,
but was told that for the types of images used in Origin games, that kind of
program would not be terribly useful.

On another table, I saw the Space Shell that will appear in MARTIAN DREAMS to
propel the characters from Earth to Mars. Spying the ULTIMA ankh prompt twirling
at the lower left, I asked Dan Bourbonnais (another artist) about it. Was this
the game, or the painting/tile program?

As it turned out, the answer was: Both! As Dan explained it to me, in some ways
the tile builder _becomes_ the game. That is, as the game evolves, the program
modules for tile manipulation are removed and the actual game modules are
brought in. So the prompt I saw twirling at the bottom is the same prompt
players of MARTIAN DREAMS will see in the completed product.

In Dan’s office, he showed me a hand-held scanner he had recently purchased.
Interestingly, he did not use it to scan images from source materials. Instead,
he used it to scan images that he’d drawn by hand — images too complex to be
easily created in the paint program. I asked Dan how well he had adapted to the
mouse, and he said that after a while, it is quite natural. Thus, no one used a
stylus in the office.

Interestingly, all of Origin’s artists are professional artists whose first
exposure to computer art was their job at Origin. In fact, most of the artists
had examples of their manually produced works hanging around the office.

Strewn throughout the artists’ area were books and magazines of all types and
styles: source material for their work. Lying near one machine was a Sears
catalogue from the turn of the century. Nearby, a book of 19th century clothing
was laid open. I noticed that Victorian-era motifs had been worked into all the
artwork for MARTIAN DREAMS — not only in clothing and hair styles, but in the
objects, and even the screen borders and fonts.


As I walked around the offices, Greg Malone of MOEBIUS and WINDWALKER fame took
me in tow. He showed me out to a balcony with a view of the surrounding hills.
As he described some of ORIGIN’s new products, I spied a roadrunner dashing into
nearby bushes.

Greg described how the WORLDS OF ULTIMA games are intended to provide a more
directed gaming experience than the ULTIMA games. In ULTIMA, the player is
presented with a complete and detailed world, and set loose to explore and
(hopefully) perform whatever missions are presented to them. In WORLDS OF
ULTIMA, the story is intended to be more apparent. Players will be guided
forward more than in ULTIMA.

This allows the use of more cinematic interludes, similar to the opening of
ULTIMA VI. Greg reiterated a theme I’d heard throughout Origin, when he said
they wanted to include more cinematic elements in their games.

This led to a discussion of WING COMMANDER. Greg mentioned that the SECRET
MISSIONS disk will be available through retail outlets, something they had not
originally planned. He also mentioned that this disk would give players access
to all 40 of the missions included in the original game.

Greg also talked with me about the new ULTIMA IV game for Nintendo, due around
the end of the year. He also discussed the new GAMEBOY port of ULTIMA, and
showed me the figures touting the Nintendo ULTIMA III game as the best-selling
Nintendo cartridge in Japan. In contrast with that game, future Nintendo
programming is being done in-house. Given the number of Nintendo machines in
households across the country, Origin seems well-positioned to break out of the
family computer market.

We also discussed other exciting Origin projects, such as TUNNELS OF ULTIMA and
WING COMMANDER 2. These are still on the drawing board, but Greg promised they
would help Origin continue to push the envelope of computer game technology.
From everything I saw that day, I’m sure he’s right.

Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven

& the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845
Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766
realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662
Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699
The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK
The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674
Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560

“Raw Data for Raw Nerves”

The Author Attends A Party At Lord British’s Home


The week before the Eve of All Hallows, I received an unusual piece of mail: an
Invitation to Terror! The invitation was printed in silver on black, and
promised an experience not soon to be forgotten. Never one to miss unique
experiences (or a good scare), I rode the jetstream to Austin, TX to journey
through Lord British’s Origin Spookhouse.

The tales I have to tell of that trip are such that I have chosen to present
them in two parts. The first part (which follows) presents a slightly
fictionalized narrative of my tour of the Spookhouse, intended to give readers a
sense of the experience enjoyed by those with courage enough to brave the
Spookhouse. The second part of my story is a more sober recounting of the
Spookhouse, describing its origins, its creators, and many of the special
effects and stunts used therein.


I joined with others from my party in my approach to the old house known as
Brittania Manor. We numbered four in all, each suitably attired for what
promised to be a daunting excursion. Thunder rumbled from the direction of the
house, though no clouds obscured the stars overhead. I confess: This did not
settle my nerves, though I maintained a calm visage.

As we walked up the path, we were accosted by a nun whose face wore the lines
and haggard look of someone who has seen more of terror and death than should be
viewed in several lifetimes.

She eyed our little party with a critical, though not disfavorable, eye. Then
she recounted the story of the manse just ahead of us. It seems the house was
once a monastery for an order of monks. But the head of the order, a Cardinal
Diego Martinez, delved too deeply into matters best left alone. His probings
opened the way for evil, and the sorceress Minax slew him, claiming the
monastery for her own.

The monks were driven out, and now, their only hope of reclaiming their home is
the retrieval of a certain item: the Gargoyle Talisman. If we were to aid these
noble monks, we would have to penetrate the manse, now warped by evil beyond
recognition, find the Talisman, and bring it forth. We were not told the form of
the talisman, nor where it could be found.

As the nun finished her story, she looked at us again and strove to persuade us
to put this quest aside. “Not for us should you do this,” she urged.

But we were adamant in our resolve. Perhaps if we had known then what we were
to encounter later, our answer might have been different.

The nun bowed her head in acquiescence to our resolve, then turned as a man of
noble visage strode toward us.

“Come this way please,” he motioned, and strode toward the monastery. As we
followed, he introduced himself as Lord British. “I have heard of your quest,
and will guide you to the door.”

As we neared the entryway, Lord British stopped us and asked why we were here.
My companions seemed tongue-tied and muttered something nonsensical about
Halloween and Spookhouses. I spoke up quickly: “We wish to retrieve the talisman
and free the Monastery of evil.”

After gazing in some alarm at my companions, Lord British put his hand on my
shoulder, “Watch over these, your companions. I fear they are not ready for such
trials as they will face inside.” I nodded my head, and my companions wisely
refrained from speaking again.

At the door we met a cloaked monk. Lord British introduced our party to the
monk and told us that this monk had helped betray the order. Before we could
react, Lord British hastened to add that the monk had repented his sin and
wished to redeem himself by helping us in our quest.

The monk held out a small wand, “With this wand I shall open the door before
you. In this way, I hope to expiate my sin.”

So saying, he motioned us back, then stood in front of the door. With a shout
he pointed the wand at the door.

Blue lightning streaked through the door from a face that suddenly appeared
there, striking the monk’s wand. This horrible spark danced and spat for fully
five seconds before the monk dropped to the ground. The acrid smell and wisps of
smoke told his fate to all who stood there aghast at the suddenness of the

Lord British woke us from our shock and motioned to us. “Come with me, this way
is closed now. I cannot lead you further, but can direct you to the monks who
have taken up residence outside the monastery. Perhaps they know of another way

Still dazed and mumbling quick prayers for the soul of that poor monk, we
hastened after Lord British. He showed us a path into the woods and then bade us
farewell and good luck.

We followed the path to a nearby fire, where we found a small band of monks
sharing the warmth and listening to the sad tunes of a lute played in minor key.
The lute player spied our party as we entered the small ring of light and
hastened to greet us. “What do you here in these cursed woods so late at night?”
he asked.

We told him of our quest. As with the others, he first tried to persuade us to
abandon our quest. Failing that, he sighed, then motioned forward one of the
monks. “Our sister knows of another way into the monastery. She will guide you
to the door, but no farther.”

We looked down at the small monk who crept toward us. She was stooped in an
odd, unnatural manner, and her voice was a harsh rasp that set our nerves
jangling. “Yes, yes, the small door. I will show it to you. I like it. Heh heh.”

Despite our misgivings, we followed this gnomish monk further into the woods
down a steep rocky path lit only by her feeble lantern. As I stared intently at
my footing, I noticed an unusual number of large white stones strewn about.
Looking closer, I recoiled as I realized that these were bones and bone
fragments heaped in such profusion all around us. What manner of creature would
create such a litter? Best never to find out, I thought.

A horse’s neigh rent the still night air, and our guide held up the lantern.
Out of the mists to our right, a horse skeleton glided toward us, led by a
female apparition. “Wraith!” cried our guide, “Quickly, we must leave these

We hastened after our guide as the wraith called out for us, her macabre
attractions tugging at us. As we looked back, an enormous black cat yowled and
leaped out of the woods at us. Seemingly daunted by the size of our party, it
left us alone, but continued to howl as we retreated. Finally, we spied the
house ahead of us.

The monk started cackling as we neared a small door set near one corner of the
house. “The small door, heh, heh. I like the small door. Do you know why?”

Mute, I shook my head, not sure how to respond to this misshapen monk.

“The rats! The rats are biggest and juiciest by the small door. Heh heh heh.”

Shuddering, I was glad when she swung open the door and motioned us in. “I
cannot follow, but you must go on. Others have stayed inside waiting for such as
you to attempt this quest.” With that, the door slammed shut behind us, leaving
us in a short corridor.

I strode purposefully toward the door at the end of the corridor, determined
that the dim light and cobwebs would not bother me. I swung the door open, only
to be confronted by a brick wall. Behind me one of the party members found
another door hidden in the shadows by the entrance. He opened that door and we
plunged through.

Here we found another monk who seemed to know of our quest. He informed us that
we had arrived at the same time as the Cardinal’s death. “Every night his death
is re-created here. Follow me and you will learn of his demise.”

He led us up a spiral staircase, where we witnessed a strange scene. We stood
on a balcony above a candle-lit room obviously used for sorcerous undertakings.
A huge crystal ball stood to one side of an enormous tome. A man dressed in a
cardinal’s red robes stood hunched over this book, reading aloud. His voice
rumbled and ground over the strange words like boulders digesting smaller rocks.
The very sound of these words struck fear into us, though we knew not why.

Suddenly, a beautiful woman strode into the room. So this was Minax! She
entered into a stormy argument with the cardinal, demanding to be shown what he
had discovered. “No!” he cried, “These words should not be read by mortals. They
will unlock a great evil!”

“And a great power, you fool!” the woman shouted back. When her verbal assaults
failed, she drew a long knife from the sleeve of her gown and stabbed the
cardinal. As he slumped to the ground, she stooped over the book and began
chanting the spell we had heard before.

Our guide drew us away from this ghastly scene, “Come, we must go on.”

We followed the monk past a room containing the Cardinal’s remains. Then we
passed a bizarre living wall of human souls. As ethereal voices cried out to us
for help, faces and hands pushed out of the wall’s surface toward us. Our guide
informed us that these were lost souls imprisoned in the wall by the evil Minax,
who took over the monastery after slaying the Cardinal.

He led us past the wall and toward a tower. “There is someone here who may be
able to tell you more of the talisman, but it is dangerous. Do you wish to turn

Stubbornly we motioned forward. We would see this quest through, whatever our
eventual fate might be.

As we entered the tower, a hideous gray apparition flew overhead. “A gargoyle!”
the monk cried. Fortunately, this creature was satisfied to simply scream and
hound our footsteps as we climbed into the tower.

We reached a platform at the base of a steep stairway, more ladder than stairs,
truthfully. As we looked up, a dark figure spread his cloak and glided down from
the top of the steps toward our party.

“Who dares disturb the rest of Lord Ozymandias? Do you not know that I have not
feasted in many moons? Perhaps I shall feed on _you_!”

With each word, this vampire — for that is what he was — glided ever closer.
With his last words, his pale face nearly grazed my own as he leered, exposing
long white fangs, his body suspended out over us.

“Ah, I sense you are on a quest. What do you seek?”

“The Gargoyle Talisman,” I forced myself to say, more intimidated by this
creature than I would care to admit.

“Yes, I see. I cannot tell you where this thing can be found, but I can tell
you what it is. The Gargoyle Talisman is the smallest finger of a gargoyle,
hacked off his hand while he yet breathes. Perhaps you will find what you seek
in the netherworld.”

We were scarcely comforted by this information, but we hastened back down the
steps, not wishing to tempt Ozymandias’s gruesome appetite any longer. We
followed another narrow corridor through a misty swamp, then to the shore of a
small river.

There our monk told us he must leave us. “I cannot cross this river, you cross
alone. Another monk will aid you on the other side.” He helped us into a small
craft, and pushed us out into misty waters. Too late we realized we were without
paddles, and perforce had to dip our own hands into this ghastly stream to
propel ourselves.

As we knelt over the sides, a dark figure leapt from the waters, nearly
swamping our small boat. Before the creature could attack again, a monk appeared
on the opposite bank, grabbed the rope we threw him, and drew us to shore.

“Quickly, before he returns! We must go,” he urged us as we clambered out of
the boat. Just as the last of us stepped on land, the creature returned.
Fortunately, it did not care to venture from its watery domain, or this
narrative might have ended here.

The monk led us toward a spiral staircase. Just as we approached, a tall
shadowy figure lurched toward us from the shadows. “Hurry, up the stairs!” cried
our guide, as he led the way.

We quickly scurried after him, but the stairs proved to be little sanctuary.
The shadow stretched upward to an unnatural height — twelve feet at least! And
his arms reached through the rails to snatch at our feet and clothes.
Fortunately his grip was weak and fear strengthened our legs and we made good
our escape.

We found ourselves in front of a set of cages with victims chained inside while
guards roamed the tops of cages lashing their inmates. We were forced to make
our way through this nightmarish scene, with the captives grasping at us and
pleading for help. The guards just laughed and motioned us forward.

In the next room, we were rudely shocked to find ourselves confronted with
Minax herself! The beautiful woman we had seen earlier was now transformed, her
face a demonic visage that I can scarcely find words to describe. Her nose had
grown into a hooked beak, her chin protruded sharply, and her brows and
cheekbones were similarly exaggerated. The whole was colored in a sickly green.
But worst of all was her voice.

“I know what you want, you fools,” her words clamored and echoed in our skulls,
grating our nerves and echoing inside us. “You will have to make a sacrifice to
_me_ if you wish to go on. One of you must receive my mark.”

Not knowing fully what I did, I stepped boldly forward. Minax reached out with
her hands and brushed each cheek as I strove not to flinch at her evil touch.
Later, I would discover the full extent of my folly.

Quickly we left Minax’s lair, her laughter echoing in our footsteps. We
proceeded forward to an apothecary who did not have a gargoyle talisman but
offered us other equally unsavory concoctions. We begged off and left hastily.

Our guide led us to a small chapel staffed by nuns. These nuns offered to bless
us if we would undertake a task. “Free our brother Elijah, who came here before
you on the same quest,” they urged us.

We agreed, and the blessing was given. Given, that is, to all but myself. As
they saw the marks left by Minax, the nuns hissed and backed away. “Evil! You
show the mark of Minax! Evil!” I was forbidden the blessing and we were quickly
sent our way.

We emerged on a balcony to behold a horrifying sight. A young woman lay on her
back, a bloated spider straddling her body in a pool of blood. As we approached,
the woman struggled feebly and cried out for help. Our guide shook his head,
though, “Too late for this one.”

We took a set of spiral stairs down. As we descended, another spider, the twin
of the one above, leapt from below. Its leap was twenty feet if it was an inch,
and only good fortune and the sturdy rails of the stairway preserved us from
this unholy creature. We half-fell, half-flew down the stairs and emerged into a

Our guide reminded us that we were to seek the Talisman in the netherworld.
Where else but in a graveyard could we get so close? Motioning us to a small
open crypt, he bade us to search it for what we sought. As we crowded in, a
gargoyle swung down from above the doorway, grasping at our backs.

In panic we scurried back, noting that nothing lay in the crypt. We escaped the
clutches of the gargoyle and looked about for our guide, but found instead
another horrifying apparition: Death!

Death was, if anything, more terrifying in life than he/she/it had been in our
imagination. He stood seven feet tall in a long hooded robe that hid all but his
skeletal hands and face. Red eyes burned into us as he gazed at our little
party, and he swung his great scythe forward.

We scarcely knew what to do, but Death motioned across the graveyard to another
small area, then glared at us again. Refraining from discussing the issue any
further, we hastened off in the direction indicated.

As we crossed the graveyard, a woman’s scream pierced the night air. Suddenly,
yet another gargoyle swooped overhead, grasping at our heads. We ducked, but
continued on. If the gargoyles were trying to stop us, we _must_ have been on
the right path!

As we neared the area we had been directed to, we saw that it was a small
platform built about 50 feet beyond the slope ahead. A small rope bridge crossed
the gap, and a man stood on a small extension of the platform at the end of the

Suddenly, our guide reappeared and shouted, “Brother Elijah! He is there, we
must rescue him.” Our guide dashed onto the bridge and we hurried after. But
before we were more than halfway across, the small extension gave way and we
watched in horror as Elijah was hanged right before our eyes. The sickening snap
and protruding tongue told the end of Elijah’s tale for all of us.

From under the bridge, several trolls sprang forth and began to grab at us. We
turned and fled before any could get a grip and drag us off the bridge. Our
guide then pointed toward a small door with writing on it, and we hastened
toward it, glad to be leaving the graveyard.

As we approached the door, I saw that the writing on the door read “Abandon all
hope, ye who enter here.” Despite these words, hope rose in me. These words
hinted at the very netherworld we were supposed to find. Perhaps we were finally
nearing our goal.

The door was smaller than it first appeared, and we were forced to kneel, then
crawl into the passage beyond. This passage led up at a sharp angle, eventually
depositing us into a strange room.

The room was dark momentarily, then lit for the briefest moment, like a
lightning flash in the darkest night. The flashing kept going, in a rapid
pattern. In this quasi-light, we saw that the room was painted in a
black-and-white checkered pattern. And a similarly patterned creature was in the
room with us! We managed to find another exit, and made our way through, only to
find that we had jumped from the proverbial frying pan into the fire. Where we
had previously dealt with flashing light, here there was none at all, only
darkness. We seemed to be in a narrow corridor, and as I was in the lead, I
urged the party forward.

Alas, even the greatest leader can do little in total blackness, and soon I
found myself in a _cul de sac_. I instructed the rearmost to take the lead, and
work back to the last branching. There we would take the other path and hope it
would lead to a better conclusion.

We proceeded in this manner, exchanging leads as we encountered dead ends,
until we finally emerged into a lit area. Here we saw a wooden platform leading
toward yet another rope bridge. We moved ahead, our eyes readjusting to the

A man in strange blue clothing greeted us and motioned us onto the platform. As
we gathered together, the platform gave way under our feet!

Fortunately, we dropped no more than six inches before the supports caught us.
Unfortunately, the rope bridge had broken and fallen into the boiling mud pit
below. The man grabbed a rope dangling from the supports above. “You will have
to swing across with this,” he told us, leering at our reluctance.

We gazed at each other, but none moved forward until I finally grabbed the rope
myself. It turned out to be quite easy, and the distance was no more than
fifteen feet. Seeing my example, the rest of the party swung across quickly and
we proceeded forward through a curtain.

Here a man wearing white robes smeared with blood seemed to be cutting apart a
gargoyle who was lying on a bed. A female assistant was helping him — when not
caught up in bizarre fits of cackling laughter. The room had strange ropes and
lines strung all about, some terminating at one wall, the others attached to
various devices being manipulated by the man.

As we entered the room, the white-robed figure greeted us and asked what we
sought. We told him of our quest for the Gargoyle Talisman and what we had
learned of its nature.

“Well, this gargoyle ain’t exactly breathing, but we can see about that,” he

So saying, the man turned toward the wall from which came all the lines and
cables. This wall was composed of metal in strange patterns and arrays, studded
with lights and levers in odd positions. The white-robed figure proceeded to
pull levers, switch dials, and turn knobs to the accompaniment of sounds oddly
reminiscent of our encounter with the blue lightening.

Slamming one last lever into place, the man turned toward the gargoyle holding
out two prongs connected to the machinery on the wall. As he touched these prods
to the gargoyle, it twitched and leaped and the whole bed shook. The assistant
clutched at the gargoyle’s feet and cackled horribly. We saw with horror that
the gargoyle’s eyes flashed open, and his mouth gave vent to a scream. Evil
though he be, we thought this unholy resurrection to be more than any creature

The mad man, for surely that is what he was, quickly pulled a knife and hacked
at one hand. Then he pulled the prongs back, and the shaking and twitching
subsided. He turned to us and said, “Here is your talisman. Stone now, as all
gargoyle flesh becomes when it is no longer alive.” One of my compatriots took
the petrified digit, too shocked to mumble even perfunctory thanks. Our guide
then hastened us forward.

The next room was a small triangular shaped affair. As we crowded in, the door
slammed shut behind us. Again. How often had this happened in our journey? I
began to wonder if we were not simply pawns being manipulated for the amusement
of the evil Minax. Perhaps our whole quest was a sham, meant only to lead the
gullible forward until they could be brought to some gruesome end.

I shook myself out of this grim reverie and started searching for another way
out. The guide examined the apex of the triangle, the most logical place for an
exit, but said there was no way out. The other walls were solid, and the
entrance was completely blocked. Again and again we searched.

Finally, I shoved the guide to one side and found the exit, right where we
thought it would be. I glared at the guide, but he shrugged and said that it
hadn’t been there when he looked. He then pulled me to one side, “You are
endangering the whole party. You should never have taken Minax’s mark, for now
your soul is forfeit. This mark shines like a beacon to the evil ones ahead. If
your party is to have any chance at all, you must go last.”

I confess, I did not trust this guide very much at this point, but I couldn’t
argue with his logic. Everyone we encountered had focused immediately on my
mark, so it clearly was as obvious as the guide claimed. As we opened the exit,
I took my place at the rear of the line.

This exit was the smallest we had yet encountered, and we were forced to crawl
on hands and knees to enter it. One by one, we crawled in, till at last it was
my turn. I knelt and followed close on the heels of the guide. But as I got
through the door, another in front of me closed.

I turned as quickly as I could in the cramped area, but the door behind me was
already closing. I was trapped! My prison was a small box about three feet wide
and tall, and scarcely longer. I pressed on each door in turn, and searched all
the surfaces for an exit. What an ignominious end, I thought, to die trapped in
this filthy box.

Suddenly my prison lurched into motion. I tumbled from side to side as the box
turned, spun, and moved off in a seemingly random pattern. Finally, it came to a
sudden stop and one of the doors slid open.

I crawled out, but soon wondered if the hellish scene before me was truly
preferable to my little box. I had crawled into a cage hardly larger than my
box. Creatures of unknown aspect crouched on top of the cage and reached through
to clutch at me. The room was lit in dim blood-red light, and a huge demon stood
before me, within a pentagram inscribed on the floor.

Smoke writhed around the feet of the demon, and his visage was horrifying to
behold. Huge horns protruded up from his forehead, and his brows jutted forward
menacingly. His chin and cheekbones were equally exaggerated, and his skin was
colored red, completely down to his waist. His body was tall and strong, and I
could easily believe that he could rend one of our party with his bare hands.

Before I could speak, the rest of my party stumbled into the room! Could I be
saved? Or were they all to share my doom?

The demon spoke then, in a huge booming voice that seemed to echo in dimensions
not seen. Where Minax’s voice had grated and chilled us inside, this voice
seemed to want to smote us down like a giant fist. Strange lights played about
the room, in harmony with this demonic sound.

The demon pointed at me and said, “His soul is mine. Unless you can give me
something to win his freedom.”

My companions turned toward me as the creatures continued to torment me. “No!”
I shouted. “He wants the talisman, don’t give it him.”

They turned back to the demon, who spoke again, “Yes! Give me the talisman and
I will free him. Fail in this, and you condemn him to death and his soul to

I pled with my companions to ignore this offer. I knew that my sacrifice would
yield great good if it could lead to the expulsion of Minax and her evil
minions. But my companions bargained with the demon, first winning my release
from the cage, then the freedom of my soul. I felt the marks disappear from my
flesh, as my companions handed over the talisman.

Realizing it was too late to change their minds, and not trusting a demon to
hold to its word, I cast about desperately for an exit. In one corner, I spied a
darkness in the dim light and made for it. Yes, an exit was there.

I crawled into a round tunnel that spun and tumbled me as I crept ahead. I
found that a forward tumble seemed to neutralize the effect, and I managed to
make it through. My fellow party members soon followed and we found ourselves
once again outside the manor. As I began to remonstrate with my companions about
giving up the talisman, a monk approached us.

“Your friends chose wisely,” he said. “Had they kept the talisman at the price
of your soul, it would have been tainted and unable to be used to expel Minax.
Others will attempt this quest, and someday Brittania Manor _will_ be free.”

I was still frustrated with our failure as we trudged away. But as we walked
down the path, I spied Lord British leading another party of four toward the old
mansion. I murmured a prayer wishing them luck in their quest and my heart rose
at the thought that even Minax must eventually succumb to the stubborn nobility
of those who quest against evil.


The proceeding narrative is true in the number and variety of events that
occurred. The characters encountered, and the overall plot and dialogue, are
also real. Most of the special effects occurred in exactly the manner described.
Blue lightning really does smite the sinful monk at the door to Brittania Manor!
This section takes you behind the scenes of the Spookhouse to give you a glimpse
of the effort that went into its creation, and insight into how some of the
effects were performed.

Lord British (aka Richard Garriott, of ULTIMA fame) has been creating
Spookhouses for several years. This Spookhouse is distinguished from past
efforts in several important ways. First, Origin Systems and FCI of Japan
contributed $50,000 to help make this year’s Spookhouse the biggest and most
elaborate yet. Second, to ensure that the tour could be experienced properly,
attendance was restricted, and only those with an invitation were allowed in.

The tour took 40-45 minutes in all, which is several times longer than any
haunted house in my experience. Moreover, the use of a coherent plot and lavish
costumes, make-up, and special effects made the whole experience unique. In many
ways, the tour gave visitors a chance to play in a small ULTIMA-style setting.

As mentioned before, considerable funds were contributed to help put the
Spookhouse together. Lord British donated the use of his own home to the cause,
and the uniqueness and size of Brittania Manor contributed incalculably to the
experience. In addition, at least 70 people gave of their time and energy to
help construct, then run, the Spookhouse. The cast was enormous, and watching
them gather and prepare for a night of haunting was more than a little
reminiscent of a large stage production.

The cast members are all friends or acquaintances of Lord British. Many work at
Origin Systems. Others are members of the Society for Creative Anachronism. All
shared an incredible enthusiasm for the project that sustained them through long
nights (till four in the morning at times) and the workdays that followed.

The effects used in the Spookhouse were dizzying in their variety. The thunder
was a looped tape played through hidden speakers strategically placed about the
manor. Other speakers were hidden in the woods and around the house to produce
the sounds of the horse’s neigh and the woman’s scream, as well as other
effects, such as the moaning voices in the human wall.

Elaborate sound equipment was used to pick up and modulate the voices of Minax
and the Demon. The masks used in the makeup of these characters included hidden
mikes in the chin pieces for this purpose. Various amplification and
reverberation devices created the unique sounds, while hidden speakers around
the room projected the “multi-dimensional” effect.

In the Demon’s chamber, an assistant stands behind a curtain and aims a set of
lasers at whomever the Demon is addressing. This has the effect of making it
look like the Demon’s eyes are casting a red light on each person he faces.

Dry ice and fog machines were used throughout the house, as appropriate. Dry
ice was used primarily in the swamp and the river, while fog machines created
smoke for the drier areas of the house.

A strobe light was used in the checkered room, and the character in there was
dressed in checkered clothes and make-up. The whole effect was startling and
quite unnerving.

The gargoyles and spiders were suspended in rappelling gear to achieve their
swooping and leaping effects. The gargoyles generally were hung on lines and
simply swung across open spaces. The spider gear was somewhat more elaborate.

The spiders were hung at one end of a counter-weighted rope. This weight was
carefully calculated to give the spider a net weight of about five to ten
pounds. This enabled the spiders to leap with their own strength (up to 20 feet
in the air), and to rapidly climb the outside of the spiral stairs to chase the
party. An interesting aspect of this effect is that the spider character must be
of a specific weight and size for it to work properly.

The flying gargoyle in the graveyard was achieved using a suspended line about
100-150 feet long. One end was tied at the third floor balcony, the other about
10 feet up on a hidden platform at the other end of the graveyard. A person in
gargoyle costume wore a harness around his hips. This harness was attached to
one pulley riding the line. The gargoyle reached forward and grabbed two lines
hanging from a second pulley. Then it leaped off the balcony, and “flew” down
the line suspended underneath the pulleys.

As Lord British explained this effect, he offered to show it to me. He quickly
donned the harness, clambered up the ladder, and flew across the graveyard. Not
to be outdone, I took a turn at gargoyle flying myself. The experience was
nearly as exhilarating as the Spookhouse itself, and I felt a pang of envy
toward those who’d been able to perform in this wonderful interactive show.

The horse skeleton was really a horse skeleton, and it glided along using a set
of pulleys and a line, much like the flying gargoyle. The use of clever
underlighting and some extra wisps of lacy cloth enhanced the illusion. And the
bones strewn about were just that (yuck!).

The Creature from the Black Lagoon (the river monster) was a man dressed in a
black skin suit and flippers. The indoor pool was used for the river, with the
bottom painted black to make it less “pool-like.” Draping was hung around the
pool, affording the creature a hiding spot before he sank silently beneath the
surface to pounce on our unsuspecting party.

The incredibly tall grabbing monster was a fairly tall young man on painter’s
stilts with arm extenders. He was dressed in a custom-designed robe that hid
these features. Death was another tall man in a mask with red LEDs for eyes. He
carried a real eight-foot-long scythe that would probably fetch a goodly sum at
an antique shop.

To me, the single most startling effect was the blue lightning. In fact, this
effect scared off many small children (who were not supposed to be there
anyway). While I wasn’t tempted to flee, I will confess to being completely
surprised and stunned at the sight.

The effect uses a Tesla coil operating at a reported 1,000,000 volts. The monk
holds a metal wand that’s wired through his robe to a metal plate in his shoe.
The monk stands on a wire mesh placed approximately four feet from the door. The
monk holds the wand out, and as he presses a trigger, blue lightning springs
from the door to the wand. Not only is this visually spectacular, it is _loud_.
The monk held this spark for nearly 20 seconds for photographers, and it was

In addition to the high-tech effects, elaborate makeup and costumes are
employed. Every character associated with the Spookhouse is in costume, and 90%
wear makeup. The Demon’s makeup took over an hour to apply, and others’ makeup
took nearly as long.

A complete script was created for the tour, including a description of effects,
and instructions on dialogue and coping with slow visitors. This script was
modified and adjusted right up to the first night, honed and perfected by
feedback from all involved.

The only sad note to this experience is that it was over too soon, and it’s not
likely to be repeated for a while. Origin says that there will not be a
Spookhouse next year, and they are not sure whether there will be one in 1992.
Looking at the various things done to Lord British’s house, I can understand how
it may take a while to recover and recuperate. Still, if you’re in the vicinity
of Austin, TX as All Hallows Eve approaches, you might find out whether you know
someone who works at Origin Systems. And then sell your soul for an invitation!

Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven

& the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845
Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766
realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662
Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699
The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK
The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674
Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560

“Raw Data for Raw Nerves”

Origin Of The Name Space Shuttle

“6_2_11.TXT” (8607 bytes) was created on 02-21-89


The name “Space Shuttle” evolved from descriptive references in the
press, aerospace industry, and government and gradually came into use
as concepts of reusable space transportation developed. As early NASA
advanced studies grew into a full program, the name came into official
In January 1975, NASA’s Project Designation Committee was
considering suggestions for a new name for the Space Shuttle,
submitted by Headquarters and Center personnel and others at the
request of Dr. George M. Low, NASA Deputy Administrator. Rockwell
International Corporation, Shuttle prime contractor, was reported as
referring to it as “Spaceplane.” (Bernice M. Taylor, Administrative
Assistant to Administrator for Public Affairs, NASA, telephone
interview, 12 Feb 1975; and AVIATION WEEK & SPACE TECHNOLOGY, 102 [20
Jan 1975], 10)
From its establishment in 1958, NASA studied aspects of reusable
launch vehicles and spacecraft that could return to the Earth. The
predecessor National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) and
then NASA cooperated with the Air Force in the X-15 rocket research
aircraft program in the 1950s and 1960s and in the 1958-1963 Dyna-Soar
(“Dynamic-Soaring”) hypersonic boost-glide vehicle program. Beginning
in 1963, NASA joined the USAF in research toward the Aerospaceplane, a
manned vehicle to go into orbit and return, taking off and landing
horizontally. Joint flight tests in the 1950s and 1960s of wingless
lifting bodies–the M2 series, HL-10, and eventually the X-24–tested
principles for future spacecraft reentering the atmosphere.

Marshall Space Flight Center sponsored studies of recovery and reuse
of the Saturn V launch vehicle. MSFC Director of Future Projects Heinz
H. Koelle in 1962 projected a “commercial space line to Earth orbit
and the Moon,” for cargo transportation by 1980 or 1990. Leonard M.
Tinnan of MSFC published a 1963 description of a winged, flyback
Saturn V. Other studies of “logistics spacecraft systems,” “orbital
carrier vehicles,” and “reusable orbital transports” followed
throughout the 1960s in NASA, the Department of Defense, and industry.

As the Apollo program neared its goal, NASA’s space program objectives
widened and the need for a fully reusable, economical space
transportation system for both manned and unmanned missions became
more urgent. In 1966 the NASA budget briefing outlined an FY 1967
program including advanced studies of “ferry and logistics vehicles.”
The President’s Science Advisory Committee in February 1967
recommended studies of more economical ferry systems with total
recovery and rescue possibilities. Industry studies under NASA
contracts 1969-1971 led to definition of a reusable Space Shuttle
system and to a 1972 decision to develop the Shuttle.

The term “shuttle” crept into forecasts of space transportation at
least as early as 1952. In a COLLIER’S article, Dr. Wernher von Braun,
then Director of the U.S. Army Ordnance Guided Missiles Development
Group, Huntsville AL, envisioned space stations supplied by rockets
ships that would enter orbit and return to Earth to land “like a
normal airplane,” with small, rocket-powered “shuttle-craft,” or
“space taxis,” to ferry men and materials between rocket ship and
space station.

In October 1959 Lockheed Aircraft Corporation and Hughes Aircraft
Company reported plans for space ferry or “commuter express,” for
“shuttling” men and materials between Earth and outer space. In
December, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Correspondent Courtney Shelton
wrote of the future possibility of a “man-carrying space shuttle to
the nearest planets.”

The term reappeared occasionally in studies through the early 1960s. A
1963 NASA contract to Douglas Aircraft Company was to produce a
conceptual design for Philip Bono’s “Reusable Orbital Module Booster
and Utility Shuttle (ROMBUS),” to orbit and return to touch down with
legs like the lunar landing module’s. Jettison of eight strap-on
hydrogen tanks for recovery and reuse was part of the concept. The
press–in accounts of European discussions of Space Transporter
proposals and in articles on the Aerospaceplane, NASA contract
studies, USAF START reentry studies, and the joint lifting-body
flights–referred to “shuttle” service, “reusable orbital shuttle
transport.” and “space shuttle” forerunners.
The DEFENSE/SPACE BUSINESS DAILY newsletter was persistent in
referring to USAF and NASA reentry and lifting-body tests as “Space
Shuttle” tests. Editor-in-Chief Norman L. Baker said the newsletter
had first tried to reduce the name “Aerospaceplane” to “Spaceplane”
for that project and had moved from that to “Space Shuttle” for
reusable, back-and-forth space transport concepts as early as 1963.
The name was suggested to him by the Washington DC to New York airline
shuttle flights. (Telephone interview, 22 April 1975.)
Application of the word “shuttle” to anything that moved quickly
back and forth (from shuttlecock to shuttle train and the verb “to
shuttle”) had arisen in the English language from the name of the
weaving instruments that passed or “shot” the thread of the woof from
one edge of the cloth to the other. The English word came from the
Anglo-Saxon “scytel” for missile, related to the Danish “skyttel” for
shuttle, the Old Norwegian “skutill” for harpoon, and the English
“shoot.” (WEBSTER’S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY, ed 2, unabridged.)
In 1965 Dr. Walter R. Dorberger, Vice President for Research of
Textron Corporation’s Bell Aerosystems Company, published “Space
Shuttle of the Future: The Aerospaceplane” in Bell’s periodical
RENDEZVOUS. In July Dr. Dornberger gave the main address in a
University of Tennessee Space Institute short course: “The
Recoverable, Reusable Space Shuttle.”

NASA used the term “shuttle” for its reusable transportation concept
officially in 1968. Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight
George E. Mueller briefed the British Interplanetary Society in London
in August with charts and drawings of “space shuttle” operations and
concepts. In November, addressing the National Space Club in
Washington DC, Dr. Mueller declared the next major thrust in space
should be the space shuttle.

By 1969 “Space Shuttle” was the standard NASA designation, although
some efforts were made to find another name as studies were pursued.
The “Space Shuttle” was given an agency-wide code number; the Space
Shuttle Steering Group and Space Shuttle Task Group appointed by
President Nixon to help define post-Apollo space objectives
recommended the U.S. develop a reusable, economic space transportation
system including a shuttle. And in October feasibility study results
were presented at a Space Shuttle Conference in Washington. Intensive
design, technology, and cost studies followed in 1970 and 1971.

On 5 January 1972 President Nixon announced that the United States
would develop the Space Shuttle.

The Space Shuttle would be a delta-winged aircraftlike orbiter about
the size of a DC-9 aircraft, mounted at launch on a large, expendable
liquid-propellant tank and two recoverable and reusable
solid-propellant rocket boosters (SRBs) that would drop away in
flight. The Shuttle’s cargo bay eventually would carry most of the
Nation’s civilian and military payloads. Each Shuttle was to have a
lifetime of 100 space missions, carrying up to 29,500 kilograms at a
time. Sixty or seventy flights a year were expected in the 1980s.

Flown by a three-man crew, the Shuttle would carry satellites to
orbit, repair them in orbit, and later return them to Earth for
refurbishment and reuse. It would also carry up to four scientists and
engineers to work in a pressurized laboratory or technicians to
service satellites. After a 7- to 30-day mission, the orbiter would
return to Earth and land like an aircraft, for preparation for the
next flight.

At the end of 1974, parts were being fabricated, assembled, and tested
for flight vehicles. Horizontal tests were to begin in 1977 and
orbital tests in 1979. The first manned orbital flight was scheduled
for March 1979 and the complete vehicle was to be operational in 1980.

ORIGINS OF NASA NAMES, Helen T. Wells, Susan H. Whiteley, and Carrie
E. Karegeannes, The NASA History Series, SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL
INFORMATION OFFICE, 1976, Washington DC, NASA SP-4402.

Space Shuttle Statistics

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The Space Shuttle is NASA’s first true aerospace vehicle. It takes off
like a rocket, operate in orbit as a spacecraft, and land on the Earth
as an airplane. The Shuttle is a four part vehicle consisting of the
Orbiter, an expendable External Tank (ET), and two Solid Rocket
Boosters (SRB’s).

Launched in a conventional manner, the Space Shuttle’s Main Engines
(SSME’s) and the SRB’s produce approximately 30,800,000 newtons of
thrust. At 45 kilometers above the Earth the boosters separate and
return to the Earth by parachute for sea recovery. Eight minutes into
the flight, at an approximate altitude of 110 kilometers, the ET
propellants are exhausted. The tank will separate from the Orbiter and
disintegrate upon reentry into the Earth’s atmosphere. Any surviving
pieces fall into remote ocean areas. To complete orbital insertion to
altitudes between 160 and 1110 kilometers, and later to make orbital
adjustments, two Orbiter Manuvering System (OMS) engines fire.

Once in space, the Space Shuttle Orbiter serves as a base to deploy
payloads such as satellites or space probes. Satellites needing repair
or servicing can be brought on board and later released or returned to
Earth. The Orbiter can also be used as a platform for scientific

At the completion of the orbital phase of the mission, the Orbiter is
rotated in space by firing combinations of small rockets called the
Reaction Control System (RCS). When the OMS engines are aimed in the
direction of motion, they fire and the resulting thrust slows the
Orbiter, initiating reentry. Before making atmospheric contact, the
Orbiter is again rotated so that the underside will experience the
major share of atmospheric friction. To protect the Orbiter, three
types of reusable surface insulation are used. In areas of greatest
heating, the nose area, and leading edges of the wings, reinforced
carbon is used (carbon cloth impregnated with additional carbon, heat
treated, and then coated with silicon carbide). Other areas are
covered with thermal tiles made of silica fibers or a Nomex felt
blanket material (nylon felt coated with silicon). To aid in heat
rejection, the tiles are given a glassy ceramic coating.

As the altitude and speed of the orbiter decreases, the Orbiter begins
to function as a glider. The glide angle to the runway is about six
times steeper than a commercial jet liner on landing approach. Landing
speeds are approximately 340 kilometers per hour.

Following landing, the Orbiter undergoes refurbishment, new payloads
are inserted, a new External Tank installed, the booster refueled and
the entire vehicle assembly is made ready for a new launch a few
months later. To reduce costs, the Orbiter is designed to be used
again for up to 80 missions and the SRB’s are designed for about 6
flights each.


The SRB’s provide the major portion of the thrust at the time of
liftoff. They are the largest solid rocket boosters ever built, the
first to be used to launch humans into space, and the first designed
for reuse. The SRB’s are assembled out of four tubular segments of
1.25 centimeter steel. The fore end is capped with a nose cone
containing a parachute assembly. The aft end has a steerable nozzle.
Eight small rocket motors, four in the nose and four in the aft, are
used, at burn out, to separate the SRB’s from the external tank.

Each booster contains a solid propellant that looks and feels like the
hard rubber of a typewriter eraser. A hollow core runs the entire
length of the propellant load. To ignite the propellants, a small
rocket motor, fixed at the fore end of the core, is fired first.
Flames from the small rocket spread across the entire face of the core
and the SRB’s come to full thrust in less than one-half second.


Length ……………………………… 45.46 meters
Diameter …………………………….. 3.70 meters
Mass empty …………………………… 82,879 kilograms each
Propellant Mass ………………………. 503,627 kilograms each
Thrust……………………………… 12,899,200 newtons each at
sea level
Nozzles……………………………..Covergent-divergent. All-
axis gimbaling of 8 degrees.

Propellant Composition………………..Aluminum perchlorate powder
………………..Aluminum powder (fuel)
………………..Iron oxide (catalyst)
………………..Polymer (binder and fuel)
………………..Epoxy curing agent

SRB Surface Insulation………………..Ablative


The external tank contains the propellants used for liftoff and ascent
by the Shuttle Orbiter’s three main engines. The ET has an external
shell which encloses three inner tanks. The forward inner tank
contains liquid oxygen under pressure. An unpressurized intertank
holds most of the electrical components. The aft inner tank contains
liquid hydrogen under pressure. Tank walls are manufactured of
aluminum alloys and are up to 5.23 centimeters thick. Antivortex and
antislosh baffles are built inside the fore and aft tank walls to
dampen any motions of the liquid propellants that might throw the
Shuttle off course.

Propellants are fed to the Orbiters SSME’s by gas pressure derived
from the controlled boiling of the propellants. Following the
depletion of the liquid propellants. Following the depletion of liquid
propellants, the ET is destroyed on atmospheric reentry.


Length ………………………………. 47 meters
Diameter……………………………… 8.38 meters
Mass empty……………………………. 37,452 kilograms

Propellants…………………………… Liquid oxygen (LO2)
…………………………… Liquid hydrogen (LH2)

Propellant mass ……………………….. LO2–609,195 kilograms
……………………….. LH2–101,606 kilograms
Propellant feed lines …………………. (2) 43 centimeters in
Propellant feed rate……………..LO2–242,000 liters per minute
……………..LH2–184,420 liters per minute

Surface insulation ……………. 1.27 centimeters thick core/epoxy
layer covered with a 2.54 centi-
meter thick Spray-on foam.


The Space Shuttle Orbiter is a wide-body, delta-winged airplane and
space vehicle. It is constructed primarily out of aluminum and covered
with reusable surface insulation. The Orbiter is propelled by 49
rocket engines employed in various combinations for liftoff, attitude
control in space, and in initiating reentry. Electrical power for
Orbiter systems is provided by fuel cells which produce, as a
byproduct, water for drinking.

The heart of the Orbiter is the cargo bay which can carry up to four
satellites for launching at one time. The cargo bay permits the
science laboratory Spacelab, to be carried into space and returned to
the Earth at the completion of a mission. A highly articulated
mechanical arm called the Remote Manipulator System (RMS), can be
operated by Shuttle astronauts while inside the Orbiter cabin. The arm
will be used to extract payloads from the cargo bay and deploy them
outside of the Orbiter.

The forward section of the Orbiter contains the flight deck and crew
quarters for the astronauts. During launch up to four astronauts may
sit on the flight deck and up to three more may sit on the crew
quarters deck. The forward portion of the flight deck resembles the
cockpit of a jet liner but features separate controls for flying in
space and flying in the atmosphere. The aft portion of the flight deck
contains four stand-up duty stations including the controls for the
RMS. The crew quarters deck is entered through an open hatch through
the flight deck floor. The crew quarters contain eating, sleeping, and
sanitary facilities. When extravehicular activities are necessary, an
airlock is installed in the orbiter cargo bay and entry is gained
through a hatch in the crew quarters.



Length……………………………… 37.24 meters
Body width………………………….. 6.9 meters
Wingspan……………………………. 23.79 meters
Height with gear extended…………….. 17.27 meters
Mass empty………………………….. 68,040 (Orbiter 102.
Other orbiters have lower
Cargo Bay length…………………….. 18.28 meters
Cargo Bay diameter…………………… 4.57 meters
Payload mass for launch………………. 29,484 kilograms
to low Earth orbit.
Payload mass on return……………….. 14,515 kilograms


SSME: 3 (Total)
Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellants. Gambaling +/- 10.5
degrees on pitch axis and +/- 8.5 degrees on yaw axis.

Thrust…………………………….. 1,668,000 newtons each at
sea level

OMS 2 (Total)
Nitrogen tetroxide (N2 O4) and monomethyl hydrazine (MMH) propellants

Thrust……………………………… 26,688 newtons in a

Primary Thrusters……………………..38 (14 fore and 24 aft)
N2 04 and MMH propellants
Thrust……………………………… 3,870 newtons each in a
Vernier Thrusters……………………..6 (2 fore and 4 aft)
N2 04 and MMH propellants
Thrust……………………………….106 newtons each in a

CREW QUARTERS…………………………2 decks
Cabin volume………………………….71.5 meters (cubed)

RCC, coated silica tiles,
and coated Nomex felt



1. What are the four main parts of the Space Shuttle?

2. What is the major cost saving feature of the Space Shuttle over
previous launch vehicles?

3. Describe the sequence of events for the Space Shuttle from launch
to landing.

4. Compare the mass of the Space Shuttle empty to the mass of all
propellants used to thrust it into space. Why is there such a
difference between the two masses?

5. What is a newton of thrust in English system measurement?

6 Illustrate the size of the Orbiter by measuring and marking its
outline on a large open area such as an athletic field or play-

7. Why is the thrust for some rocket engines listed as “sea level”
and for others as “vacuum”?

8. What is the volume of the cargo bay of the Orbiter?

9. Research previous launch vehicles and compare their sizes and
payload capacities to the Space Shuttle.

10. What is the orbiter altitude range of the Space Shuttle?


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Columbia (OV 102), the first of NASA’s orbiter fleet, was
elivered to Kennedy Space Center in March l979.

Columbia initiated the Space Shuttle flight program when
t lifted off from Launch Complex 39’s Pad A on April 12,
981. It proved the operational concept of a winged,
eusable spaceship by successfully completing the Orbital
light Test Program — missions STS-1 through 4.

Other achievements for Columbia include the first launch
of satellites from a Space Shuttle (STS-5) and the first
flight of the European-built scientific workshop — Spacelab
— on mission STS-9.

Columbia is named after a small sailing vessel that
operated out of Boston in l792 and explored the mouth of the
Columbia River. One of the first U.S. Navy ships to circum-
navigate the globe was named Columbia. The command module
for the Apollo 11 lunar mission was also named Columbia.


Discovery (OV 103), the third of NASA’s fleet of
reusable, winged spaceships, arrived at Kennedy Space Center
in November 1983. (Challenger was the second orbiter to ar-
rive at KSC. See “Challenger” for its history.) It was
launched on its first mission, flight 41-D, on August 30,
1984, from Pad A. It carried aloft three communications
satellites for deployment by its astronaut crew. Other Dis-
covery milestones include the first dedicated Department of
Defense mission, the first flight to retrieve and return
disabled satellites to Earth for repair and the first Space
Shuttle mission of the post-Challenger era.

Discovery is named for two famous sailing ships; one
sailed by Henry Hudson in 1610-11 to search for a northwest
passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and the
other by James Cook on a voyage during which he discovered
the Hawaiian Islands.


Atlantis (OV 104) was delivered to Kennedy Space Center
in April 1985, as the fourth spaceship of NASA’s orbiter

Atlantis lifted off from Pad A on its maiden voyage on
Oct. 3, 1985, on mission 51-J, the second dedicated Depart-
ment of Defense flight. On its second mission, 61-B, Nov.
26, 1985, its astronaut crew conducted the first experiments
for assembling erectable structures in space.

Atlantis is named after a two-masted sailing ship that
was operated for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute from
1930 to 1966.


Endeavour was the first ship commanded by James Cook, the 18th century
British explorer, navigator and astronomer. In August 1768, on Endeavour’s
maiden voyage, Cook sailed to the South Pacific, around Tahiti, on a mission to
observe and record the important and seldom occurring event when the planet
Venus passes between Earth and the sun. Determining the transit of Venus
allowed early astronomers to determine the distance of the sun from Earth. This
distance then could be used as a unit of measurement essential in calculating
the parameters of the universe. On June 3, 1769, Cook completed this mission
and continued his voyage to explore the southern hemisphere. He discovered and
charted New Zealand and surveyed the eastern coast of Australia and navigated
the Great Barrier Reef.

In addition, Cook’s voyage on the Endeavour set a precedent of
establishing the usefulness of sending scientists on voyages of exploration.
Joseph Banks and Carl Solander, who sailed with Cook, became the first
naturalists to examine plants and animals in an organized manner. The wealth
of scientifically collected material was unique. They collected specimens from
more than 100 new plant families with 800 to 1,000 new species. They also
encountered hundreds of new species of animals. Cook also had astronomers and
artists onboard.

Endeavour and her crew made the first long-distance voyage on which no
crewmen died from scurvy, the dietary disease caused by the lack of ascorbic
acids. Cook is credited with being the first to use diet as a cure for scurvy,
making his crew follow a strict diet that included cress, sauerkraut and an
orange extract. He also ensured cleanliness and ventilation in the crew’s

The Endeavour was small, 368 tons, about 100-feet long and 20-feet wide.
She had a round bluff bow and a flat bottom that provided uncommon spaciousness
and helped prevent her from being torn apart by coral. However, in 1795,
Endeavour ended her career on a reef along Rhode Island.

Atlantis (OV 105) was delivered to Kennedy Space Center
in May, 1991, as the fifth spaceship of NASA’s orbiter

Endeavour lifted off from Kennedy Space Center for the first time on
May 7, 1992, on mission STS-49.


The delta-winged orbiter resembles an airplane and is
about the size of a DC-9 jetliner. It is launched into
space like a conventional rocket while bolted to an external
propellant tank and two solid rocket boosters.

After liftoff, the boosters burn for a little over two
minutes before being jettisoned and carried by parachutes
to a watery landing. After splashdown, they are retrieved
and returned to Kennedy Space Center for refurbishment.

The orbiter’s main engines continue to burn until about
8 1/2 minutes into the flight. After shutdown, the exter-
nal tank is jettisoned, breaks up in the atmosphere, and
falls into the Indian Ocean. It is the only piece of
Shuttle flight hardware that is not reused. The orbiter
then carries out its mission in space and returns to Earth
like a glider.


After completing a space mission, the orbiter is returned
to Kennedy Space Center to undergo preparations for its
next flight in a sophisticated aircraft-like hanger called
the Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF). Here, the vehicle is
safed, residual propellants are drained and any returning
payloads are removed.

Any problems that may have occurred with orbiter sys-
tems and equipment on the previous mission are checked
out and corrected. Equipment is repaired or replaced and
extensively tested. Any modifications to the orbiter that
are required for the next mission are also made in the OPF.

Orbiter refurbishment operations and processing for the
next mission also begin in the OPF. Large horizontal
payloads, such as Spacelab, are installed in the orbiter
cargo bay. Vertical payloads are installed at the launch

Following extensive testing and verification of all
electrical and mechanical interfaces, the orbiter is trans-
ferred to the nearby Vehicle Assembly Building where it is
mated to the external tank and solid rocket boosters. Then,
the assembled Space Shuttle vehicle is carried to the launch
pad by a large tracked vehicle called the crawler-

At the launch pad, final preflight and interface checks
of the orbiter, its cargo and associated ground support
equipment are conducted. After a positive Flight Readiness
Review, the decision to launch is given and the final
countdown begins.


More than 200 significant modifications are being made
to the orbiter fleet. These modifications involve orbiter
main engines, brakes and landing gear, thermal protection
system and propellant supply systems, as well as a new crew
escape system.

Main engine modifications include changes to the high-
pressure turbomachinery, hydraulic actuators, and main
combustion chamber.

The orbiter braking system will be upgraded to increase
braking capacity, improve steering, and reduce the effects
of tire damage and failure. Additions to the system also in-
clude tire pressure monitoring.

Some of the tiles that make up the orbiter thermal
protection system have been replaced with thermal blankets
to make the system lighter, stronger and more durable. Also,
a reinforced carbon-carbon panel will be added to the or-
biter chin between the nose cap and the nose wheel door to
provide improved insulation against the searing heat of

Improvements to the orbiter propellant supply system in-
clude a redesigned 17-inch quick disconnect valve between
the orbiter and the external tank. Additional modifications
will be made to the propellant systems of the orbiter reac-
tion control system, orbital maneuvering system, and the
auxiliary power units.

A new crew escape system has been added that allows
the Space Shuttle crew to bail out if the orbiter has to
make an emergency return descent and a safe runway cannot
be reached. This system consists of an escape pole that
would be extended from the opened crew hatch. The crew would
then fasten a lanyard hook assembly that is a part of the
pole to their parachute harnesses. Once attached to this
hook, the crew would slide down the deployed pole, away from
the orbiter. Once free of the pole, they would parachute to


Height: 184.2 feet

Gross liftoff weight: 4,500,000 pounds

Total liftoff thrust: 7,700,000 pounds


Length: 122.17 feet

Wingspan: 78.06 feet

Dry Weight:

Columbia (OV 102) 178,000 pounds

Discovery (OV-103) 171,000 pounds

Atlantis (OV-104) 171,000 pounds

Main Engines: (3) 375,000 pounds of
thrust each (sea level)

Cargo Bay: length – 60 feet

diameter – 15 feet


Length: 149.16 feet
Diameter: 12.17 feet
Liftoff Weight: (each) 1,300,000 pounds
Recovery weight: (each) 192,000 pounds
Thrust: (each) 3,300,000 pounds (sea level)


Length: 153.8 feet
Diameter: 27.6 feet
Liftoff: 1,655,600 pounds (535,000 gallons)
Empty : 66,000 pounds
Liquid Oxygen:
Capacity: 143,351 gallons
Volume: 19,600 cubic feet
Liquid Hydrogen:
Capacity: 385,265 gallons
Volume: 53,500 cubic feet

A Collection Of Relaxation Techniques

October 8, 1989

RELAX.ZIP is a group of text files that will guide you to complete
relaxation, and the techniques of such. This file is an alternate
relaxation guide, designed to compliment AP_PREP.ZIP, which is
available on this BBS. Either technique can be used with the same
results, choose the one that works for best for you. I suggest trying
all of them…

The Wizard Ariel>

This .ZIP archive should contain the following text files:

RELAX1.TXT – Text on Relaxing The Body
RELAX2.TXT – Text on the methods of Deep Breathing
RELAX3.TXT – Text on How To Prepair For Astral Projection/Remembering



October 8, 1989


Close your eyes. Get yourself comfortable, and concentrate on your

Pay close attention to your breathing. Recognize how slow and deep
breathing will help to induce relaxation. Exhale. Then take a deep
breath in through your nose and blow it out through your mouth.
Breathe from your abdomen, deeply and slowly.

As you concentrate on your breathing, focus your attention on an
imaginary spot in the center of your forehead. Look at the spot as if
you were trying to see it from inside your head.

You will begin to realize that your eyelids have become tense.

Get a sense of how tense the eyelids can become as you stare at the
spot that you can compare this feeling with relaxation.

When your eyelids become strained and uncomfortable, let them drop.
Notice the feeling of relaxation that radiates all through and around
your eyes. Allow that feeling of warmth and relaxation to move out to
the temples and across the forehead.

Let the relaxation then radiate to your scalp, to the back of your
head, to your ears, temples, cheeks, nose, then to your mouth and chin.

As you feel all the tension leave your face, relax your jaw muscles.
Let your jaw open slightly, so that all the tension can smoothly flow

Relax the muscles in your neck. As you do, let your head tip forward
gently so your chin just about touches your chest.

Let this feeling of relaxation flow down into your shoulders and from
there into the muscles of your arms and hands, then down your back,
over to the front of the chest, on down to the abdomen, and then allow
it to reach all the way down to the base of the spine.

Let the buttocks go completely loose and limp. Allow the warmth and
relaxation to spread to the thighs, on down the legs, down to the
ankles, and down through the feet to the tips of the toes.

Now you feel completely relaxed. Take a moment, starting from the top
of your head and working down, to check to see if any part of you is
not yet fully relaxed.

If you find any part of your body not fully relaxed, simply inhale a
deep breath and send it into the area, bringing soothing, healing,
relaxing, nourishing oxygen to comfort that area. As you exhale
imagine blowing out right through your skin any tension, tightness, or
discomfort. By inhaling a breath into that area and exhaling right
through the skin, you are able to replace tension in any part of your
body with gentle relaxation.

When you find yourself quiet and fully relaxed, take a few moments to
enjoy it.


October 8, 1989


Close your eyes…Get yourself comfortable. Pay careful attention to
your breathing. Recognize how slow and deep breathing will help to
induce relaxation. Exhale, then take a deep breath in through your
nose and blow it out through your mouth. Breathe from your abdomen,
deeply and slowly. Allow your abdomen to rise and fall as you breathe.

With each inhale and exhale, count your breaths. count ONE on the
inhale and TWO on the exhale. Focus only on the breath and your

If a thought comes into your mind which causes you to lose track of
your counting, just return to the count.

If a thought comes into your mind, look at it as though it were someone
else’s. Neither grab hold of it nor chop it down. Neither stop it nor
pursue it. Simply watch it come into view and disappear. Then
continue your counting.

Count your breaths until you feel deeply relaxed. Breathe in and out
slowly, counting each breath, until you feel quiet, relaxed, and still



October 8, 1989


Stretch, take a good deep stretch, all through your body. Slide down
in the afterglow of that stretch, into a relaxed position.

Holding that afterglow feeling, reflect back on how it feels to be
relaxed, as if you were in bed at night on the edges of sleep (though
this time you stay AWAKE and don’t miss the fun). If you are already
trained in some form of meditation or Astral Projection, reflect back
on one of your BEST experiences of meditation or AP, and how that felt.
If you are religious, reflect back on how it feels to listen in prayer.

Whichever experience you reflect back on, remember it more and more
completely. Remember more and more clearly what it feels like, what
elements in the experience go along with that feeling.

Remembering an experience re-creates the mental and physical basis of
that experience. This is why you are already virtually back in the
quality of this experience you are remembering, this experience you are
remembering more about, more and more clearly.

While remembering the feeling and quality of this experience, now
slowly breathe in deeply and breathe out deeply…3 to 5 times, and
just let your muscles go a little more with each breath out, relaxing
more deeply.

Become more aware of what you are feeling and experiencing within you,
and become more aware of your surroundings. It’s surprising how much
of a mental picture you can build up of your surroundings, just from
what you can hear.

Taking about six seconds to do so, breathe in slowly and very deeply.

Exhale as slowly and deeply. With your lungs empty, try to blow out an
imaginary candle a foot in front of your face – that’s how deeply you
should exhale.

Go on inhaling and exhaling as deeply as you can, very slowly, six
seconds or longer each way.

May you find the joy and happiness that you deserve…and also utilize
this text to your advantage. If you know someone that could benefit
from this text, please feel free to give them a copy.


The Insane Card Game Of Cripple Mr. Onion

Subject: Re: Pathetic Request
From: (Julian Visch)
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1993 22:46:58 GMT
Organization: Department of Mathematics, University of Canterbury
Lines: 610

In article , (Anthony ‘SCHWAibo’ Hobbs) writes:
|> Someone please post or mail me the rules to Cripple Mr Onion. Pretty please?

Here are the rules for Cripple Mr Onion that were written by Terry Tao

This is the first part of the Cripple Mr Onion game: the general
purpose and the layout of the cards. Some people have complained about
word wrap problems, so please tell me if the paragraphs are short

The object of the game is to create the highest scoring collection of
card-groupings from the ten cards that the player is dealt during the
course of the game. Each of the ten cards can only be used in one
particular card-grouping.

The game is a combination of poker and blackjack. One player acts as
a dealer-banker, chosen on the outcome of the previous game. There are
slight advantages in being the dealer.

Procedures for the gambling and non-gambling versions will be given in
later sections. The gambling version is the one used by the Disc
players, but the non-gambling version is easier. Also, I will post
some suggested variations to reflect the mythology of the disk.

Finally, there will be a discussion of the relevant passage of
“Witches Abroad” about the game.

Now to the scoring system. The valuable card groupings are based
around the concept of an “onion”, which is a combination of two or more
cards adding up to 21. Aces (A) are one or eleven, picture cards (P)
and tens (T) score 10. All others score their face value.

Incidentally, there are 104 cards: 8 of each type, as 8 is the magic
number of the Disc. On Earth this can be achieved by shuffling two
non-identical decks together. There are eight suits with the thirteen
standard denominations, but their Disc names are uncertain. Standard
deck suits will do.

The groupings, in order of least scoring to highest scoring, are:

A. bagel: this consists of two cards adding up to 20,
i.e. PP, TP, TT, 9A. Fairly frequently, more than one bagel is
possible, giving a “double bagel”, “triple bagel”, “lesser bagel”, and
finally “great bagel” (all ten cards used up.)

2. two card onion: Two cards which add up to 21, i.e. TA, PA.

3. broken flush: This consists of at least three cards, adding up to
at least 16, but no more than 21. All except one of them is of the
same suit.

4. three-card onion: Three cards which add up to 21, e.g. 47T, ATT.

5. flush: Just like the broken flush, except all cards must be of the
same suit.

6. four-card onion: e.g. 4557, A46T.

7. broken Royal: a special case of the three card onion: the cards 678
of any suit.

8. five-card onion: e.g. 23466, 2234P.

9. Royal – another special case of the three-card onion: three 7’s.

T. six-card onion: e.g. A23456, 222555.

J. Wild Royal (see additional rules): this slot not used at present.

Q. seven-card onion: e.g. AA22456, A223445. Note that there are no
eight-card onions, eight being a very unlucky number.

K. Onion: A pontoon or blackjack: PA. However, this combination is
only a two-card bagel unless there is more than one Onion, e.g. KAQA.
Thus, we have Double Onion (two Onions), Triple Onion, Lesser Onion,
and Greater Onion (PAPAPAPAPA). Greater Onion beats Lesser Onion, and
so on. The Greater Onion is almost unbeatable (see below).

There is one more card combination: the nine-card straight flush
(e.g. 23456789T). This combination is normally worthless, unless
another player has a Great Onion, in which case the straight flush
beats everybody. This is called “Crippling Mr Onion”, hence the name
of the game.

Note also that Greater Onion requires five aces; thus, the two decks.

This ends part 1 of the rules of the game.

Andrew Millard (typed up by Terry Tao).

At last! Now that I’ve figured out how to use this system, all you avid
or potentially avid Cripple Mr Onion players will not have to wait so
long for the rest of the rules, as I can now type them in myself, and
not have to ask Terry Tao to do it for me. In response to Terry’s
(Pratchett not Tao) note about the rules so far, my idea was that a
simple list of 13 winning card groupings could be augmented to a
fiendishly complicated level by the use of modifiers, of which the
or #0 I suppose would be:

” i. A nine-card running flush may be used to cripple a Great
Onion and hence win the game if played after a Great Onion.

ii. A ten-card running flush overrides a nine-card running
flush in crippling a Great Onion and may also be used to
cripple a Lesser Onion.”

My original aim in raising the subject of Cripple Mr Onion on this net
was to get other people to come up with ideas for modifiers; so far, I
just have one for letting 8s be wild and another using the queen of
spades, which may be given certain properties, to represent the Lady.
(Further details of these will, of course, appear soon.) My point is,
though, that the essence of the game, which should be simple in order
to give newcomers, or suckers, the impression that the whole game is
simple, need not be overly complex, as long as a sufficiently large
collection of modifiers exists. Even as I write, Terry Tao is scribbling
furiously, goaded no doubt by a storm of inspiration particles, about
modifiers based around ideas involving Fate, Death, the Octavo (likely
to be something involving all eight 8s) and even Great A’tuin him(?)self.
Anyway, we’ll have to see what turns up, but I’ve got a feeling that a
book containing the complete list of modifiers is going to end up
looking like Carrot’s book of laws…
Andrew C. Millard
Physics Department,
Princeton University.

> Incidentally, there are 104 cards: 8 of each type, as 8 is the magic
> number of the Disc. On Earth this can be achieved by shuffling two
> non-identical decks together. There are eight suits with the thirteen
> standard denominations, but their Disc names are uncertain. Standard deck
> suits will do.

If you shuffle two different decks together, other players will be able
to see the different backs…

Concerning the Disc suits … the scene in ‘The Light Fantastic’ where
Twoflower attempts to teach the Four Horsemen of the Apocralypse to play
bridge (or at least, something you put across a river) mentions some of the
suits. Twoflower mentions Turtles and Elephants; Death mentions ‘the Knave
of Terrapins’, but it’s not clear whether he means Turtles or there are
two different suits by these names. Twoflower also refers to the Greater
Arcana, which suggests that Discworld card games are actually played with a
Tarot-like deck, presumably the ‘Caroc cards’ mentioned elsewhere.

Earlier in the same book, Rincewind has his fortune told, and we’re told
the names of some Caroc cards. Suits include Octograms and the aforementioned
Elephants and Turtles.

Remember that eight is an unlucky number, not a lucky one, on the Disc.
In view of that, I’m inclined to suspect that there are seven ‘real’ suits
in the Discworld deck, the ‘eighth suit’ being the Major Arcana.

As for the actual names of the suits, here are my suggestions (I’m
assuming that Death’s ‘Terrapins’ was a mistake, quite likely given his
state of confusion at the time) :

Coins (to represent the common Discworld mercenary spirit…)
Eyes (in honour of Blind Io)
Turtles (or tortoises or terrapins or whatever…)

For playing with Earthly decks, we need some sort of standard equivalents;
I don’t see any obvious correspondences (except Swords = Spades), so I suppose
they can just be chosen at random.

If you really want eight suits, you can always assume ‘Terrapins’ wasn’t
a mistake. Somehow the confusion that would be caused by this seems entirely
in the spirit of the Discworld … 🙂

And the Major Arcana? Earth’s Tarot deck has 22, but in the interests of
making it possible to play CMO on Earth without actually buying two Tarot
decks I think we should assume that the Caroc deck has 13, the same as the
‘real’ suits (Earth’s Tarot actually has 14 in the suits, but let’s not
make matters any more complicated than they already are). TLF mentions five :
‘The Star’, ‘The Importance of Washing the Hands’, ‘The Dome of the Sky’,
‘The Pool of Night’, and (of course) ‘Death’.

Naming the other eight would, I think, be an excellent topic for
suggestions from the Net. I think ‘The Octavo’ should be one, and probably
‘The Disc’ itself (something like Josh Kirby’s magnificent painting on
pages 34-35 of ‘Eric’), but beyond that I’ll wait and see what everyone
can come up with…

…… Ross Smith (Wanganui, NZ) …… ……
“Reasonable thought can only go so far. Beyond that,
you must either be unreasonable or stop thinking.” (A. Brilliant)

However, Andrew and I are working on some special cards.
The suits may now need to be changed, though.

Luck (the Lady): Queen of Spades
Death: King of Swords
Great A’tuin: Queen of Coins
Archchancellor: Jack of Staves
Fate: King of Cups
Bel’Shamaroth: Jack of Clubs

As you can see, our idea for the 8 suits were the four tarot and the
four modern suits. But to make flushes even remotely possible, two of
the suits have to be combined together, making four suits overall.

Also, we have some ideas for special combinations, like the Octavo
(eight 8’s) and the Disc (Great A’tuin with four 10s). At present they
are being playtested, so don’t expect these rules for at least a week.
We don’t want to embarrass ourselves prematurely.

It’s too complicated to write out the full details here, but here is a
sketch of the order of play so far.

Each person places 1 penny (or stone, etc) in the pot as an ante.

Each person gets dealt 5 cards. Starting from the dealer’s right, they
have the option of exchanging up to four cards from the deck.

The first round of betting ensues.

Starting from the dealer, everyone is dealt a further 5 cards. The dealer’s are
face down; the players are face up. However, each player can pay a penny to have
one card face down, hence a player putting 5 pennies in the pot will have all his
cards face down.

The second round of betting ensues.

Now starting from the dealer’s right, each player must reveal his
entire hand and sort it into winning combinations. Usually some cards
will not be part of any combination and they are of no value.

The winner is the person with the highest ranking combination. If two
or more people have the same combination, then the player’s
second-highest-ranking combinations are compared. If there is a tie
all the way down the line, the dealer wins. (The way the game is
organized, the dealer is always playing, for if the dealer folds the
dealership is up for auction.)

e.g. if a person has


the best way to sort this hand would be to have a six-card onion first (2234467)
then a two card onion (KA), with the second king being worthless.

The game is fairly playable: I’ve already been suckered out of 60c so far. A few
problems: it seems to depend too much on the number of aces one gets. 10s and 9s
are almost worthless. To combat this, we have playtested a few modifiers to bring
down the power of the Aces and to bring up the worth of the 10s and 9s, but we’re still testing.

Our first modifier is the use of 8s. The 8s represent magic. eight 8s
are the Octavo and we are ranking them at about the level of a Lesser
Onion. The 8s can be used as 8s or 0s: the idea of using them as 0s is
to “trump up” a small onion into a slightly larger onion: hence,
while 3567 is a four card onion, 35678 is a five card onion. three 8s
are a wild
royal. After an 8 has been used as a 0, for the next round they are
wild (can act as any card from A to K, excepting special god cards).
However, the use of
too many 8’s will attract the attention of Bel Shamharoth, among others.

The Aces represent heroes of the Disc:normally they make an integral part of the
winning hands (we seem to find that Double Onion is the most common winning hand,
btw), but with a few modifiers we intend to make heroes subject to blind luck and
cruel fate. Our rules are a bit complicated here.

Suggestions welcome for any modifiers, or special hands.

Btw: about my remark about “non-identical decks”. While it is a minor
point that decks of different color will convey a little bit of
knowledge about ones hand, I suppose it is best to have two identical
decks. However, for special cards (if there are going to be any)
there should only be one of each. For the purposes
of flushes, and 9-card straight flushes, it seems reasonable to have
only four
suits, otherwise flushes would be extremely difficult.

So many people seem to be champing at the bit here over the details of the
game that I’ve decided to post up the rules of the game in full – at least
the game as far as we are playing it here at the moment. No doubt there are
a few problems still remaining in it, but we’ll just have to see what
happens. I should state, though, that when I write onion, I mean two-card
up to seven-card, whereas when I write Onion (capital O), I mean Double up
to Great.

Cripple Mr Onion requires two standard decks of playing cards, preferably
one having the English or French suits clubs, spades, hearts and diamonds,
and the second having the Spanish or Italian suits swords, staves, cups and
coins – for the purpose of forming flushes, these are taken to be paired in
their respective order given above. The game also requires at least two
players, but not more than seven [this isn’t something to do with the number
eight, but a result of the fact that you’d run out of cards with more than
seven players], with a ready supply of small coinage or tokens. The players
need to be arranged as evenly as possible around a table with two small
pots/boxes in the centre – one will be the Pot and the other is for

At the beginning of each round, one player is identified as the Dealer, with
the player to the Dealer’s left as the Elder and the player to the Dealer’s
right as the Younger – this sets the order of precedence in being dealt cards
and in winning in the event of a tie as Dealer, Elder, other players in
order and, lastly, Younger. In the event that the Dealership changes, these
identifiers move to be based around the new Dealer. The round opens when the
Dealer shuffles the pack of all 104 cards, the Younger cuts the pack and all
the players place an amount equivalent to the Stake in the Pot. By agreement
of all the players, the maximum amount for a raise is usually set at some
multiple of the Stake.

All the players are dealt five cards in this order: the Dealer receives two
cards and deals all the other players, in order from Elder to Younger, three
cards; the Dealer then receives three cards and deals the other players two
[this is done to speed up the dealing, which isn’t exactly the most
interesting part of the game]. Then, in turn, from Elder to Younger, each
player discards up to four cards into the discard pot, or may fold by
discarding all five cards, and announces the number of discards to the Dealer
who replaces them from the top of the pack; the Dealer then discards and
replaces, also announcing the number thrown away. It is important to note
that up to this point all cards have been dealt face down, each player is
only aware of their own cards and, by way of the draw, ought to have a
better hand than was originally dealt.

The first round of betting takes place, consisting of three distinct parts.
In the first two parts, the Dealer names the amount that must be matched by
other players individually if they wish to stay in and places this amount
in the Pot. In turn, from the Elder to the Younger, the players must either
match the Dealer’s bid, by placing the same amount in the Pot, or fold by
placing their cards in the discard pot; if a player matches the Dealer’s bid,
that player has the option of raising the Dealer by placing a named amount
near the Pot on the player’s side. The process of raising does not affect
the other players except for the Dealer who must match the collective raise
or fold – see below for events following the folding of the Dealer. The
matching of the collective raise by the Dealer and the placing of all the
individual raises into the Pot closes that part of the betting. In the third,
and at this stage final, part, the betting is the same except that no
raising may take place. During the betting, the Dealer may make a zero bet,
allowing all the other players to stay in and, in the first two parts and if
they wish, to raise.

The second set of five cards each is now dealt in the following way: the
Dealer receives five cards face down on the table, and then, in turn from
Elder to Younger, each other player may buy cards, multiply or one at a time,
from the Dealer placing an amount equal to the Stake for each bought card in
the Pot. Buying stops at five bought cards, or earlier if the player wishes
when the player is then dealt the remaining cards up to five, that is up to
ten cards in all, face up on the table. Bought cards are dealt face down and
the player may mix them in with the cards from the first stage of dealing,
but cards dealt face up on the table must remain that way, although the
player may rearrange them there. After receiving the second five cards, the
player is then asked to make an extra bet, which again the Dealer must alone
match later on, placing the amount, which may be zero, on the face up cards,
or on the table if there are no face up cards, directly in front of the
player. Once this has taken place for all the players, the Dealer considers
the extra bets made on the basis of all the face up cards and the Dealer’s own
ten cards which, of course, are unknown to the other players. If the Dealer
decides to match the total amount of the extra bets made, by placing the
total value in the Pot, all extra bets are placed in the Pot as well and two
last parts of betting take place in the same manner as the first two parts
of the first round of betting as described in the previous paragraph. If the
extra bets are not matched, the Dealer may give the Dealership to the Elder
WITHOUT being required to fold: this is the only point of the game when the
Dealership changes without the Dealer folding – of course, the Dealer loses all
privileges by becoming the new Younger. To accept the Dealership and become
the new Dealer, the Elder must match the other players’ collective extra
bets, the Elder’s own extra bet, if there was one, being lost to the Pot
without reclaim; otherwise the Dealership is again passed left. This process
is repeated until either the Dealership is accepted, in which case events
proceed as described some twelve lines above, or the Dealership goes full
circle and returns to the original Dealer – then, everybody folds, the Pot
becomes the ante for the next round, the Dealer remains the Dealer and the
next round begins from the beginning.

The game having managed to get this far without utter confusion breaking out,
the final part of the round, Showdown, takes place. Beginning from the
Elder, the highest card grouping is declared and displayed on the table;
if the player to the left of the Elder cannot equal, beat or play some
modifier that affects the Elder’s cards, that player’s cards are all placed
face up on the table, in their groupings if the player wishes, and the next
player’s cards are compared. If the Elder’s cards are equalled, then the
next card grouping must be considered. If the Elder’s cards are beaten, then
the Elder has the opportunity to play a modifier or rearrange the card
grouping in an attempt to obtain a better arrangement. By this process of
comparison, consideration of lower groupings, rearrangement of card groups
and playing of modifiers, the holder of the better cards, between the
Elder and the player on the Elder’s left, is found; the player but one to the
Elder’s left is then brought in, and the whole process of finding the
holder of the better cards is repeated. This continues until at last the
Dealer has been brought in, and finally the player who holds the best cards
wins the contents of the Pot; in the event of a complete tie, the player of
greater seniority wins – often, this means that the Dealer wins. The
round is then over, the cards and discards are collected up and the winner
becomes the Dealer for the next round.

In the event that the Dealer folds, the Dealership is auctioned as follows:
from the Elder to the Younger, the players who are still in are asked by the
old Dealer if they wish to be the new Dealer – if the player wishes to be
the new Dealer, that player must advance an amount equal to the Stake. If
another player, when asked, also wishes to be Dealer, then that player
must match the existing bid and advance another amount equal to the Stake.
This process continues around and around the table, with each prospective
Dealer making sure that that player’s bid is at least an amount equal to
the Stake higher that the highest bid so far, until all the players except
for one decline to advance any more, when they place their own total bid
in the Pot as they decline, and the single player left becomes the new
Dealer placing the winning bid in the pot. If nobody wishes to be the new
Dealer, all the players fold, the Pot becomes the ante for the next round,
the old Dealer stays as Dealer and another round beings anew.

Well, that describes the basic [!] game. Hands up all those who thought that
thirteen simple winning hands would not make the game complicated. But, of
course, there has been discussion of modifiers [incidentally, if you think
that this reconstruction is a rip-off of other card games around the
Multiverse, all I can say is: you don’t have to play and win a lot and
have fun as well], which I shall now describe. These particular modifiers
are, inevitably, the creation of a small group of people: if you think they
should be changed or added to or reduced in number, just say so.

Modifier #0: Crippling Rules.
i. A nine-card running flush may be used to cripple a Great Onion and
hence win the game. Once crippled, a Great Onion may not be retracted.
ii. A ten-card running flush outcripples a nine-card running flush in
crippling a Great Onion and may also cripple a Lesser Onion. Once cripped,
the Onion may not be retracted.

[I hope that this one at least doesn’t require any comments.]

Modifier #1: Null Eights Rules.
i. During a round in which eights are not wild (see ii.), an eight
may be used as if it had value zero in order to trump up an onion. In the
event of a tie between two onions with equal numbers of cards, the onion
with the fewer null eights wins.
ii. In the round following a round in which a null eight has been
played, eights are wild, acting as any regular card. The wild Royal, three
wild eights, may then be played. In the next round, eights return to their
original role.

[To “trump up an onion” means to make a four-card onion into a five-card
onion by the addition of one null eight, or to make a three-card onion
into a seven-card onion with four – it did happen, and he won. Note,
however, that there are no onions beyond seven-card and that wild eights
cannot be used as any of the special cards giving rise to later

Modifier #2: Wild Crippling Rule.
In a round in which eights are wild, to successfully cripple the
relevant Onion, the running flush must have at most the same number of
wild cards as the Onion being crippled.

[Note that this is the only manifestation of the “fewer wild cards wins”
rule of poker, the equivalent here being “fewer null eights wins” as in
#1i. above.]

Modifier #3: Octavo Rule.
When eights are wild, the card group consisting of eight eights can
be considered as a Lesser Onion, but beats other Lesser Onions and may not
be crippled like a Lesser Onion of any other composition.

[Terry likes this one!]

Modifier #4: The Lady’s Rules.
i. If eights are not wild, the queen of spades may be declared, before
or during Showdown, and replaced by the player’s choice of one of the next
two cards from the deck, the chosen card taking up the place of the queen;
the other card goes to the discard pot. This move may not be rescinded.
ii. When eights are wild, the queen of spades devalues one ace, for
every other player, that would otherwise be played as having value eleven, to
value one only. This does not affect any aces in a Great Onion, but may
affect cards, in any grouping, which, by being wild or by other means, would
otherwise be played with value eleven.

[If you’re playing with two English decks, you’re going to have to choose
one of the two queens of spades and mark it, not on the back though, so
use old or cheap cards for this. By declaring, I mean put the card on the
table face up and point it out to the other players; here, of course, the
queen may no longer be used in forming card groupings since a replacement
card has been received (very useful for getting out of those triple
bagels) but should be left near the player on the table rather than in the
discard pot. For the reason for this, read on…]

Modifier #5: Fate’s Rules.

i. If the queen of spades has been declared and replaced, the king
of cups may also be declared and replaced in a like manner, in the process
making all aces held by the player who used the queen of spades have value
zero. Unlike null eights, however, zeroed aces cannot trump up onions.
ii. If eights are wild, the king of cups may be declared so that
eights immediately cease to be wild; a different player who has the queen of
spades, whether visible, played or not, may then make his own eights wild
again. The king of cups may not be revoked once declared, and a single
player may not use the king of cups and then the queen of spades in this way.

[The suit of cups, you may remember, is paired up with hearts, so choose one
of the the king of hearts as Fate.]

Modifier #6: Great A’Tuin’s Rule.
Declaring the queen of coins allows the player to reduce the value of
one of the player’s cards by eight points and to increase the value of a
different card by eight points. The two affected cards must still have value
between one and eleven inclusive.

[Coins are paired with diamonds. A two that is shifted up to value ten may
be considered a picture card, a three shifted up to eleven as an ace of
value eleven.]

Modifier #7: The Elephants’ Rule.
Any four cards, each being either a nine or a ten or an eight when
eights are wild, that are declared with the queen of coins in one
player’s hand, allow that player to shift as many points as are needed to
to generate a Double Onion. This Double Onion may be beaten by any other
Double Onion. Any nines or tens in the player’s hand that are not involved
in the shift may be considered as ones, not aces, and twos respectively.

[Since the five cards involved here have only been declared, they are, of
course, still playable as cards in groups. Remember that a ten may not
take the role of a picture card in an Onion – a shifted nine, eight etc.
is needed. With two nines, two tens and the queen of coins, a possible shift
is: add one each to the nines and tens – hence the Double Onion – and take
four from the queen of coins to be a six.]

Modifier #8: The Sender of Eight’s Rules.
i. When eights are not wild, a visible jack of diamonds makes any aces
belonging to a player who uses any eights become zeroed (see #5i.).
ii. When eights are wild, the jack of diamonds must be declared as soon
as it is dealt and identified, zeroing all aces and disallowing eights from
taking on value one or eleven.

[As before, choose one of the jacks of diamonds and mark it on the face.]

Modifier #9: Death’s Rules.
i. When eights are not wild, a visible king of swords makes one
picture card in every player’s hand that has two or more picture cards have
no part in forming a Double Onion.
ii. When eights are wild, the visible king of swords makes one
picture card in every player’s hand that has two or more picture cards have
no part in forming either a Double Onion or a Triple Onion.

[Swords are paired with clubs. The “killed” picture card can still take
part in anything else, which usually means a bagel or two.]

Modifier #10: The Archchancellor’s Rules.
i. Any player who plays the jack of staves may not also play an
eight as having value eight.
ii. If the jack of staves is declared at any time during the game, the
king of swords must also be declared if held; if the king of swords is
declared, then all the other players must also declare one previously
undisclosed card each. If no one holds the king of swords, the the jack of
staves becomes wild for the rest of the round.

[By a process of elimination, staves are paired with spades.]

Modifier #11: The Fool’s Rule.
If, immediately before Showdown, the jack of clubs is declared,
then, for the rest of the round, bagels change places with Onions in the
order of winning card groupings. That is: the two-card onion and the
single bagel change places, the Double, Triple and Lesser Onions are ex-
changed with the double, triple and lesser bagels respectively, and the
great bagel becomes only beaten by, but may also be crippled like, the
Great Onion which remains at the top of the list.

[This now makes bagels worth something, other than a tie-breaker. The
jack of clubs, of course, can still take part in bagels, and any other
card grouping, as usual.]

Okay, so there are some in-jokes in that lot, but you don’t need to know
them all, or indeed any of them, to be able to play the game and it hasn’t
stopped me playing the game with a large group of people here who have
never heard of Bel-Shamharoth or the Rite of Ashk’Ente. It might be fun
to try and work out the reasoning behind the modifiers – and yes, there
is a reason behind nearly every one that may be found somewhere in the
Discworld books. This is the point though: unlike Dragon Poker, where
the typical modifier seems to be “If there are three players with
four arms, the moon is gibbous, there’s an r in the month and the Dealer
is blue, the three of Unicorns is wild in the seventeenth round” (no
criticism of Robert Asprin – it’s a fun idea), Cripple Mr Onion
modifiers should be based on Discworld mythology and belief; I’ve taken
the view that the game is as old as Ankh-Morpork and has, over the
centuries, absorbed all sorts of details of Disc life.

Anyway, comments please.
Andrew C. Millard
Physics Department,
Princeton University.
A couple of rules in the game that Andrew posted up are debatable, so I
thought we should bring them to your attention.

They all concern the modifiers. The original game is quite playable and
has no faults, but some of the modifiers have problems.

First of all, the rules as stated say that if the first person lays down
his hand, and the next person beats it, the the first person has a chance
to reform his hand. This has the small problem that the game could
technically go on forever, with everybody reforming their hands, but also
takes out the “sucker” element of the game: “I didn’t know a three-card
flush beat a …”, etc. However, as some modifiers (Fate, the Lady,
Bel-Shamharoth, Death) do devalue hands, perhaps after these have been
played, the people whose hands are affected have a chance to reform once.

Also, if one prefers, if two combinations tie, the one with fewer wild
cards loses. The only problem with this is that it takes away a bit the
prerogative of the dealer to win tied hands, and the game traditionally has
a bias toward the dealer (unless Weatherwax is playing).

Finally, as some special cards are declared before any hands are played,
to prevent someone laying down his lesser Onion in a hurry before anyone
can play the “Fool”, there should be a round before showdown where the
dealer asks if any special cards (at this stage, only the Fool and possiblt
Bel-Shamharoth) are to be used.

The Etymology Of “Okay!”

Newsgroups: alt.folklore.urban
>From: (Terry Chan)
Subject: Sheesh! Okay Already!
Organization: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley
X-Local-Date: Mon, 15 Jul 91 16:48:13 PDT
Reply-To: (Terry Chan)
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 91 23:48:12 GMT

Well folks, Cecil does a fairly decent job on the origins of “okay” in
the second book. He notes that Eric Partridge in _Origins_ (pub. 1983)
says “OK” derives from the OK Club, which supported Martin “Old Kinderhook”
van Buren in 1840. But this is only 0.5 of the story.

William and Mary Morris in the _Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase
Origins_ (1977) mentions the OK Club and also several other theories
(there’s a good one about Haiti). But, Allen Walker Read wrote a series
of articles in the journal _American Speech_ in 1963 and 1964 which he
cites as best delineated. The letters of OK stand for “oll korrect” and
are the result of a fad for comical abbreviations that fluorished in the
1830s and 1840s (Cece mentions that Read cited “hundreds of citations”
to support his argument).

Cecil goes on to mention some interesting abbreviations in passing
(e.g., NG, “no go”) and that exaggerated misspellings were a basic
tool of humorists in those days (vestiges of this practice are still
found in certain, esoteric areas, such as USENET). He notes that OK
was first found in print in Boston in 1839, but really took off when
van Buren was running for President. Other folks have mentioned Andrew
Jackson in connection (or connexion) with this thread. Cecil notes
that van Burens’ opponents tried to use OK against van Buren by saying
that it originated with VG’s allegedly illegitimate predecessor, Jackson,
“a story that still survives to this day”. His enemies also went to
derive other interpretations (e.g., “Out of Kash”, “Out of Kredit”, and
[my favorite], “Out of Klothes”). Other folks came up with “Oll Killed”,
“Often Kontradicts”, etc.

It was a catchy slogan and after it got so popular, people began to forget
its origins and came up with other etymologies. Cecils mentions some of
them including:

1. Derivative of the Choctaw Indian affirmative “okeh”. Jackson was
said to have introduced it into white american talk.

2. It was a telegraphic signal for “open key” (i.e., “ready to
receive”). Problem was, first telegraph message was sent in 1844.

3. “OK” stands for O. Kendall & Sons, a supplier of biscuits to the
army that stamped its initials on its products.

4. From the name of a Haitian port “Aux Cayes” (noted for its rum). A
variation is that it came from the French “au quai” or “to the dock”,
which referred to cotton approved for loading.

5. Stands for Obediah Kelly, a RR freight agent who used to stamp his
initials on shipping documents.

6. From the Greek “Olla Kalla” or “all good”.

7. A German general who fought on the American side (you know, the good
guys) in the Revolutionary War who used to stamp his documents for
“Ober Kommando”.

and, of course, others. So, if you like and have faith in Cecil, that’s
it (subject to any of my own errors in input of course). If you don’t,
too bad. It does cover a number of proposed etymologies (including the
van Buren/Jackson one).

Terry “I hope I won’t FAQ this one up” Chan

INTERNET: BITNET: twchan@lbl.bitnet
“I realize that I’m generalizing here, but as is often the case when I
generalize, I don’t care.” — Dave Barry

Space Shuttle Earth Observations Photography

“6_2_10.TXT” (8257 bytes) was created on 02-21-89



Astronauts have used hand-held cameras to photograph the Earth for
nearly 25 years, beginning with the Mercury missions in the early
1960s. Since 1981, Space Shuttle astronauts have taken more than
37,000 photographs with the Hasselblad Model 500 EL/M and the Aero
Linhof Technika 45 hand-held cameras. About 85 percent of these
photographs are Earth-looking views. The rest show satellite
deployments, extravehicular activities, and astronaut activities in
the cabin.

Astronauts are trained in scientific observation of geological,
oceanographic, environmental and meteorological phenomena. They are
also instructed in the use of photographic techniques and equipment.
Training helps the astronauts make informed decisions on which areas
and phenomena to photograph. Specific areas of scientific interest are
selected before each flight by a group of scientists. The astronauts
receive intensive training and in-flight aids to help them locate
these sites.


Most of the photographs are in natural color, although a limited
amount of black-and-white film has been used with polarizing filters.
Beginning in 1963, a small about of color infrared film was tested on
some missions.

Three lenses (50 mm, 100 mm, and 250 mm) on the Hasselblad cameras and
two lenses (90 mm and 250 mm) on the Aero Linhof camera offer a wide
variety of both areal coverage and spatial resolution. The Shuttle
flies at different altitudes; for example, on the first 24 missions,
the altitude range was between 204 and 555 km (110 and 300 nautical
miles), which adds to this variation. Table 1 offers a guideline to
the areal coverage provided by the photographs.



Camera Lens Distance

Kilometers Nautical Miles

Hasselblad 50 mm 325 175
100 mm 165 90
250 mm 65 35


Aero Linhof 90 mm 310 x 395 170 x 215
250 mm 110 x 145 60 x 75


A rule of thumb is that 100-mm lens offers spatial resolution similar
to that of Landsat multispectral scanner (approximately 80 m) and the
25-mm lens has resolution similar to that of the Landsat thematic
mapper (approximately 30 m).

For most Shuttle missions, the orbital tracks cover the tropical and
temperate regions of the Earth between 28 degrees N. and 28 degrees S.
latitude. Nine Space Transportation System (STS) missions have flown
at higher latitudes, with the orbits of STS Missions 9, 41-G, 51-B,
and 61-A extending to 57 degrees N. and 57 degrees S. latitude. Repeat
coverage of an area is obtained by acquiring photography on several
missions and/or by taking photographs from different viewing angles
during a single mission.

As a result of the Earth’s rotation and the Shuttle’s orbit duration
(approximately 90 minutes), an area may be photographed at different
Sun angles during a single mission.

Stereoscopic coverage is available for a number of areas.


The Shuttle hand-held photography fills a niche between the coverage
provided by aerial photography and that of unmanned satellite scanners
and complements these two familiar formats with additional
information. The ability of the trained astronaut to rapidly identify
and photograph important phenomena on the Earth makes the Shuttle
photographs unique. Near-real-time information exchange with the crew
facilitates the recording of current events of environmental,
geological, oceanographic, and meteorological importance.

Photographing at various Sun angles highlights different geologic
features and takes advantage of sun glint to show intricate ocean
structures and land/water interfaces. Critical environmental
monitoring sites are photographed repeatedly over time; some have
photographic records dating back to the Gemini and Skylab missions.
Earth-limb pictures taken at sunrise and sunset document the changes
in the Earth’s atmospheric layering.Volcanic activity is monitored in
cooperation with the Scientific Event Alert Network of the Smithsonian
Institution. Meteorological phenomena are monitored and photographed
during Space Shuttle missions. Documentation of hurricanes,
thunderstorms, squall lines, island cloud wakes, and jet stream,
complements meteorological satellite data by offering better
resolution and stereoscopic coverage of such phenomena. The
photographs can be used in geologic mapping and in updating existing


Each frame of the hand-held Shuttle photography has a set of
descriptors to help the user understand the photographic content. This
information is available in a set of catalogs or through an automated
data base search.

o CATALOGS – Catalogs of the photography for each Space Shuttle
mission can be obtained by contacting the Earth
Resources Observations System (EROS) Data Center.

o DATA BASE – A computerized data base containing more than 15
descriptors for each frame of the Shuttle Earth-
looking photography has been compiled. A data base
query can be made through the EROS Data Center

The photographs can be viewed on microfilm at
National Cartographic Information Centers: the
Technology Application Center, University of New
Mexico; the Lunar Planetary Institute, Houston, TX,
and the Library of Congress, Washington DC.

o VIDEO DISK – The Earth-viewing photography from the first 24 STS
missions is available on a video disk through the
Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC.



Prints, slides, and transparencies of STS Earth-looking photography
are distributed through three agencies. The primary source of the data

User Services Section
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57198
Phone: (605) 594-6151
FTS: 784-7151

Other sources are:
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131
Phone: (505) 277-3622


Still Photography Library
NASA/Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
P.O. Box 58425, Mail Code AP3
Houston TX 77258-8425
Phone: (713) 483-4231

A user may contact these agencies for ordering assistance, price
lists, and oder forms. To order a picture, submit the Shuttle mission
number, the film roll number, and the frame number.

If the interest lies in a specific area, a listing of available
photographs can be obtained through the EROS Data Center. submit the
geographic name (i.e. country, island chain, ocean, or sea) and the
latitude and longitude coordinates for the area of interest.

The Space Shuttle Earth Observation Project Office recommends that a
user visit one of the viewing centers to select the photograph best
satisfying his or her requirements before ordering a photograph.

January 1987

Statement Of Principles On Contracts Between Writers And Electronic Book Publishers By The National Writers Union, Prepared By Philip Mattera (April 1994)

National Writers Union April 1994
13 Astor Place
New York, NY 10003
Phone (212) 254-0279

(Services provided to members:
contract advising, agent database,
grievance handling, health care
plans, New York and San Francisco
Job banks for writers.)


by the National Writers Union
Produced by Philip Mattera

Book publishing is at the threshold of a new era. An industry
that for hundreds of years has put ink on paper is now delivering
more and more of its wares in the form of floppy diskettes and
multimedia CD-ROMs; some publishers are also beginning to
distribute books via on-line networks. Although the electronic
book publishing industry is young and still very much in flux, it
is not too early to try to establish some standards for the
writer-publisher relationship in this field. This document
represents an attempt by a major writers’ organization to come up
with some general principles that we hope will be adopted in
contracts between writers and electronic publishers, primarily
for works distributed in disc form.

These principles address the four main types of projects writers
and electronic publishers would enter into: ones in which the
author of a print work who holds electronic rights licenses them
to an electronic publisher; ones involving original electronic
projects centered on a writer’s text; ones centered on the work
of numerous writers or other creators; and ones in which the
writer’s work plays a secondary role in an original electronic
project dominated by other content such as music or video.

In all four categories the writer’s traditional role is altered.
Electronic books, by their nature, involve elements beyond the
stringing together of words. The skills of programmers, computer-
graphic designers, musicians, videographers and others are also
required. Creating a book almost invariably becomes a
collaborative effort, in some cases as complicated as that
involved in making a film. Figuring out how to participate in the
new nature of authorship will be a challenge for every writer who
wants to become involved in electronic publishing.

It will also be a challenge for publishers. If electronic
publishing is going to thrive, it will need the diversity and
talent of the most creative members of the writing community.
Setting fair standards will be essential in encouraging writers
to make the leap from print to the digital world.

I. COPYRIGHT. In print publishing most writers are accustomed to
holding the copyright on the books they write. It is only under
certain circumstances (textbooks, reference works, etc.) that
authors may be put in a work-for-hire position, i.e. one in which
the copyright vests with the publisher or other commissioning

There is no reason why the principle of authors retaining their
copyright should not be extended to the electronic realm. In
cases where a print work is adapted to electronic form or an
original electronic work is centered on a writer’s work, there
should be no question but that the writer would retain the
copyright on the text portion of the work while licensing it to
the publisher. Where there are numerous writers, each would hold
the copyright on his or her text. Separate copyrights could exist
for the user interface, retrieval software or additional
multimedia elements inserted in the work.

The matter is more complicated when the writer’s contribution to
a multimedia work is less predominant, e.g. a CD-ROM mostly made
up of electronic photographs or video clips, with the text
limited to simple captions. In the case of such electronic coffee
table books it might not be unreasonable for a writer to be
brought in on a work-for-hire basis on the premise that the
writing is a contribution to a collective work. However, if the
writing is more extensive and has to be closely coordinated with
the producers of the other creative content, it might make sense
for writers and the other creators (who may be acting in a
partnership) to hold joint copyright in the entire content.

II. GRANT OF RIGHTS. The publishing rights granted by a copyright
holder to a publisher typically cover three main issues: the
geographical scope of the rights, the formats in which the rights
can be exercised, and the duration of those rights.

Electronic book publishers typically want the right to distribute
the work throughout the world, and some want rights in all
possible formats. Whether the author wants to grant such sweeping
rights should be a matter of negotiation, in which a broader
grant of rights should be reflected in the size of the advance
and the royalty rates.

One important principle that should characterize all deals, is
that publishers, after some reasonable amount of time, forfeit
rights for any formats they have not exploited. The practice of
sitting on rights should be discouraged.

In addition, given the rapidly changing nature of electronic
publishing, there should–unlike the practice in print
publishing–be a time limit even on rights that are exploited. An
author should not be tied indefinitely to a publisher that may
not be adequately promoting or distributing the work or is
failing to keep up with changes in technology.

III. CREATIVE CONTROL. It is customary in most print book

contracts for the author to have ultimate creative control over
the content of the work–except for the publisher’s right to
ensure that the work conforms with some generally accepted
standards of style, spelling, grammar, etc. and that the book is
not obscene, libelous or an infringement on someone’s copyright.
Most publishers will assert greater control over matters such as
cover design and jacket copy, but often authors will have the
right of approval in these areas.

A similar degree of author’s creative control should extend to
electronic publishing. Texts should not be altered in any
significant way without the consent of the author, who should
also be consulted on the packaging of the disc.

Where there are substantial multimedia elements in the work, the
issue of creative control is more complicated. Some electronic
publishers may say that, in the same way that print publishers
generally don’t consult with authors on what typeface will be
used, they should have exclusive control over issues such as user
interface. This is a mistake. A successful multimedia work is one
in which interface, images and sound are in harmony with the
text. The best approach is for creative control to be a
collective matter, involving publisher, writer and contributors
of other creative content, rather than the hierarchical approach
used, for example, in the film industry.

Indeed, under the Berne Convention and federal law, moral rights
protection is much stronger for visually-based works than it is
for text. The rights of integrity and paternity will become
increasingly relevant for multimedia works.

IV. “MANUSCRIPT” ACCEPTANCE. One of the major sources of friction
between print authors and publishers is the issue of manuscript
acceptability for books that are contracted on the basis of a
proposal rather than a finished work. A substantial number of
such works are deemed unsatisfactory when they are delivered a
year or more later, and the publisher seeks the return of the
advance, which the author invariably has long ago spent. Writers’
groups charge that many of these rejections are for reasons that
have nothing to do with the quality of the work–that the real
explanation is that the original editor has left, or the house
has been taken over and the new owner doesn’t like the project,
or the house has simply changed its mind.

It’s too early to tell whether electronic publishers will adopt
these same practices. What would be better is for the industry to
regard advances as an investment that entails a certain risk. If
by the time the author delivers the text the publisher has for
whatever reason changed its mind about the project, or if the
writer has made a good faith effort but has produced something
unsatisfactory, then the project should be cancelled and the
advance written off as a business loss.

If the publisher feels the writer has not made a serious effort
to fulfill the contract, the publisher should file an arbitration
claim (see item X below).

V. ROYALTIES. The electronic book publishing industry is still
too young to have the kind of more-or-less standard rates seen in
the print world. For the time being, rates will be negotiated on
a case-by-case basis. However, royalty rates should be higher for
electronic books on discs than for print books to reflect the
lower costs of production and the fact that the full income
potential after cost recovery is unknown, and, at the very least,
should be fairly divided and accounted so that authors may share
in any long-term financial success of the product.

Royalty rates should be even higher in situations such as
network distribution of electronic books or “CD-ROM on Demand” kiosks, in
which production costs may be negligible.

There is one practice, however, that should be adopted widely
from the start: that of paying royalties based on the list price
of the work rather than the net. The experience of print
publishing is that where royalties are paid on net (mostly small
presses or reference works), there is simply too much potential
for abuse on the part of the publisher. Authors tend to be
suspicious of the mysterious figures that appear on royalty
statements and often feel ripped off when they realize what a
small percentage of the list price they are receiving.

It is true, however, that for some electronic publishers, a
substantial portion of their sales come from discs that are
supplied to hardware manufacturers to bundle with their CD-ROM
drives or multimedia kits. Electronic publishers argue that they
could not possibly afford to pay list-price royalties on these
copies, which are sold at huge discounts.

This issue can be addressed by adopting the print publishing
practice of paying lower and/or net royalties on those specific
copies that are sold outside of normal trade channels. (In the
case of electronic books, normal trade channels would include
computer and software stores as well as book stores).

VI. ROYALTY STATEMENTS. Royalty statements are the bane of print
authors. Most of them are indecipherable documents that seem to
conceal more than they reveal. Some print publishers, however,
have begun to revamp their statements to provide more detailed
data (though this sometimes makes them less rather than more

Given the sophistication of new technology, electronic publishers
should follow the best practices of the print industry. Royalty
statements should include complete information on the number of
copies produced, shipped, returned, and remaining in stock.
Authors should be in a position to know when their work is close
to being out of stock or out of “print.”

Electronic publishers should avoid the antiquated practices of
print publishers, in which it typically takes 90 or 120 days
after the end of the semi-annual accounting period before the
publisher supplies the author with the royalty statement and a
check for any monies owed. In an industry producing works for use
on computers, it would be only appropriate to follow a time frame
more appropriate to the computer age. There is no reason why
accounts should not be settled within 30 days of the close of the
royalty period. Following the practices of many other businesses,
publishers should pay a penalty of 3-4 per cent for each month a
royalty payment is delayed.

VII. TERMINATION. Print book contracts typically provide for the
termination of the grant of rights if the publisher does one of
several things: fails to publish the book within a reasonable
amount of time, fails to pay royalties, or allows the work to go out of

All of these provisions should be adopted in electronic book
contracts. Yet the concept of “out of print” has to be re-thought
in the electronic era, when small quantities or even single
copies of a work can be reproduced easily and cheaply. The real
criterion for whether a publisher can retain rights is whether
the work is still being actively marketed.

The sensible procedure would be to require the electronic
publisher to notify the author when it has decided that it no
longer makes sense to make even minimal efforts to promote the
work. At that time the work would be deemed “out of promotion,”
and the rights would revert to the author, who may choose to
purchase all or some of the remaining copies at a big discount.

VIII. OPTION. The option clause common in print book contracts is
a holdover from a time when the author-publisher relationship was
more like a marriage rather than the one-night stands prevalent
today. The clauses are ultimately unenforceable (in legal or
practical terms) and serve mainly to inconvenience the author.
They have no place in electronic book contracts.

IX. NON-COMPETITION. Another controversial provision in print
book contracts is the clause that bars the author from publishing
another work that the publisher thinks would directly compete
with its edition. Some non-competition clauses are written so
broadly that they could undermine an author’s writing career.

If non-competition clauses are going to be used at all for
electronic books, they should be written as narrowly as possible,
i.e. they should only bar the publication of another work on the
exact same subject using the same materials, and for a specific
time period that is essential for the success of the original
work. In addition, such clauses should not inhibit the right of
the author to publish the same material in formats the rights to
which have not been granted to the publisher.

X. ARBITRATION. The cost and time involved in filing a lawsuit
often prevents print authors from challenging contract violations
on the part of their publishers. Arbitration helps to level the
playing field by making cheaper and speedier justice possible.
Electronic publishers should acknowledge the fairness of
arbitration and make it a standard feature of their contracts
with authors.

XI. AFFORDABILITY & ACCESS. Although issues of pricing and
affordability of books have not traditionally been addressed in
print book contracts, these are matters that should be of concern
to both writers and publishers in the electronic book industry.

As electronic books begin to replace printed ones, discs should
not be priced so high that they are affordable only to a small,
relatively affluent portion of the population. As various forms
of electronic publishing reduce the cost per unit of
manufacturing and delivering book-length works, a share of those cost
savings should be passed on to consumers in the form of
lower prices. Electronic books, like their print counterparts,
will become an essential component of civilization, so they
should be as accessible as possible to everyone. Lower prices
will also help to make electronic book publishing into the mass
market ultimately needed for economic viability.

Lower prices alone will not ensure universal access. Many people
cannot afford even the computers and CD-ROM drives needed to read
electronic books. The electronic book publishing industry, in
partnership with writers and other creators, should take steps to
expand free access to their products through libraries and other
non-profit institutions.

# # #

For more information, email Philip Mattera:

Feline Nutrition By R. Roger Breton And Nancy J. Creek


R. Roger Breton
Nancy J Creek


Basic Needs

Above all it is important to remember that your cat is a carnivore and
requires a meat diet. This apparently self-obvious fact is all too
often overlooked by people who, all well meaning, attempt to make an
omnivore or herbivore out of their pet. They are slowly killing the
animal with love.

Dogs, while carnivores in the strictest sense, are omnivorous to a
large degree, and have the ability to break down and digest vegetable
as well as animal protein. A dog can survive quite successfully on
the same foods humans eat, hence can live on table scraps, or even a
carefully balanced vegetarian diet, especially if supplements are

Cats, despite 5000 years of domestication, remain strictly
carnivorous. They are incapable of digesting and receiving nutrition
from the majority of vegetable proteins. There are no and can be no
vegetarian cats. In addition, cats in the wild are equal-opportunity
carnivores and devour the whole of their prey: muscles, organs,
viscera, bones, offal, skin, etc. In this manner, cats ingest not
only the flesh and organs of their prey but also the partially and
wholly digested vegetable foods the prey had eaten. With the assist-
ance of the prey’s own digestive processes, the cat then is able to
derive nutrition from various vegetable sources.

This evolved approach to eating means that the cat has lost the
ability to manufacture various vitamins, enzymes and other substances
necessary to life, receiving these substances directly from its food.
This “laziness” has caused the nutritional requirements of the cat to
be radically different from that of the dog, which in turn has caused
cat food to be considerably more expensive than dog food.

Food as Fuel

Food is fuel. The object of food is first and foremost to provide the
body with the energy it needs to keep functioning. The greater
portion of this energy is utilized to keep the body functioning as a
machine. All processes in the body, movement, digestion, breathing,
circulating blood, even thinking, require energy, all of which must be
derived from the food consumed. This energy is measured in calories.

To a scientist, a calorie is a unit of thermal energy: specifically,
the amount of thermal energy necessary to raise the temperature of one
cubic centimeter of water one degree Celsius. This is a distinct and
definite amount.

Feline Nutrition Page 1

To a dietitian, a “calorie” is a unit of the potential thermal energy
of a foodstuff: specifically, the amount of potential thermal energy
that would raise the temperature of one liter of water one degree
Celsius. Since one liter is equivalent to 1000 cubic centimeters, the
dietitian’s “calorie” is the scientist’s “kilocalorie” (the prefix
“kilo” means 1000). Dietitian’s calories are sometimes called “big
calories” to differentiate them from the scientist’s “true calories”
or “small calories.” To us, they will simply be “calories.”

The Exchange of Energy

Energy is derived from food and used by the body via a series of
chemical reactions. All chemical reactions require the input of
energy to trigger and control them. No input of energy, no reactions.

Some chemical reactions release more energy than was required to
trigger and control them. This surplus of energy is stored by the
body in the form of chemicals such as proteins, fats, and
carbohydrates, and is available for future use. Other chemical
reactions release less energy than was required to trigger and control
them. This energy deficiency must be made up from the body’s energy
reserves by breaking down the storage chemicals and releasing their
energy. The waste products of this breakdown are passed into the
bloodstream and filtered out by the kidneys.

Other Nutrients

Besides basic energy in the form of calories, it is the task of food
to provide all essential nutrients, the chemicals necessary for life.
The vast majority of those chemicals required for life are derived by
breaking down and rearranging the molecular structures of the
proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the foods consumed. This process
is known as synthesis, and is technically defined as the forming or
building of a more complex compound from elements or simpler

It is important to note that virtually all organic molecules are
synthesized. A glucose molecule synthesized by a cat is identical to
one synthesized by an apple tree and is identical to one synthesized
by a chemical laboratory. All molecules of a given type are
identical: advertising claims aside, there is absolutely no
difference between “natural” vitamin C and “synthetic” vitamin C.
They are identical, and the terms “natural” and “synthetic” in this
context are null words, without meaning.

Like most higher organisms, the cat has lost the ability to synthesize
some of the chemicals it requires for life, obtaining those chemicals
ready-made from the food it eats. Obviously, those chemicals must be
present in the food, or the cat will fall ill and eventually die. In
humans, for example, a lack of the chemical ascorbic acid, vitamin C,
will result in the condition known as scurvy.


Feline Nutrition Page 2

The primary source of food energy is protein. Like all animals, a
cat’s body is primarily protein, and vast amounts of food protein are
required to maintain it. Typically, the energy content of a cat’s
diet should be derived at least 25 to 30 per cent from protein, almost
all of which must be animal protein. The major sources of animal
protein in commercial foods are meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products.
Vegetable protein is typically obtained from beans and peas, nuts, and

Proteins, while providing the basic amino acids for muscle and organ
tissue, do contain a high percentage of waste, which must be purged
from the cat’s system by the kidneys. An all-protein diet, such as a
raw meat diet, will not only lack other important and even critical
nutrients, but will overtax the kidneys, and may lead to urinary
problems or premature renal failure.


The secondary source of food energy is fats. Fats have received much
unwarranted bad press, mostly due to the public’s preoccupation with
being slim and total misunderstanding of what constitutes a good,
well-balanced diet. This preoccupation and misunderstanding are both
vigorously perpetuated by the advertising industry (the same people
who define a Twinkie (R) as “wholesome,” and who define “wholesome” as
“not causing death within 48 hours”). While this tendency is bad
enough for our own collective health, it can be disastrous when the
same philosophies are applied to our cats. We at least have some
choice in the matter.

The cat requires a diet containing a lot of fat, far more than either
the human or the dog. From 15 to 40 per cent of the energy content of
your cat’s diet should be derived from fat.

Unlike proteins, fat is little wasted by the cat’s metabolism, and
hence does not provide a burden to the kidneys. Because of this, as a
cat reaches old age, the fat content of its diet should be increased
somewhat while the protein content is decreased proportionately. In
this manner, the proper overall energy content may be maintained while
easing the burden on the older kidneys. The key here is moderation in
both rate and amount of dietary change. Sudden or rapid changes in
diet are especially hard on an older cat, while an all-fat diet is as
bad as a no-fat diet.


The tertiary source of food energy is carbohydrates, primarily
starches and sugars. Like fats, carbohydrates too have received
unwarranted bad press. Neither we nor our cats can live without
carbohydrates: they are as essential to life as water.

Only a small amount of carbohydrates is required in the cat’s diet,
with only about 5 percent of the total food energy being in this form.
The simple carbohydrates, the sugars, are more easily assimilated into

Feline Nutrition Page 3

the cat’s system, while the complex carbohydrates, the starches, pass
through virtually untouched. Cooking complex carbohydrates such as
potatoes, corn, pasta, etc., start the conversion from starch to sugar
and aid in the digestion process.


Vegetable matter provides another important function besides energy
content: it helps to keep the bowel functioning smoothly through the
mildly abrasive and water-absorbing actions of its cellulose content,
commonly referred to as “fiber.” Note that two seemingly opposite
conditions may arise from a lack of fiber: constipation, from a lack
of abrasive action, or diarrhea, from a lack of water-absorbing
action. While fiber is not a nutrient per se, a “regular” cat needs
some fiber in his diet.

As with so many other things, fiber requirements and types have been
completely distorted almost beyond recognition by the advertising
industry. Fiber is simply cellulose, which is the basic material from
which the cellular walls (membranes) of plants are made. Cellulose is
cellulose, regardless of it’s source, be it from oat bran or grass.
In the wild, a cat derives all the cellulose it requires from the
stomach and intestines of its prey. The pampered cat, too, should
receive all the cellulose it needs from its normal diet.

As an interesting aside, many of the smaller wild cats subsist chiefly
on insects and insectivores (lizards, etc.). At first glance, one
would think that such cats would have insufficient cellulose and
carbohydrates in their diet. This is not the case, as insects and
other arthropods are exoskeletal creatures with a covering of chitin,
a polysaccaride compound consisting of a simple cellulose-like base
molecule (chitin and cellulose are chemically related) coupled with
various simple sugars, thus providing both fiber and carbohydrates
simultaneously. Good things, those bugs!


Vitamins and related compounds are complex organic molecules used as
catalysts or agents in various metabolic processes. In the wild, the
cat derives all the vitamins it requires from its prey and from
sunlight. The domestic cat must receive all its vitamins in its diet.
Under some conditions, your veterinarian may prescribe a vitamin

A warning is in order here. If the diet is properly balanced and the
cat is young and healthy, vitamin supplements are unnecessary. Giving
vitamin supplements to a healthy cat may actually lead to a condition
of vitamin toxicity, which can be very dangerous, even deadly. In a
like manner, a vitamin deficiency can also be very serious. The best
solution is a well-balanced diet without supplements unless prescribed
by a veterinarian.

Each vitamin plays its role in the health of a cat. Vitamin A is
fundamental to good vision, proper growth, and a healthy skin.

Feline Nutrition Page 4

Vitamin B1 is needed for growth and overall body function. Vitamin C
is important for a healthy skin, coat, and gums, but is not required
in the diet as the cat synthesizes all it needs. Only very small
amounts of vitamin D are required for regulating the use of calcium
and phosphorus, necessary for good bones and teeth. Vitamin E is
required for a healthy skeleton and reproductive system. Vitamin K is
required for proper blood clotting, but like vitamin C is wholly
synthesized by the cat. Vitamin B12 is not required by the cat except
in very small traces.


In addition to the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins,
all of which are complex organic molecules, certain small amounts of
various inorganic substances are required for life. Life is often
though of as being composed of six elements: carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorous; the same elements that make
up DNA. The “big six” are the overwhelming components of life, com-
prising all but a fraction of a percent of all living tissue. That
fraction of a percent is crucial.

The elements iron, sodium, iodine, magnesium, potassium, manganese,
and a host of others are also required in varying amounts. All these
inorganic substances are lumped together under the general term

Again, atoms are atoms, and there is no such thing as “organic
calcium,” advertising claims notwithstanding. The calcium extracted
from limestone is identical to the calcium extracted from seashells or
bone. Limestone was once seashells, after all. By the same token,
calcium is an element, as are iron, sodium, iodine, etc., and cannot
be artificially produced. All elements, with the exception of a few
short-lived and highly radioactive ones such as plutonium, are found
only in nature (the short-lived ones are also found in nature, but not
on Earth).

Like the vitamins, the minerals are necessary for overall body
function. The three most important minerals are iron, calcium, and
phosphorus. Iron is crucial to proper blood function: it is the
“heme” in hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs throughout
the body (making the blood red as it does so). Calcium and phosphorus
are required by the bones and teeth, which together contain over 99
per cent of the body’s calcium and phosphorus, and for proper muscle

Unclassified Nutrients

Like everything else, there are a few nutrients that do not fall
neatly into the major groups: proteins, fats, carbohydrates,
vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients are nonetheless essential to
life. One such nutrient is linoleic acid, a fatty acid midway between
the fats and the carbohydrates in chemical composition, which is
necessary for healthy skin and fur, among other things. There are
many such unclassified but required nutrients.

Feline Nutrition Page 5

Cat-Peculiar Nutrient Needs

It is important to remember the at cat is a cat, it is not and is
never a dog, or a human, or any other living creature. Cats are
unique, and have unique needs. Just as a cat needs little or none of
some of the nutrients required by us, such as vitamin B12, it has a
definite need for others that we do not, as well as differing
proportions of those nutrients we have in common.

Inositol, one of the B-complex vitamins, for example, is definitely
required by the cat to be present in its diet, but is synthesized by
dogs and humans.

In a similar manner the compound taurine is required for good vision
in certain nocturnal animals, such as cats. It is believed to be
required for a healthy tapetum lucidum, a lining inside the eye that
acts as a sort of “light-amplifier,” greatly increasing night vision
and, incidentally, making the eyes very reflective.

The metabolism of a cat is vastly different from dogs and humans in
its ability to purge various chemicals from the system. It is this
metabolic difference that causes cats to be easily poisoned by things
that a dog or human would shrug off. Common aspirin metabolizes (is
broken down and purged) in a human in about four to six hours, but
requires 38 hours in a cat! This difference makes the cat highly
susceptible to salicylate toxicity.

An overabundance of certain nutrients or substances, or a deficiency
thereof, can and often does lead to various medical conditions and


People don’t often think of water as a part of the diet, but without
water there is no life. About 70 per cent of a cat’s body is water.

A cat requires about one fluid ounce of water per pound of body weight
per day. In the wild, the majority of this water comes from the cat’s
prey. In the home, this may also be true if the diet consists of
canned food, but with semi-moist or dry foods this is not the case.
Fresh water must always be available to your cat, regardless of its

Do not substitute milk or other liquids for water. To a cat, milk is
a food, not a beverage. The only cat beverage is water.

Many people are distressed when their cat will drink from a scummy
puddle, the gutter, a pond, even the toilet, but won’t touch its nice,
clean water dish. There is a simple cause for this behavior: the
water dish tastes bad to the cat, or used to taste bad (cats have good
memories). If we think in cat terms for a moment, algae, mud, fish-
bits, even feces are all natural, normal things it rather expects in
the wild. But chlorine! Feh! Remember that your cat has a sensitive

Feline Nutrition Page 6

sense of smell and taste (plus another sense midway between the two)
and can readily detect odors and flavors lost on us, while even we can
taste the chlorine in our tap water. This foul taste is what makes
the sale of bottled water profitable.

You may find that your cat will also appreciate bottled water.
Barring that, you may try boiling your pet’s water first, as boiling
will drive out the highly-volatile chlorine. Even letting it stand
out a few hours before serving will allow the majority of the chlorine
to evaporate. Often, adding an ounce of club soda (carbonated water)
to 16 ounces of ordinary water will do the trick. Cats love car-

The Natural Diet

There is always controversy as to what establishes an ideal diet.
Putting aside such controversies, at least for the moment, we may
safely say that an ideal diet would be one which meets all the evolved
criteria of the cat. In other words, a wild diet: whole mouse,
sparrow, cricket, lizard, etc. It is unlikely that Purina or anyone
else will be producing canned chopped whole mouse in the near future
(the government would probably prohibit sale because of excessive
mouse hairs), so we must look to actual wild cats and actual wild prey
for the ideal diet.

The actual long-term diet of a wild or feral domestic cat breaks down
as follows:

Total Dry Fuel Energy
Water 70.0% —– —– —–
Protein 14.0% 46.7% 50.0% 35.7%
Fats 9.0% 30.0% 32.1% 51.5%
Carbohydrates 5.0% 16.7% 17.9% 12.8%
Ash 1.0% 3.3% —– —–
Calcium 0.6% 2.0% —– —–
Other 0.4% 1.3% —– —–

The “total” column indicates the percentage breakdown of the diet with
water included among the nutrients, while the “dry” column indicates
the percentage breakdown excluding water.

The “fuel” column indicates the percentage relationship of the fuel
foods to each other: protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

The “energy” column indicates the percentage of total food energy
(caloric) intake among the three fuel foods. Note that while fats
account for only 9% of the total diet, 30.0% of the dry diet, and
32.1% of the fuel diet, they account for 51.5% of the total energy
input. This is because fats contain 9 calories per gram, while
protein and carbohydrates each contain 4 calories per gram.

The Natural Kitten Diet

Feline Nutrition Page 7

The natural diet for a kitten is its mother’s milk. Cat’s milk is
radically different than that of most other mammals, especially cows.
The basic components of cat’s milk per deciliter, compared against an
equivalent adult cat diet, dog’s milk, cow’s milk, and 20% liquid
reconstituted evaporated cow’s milk (canned milk) is as follows:

Adult Cat Dog Cow Canned
Diet Milk Milk Milk Milk
Water 70% 72% 77% 87% 80%
Solids 30% 28% 23% 13% 20%
Calories 187.2 147.9 119.5 68.7 115.4
Protein 16.8 11.4 7.5 3.5 5.8
Fats 11.6 7.9 8.3 3.9 6.6
Carbohydrates 3.9 7.8 3.7 4.9 8.2

Calories are per deciliter of milk or equivalent adult diet. Protein,
fats, and carbohydrates are in grams per deciliter (one deciliter is
1/10 of a liter or 100 milliliters: about 3.38 fluid ounces). The
carbohydrate content of milk is virtually all lactose, commonly called
milk sugar.

Special Requirements

Some cats require special dietary consideration. The obvious would be
kittens, pregnant and nursing queens, elder statescats, and
convalescent cats. If your cat is or has been ill, you should follow
the dietary guidelines prescribed by your veterinarian. Normal cat
conditions should require only normal dietary variations.

There is a strong tendency these days for people to follow the advice
of others in the matter of diet, even the very strangest of diets have
their adherents. This is not always wise, even for humans. When it
comes to our cats, one rule is very simple: unless the advice giver
is well-schooled in veterinary medicine and/or feline nutrition, take
all such advice (especially if radical) with great hesitation.
Remember that some components of food are critical but not obvious,
and that more is not always better. When in the least doubt concerning
a new cat diet, ask your vet.

The normal diet of any mammal changes with age. Obviously, a nursing
kitten requires milk, whereas an older cat does not: the myth of cats
and milk is just that, some older cats will in fact become ill if they
drink milk.

Less obvious is the fact that the total caloric intake per pound of
body weight and the ratio of protein to fat in the diet changes with
age and other conditions. Following is a simple table giving
requirements versus age and condition:

Feline Nutrition Page 8

Cals Protein Fats Carbs
Newborn 190 42.1% 29.2% 28.8%
5 weeks 125 47.2% 27.5% 25.3%
10 weeks 100 50.0% 26.1% 23.9%
20 weeks 65 51.9% 30.0% 18.1%
6 months 50 51.3% 33.3% 15.4%
1-10 years 40 52.0% 35.9% 12.1%
15 years 35 44.0% 42.0% 14.0%
20 years 35 43.3% 41.5% 15.2%
Pregnant 125 45.7% 31.8% 22.5%
Nursing 125 44.9% 31.1% 24.0%

Daily Requirements

A good many of us humans are counting calories, the same may be done
for a cat. A healthy adult cat requires approximately 40 calories per
pound of body weight per day (for an 8-pound cat this would be 320
calories per day). Of these 40 calories, about 12-16 should come from
protein, 20-25 from fat, and 3-4 from carbohydrates.

Protein 3600 mg — 14 calories
Fat 2500 mg — 23 calories
Carbohydrate 840 mg — 3.3 calories
Linolic Acid 250 mg
Vitamin A 250 I.U.
Vitamin D 13 I.U.
Vitamin E 10 I.U.
Choline 25 mg
Niacin (B3) 560 ug
Pantothenic Acid 130 ug
Riboflavin (B2) 63 ug
Pyridoxine (B6) 50 ug
Folic Acid (B9) 13 ug
Thiamin (B1) 7.8 ug
Biotin 0.63 ug
Vitamin B12 0.25 ug
Vitamin C * trace only
Vitamin K * trace only
Calcium 125 mg
Phosphorus 100 mg
Potassium 38 mg
Sodium Cloride 25 mg
Magnesium 2.5 mg
Iron 1.3 mg
Zinc 380 ug
Manganese 130 ug
Copper 63 ug
Cobalt 25 ug
Iodine 13 ug
Selenium 1.3 ug

Feline Nutrition Page 9

There are, of course, many other subtle and necessary components of
food that are not obvious in these tables.

Commercial Foods

The vast majority of us will be feeding our cats commercial cat foods.
These foods come in four specific types: dry foods, soft-moist foods,
balanced canned foods, and specialty or “gourmet” canned foods. As a
simple rule of thumb, the nutritional content of 3 ounces (one level
cup) of dry food is the same as that of 4 ounces of soft-moist food
and the same as that of 7.5 ounces of canned food.

Specialty or gourmet foods are seldom a balanced diet by themselves,
and must not be fed without supplements or another, balanced food.
They are best used as treats or “Sunday dinner.”

The scientifically-balanced foods available through pet and feed
stores and from your veterinarian usually contain supplements and
additives to guarantee the best nutritional balance possible. Most of
these foods are further classed into pediatric/nursing, maintenance,
and geriatric blends, assuring a proper protein-fats-carbohydrate mix
for the specific cat. Specialized diets (weight loss, low sodium,
etc.) are also available from these same sources and through your
veterinarian for the problem cat.

Commercial supermarket-type cat foods vary little in nutritional
content between brands. Assuming the food is complete in nutrition
and the cat is a young-to-middle-aged healthy adult, almost any of
these foods will suffice.

One should be wary of non-nutritional additives and fillers used in
commercial foods. Most dry foods, for example, use corn meal as a
bulk filler, while canned foods often use gelatin. Since these
substances effectively pass right on through a cat, there is no harm
in them, but you are paying for them, sometimes dearly. As with
everything else, read those labels.

Several popular brands of catfood use excessive food coloring to
enhance the appearance of the food. One extremely popular brand uses
so much red dye that it will make your cat’s stools orange. The claim
is that the dye is FDA approved and does the cat no harm. Frankly, we
feel that the color of the food is of no interest to the cat (texture,
shape, taste, and smell are different matters). It is put there
solely for the benefit of the cat owner (who is the purchaser, after
all) to make the food appear more like meat. Who needs it! If the
food is good and appeals to the cat, what else matters?

A common misconception about cat foods is that dry foods derive their
protein from cereals and other vegetable sources while canned foods
derive their protein from meat and other animal sources. In reality,
all commercial cat foods derive their protein from both animal and
vegetable sources, with animal sources dominating. Most vegetable
products in commercial foods, however, may be considered as filler.
Please remember that in the wild the cat does consume vegetable

Feline Nutrition Page 10

protein in the stomach and viscera of its prey, and can utilize this
protein with the assistance of its prey’s own digestive processes.
These processes are in part duplicated during the manufacture of
commercial cat food allowing digestion of some vegetable proteins.

Unfortunately, an understanding of the molecular structure of proteins
and the digestive process itself is required to produce the
“partially-digested” vegetable protein used in cat foods, thus making
it virtually impossible for home-kitchen duplication. There are still
no vegetarian cats!

Dry Foods

Dry foods are the least expensive of the four types and, being dry,
have the added advantage of an abrasive action which helps to keep the
teeth and gums clean and healthy and minimize the buildup of dental
tartar. They derive their protein and fat from meat, fish, poultry,
and/or dairy products blended into a cereal base, usually corn meal.
Careful balancing and the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements
have made the modern dry food a good and well-balanced diet.

These foods are typically about 10% water (no matter how dry they
appear), and thus have long shelf and bowl lives. This means the food
may be left out at all times and the cat may help himself to many
small meals rather than one or two large meals. This improves tone
and digestion.

One theoretical disadvantage is a predisposition among male cats,
especially neuters, to develop Feline Urological Syndrome (FUS). This
predisposition has not been substantiated at this time (neither has it
been disproved) and veterinarians are sharply divided on the issue.
If such a predisposition exists, it would probably be due to the low
water content of the dry foods. Providing an adequate source of good-
tasting fresh water will often negate any such problem.

Dry foods tend to lose their nutrition slowly over time, especially
upon exposure to air and light. Avoid using any dry food more than
six months old. If dry food must be stored for long periods (as on
board ship), store the food in air- and light-tight containers.

Soft-Moist Foods

Soft-moist foods have more appeal than dry foods, also more cost.
They are intentionally designed to make the cat think they are meat,
both in texture and taste, and do a fairly good job of it.

Like dry foods, they derive their protein and fat from a variety of
sources. Additionally, one particular source, meat, fish, whatever,
is often emphasized to establish flavor. They run to about 30-35%
water, as contrasted to dry food’s 10% and canned food’s 70%. Unlike
dry foods, they do not inhibit dental tartar.

They also have the advantages of minimal odor and long shelf life.
They are good for about a day in the bowl, and should not be left out

Feline Nutrition Page 11

longer than that. Shelf life is extremely long, as they are usually
packaged in air-tight pouches.

Be aware that most soft-moist foods contain an abundance of
preservatives to prevent spoilage, so labels should be read carefully.

Canned Foods

Canned foods are the most expensive of the three types, but are still
the most popular. Their biggest drawbacks being cost and odor.

Canned foods are primarily protein and fats from meat, fish, dairy and
vegetable sources with added vitamins and minerals. Except for the
specialty or gourmet varieties, most are nutritionally complete.

Many canned foods contain 70% water or more, often gelatin is used as
a filler and literally to trap and hold more water (one brand is 78%
water). The purchaser pays for this water and gelatin, naturally.
Read those labels!

Unlike the dry foods but like the soft-moist foods, canned foods do
nothing to inhibit dental tartar. However, the same argument that
gives dry foods a predisposition towards the development of FUS
implies a lack of predisposition in canned foods. Again, this has not
yet been determined one way or the other.

If a cat has already suffered a bout with FUS, especially repeated
bouts, a low magnesium canned-food diet is often prescribed as the
preventative of choice. We wish to emphasize here that the low
magnesium canned-food diet is for animals who already have an FUS
history, and is not indicated in healthy animals.

Gourmet Foods

Premium or gourmet foods are usually not balanced and must not be used
as the basis of your cat’s diet. Think of them as treat foods.

These foods have two distinguishing characteristics. First, they are
terribly expensive, and second, the tend to be of the “100% beef”
variety, all one substance.

The higher price does not necessarily mean better. Using 100% beef as
an example, the food may contain lung and udder, which have no real
nutritional value but are still beef, and most certainly will contain
hoof, also still beef, in the form of gelatin, also of minimal
nutritional value. What we’re saying here is that if it’s part of a
cow it’s “beef,” but some “beef” is really bull.

With gourmet foods, if you don’t mind the price and your cat likes
them, use them as treats.

Fresh Foods

We in the U.S. have been almost totally brainwashed into the concept

Feline Nutrition Page 12

the “fresh is best.” This holds true if and only if fresh is
balanced, which it often is not.

A well-balanced fresh-food diet for a cat would consist of meat
(muscle tissue) for protein; saturated and unsaturated fats for
protein (polyunsaturated fats, such as those in margarine, are not
usually found in a carnivore’s diet); sugars, starches, and other
carbohydrates; cereals, grass, and certain leafy vegetables for fiber;
various organs for vitamin content; bones for calcium and phosphorous;
blood and vegetables for iron and mineral content; and small amounts
of this and that for trace elements and pleasure. All these
requirements are contained in the average mouse.

Since few of us will raise mice specifically for cat food, we may feed
our pets a varied and well-balanced fresh-food diet with a little
thought. The following foods have the characteristics and effects

Meat (muscle tissue): this is the basic food of any carnivore. The
meat may be beef, horse, pork, lamb, chicken, whatever (even
mouse). Most meats should be lightly cooked to kill parasites,
especially pork and fresh-water fish. The cheaper, fatty cuts of
meat will also provide the fat the cat requires (buy the cheap
hamburger, it’s better for the cat).

As a special treat, try giving your cat a mouse-sized gobbet of
almost-raw body-temperature rabbit or chicken when he is not
especially hungry and watch the hunter come out. He will probably
stalk it, throw it in the air, pounce on it, and eventually eat
it. This is all part of the natural order of life.

Liver: cats have a weakness for liver. This is an evolved trait to
guarantee that the liver of the prey will be eaten and the cat
will obtain sufficient vitamin A and iron. In the home, the cat
will take all the liver it can get. If too much liver is given,
the cat will succumb to vitamin-A toxicity, which can be fatal.
As in all things, moderation is the key.

The liver (especially beef liver) should be very lightly cooked.
When eaten raw it often causes diarrhea, when overcooked,

Kidneys: usually quite inexpensive, kidneys (especially beef kidneys)
provide a good source of iron and several critical vitamins.
Because the uric acid content is high, kidneys should be soaked in
cold water for a hour or two prior to cooking and serving.

Heart: heart in general but especially poultry and rabbit hearts are
a favorite among cats and provide top-notch protein. Do not
remove the fatty tissue and paracardial sack, as they provide a
source of needed fats.

Lung: lung has little food value and should not be served. Most cats
won’t eat lung by itself.

Feline Nutrition Page 13

Udder: like lung, udder has little food value and should not be

Spleen: spleen will often cause diarrhea and should be avoided.

Tripe: fine for dogs and large cats, tripe is usually too tough for
our small cats. Tripe stew, on the other hand, is excellent, as
the meat is softened by stewing and the broth is good all around.

Offal: the offal of small animals, such as rabbits, is fine if cooked
lightly to kill parasites. It is, after all, what they eat in the

Bones: bones are good food. The bones of larger animals, such as
beef bones, are usually too big for a cat to get a handle on, but
a cartilagineous knuckle or tail bone may be just the ticket. The
bones of small animals may be served lightly cooked to kill
parasites, but do not serve the cooked bones of birds, especially
the long bones, as cooking makes the bones brittle and they may
shatter and become lodged in the throat or puncture the esophagus
or stomach wall.

Bones of any size may be pressure-cooked until soft, but this
destroys the marrow, which the cat considers the best part. Bone
meal may be used to provide needed calcium and phosphorous.

Fish: cooked, boned fish is almost always welcome. Avoid raw fish in
quantity as a vitamin-B toxicity may easily develop, especially
with cod, tuna and other oily fish. Do not feed fish organs,
especially fish livers.

Milk: milk is a food, not a drink (the only cat drink is water).
This food will provide an excellent source of calcium and
phosphorus needed for strong bones and teeth, as well as many
other vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, a large percentage of
cats lose the ability to digest milk as they grow older.

To test your cat for milk tolerance, give it a small bowl of milk,
then watch its stools for the next six hours. If diarrhea
develops, the cat cannot digest milk, if the stool remains normal,
it can.

An acidopholus-enriched milk, available at most large
supermarkets, can often be consumed by cats (or people) that
cannot tolerate normal milk. Acidopholus is the symbiotic
bacterium that lives within the intestine and produces the enzyme
that metabolizes lactose (milk sugar). The most common cause of
milk intolerance is an acidopholus deficiency. Acidopholus-
enriched milk carries its own acidopholus culture with it.

Yogurt: many cats like plain yogurt and, like milk, it is an
excellent source of calcium and phosphorus. Unlike milk, yogurt
is one-step removed from fresh. It has already been consumed by a

Feline Nutrition Page 14

bacterium, and is therefore partially digested. This makes it
very easy for cats and people to finish digesting. Being
sensitive to terms like “digested,” the dairy industry calls
yogurt a “cultured” product.

Butter: an excellent source of fats, good for growth and coat, butter
is a good but somewhat expensive treat upon which a cat will
gladly pig out. We suggest the occasional small pat as a special

Cream: combining the tastes and benefits of butter and milk, sweet
cream is kitty champagne! Treat it as such.

Cheese: most cheeses will cause constipation if fed in large amounts.
The occasional small piece is healthful and appreciated. Cats
don’t seem to care much for the exotic cheeses, such as limburger,
brie, or bleu, possible they are put off by the smell of the mold
(we humans eat the damnedest things!).

Margarine: since most margarine taste pretty much like butter, cats
will usually treat them like butter and take all they can get.
Unfortunately, margarine is not butter, and does not contain the
calcium and phosphorus that makes butter so beneficial to cats.
The polyunsaturated vegetable fats used in most margarines go
straight through a cat. Think of margarine as a mild and good-
tasting cat laxative (really a lubricant), and use a small pat of
it as a loving treat/preventative/cure for hairballs and

Eggs: raw egg yolk is beneficial and tasty, providing protein,
sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, and a host of other vitamins and
minerals. The raw egg white, on the other hand, contains avatin,
which breaks down and destroys the B vitamins.

If you must feed your cat whole eggs, cook them first, which
congeals the white and destroys the avatin.

Vegetables: cats are carnivores, but they do eat the vegetable
contents of their prey’s stomach and viscera. Small amounts of
vegetable matter such as potato or pasta, about 5% of the total
diet, can be consumed providing the vegetables have been cooked
first (cooking breaks down complex carbohydrates into simple
carbohydrates and aids digestion. If you are feeding too much
vegetable matter, or not cooking it enough, it will show up as
constipation or diarrhea, depending upon the vegetable.

Fruits: unlike vegetables, fruits contain primarily simple
carbohydrates and need not be cooked. The author had a calico
cat, Gigi, who loved melon: watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe —
she loved them all!

Like vegetables, be moderate and beware intestinal distress.

Cereals: many cats like cereals. Again, in moderation, cereals such

Feline Nutrition Page 15

as oatmeal, wheat farina, corn-meal mush, etc., are quite
beneficial as providers of carbohydrates. Avoid raw cereals, as
cats cannot digest the starches. Absolutely avoid grits (and
hominy in general), as the residual lye is toxic to a cat.

Feline Nutrition Page 16

Catalog Of Known And Putative Nuclear Explosions From Unclassified Sources

Number One Observatory Lane
Post Box 8
Leonard, Oklahoma, USA, 74043-0008
Voice AND Fax (01) 918 366 4152



Compiled by James E. Lawson Jr. (Jim), who is solely responsible for the


The following (alphabetical order) assisted: Shirley Jackson, Christi King
(who did most of the typing), Ruth King, Todd McCormick.

JL was supported by the State of Oklahoma and ARPA. CK was supported by a
Creek Nation summer program. Nothing in this catalog represents an opinion
of ARPA, or of any US Government agency, or of the Oklahoma Geological Survey,
or of any Oklahoma Government Agency, or of the Cherokee Nation.


In the headings:

DATE=date (UTC time) yymmdd, yy=year-1900, mm=month, dd=day of month

COLUMNS 8-15: Time of blast in GMT until 1971 DEC31, in UTC starting 1972 JAN
01. GMT was Greenwich Mean Time (which is not correct to use after 1971 JAN01).
UTC is Universal Time Coordinated. The times are listed as hhmmss.d, where
hh=hour(0 through 23), mm=minute, ss=second, d=decisecond. Although it can’t
be shown in this format, many US shot times have been released to the nearest
0.001 second.

COLUMNS 17-18:
TP=Testing Party: US=United States, GB=UK, CP=USSR, FR=France, IN=India
PC=People’s Republic of China
IS=Israel, but the 790922 event is only putative

COLUMNS 19-21: Test or explosion site. Note that the UK Christmas Island site
has been used for some US atmospheric tests. In exchange, the US has allowed
the UK to conduct underground tests at the Nevada Test Site.
ANM= Alamogordo, New Mexico, USA (US atmospheric test)
HRJ= Hiroshima, Japan (US/warfare)
NGJ= Nagasaki, Japan (US/warfare)
BKN= Bikini (US atmospheric tests)
ENW= Enwetak (US atmospheric tests)
NTS= Nevada Test Site, Nevada, USA (US atmospheric and underground and
UK underground tests)
MBI= Monte Bello Islands, Australia (UK atmospheric test)
EMU= Emu Field, 480 kilometers SW of Woomera, Australia (UK atmospheric tests)
PAC= Various Pacific Ocean sites
MAR= Maralinga, Australia (UK atmospheric tests)
CHR= Christmas Island (UK and US atmospheric tests)
NZ = Novaya Zemlya, USSR (USSR atmospheric and underground tests)
KTS= Eastern Kazakh or Semipalitinsk test site, USSR (USSR atmospheric and
underground tests)
REG= Reggane Proving Grounds, Algeria (French Atmospheric Tests)
ECK= Ecker, Algeria (French Underground tests)
CLS= Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA (US underground test)
JON= Johnston Island (US atmospheric tests)
FAL= Fallon, Nevada, USA (US underground test)
LNR= Lop Nor, PRC (PRC atmospheric and underground tests)
AMC= Amchitka Island, Aleutians, Alaska, USA (US underground tests)
MUR= Muruora Is. (French atmospheric and underground tests)
FAN= Fangataufa Is. (French atmospheric and underground tests)
HTB= Hattiesburg, Mississippi, USA (US underground tests)
GRV= Grand Valley, Colorado, USA (US natural gas stimulation)
RAJ= Rajasthan Desert, India (Indian underground test)
IS?IN= Indian Ocean (putative Israeli Test)
RFL= Rifle, Colorado, USA (3x33kt simultaneous gas stimulation shots)
Note that this test is given as three identical lines
SAT= South Atlantic Ocean (three US tests, rocket to 482 kilometers altitude)
MAL= Malden Island (UK atmospheric tests)
KPY= Kapustin Yar (USSR)
SYS= Sary Shagan (USSR)

USSR sites other than NZ and KTS. A large number of blasts, some or many
of which were for engineering purposes (possibly similar to US
Plowshare tests) were fired underground at many locations. Latitude
and Longitude for most of these are given in the tables. These tests,
US plowshare tests, and the one Indian test, were announced by the
testing parties to be PNEs (Peaceful Nuclear Explosions).

COLUMN 22: Test subsite
NTS: P= Pahute Mesa
Y= Yucca Mountain
F= Frenchman Flat
KTS: B= Balapan or Shagan River
D= Degelen Mountain
M= Murzhik
NZ: N= (NTS) Northern Island
S= Southern Island

COLUMNS 24-27:
TYPE: AIRD=airdrop
ART =artillery shell
ATMO=in or above the atmosphere
RC =”roman candle”=open vertical shaft
SHFT=stemmed vertical shaft
SURF=surface (unknown but probably not airdropped, near surface, includes
tower and barge)
SOP =”string of pearls” one of two or more explosions fired near
simultaneously in a single vertical shaft

COLUMNS 29-31: Seismic body (P) wave magnitude, mb. Sources in this order of
preference. ISC mb, if ISC mb not available NEIS mb, if no
mb available an ML from PAS or BRK may be used. If the test
has known multiple explosions, mb refers to the entire test.

COLUMNS 33-35: Seismic surface wave magnitude, Ms. If the test has known
multiple explosions, Ms refers to the entire test.

COLUMNS 37-41: Explosive Yield in Kilotons. NOTE decimal points are not all
lined up vertically. This could be a problem in any machine
processing as could , LOW, HIGH, -, SLIGHT, FIZZ.
Unless there is a single number
without a , or – , assume the yield is unknown and very
FIZZ=fizzle or failure with extremely low yield. F followed by
a number, eg F300, is a test which had a smaller yield than
expected. Apparently some fizzles were two-stage devices in
which the fusion stage produced little or no yield.

COLUMNS 43-49: Latitude in degrees and decimals of a degree. Although it can’t
be shown in this format, many US shots have coordinates
released to 0.1 or 0.01 seconds (0.00003 or 0.000003 degrees).

COLUMNS 51-58: Longitude in degrees and decimals of a degree. See comments
about US shots under latitude.

COLUMNS 60-61:
PU=Purpose: WR=weapons related, **=war, WE=weapons effects, SF=safety
PS=Plowshare (US PNE engineering shots)
VU=US Vela Uniform-directed toward seismic detection of
underground shots

COLUMNS 62-63:
DT=Device Type: U=fission only with primarialy U235, or boosted or two
stage with primarialy U235 primary (trigger, pit)
P=fission only with primarialy Pu239, or boosted or two
stage with primarialy Pu239 primary (trigger, pit)
I=fission only, fission material mix unknown
B=”boosted”, some fusion yield, perhaps from tritium
2=two stage, fusion second stage

Zero yield omitted: USDOE “Announced Nuclear Tests” with zero yield are not
included in this nuclear EXPLOSION catalog. Some of these are described
as being safety or storage-transportation tests.

COLUMNS 64-67: For underground tests: Rock type at device emplacement point.
GR= granite
QP= quartz porphyrite
SA= sandstone
AL= aleurolite (siltstone)
PO= porphryte
QS= quartz syneite
GS= gritstone
AR= argillite (mudstone)
CO= conglomerate
TS= tuffaceous sandstone
SL= salt

COLUMN 68: += device emplaced above water table
-= device emplaced below water table

COLUMN 69-76:
NAME=Name of explosion. All US announced, and a few French, and all UK
underground tests have a name. In early US atmospheric testing some
names were reused. When the names are too long for the table, any space
is first dropped, and second, the name is truncated, not abbreviated.
A few words appear often enough as the component of a name that they
are abberviated by a lower case letter as follows:
A * in the first column of the name indicates a putative nuclear test
(ie. not announced or acknowledged by the PRESUMED testing party).
A second * in the name column indicates some doubt about wheither the
event was a nuclear explosion. A number of US tests listed only by
N (NRDC), which have ** in the name column, may be cavity collapses from
previous tests, or earthquakes, but they may include some unannounced
nuclear explosions.

COLUMNS 77-80: Generalized References
E= United States Department of Energy
N= Natural Resources Defense Council
B= Bolt “The Parted Veil: Nuclear Explosions and Earthquakes”
A= Bocharv, V. S., S. A. Zelentsov, and V. N. Mikhailov.
Characteristics of 96 underground nuclear explosions at the
Semipalatinsk test site, Atomnaya Energiya, 67, (3), 1989.
D= Dominion of New Zeland, Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research
I= International Seismological Centre
C= United States Advanced Research Projects Agency/ Nuclear Monitoring
Research Office/ Center for Seismic Studies
S= Seismic Service of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense
U= United Kingdom Atomic Weapons Research Establishment
F= Ronald Walters and Kenneth S. Zinn, The September 22, 1979 Mystery
Flash: Did South Africa Detonate a Nuclear Bomb? Report of the
Washington Office on Africa Educational Fund, May 21,1985.
n= ARPA/NMRO/NORwegianSeismicARray (NORSAR)

yymmdd hhmmss. SITE mb Ms kt. deg deg DT tNAME SRC

450716 USANM TOWR 21 33.675N 106.475W WRP TRINITY EN
460630 USBKN AIRD 21 11.000N 165.000E WEP ABLE EN
480414 USENW TOWR 37 11.000N 162.000E WR XRAY E
480430 USENW TOWR 49 11.000N 162.000E WR YOKE E
480514 USENW TOWR 18 11.000N 162.000E WRU ZEBRA EN
490829 CP TOWR 10-20 48.000N 076.000E P JOE 1 N
510127 USNTSFAIRD 1 37.000N 116.000w WR ABLE EN
510128 USNTSFAIRD 8 37.000N 116.000W WR BAKER EN
510201 USNTSFAIRD 1 37.000N 116.000W WR EASY EN
510202 USNTSFAIRD 8 37.000N 116.000W WR BAKER-2 EN
510206 USNTSFAIRD 22 37.000N 116.000W WR FOX EN
510924 CP SURF 25 JOE 2 N
511018 CP ATMO 50 48.000N 076.000E JOE 3 N
521031 USENW SURF 10400 WR 2 MIKE EN
530411 USNTS TOWR 0.2 WR RAY E
530812 CP TOWR 200-300 JOE 4 N
530823 CP ATMO JOE 5-7 N
531014 223000.0 GBEMU TOWR >100 TOTEM B
531026 223000.0 GBEMU TOWR >100 B
540228 USBKN SURF 15000 WR 2 BRAVO EN
540326 USBKN BARG 11000 WR 2 ROMEO EN
540425 USBKN BARG 6900 WR 2 UNION EN
540504 USBKN BARG 13500 WR 2 YANKEE EN
540914 053600.0 CP 55.000N 64.000E N
550729 CP 5 N
550802 CP 25 P N
550921 CP 20 P N
551106 CPKTS AIRB 215 U N
551122 CPKTS AIRD 1600 N
560320 CP N
560330 CP N
560527 USBKN SURF 3500 WR 2 ZUNI EN
560530 USENW TOWR 16.8 WR ERIE E
560619 GBMBI TOWR >100 B
560720 USBKN BARG 5000 WR 2 TEWA EN
560824 CP ATMO 20 N
560902 CP ATMO N
560910 CP ATMO N
561022 GBMAR TOWR >100 B
561117 CP ATMO N
570119 CP ATMO N
570308 CP ATMO N
570403 CP ATMO N
570406 CP ATMO N
570410 CP ATMO N
570412 CP ATMO N
570416 CP ATMO N
570515 193700.0 GBCHR AIRD F300 2 GRAPPLE B
570531 194100.0 GBCHR AIRD 720 I B
570619 194000.0 GBCHR AIRD F200 2 B
570822 CP HIGH N
570914 053000.0 GBMAR TOWR 1000 73.000N 055.000E N
570925 003000.0 GBMAR TOWR >100 B
570926 CPKTS UNDW 7-70 N
571006 085800.0 CPNZ ATMO HIGH 73.000N 055.000E N
571009 073000.0 GBMAR BALN >100 B
571010 065500.0 CPNZ ATMO LOW N
571108 174700.0 GBCHR AIRD 1800 2 GRAPPLE B
571228 CP ATMO N
580222 USNTS TUNN 1000 73.000N 055.000E N
580227 075900.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
580227 102400.0 CPNZ ATMO HIGH 73.000N 055.000E N
580314 CPNZ ATMO <1000 73.000N 055.000E N
580314 CP ATMO <1000 N
580315 CP ATMO 20 73.000N 055.000E N
580428 190500.0 GBCHR AIRD >1000 GRAPPLE B
580511 USBKN BARG 1300 WR FIR E
580512 USENW SURF 1370 WR 2 KOA EN
580628 USENW BARG 8900 WR 2 OAK EN
580726 USENW BARG 2000 WR PINE E
580801 USJON ROCH 3800 WE TEAK E
580818 USENW SURF low WR FIG E
580822 180000.0 GBCHR BALN >100 B
580827 USSAT ROCH 1-2 WE ARGUS 1 E
580830 USSAT ROCH 1-2 WE ARGUS 2 E
580902 172400.0 GBCHR AIRD >1000 B
580906 USSAT ROCH 1-2 WE ARGUS 3 E
580911 174800.0 GBCHR AIRD >1000 B
580912 USNTS RC .038 SF OTERO E
580919 USNTS BALN .083 WR EDDY E
580920 CPNZ ATMO 73.000N 055.000E N
580921 USNTS RC 1.5 SF LUNA E
580923 175800.0 GBCHR BALN >100 B
580928 USNTS TUNN .013 SF MARS E
580930 075000.0 CPNZ ATMO 50+ 73.000N 055.000E N
580930 095500.0 CPNZ ATMO 50+ 73.000N 055.000E N
581002 080000.0 CPNZ ATMO >20 73.000N 055.000E N
581002 090100.0 CPNZ ATMO 73.000N 055.000E N
581005 060000.0 CPNZ ATMO 73.000N 055.000E N
581010 075100.0 CPNZ ATMO HIGH 73.000N 055.000E N
581012 075300.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
581013 USNTS BALN 1.4 WR LEA E
581015 075100.0 CPNZ ATM0 >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
581018 095100.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
581019 072700.0 CPNZ ATMO LOW 73.000N 055.000E N
581020 082000.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
581022 082100.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
581024 080300.0 CPNZ ATMO HIGH 73.000N 055.000E N
581025 082000.0 CPNZ ATMO HIGH 73.000N 055.000E N
581101 CP ATMO LOW N
581103 CP ATMO LOW N
600213 070400.0 FRREG TOWR 60-70 26.317N 000.067W WE P g BLEUE N
600401 061700.0 FRREG SURF 100 WE P g ROUGE N
610425 060000.0 FRREG TOWR 1000 73.000N 055.000E N
610910 CPNZ ATMO LOW 73.000N 055.000E N
610912 100800.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
610913 CPNZ ATMO LOW 73.000N 055.000E N
610913 CPKTS ATMO LOW 50.000N 078.000E N
610914 095616.7 CPNZ ATMO >1000 74.600N 051.100E N
610916 090800.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
610917 CPKTS ATMO 20-150 50.000N 078.000E N
610918 075936.8 CPNZ ATMO >1000 74.000N 052.000E N
610920 081200.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
610922 080100.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
611002 103100.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
611004 073054.8 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.700N 053.800E N
611006 070000.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
611006 CPKPY ATMO ~200 N
611008 CPNZ ATMO LOW 73.000N 055.000E N
611011 073959.9 CP UNDG 1000 73.000N 055.000E N
611021 CPSYS ATMO <5 N
611023 083122.1 CPNZ ATMO 25000 73.900N 053.800E N
611023 103048.8 CPNZ UNDW LOW 70.700N 053.500E N
611025 083300.0 CPNZ ATMO <1000 73.000N 055.000E N
611027 083026.6 CPNZ ATMO 20-150 70.700N 053.500E N
611027 CPSYS ATMO 1000 73.000N 055.000E N
611031 083800.0 CPNZ ATMO 1000 73.000N 055.000E N
611107 112959.9 FRECK SH? <20 24.057N 005.052E WR AGATE N
611213 USNTS SHFT 0.50 WR MAD E
620202 080000.2 CPKTS UNDG 20 24.063N 005.042E WR BERYL N
620504 USCHR AIRD 20-1000 WR QUESTA E
620508 USCHR AIRD 20-1000 WR YUKON E
620509 USCHR AIRD 20-1000 WR MESILLA E
620512 USCHR AIRD 20-1000 WR ENCINO E
620514 USCHR AIRD 20-1000 WR SWANEE E
620519 USCHR AIRD 20-1000 WR CHETCO E
620527 USCHR AIRD 20-1000 WR NAMBE E
620608 USCHR AIRD 20-1000 WR ALMA E
620609 USCHR AIRD 20-1000 WR TRUCKEE E
620610 USCHR AIRD >1000 WR 2 YESO EN
620612 USCHR AIRD 20-1000 WR HARLEM E
620617 USCHR AIRD 20-1000 WR DULCE E
620622 USCHR AIRD 20-1000 WR OTOWI E
620710 USCHR AIRD 20-1000 WR SUNSET
620805 090900.0 CPNZ ATMO 30000 73.000N 055.000E N
620807 093000.0 CPKTS ATMO LOW 50.000N 078.000E N
620810 090000.0 CPNZ ATMO 1000 74.300N 051.500E N
620822 090000.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
620825 054000.0 CPKTS ATMO LOW 50.000N 078.000E N
620825 090000.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
620827 090000.0 CPNZ ATMO 1000+ 73.000N 055.000E N
620901 124000.0 CPNZ ATMO 73.000N 055.000E N
620902 CPNZ ATMO 20-150 73.000N 055.000E N
620908 101800.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
620915 080213.9 CPNZ ATMO >1000 74.400N 051.500E N
620916 105900.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
620918 082902.7 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.200N 054.700E N
620919 110056.4 CPNZ ATMO 20000 73.800N 053.800E N
620921 080100.0 CPNZ ATMO 25000 73.000N 055.000E N
620925 130300.0 CPNZ 25000 73.000N 055.000E N
620927 080316.4 CPNZ ATMO >1000 74.300N 052.400E N
621007 163200.0 CPNZ ATMO >20 73.000N 055.000E N
621014 CPKTS ATMO LOW 50.000N 078.000E N
621018 USJON AIRD >1000 WR 2 CHAMA E
621022 034100.0 CPKTS ATMO >100 50.000N 078.000E N
621022 090600.0 CPNZ ATMO >1000 73.000N 055.000E N
621030 CPNZ ATMO 20-1000 73.000N 055.000E N
621101 063000.0 CPNZ ATMO 20-1000 73.000N 055.000E N
621101 092000.0 CPKTS ATMO 20-1000 50.000N 078.000E N
621103 083100.0 CPNZ ATMO 20-1000 73.000N 055.000E N
621104 CPKTS ATMO 20-1000 50.000N 078.000E N
621117 CPKTS ATMO LOW 50.000N 078.000E N
621218 CPNZ ATMO 20-1000 73.000N 055.000E N
621218 CPNZ ATMO 20-1000 73.000N 055.000E N
621220 CPNZ ATMO 20-1000 73.000N 055.000E N
621222 CPNZ ATMO 20-1000 73.000N 055.000E N
621223 111500.0 CPNZ ATMO 500-5000 73.000N 055.000E N
621224 104421.9 CPNZ ATMO 74.200N 052.300E N
621224 111142.0 CPNZ ATMO 20000 73.600N 057.500E N
621225 133557.2 CPNZ ATMO 500-5000 73.400N 056.500E N
630318 100100.4 FRECK SH? 4.9 4.86 24.041N 005.072E WR EMERAUDEN
630330 095900.3 FRECK SH? <20 24.043N 005.057E WR AMETHST N
630522 USNTS SHFT 20-1000 WR STONES E
631020 130000.0 FRECK SH? 5.5 5.49 24.036N 005.039E WR RUBIS N
630927 1420 USNTSYSH? 3. ** E
631122 USNTS SHFT 20-1000 WR GREYS E
640116 USNTS SHFT 20-200 37.090N 116.090W WR FORE E
640123 160000.2 USNTS SHFT 4.2 <20 37.080N 116.050W WR OCONTO E
640130 160000.8 USNTSYSH? 4.1 37.117N 115.915W ** N
640213 153006.5 USNTSYSH? 4.0 37.20N 115.90W ** N
640218 153718.8 USNTSYSH? 4.4 37.06N 116.00W ** E
640220 153000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.1 24 37.20N 111.00W KLICKITAEN
640312 150007.0 USNTS SH? 3.3 37.30N 116.20W ** E
640313 160200.1 USNTS SHFT <20 36.901N 116.201W WR PIKE E
640315 075958.2 CPKTSDUNDG 5.6 20-150 49.815N 078.075E A
640414 144000.1 USNTS SHFT <20 37.150N 115.980W WR HOOK E
640415 143000.1 USNTS SHFT <20 37.102N 116.402W WR STURGEONE
640424 201000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.2 20-200 37.070N 116.110W WR TURF E
640429 204700.0 USNTS SHFT 4.1 <20 37.040N 116.040W WR PIPEFISHE
640514 144000.1 USNTS SHFT <20 36.405N 115.803W WR BACKSWINE
640515 161459.6 USNTS SHFT <20 37.100N 116.000W WR MINNOW E
640516 060057.8 CPKTSDUNDG 5.6 20-150 49.807N 078.101E GR A
640611 164501.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.160N 115.901W PS ACE E
640612 140104.0 USNTSYSH? 3.2 36.8N 116.2W ** N
640615 134000.4 FRECK SH? <20 24.067N 005.035E WR TOPAZE N
640618 133006.0 USNTSYSH? 3.2 37.3N 115.6W ** N
640624 150715 USNTS SH? 3.1 36.8N 116.7W ** N
640625 133000.3 USNTS SHFT <20 37.050N 116.070W WR FADE E
640630 133259.8 USNTS SHFT <20 37.130N 116.100W PS DUB E
640716 131459.9 USNTS SHFT 20-200 37.100N 116.070W WR BYE E
640719 055958.6 CPKTSDUNDG 5.4 <20 49.809N 078.092E GR A
640819 160001.8 USNTS SHFT <20 37.101N 116.001W WR ALVA E
640822 221701.2 USNTS SHFT <20 37.004N 116.001W WR CANVASBAE
640828 170601.9 USNTS SHFT <20 37.030N 116.030W WR HADDOCK E
640904 181501.8 USNTS SHFT <20 36.970N 116.050W WR GUANAY E
640918 075957.2 CPNZ UNDG 4.3 73.200N 054.400E N
641002 200300.6 USNTS SHFT 4.0 <20 37.070N 116.010W WR AUK E
641009 140002.6 USNTS SHFT 4.8 38 37.070N 116.130W PS PAR E
641016 155930.5 USNTS SHFT <20 37.030N 115.970W WR BARBEL E
641016 070000.0 PCLNR TOWR 20 08.500S 131.000E N
641022 155959.2 USHTB SHFT 4.6 5.3 31.280N 089.440W VU SALMON E
641025 075958.3 CPNZ UNDG 4.9 48 73.390N 053.900E N
641031 170458.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.080N 116.080W WR FOREST E
641105 150001.5 USNTS SHFT 4.8 12 37.110N 116.120W PS HANDCAR E
641116 055958.0 CPKTS UNDG 88 49.800N 078.170E N
641128 103000.0 FRECK SH? <20 24.042N 005.042E WR TURQUOI N
641205 211503.1 USNTS SHFT 4.8 20-200 37.080N 116.110W WR CREPE E
641216 200000.0 USNTS SHFT 1.3 37.020N 116.004W WR PARROT E
641216 201000.1 USNTS SHFT 2.7 37.001N 115.801W WE MUDPACK E
641218 193500.1 USNTS SHFT 0.092 37.045N 116.203W PS SULKY E
641223 1843 USNTSFSH? 2.8 ** N
650114 160000.7 USNTS SHFT <20 37.07N 116.04W WR WOOL E
650116 055958.4 CPKTSBUNDG 5.8 100-150 49.935N 079.009E SA A
650129 182159.7 USNTSYSH? 3.6 37.02N 116.03W ** N
650204 152959.7 USNTS SHFT <20 37.08N 116.10W WR CASHMEREE
650216 173001.6 USNTS SHFT 10.1 36.99N 116.00W WR MERLIN E
650218 161847.3 USNTS SHFT <20 36.72N 115.94W WE WISHBONEE
650227 113000.0 FRECK SHFT 5.7 117 24.059N 005.031E WR SAPHIR N
650303 191303.2 USNTS SHFT 20-200 37.01N 116.08W WR WAGTAIL E
650303 061456.8 CPKTSDUNDG 5.5 <20 49.824N 078.052E GR A
650320 152350 USNTSYSH? 3.3 37.00N 116.3W ** N
650326 153410.6 USNTS SHFT 20-200 37.11N 116.09W WR CUP E
650405 210003.3 USNTS SHFT <20 36.95N 116.08W WR KESTREL E
650414 131402.6 USNTS CRAT 4.3 37.26N 116.54W PS PALANQUIE
650421 220003.4 USNTS TUNN 5.0 <20 36.97N 116.23W WE GUM DROPE
650422 133904.7 USNTSYSH? 3.9 37.13N 115.90W ** N
650423 214400.0 USNTSYSH? 3.7 37.017N 115.995 MUSCOVY IN
650507 154711.3 USNTS SHFT <20 37.14N 116.10W WE TEE E
650511 063957.3 CPKTSDUNDG 4.9 <20 49.770N 077.994E GR A
650512 18150.04 USNTS SHFT <20 37.2N 116.5W WR BUTEO E
650514 173238.3 USNTS SHFT <20 37.07N 116.05W WR SCAUP E
650514 145756.3 USNTS SHFT 0.75 36.84N 116.07W WR CAMBRIC E
650514 020000.0 PCLNR AIRD 20-40 N
650521 130854.8 USNTS SHFT <20 37.07N 116.04W WR TWEED E
650530 110000.0 FRECK SH? <20 24.055N 005.051E WR JADE N
650611 194500.4 USNTS SHFT 1.3 37.00N 116.05W WR PETREL E
650611 2027 USNTSYSH? ** N
650616 163000.0 USNTS SHFT <20 36.83N 116.06W WE DILUTEDWE
650617 034500.0 CPKTSDUNDG 5.2 <20 49.828N 078.066E GR A
650723 170002.0 USNTS SHFT 5.4 20-200 37.06N 116.03W WR BRONZE E
650729 030500.2 CPKTSDUNDG 4.5 <20 49.779N 077.998E GR A
650806 172330.8 USNTS SHFT <20 37.02N 116.11W WR MAUVE E
650821 134309 USNTSYSH? 3.4 ** N
650827 135113.1 USNTS SHFT <20 37.08N 116.04W WR CENTAUR E
650901 200759.4 USNTS SHFT 4.2 <20 36.99N 115.95W WE SCREAMERE
650910 171202.1 GBNTS SHFT 5.1 20-200 36.98N 115.99W CHARCOALE
650917 150823.1 USNTS SHFT <20 37.06N 116.02W WR ELKHART E
650917 040000.1 CPKTSDUNDG 5.2 <20 49.811N 078.146E QP A
651001 100000.0 FRECK SH? <20 24.065N 005.034E WR CORINDN N
651008 060000.4 CPKTSDUNDG 5.4 <20 49.825N 078.111E QP A
651029 210003.6 USAMC SHFT 5.8 80 51.61N 179.22E VU LONGSHOTE
651112 180000.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.03N 116.01W WR SEPIA E
651121 045758.2 CPKTSDUNDG 5.6 23 49.860N 078.040E GR A
651123 181733 USNTSYSH? 3.6 ** N
651201 103000.1 FRECK SH? 4.9 10 24.044N 005.047E WR TOURMALIN
651203 151304.5 USNTS SHFT 5.6 20-200 37.13N 116.02W WR CORDUROYE
651216 153918.1 USNTS SHFT <20 37.08N 116.03W WR EMERSON E
651216 191502.6 USNTS SHFT 5.3 20-200 37.02N 116.05W WR BUFF E
651224 045958.2 CPKTSDUNDG 5.0 5.7 49.871N 078.135E QP A
651225 185955 USNTSYSH? 3.6 37.0N 116.3W ** N
660113 153743.1 USNTS SHFT <20 37.17N 116.02W WR MAXWELL E
660118 183503.3 USNTS SHFT 5.2 20-200 37.10N 116.05W WR LAMPBLACE
660121 182759.3 USNTS SHFT <20 37.03N 115.97W WR DOVEKIE E
660122 151720 USNTSYSH? 3.2 ** N
660203 181737.1 USNTS SHFT <20 37.07N 116.10W WR PLAID 2 E
660213 045757.5 CPKTSDUNDG 6.1 81 49.840N 078.158E QP A
660216 110000.0 FRECK SHFT 4.9 13 24.044N 005.041E WR GRENAT N
660224 155510.5 USNTS SHFT 5.0 19 37.17N 116.42W WR REX E
660305 181500.7 USNTS TUNN <20 37.15N 116.11W WE RED HOT E
660307 184100.5 USNTS SHFT <20 36.94N 116.13W WR FINFOOT E
660312 180413.2 USNTS SHFT <20 37.08N 116.09W WR CLYMER E
660318 190002.7 USNTS SHFT <20 36.90N 116.15W WR PURPLE E
660320 054957.8 CPKTSDUNDG 6.0 61 49.720N 078.070E QP A
660324 145529.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.05N 116.16W PS TEMPLAR E
660401 184001.1 USNTS SHFT <20 37.05N 115.88W WR LIME E
660406 135717.1 USNTS SHFT 4.4 <20 37.08N 116.08W WR STUTZ E
660407 222730.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.01N 115.59W WR TOMATO E
660414 141346.4 USNTS SHFT 5.4 70 37.20N 116.45W WR DURYEA E
660421 035757.5 CPKTSDUNDG 5.3 11 49.808N 078.135E GR A
660422 025804.0 CP UNDG 4.7 1.1 47.930N 047.690E N
660425 183803.3 USNTS SHFT 4.5 <20 36.82N 115.96W WE PINSTRPEE
660504 133219.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.17N 115.96W WR TRAVELR E
660505 140003.1 USNTS SHFT 4.4 12 37.03N 116.02W WR CYCLAMENE
660506 150003.1 USNTS SHFT 5.4 73 37.20N 116.19W WR CHARTREUE
660507 035758.0 CPKTSDUNDG 4.8 3.6 49.774N 078.149E QP A
660509 080000.0 PCLNR AIRD 200 N
660512 193726.0 USNTS SHFT 4.3 <20 37.08N 116.04W WR TAPESTRYE
660513 133000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.6 20-200 37.05N 116.02W WR PIRANNA E
660519 135628.1 USNTS SHFT 5.9 20-200 37.06N 116.03W WR DUMONT E
660527 200003.0 USNTS SHFT 5.0 22 37.10N 116.05W WE DISCUSTHE
660602 153001.8 USNTS TUNN 5.6 62 37.21N 116.00W WE PILEDRIVE
660603 140002.2 USNTS SHFT 5.7 20-200 37.03N 116.01W WR TAN E
660610 143002.6 USNTS SHFT <20 36.98N 116.03W WR PUCE E
660625 171259.6 USNTS SHFT 25 37.10N 116.10W PS VULCAN E
660629 065757.6 CPKTSDUNDG 5.6 23 49.847N 078.101E GR A
660630 221502.7 USNTS SHFT 6.1 365 37.32N 116.28W WR HALFBEAKE
660702 153400.0 FRMUR BARG 30 WR P ALDEBAR N
660719 150500.0 FRFAN AIRD 60 WR P TAMOURE N
660721 035757.5 CPKTSDUNDG 5.3 11 49.738N 078.140E QP A
660728 153332.5 USNTS SHFT <20 37.00N 115.89W PS SAXON E
660805 035757.9 CPKTSDUNDG 5.4 14 49.830N 078.050E GR A
660810 131603.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.3N 116.0W WR ROVENA E
660819 035301.4 CPKTSDUNDG 5.1 7.3 50.500N 077.860E QP A
660907 035158.1 CPKTSDUNDG 4.8 3.6 49.940N 077.920E GR A
660911 173000.0 FRMUR BALN 120 WR P BETELGEUN
660912 152959.8 USNTS SHFT 4.6 <20 36.84N 115.92W WE DERRINGEE
660923 175958.5 USNTS SHFT <20 37.13N 116.02W WR DAIQUIRIE
660924 170000.0 FRFAN BARG 150 WRPB RIGEL N
660929 144532.1 USNTS SHFT <20 37.12N 115.98W WR NEWARK E
660930 055952.8 CP UNDG 5.1 30 38.950N 064.540E N
661004 210000.0 FRMUR BARG 300 WRPB SIRIUS N
661019 035757.8 CPKTSDUNDG 5.6 23 49.770N 078.030E GR A
661027 011000.0 PCLNR ATMO 20+ N
661027 055757.9 CPNZ UNDG 6.3 422 73.400N 054.570E N
661105 144501.2 USNTS SHFT <20 37.17N 115.96W PS SIMMS E
661111 120000.7 USNTS SHFT <20 37.10N 116.00W WR AJAX E
661118 150201.7 USNTS SHFT <20 37.00N 116.07W WR CERISE E
661203 050203.5 CPKTSDUNDG 4.8 3.6 49.720N 077.900E GR A
661213 1750 USNTSYSH? 3.9 ** N
661213 210002.7 USNTS SHFT 4.6 <20 36.82N 115.96W WE NEWPOINNE
661218 045757.4 CPKTSMUNDG 5.8 38 49.922N 077.766E PO A
661220 153001.9 USNTS SHFT 6.3 870 37.32N 116.36W WR GREELEY E
661228 040000.0 PCLNR TOWR 300+ N
670118 1455 USNTS SH? 3.1 ** N
670119 164502.5 USNTS SHFT 5.3 20-200 37.14N 116.18W WR NASH E
670120 174005.5 USNTS SHFT 5.3 20-200 37.08N 116.01W WR BOURBON E
670126 1630 USNTSYSH? 3.8 ** N
670130 040157.9 CPKTSDUNDG 4.8 3.6 49.900N 078.000E QS A
670208 151500.1 USNTS SHFT 4.6 <20 37.19N 116.02W WR WARD E
670226 035757.3 CPKTSDUNDG 6.0 61 49.750N 078.125E QP A
670302 150000.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.09N 116.02W WR RIVET 3 E
670303 1519 USNTSFSH? 3.7 ** N
670325 055758.9 CPKTSDUNDG 5.3 11 49.780N 078.060E GR A
670407 150000.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.054N 116.022W WR FAWN E
670420 040757.6 CPKTSDUNDG 5.5 18 49.731N 078.148E QP A
670421 150900.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.017N 116.038W WR CHOCOLATE
670427 144500.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.139N 116.064W WR EFFENDI E
670510 134000.0 USNTS SHFT 4.9 20-200 37.078N 116.995W WR MICKEY E
670520 150000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.8 250 37.130N 116.064W WR COMMODORE
670523 140000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.7 155 37.275N 116.370W WR SCOTCH E
670526 150000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.4 76 37.248N 116.480W WR KNICKERBE
670528 040757.7 CPKTSDUNDG 5.4 14 49.810N 078.110E QP A
670603 092059.0 CP UNDG 4.5 1.5 50.000N 077.000E N
670605 190000.0 FRMUR BALN <100 WR U ALTAIR N
670617 001907.9 PCLNR AIRD 3000 N
670622 131000.0 USNTS <20 37.126N 116.029W PS SWITCH E
670626 160000.0 USNTS TUNN 5.1 <20 37.202N 116.208W WE MIDI m E
670627 193000.0 FRMUR BALN <100 WR U ANTARES N
670629 112500.0 USNTS SHFT 4.6 <20 37.029N 116.023W WE UMBER E
670629 025657.8 CPKTSDUNDG 5.3 11 49.870N 078.100E GR A
670702 173000.0 FRMUR BALN <100 WR U ARCTURUSN
670715 032657.6 CPKTSDUNDG 5.4 14 49.880N 078.160E QP A
670727 130000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.0 20-200 37.149N 116.049W WR STANLEY E
670804 065758.0 CPKTSDUNDG 5.3 11 49.820N 078.050E GR A
670804 USNTS SH? ** N
670810 141000.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.157N 116.047W WR WASHER E
670818 201230.0 USNTS SHFT 4.6 <20 37.012N 116.036W WR BORDEAUXE
670824 1330 USNTSYSH? 3.8 ** N
670831 163000.0 USNTS TUNN 5.0 <20 37.178N 116.209W WE DOOR m E
670907 134500.0 USNTS SHFT 5.0 20-200 37.153N 116.053W WR YARD E
670916 040357.8 CPKTSMUNDG 5.3 11 49.953N 077.756E SA A
670921 204500.0 USNTS SHFT 2.2 37.166N 116.038W PS MARVEL E
670922 050357.4 CPKTSMUNDG 5.2 9.2 49.972N 077.726E AL A
670927 170000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.7 20-200 37.099N 116.053W WR ZAZA E
671006 070002.5 CP UNDG 4.7 5.2 57.710N 065.220E N
671017 050358.0 CPKTSDUNDG 5.6 23 49.800N 078.030E GR A
671018 143000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.7 20-200 37.116N 116.058W WR LANPHER E
671021 045958.4 CPNZ UNDG 5.9 93 73.400N 054.420E N
671025 143000.6 USNTS SHFT <20 37.032N 116.026W WR SAZERAC E
671030 060357.9 CPKTSDUNDG 5.3 11 49.810N 078.020E GR A
671108 150000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.1 <20 37.092N 116.036W WR COBBLER E
671206 013304.6 USNTSYSH? 3.7 37.110N 115.240W ** N
671122 040357.6 CPKTSMUNDG 4.8 3.6 49.980N 077.777E AL A
671208 060357.4 CPKTSDUNDG 5.4 14 49.880N 078.210E QP A
671210 193000.1 USFMT SHFT 4.8 29 36.678N 107.208W PS GASBUGGYE
671215 150000.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.367N 116.002W WR STILT E
671224 040000.0 PCLNR AIRD 15-25 N
680118 034657.6 CPKTSDUNDG 5.1 7.3 49.740N 078.020E GR A
680118 163000.0 USNTS SHFT 7.4 37.146N 116.066W WE HUPMOBILE
680119 150000.0 USNTS SHFT 20-200 37.156N 116.054W WR STACCATOE
680119 181500.0 USCNV SHFT 6.3 200-1000 38.634N 116.215W WR FAULTLESE
680126 160000.0 USNTS CRAT 2.3 37.281N 116.514W PS CABRIOLEE
680131 1530 USNTS SH? ** N
680221 153000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.8 20-200 37.117N 116.054W WR KNOX E
680229 170830.0 USNTS TUNN 5.0 <20 37.018N 116.021W WE DORSLFINE
680312 170400.1 USNTS CRAT 37.008N 116.037W PS BUGGY E
680312 170400.1 USNTS CRAT 37.008N 116.037W PS BUGGY E
680312 170400.1 USNTS CRAT 37.008N 116.037W PS BUGGY E
680312 170400.1 USNTS CRAT 37.008N 116.037W PS BUGGY E
680312 170400.1 USNTS CRAT 37.008N 116.037W PS BUGGY E
680322 150000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.6 20-200 37.333N 116.311W WR STINGER E
680325 184427.0 USNTS SHFT <20 36.872N 115.931W WE MILKSHKEE
680410 140000.0 USNTS SHFT 4.6 20-200 37.154N 116.079W WR NOOR E
680418 140500.0 USNTS SHFT 4.9 20-200 37.153N 116.037W WR SHUFFLE E
680423 170130.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.338N 116.376W VU SCROLL E
680424 103557.3 CPKTSDUNDG 5.0 5.7 49.840N 078.070E QP A
680426 150000.1 USNTS SHFT 6.2 1300 37.295N 116.456W WR 2 BOXCAR EN
680503 1600 USNTS SH? ** N
680508 1410 USNTSYSH? 3.9 ** N
680517 130000.0 USNTS SHFT 4.7 20-200 37.120N 116.059W WR CLRKSMOBE
680521 035910.0 CP UNDG 5.4 47 38.890N 065.100E N
680605 142130 USNTSFSH? 4.0 ** N
680606 213000.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.167N 116.045W WR TUB E
680611 030557.7 CPKTSDUNDG 5.2 9.2 49.800N 078.130E QP A
680615 140000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.9 20-200 37.265N 116.315W WR RICKEY E
680619 050557.3 CPKTSBUNDG 5.3 13 49.982N 079.003E SA A
680628 122200.0 USNTS SHFT 5.3 20-200 37.246N 116.483W WR CHATEAUGE
680701 040200.9 CP UNDG 5.5 25 47.850N 047.720E N
680707 220000.0 FRMUR BALN <100 WR U ? N
680712 120757.5 CPKTSDUNDG 5.3 11 49.766N 078.139E GR A
680715 190000.0 FRMUR BALN 450-500 WRUB ? N
680717 1400 USNTSFSH? 4.0 ** N
680730 130000.0 USNTS SHFT 20-200 37.162N 116.078W WR TANYA E
680803 210000.0 FRMUR BALN 500 WR B ? N
680809 1300 USNTSYSH? 3.5 ** N
680815 1700 USNTSYSH? 3.9 ** N
680820 040557.4 CPKTSDUNDG 4.8 3.6 49.820N 078.078E GR N
680824 183000.0 FRFAN BALN 2600 WRU2 CANOPUS N
680827 163000.0 USNTS SHFT <20 36.877N 115.931W WE DIANAMN E
680829 224500.0 USNTS SHFT 5.9 20-200 37.250N 116.347W WR SLED E
680905 040557.5 CPKTSKUNDG 5.4 14 49.750N 078.150E GR A
680906 140000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.8 20-200 37.032N 116.012W WR KNIFEA E
680906 140000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.5 20-200 37.136N 116.047W WR NOGGIN E
680908 190000.0 FRMUR BALN 1200 WR PROCYON N
680917 171400.0 USNTS SHFT 5.1 20-200 37.205N 116.206W PS STODDRD E
680924 170500.9 USNTS TUNN 5.0 <20 37.205N 116.206W WE HUDSONSEE
680929 034257.4 CPKTSDUNDG 5.8 38 49.813N 078.175E QP A
681003 142900.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.026N 115.993W WR KNIFE C E
681010 1430 USNTS SH? ** N
681029 1636 USNTSYSH? 3.4 ** N
681031 1830 USNTS SH? ** N
681104 151500.1 USNTS SHFT 5.0 20-200 37.131N 116.086W WR CREW E
681107 100205.4 CPNZ UNDG 6.0 119 73.390N 054.580E N
681109 025357.7 CPKTSDUNDG 4.9 4.5 49.760N 078.060E QP A
681115 1530 USNTS SH? ** N
681115 154500.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.026N 116.033W WR KNIFE B E
681120 180000.0 USNTS TUNN 4.9 <20 37.010N 116.206W WE MINGVASEE
681122 161900.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.140N 116.042W WR TINDERBOE
681208 160000.1 USNTS CRAT 4.8 30 37.343N 116.566W PS SCHOONERE
681212 151000.1 USNTS SHFT <20 37.119N 116.082W WR TYG E
681212 1520 USNTS SH? ** N
681218 050157.1 CPKTSDUNDG 5.0 5.7 49.720N 078.120E GR A
681219 163000.0 USNTS SHFT 6.3 1150 37.231N 116.474W WR 2 BENHAM EN
681227 073000.0 PCLNR AIRD 3000 N
690115 190000.1 USNTS SHFT 10.0 37.148N 166.066W WE PACKARD E
690115 193000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.3 20-200 37.209N 116.225W WR WINESKINE
690122 150002.0 USNTSYSH? 4.1 36.970N 115.980W ** N
690130 150000.0 USNTS SHFT 4.9 20-200 37.053N 116.029W WR VISE E
690204 150006.0 USNTSYSH? 3.7 37.400N 116.004W ** N
690212 161820.1 USNTS TUNN <20 37.169N 116.211W WE CYPRESS E
690307 082657.6 CPKTSDUNDG 5.6 23 49.840N 078.150E GR A
690318 144002.7 USNTSYSH? 3.8 37.200N 116.000W ** N
690320 181200.0 USNTS SHFT 4.4 <20 37.022N 116.030W WR BARSAC E
690321 143000.0 USNTS SHFT 4.9 <100 37.080N 116.087W WR COFFER E
690424 130400.2 USNTSYSH? 3.8 37.002N 116.000W ** N
690430 170000.0 USNTS SHFT 20-200 36.081N 116.013W WR THISTLE E
690430 170000.0 USNTS SHFT 20-200 36.081N 116.013W WR BLENTON E
690507 134500.0 USNTS SHFT 5.5 20-200 37.238N 116.500W WR PURSE E
690515 175959.3 USNTSFSH? 4.1 37.000N 115.009W ** N
690516 040257.3 CPKTSDUNDG 5.2 9.2 49.780N 078.160E GR A
690527 141500.0 USNTS SHFT 5.0 20-200 37.076N 115.995W WR TORRIDO E
690531 050156.8 CPKTSMUNDG 5.3 11 49.967N 077.728E AL A
690612 140000.0 USNTS SHFT 4.5 <20 37.053N 116.030W WR TAPPER E
690626 1400 USNTS SH? 4.0 ** N
690704 024657.3 CPKTSDUNDG 5.2 9.2 49.760N 078.200E QP A
690716 130230.0 USNTS SHFT 4.6 20-200 37.119N 116.055W WR ILDRIM E
690716 145500.0 USNTS SHFT 5.5 20-200 37.139N 116.088W WR HUTCH E
690723 024657.6 CPKTSDUNDG 5.4 14 49.817N 078.170E QP A
690827 134500.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.021N 116.038W WR PLIERS E
690902 050000.0 CP UNDG 4.9 8 57.500N 054.700E N
690908 045955.0 CP UNDG 4.9 8 57.300N 056.000E N
690911 040157.5 CPKTSDUNDG 5.0 5.7 49.770N 078.030E GR A
690912 180223.4 USNTS SHFT <20 36.877N 115.929W WE MINUTESTE
690916 143000.4 USNTS SHFT 6.1 <1000 37.314N 116.461W WR JORUM E
690920 143003.3 USNTSYSH? 3.8 37.000N 116.000W ** N
690922 161458.8 PCLNR 5.1 25 88.300S 041.383E
690926 070000.0 CP UNDG 5.0 5.7 46.000N 042.400E N
690929 084026.0 PCLNR AIRD 3000 N
691001 040257.7 CPKTSDUNDG 5.2 9.2 49.810N 078.180E GR A
691008 143000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.6 200-1000 37.257N 116.441W WR PIPKIN E
691014 070006.4 CPNZ UNDG 6.0 140 73.390N 054.500E N
691020 090902.0 CP UNDG 3.7 .09 48.100N 047.800E N
691028 143458.1 USNTSPSH? 2.9 37.003N 116.004W ** N
691029 193000.0 USNTS SHFT 11 37.121N 116.128W WR CRUET E
691029 200000.0 USNTS SHFT 20-200 37.141N 116.142W WR POD E
691029 220151.4 USNTS SHFT 5.6 110 37.143N 116.063W WR CALABASHE
691113 151520.2 USNTS SHFT 3.5 <20 37.17N 116.09W WR SCUTTLE E
691121 145200.0 USNTS SHFT 5.0 20-200 37.031N 116.002W WR PICCALILE
691130 033257.1 CPKTSBUNDG 5.9 54 49.913N 078.961E CO A
691205 170000.0 USNTS TUNN 4.9 <20 37.180N 116.211W WE DIESLTRAE
691206 070257.5 CP UNDG 5.8 70 43.790N 054.750E N
691210 153003.7 USNTSSYSH? 4.2 37.09N 116.01W ** N
691217 150000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.4 20-200 37.084N 116.002W WR GRAPE A E
691218 190000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.2 20-200 37.121N 116.035W WR TERRINE E
691228 034657.6 CPKTSMUNDG 5.7 30 49.954N 077.748E AL A
691229 040158.1 CPKTSDUNDG 5.5 7.3 49.790N 078.000E QP A
700123 163000.2 USNTS SHFT <20 37.137N 116.037W WR FOB E
700129 070257.5 CPKTSDUNDG 5.5 18 49.813N 078.185E PO A
700130 USNTS SHFT <20 WR AJO E
700204 170000.4 USNTS SHFT 5.6 20-200 37.098N 116.027W WR GRAPE B E
700205 150000.4 USNTS SHFT 4.6 25 37.164N 116.039W WR LABIS E
700211 191500.4 USNTS TUNN 4.7 <20 37.201N 116.205W WE DIANA m E
700225 142838.4 USNTS SHFT 5.2 20-200 37.037N 116.000W WR CUMARIN E
700226 153000.4 USNTS SHFT 5.3 20-200 37.116N 116.061W WR YANNIGANE
700306 142400.3 USNTS SHFT 4.3 8.7 37.023N 116.092W WR CYATHUS E
700306 150000.2 USNTS SHFT <20 37.140N 116.037W WR ARABIS E
700319 140330.4 USNTS SHFT <20 37.001N 116.023W WR JAL E
700323 230500.4 USNTS SHFT 5.5 20-200 37.086N 116.021W WR SHAPER E
700326 190002.0 USNTS SHFT 6.4 1900 37.300N 116.534W WR 2 HANDLEY EN
700327 050257.0 CPKTSDUNDG 5.0 5.7 49.770N 078.110E GR A
700421 143000.4 USNTS SHFT 4.4 <20 37.055N 115.988W WE SNUBBER E
700421 150000.4 USNTS SHFT 4.6 20-200 37.099N 116.080W WR CAN E
700501 141300.4 USNTS SHFT <20 37.059N 116.028W WR BEEBALM E
700501 144000.2 USNTS SHFT 4.3 20-200 37.133N 116.034W WR HOD E
700505 153000.2 USNTS TUNN 5.0 <20 37.211N 116.184W WE MINTLEAFE
700512 140000.4 USNTS TUNN <20 37.010N 116.202W VU d DUST E
700515 133000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.1 20-200 37.162N 116.039W WR CORNICE E
700515 180000.0 FRMUR BALN 20-200 WR ANDROME N
700521 140000.4 USNTS SHFT <20 37.029N 115.992W WR MANZANASE
700521 141500.4 USNTS SHFT 5.1 20-200 37.071N 116.013W WR MORRONESE
700522 183000.0 FRMUR BALN 20-200 WR CASSIOPEN
700523 053259.0 CP UNDG 3.5 1 48.100N 047.800E N
700524 124147.0 CP UNDG 3.6 2 48.100N 047.800E N
700526 141600.2 USNTS TUNN 1000 22.200S 138.800W WR DRAGON N
700624 183000.0 FRMUR BALN LOW WR ERIDAN N
700625 045952.4 CP UNDG 4.9 8.4 52.200N 055.700E N
700626 130000.4 USNTS SHFT 20-200 37.114N 116.086W WR ARNICA E
700628 015757.7 CPKTSDUNDG 5.7 30 49.830N 078.220E GR A
700703 182959.1 FR BALN 4.0 1000 21.800S 139.200W WR LICORNE N
700721 030257.2 CPKTSMUNDG 5.4 14 49.953N 077.701E SA A
700724 035657.6 CPKTSDUNDG 5.3 11 49.820N 078.180E QP A
700727 190000.0 FRMUR BALN LOW WR PEGASE N
700802 190000.0 FRFAN BALN 20-200 WR ORION N
700806 190000.0 FRMUR BALN 20-200 WR TOUCAN N
700906 040257.5 CPKTSDUNDG 5.4 14 49.780N 078.046E GR A
701013 150000.2 USNTSYSH? 3.9 37.18N 115.95W ** N
701014 143000.4 USNTS SHFT 5.5 20-200 37.071N 116.005W WR TIJERAS E
701014 072958.9 PCLNR 3000 N
701014 055957.3 CPNZ UNDG 6.6 1001 73.310N 054.890E N
701028 1430 USNTS ** N
701104 060257.2 CPKTSMUNDG 5.4 14 50.007N 077.798E PO A
701105 150000.0 USNTS SHFT 4.9 20-200 37.029N 116.012W WR ABEYTAS E
701119 152353.0 USNTS SH? 3.5 37.0N 116.0W ** N
701203 1507 USNTSFSH? 3.1 ** N
701212 070057.4 CP UNDG 6.0 113 43.870N 054.780E N
701216 160000.9 USNTS SHFT 5.2 20-200 37.100N 116.008W WR ARTESIA E
701216 160000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.1 <20 37.143N 116.034W WR CREAM E
701217 160500.2 USNTS SHFT 5.8 220 37.129N 116.083W WR CARPETBAE
701217 070057.7 CPKTSDUNDG 5.4 14 49.730N 078.170E GR A
701218 153000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.1 10 37.173N 116.099W WR BANEBERRE
701223 070057.3 CP UNDG 6.0 113 43.810N 054.820E N
710322 043257.8 CPKTSDUNDG 5.7 30 49.791N 078.142E GR A
710323 065956.4 CP UNDG 5.5 45 61.390N 056.220E A
710425 033257.5 CPKTSDUNDG 5.9 53 49.774N 078.074E GR A
710429 190000.0 USNTS SHFT 20-200 37.12N 116.33W WR CHEM? MINETHROE
710525 040258.0 CPKTSDUNDG 5.0 6.0 49.815N 078.197E GR A
710605 191500.0 FRMUR ATMO 15 WR DIONE N
710606 040257.2 CPKTSMUNDG 5.4 17 49.988N 077.720E AL A
710612 191500.0 FRMUR ATMO 450-500 WR ENCELADEN
710616 145000.0 USNTS SHFT 4.1 <20 37.03N 116.02W WR EMBUDO E
710619 040357.7 CPKTSMUNDG 5.4 15 49.992N 077.705E PO A
710623 153000.0 USNTS SHFT 20-200 37.02N 116.02W WR LAGUNA E
710624 140000.0 USNTS SHFT 4.9 20-200 37.15N 116.07W WR HAREBELLE
710629 182957.3 USNTS TUNN 4.9 <20 36.6N 115.8W WE CAMPHOR E
710630 035657.3 CPKTSBUNDG 5.2 11 49.949N 078.986E CO A
710701 140000.0 USNTS TUNN <20 37.01N 116.20W VU d MINE E
710702 170001.9 CP UNDG 4.7 5.2 67.660N 062.000E N
710704 213000.0 FRMUR ATMO <100 WR JAPET N
710708 140000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.5 83 37.11N 116.05W PS MINIATA E
710709 140050.0 USNTSYSH? 3.4 36.3N 115.75W ** N
710710 165959.6 CP UNDG 5.2 17 64.200N 054.770E N
710721 1333 USNTSFSH? 3.4 ** N
710808 183000.0 FRMUR ATMO <100 WR PHOEBE N
710814 185959.2 FR BALN 4.7 1000 21.900S 139.000W WR RHEA N
710818 140000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.4 20-200 37.1N 116.0W WR ALGODONEE
710922 1400 USNTS SH? 3.6 ** N
710929 140000.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.01N 116.01W WR PEDERNALE
710919 110006.8 CP UNDG 4.5 3.3 57.760N 041.440E N
710927 060257.4 CPNZ UNDG 6.4 586 73.390N 054.910E N
711004 100002.0 CP UNDG 4.6 4.1 61.610N 047.220E N
711008 143000.2 USNTS SHFT <20 37.12N 116.03W WR CATHAY E
711009 060257.4 CPKTSMUNDG 5.3 12 49.996N 077.653E AL N
711014 143003.1 USNTS SH? 4.4 37.2N 116.1W ** E
711021 060257.4 CPKTSMUNDG 5.5 19 50.001N 077.629E SA A
711022 050000.6 CP UNDG 5.2 17 51.610N 054.450E N
711118 060000.0 PCLNR ATMO 20 N
711124 201500.2 USNTS SHFT <20 36.7N 116.9W WE DIAGONALE
711129 060257.5 CPKTSDUNDG 5.4 16 49.758N 078.132E GR A
711130 154503.2 USNTS SH? 37.1N 116.1W ** N
711214 210957.7 USNTS SHFT 20-200 37.01N 116.06W WR CHAENACTE
711215 075258.9 CPKTSDUNDG 4.9 4.5 50.031N 077.972E GR A
711222 065956.5 CP UNDG 6.0 57 47.900N 048.070E N
711230 062057.8 CPKTSDUNDG 5.7 36 49.772N 078.093E GR A
720101 070000.0 PCLNR ATMO <20 N
720203 2145 USNTS SH? ** N
720210 050257.5 CPKTSBUNDG 5.3 13 50.014N 078.878E AL A
720217 190203.6 USNTSYSH? 4.3 37.1N 116.1W ** N
720318 060000.0 PCLNR ATMO 20-200 N
720310 045657.4 CPKTSDUNDG 5.4 15 49.752N 078.142E QP A
720328 042157.6 CPKTSDUNDG 5.1 8.0 49.740N 078.130E QP A
720330 210001.2 USNTS SH? 4.6 37.0N 116.0W N
720411 060002.9 CP UNDG 4.9 8.4 37.360N 062.070E N
720419 163200.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.12N 116.08W WR LONGCHAME
720502 191501.8 USNTS TUNN 5.0 <20 37.2N 116.2W WE y NORTH E
720510 120000.0 USNTS SH? 37.01N 116.20W MINEDUSTI
720511 1400 USNTS SH? ** N
720517 141000.2 USNTS SHFT <20 37.12N 116.09W WR ZINNIA E
720519 170000.0 USNTS SHFT <20 37.06N 116.00W WR MONERO E
720522 232856 USNTS SH? 37.12N 116.33W THROW 1 I
720523 221538 USNTS SH? 37.12N 116.33W THROW 2 I
720524 212119 USNTS SH? 37.12N 116.33W THROW 3 I
720525 203059 USNTS SH? 37.12N 116.33W THROW 4 I
720526 191542 USNTS SH? 37.12N 116.33W THROW 5 I
720607 012757.4 CPKTSDUNDG 5.4 14 49.808N 078.093E QP A
720607 1520 USNTS? 3.8 N
720628 163004.1 37.1N 116.1W IN
720706 010259.9 CPKTSDUNDG 4.4 1.5 49.781N 078.093E QP A
720709 065957.9 CP UNDG 4.8 6.6 49.780N 035.450E N
720714 145949.0 CP UNDG 3.6 .10 49.990N 046.440E N
720720 171600.2 USNTS TUNN 4.9 <20 37.22N 116.18W WE d SKULLSE
720725 153003.1 USNTS SH? 4.0 36.9N 116.0W ** N
720816 031657.5 CPKTSDUNDG 5.1 7.8 49.770N 078.113E GR A
720820 025957.8 CP UNDG 5.7 55 49.400N 048.060E N
720826 034657.2 CPKTSMUNDG 5.3 13 49.993N 077.773E AL A
720828 055956.7 CPNZ UNDG 6.3 329 73.390N 054.650E N
720902 085657.5 CPKTSMUNDG 4.8 4.3 49.950N 077.660E SA A
720904 070004.4 CP UNDG 4.6 4.1 67.730N 033.090E N
720921 153000.2 USNTS SHFT 4.3 20-200 37.08N 116.04W WR OSCURO E
720921 090001.4 CP UNDG 5.0 10 52.190N 051.940E N
720926 143000.2 USNTS SHFT 4.4 15 37.12N 116.09W WR DELPHINIE
721003 085957.8 CP UNDG 5.6 44 46.660N 044.870E N
721102 012657.6 CPKTSBUNDG 6.1 126 49.923N 078.815E AL A
721109 1515 USNTS SH? 3.7 ** N
721109 1815 USNTSYSH? 3.7 ** N
721124 090002.8 CP UNDG 4.5 3.3 52.140N 051.830E N
721124 095958.0 CP UNDG 5.2 17 51.850N 064.180E N
721210 042657.6 CPKTSDUNDG 5.6 23 49.837N 078.102E GR A
721210 042707.3 CPKTSBUNDG 5.9 59 50.001N 078.973E TS A
721212 1630 USNTSFSH? 3.3 ** N
721221 USNTS SHFT 20-200 WR FLAX E
721228 042700.0 CPKTSDUNDG 4.9 .39 51.700N 077.200E QP A
730216 050257.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.4 17 49.822N 078.158E N
730308 161000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.4 20-200 37.10N 116.03W WR MIERA E
730323 2015 USNTS SH? 3.4 ** N
730419 043257.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.3 12 49.995N 077.647E N
730425 222500.0 USNTS SHFT 4.7 20-200 37.00N 116.03W WR ANGUS E
730426 171500.2 USNTS SHFT 5.6 90 37.12N 116.06W WR STARWORTE
730517 160000.0 USRFL SHFT 5.4 33 39.79N 108.37W WR RIOBLANCEN
730517 160000.0 USRFL SHFT 5.4 33 39.79N 108.37W WR RIOBLANCEN
730517 160000.0 USRFL SHFT 5.4 33 39.79N 108.37W WR RIOBLANCEN
730524 133000.7 USNTS SH? 4.8 37.2N 116.1W ** N
730605 170000.2 USNTS TUNN 5.1 <20 37.18N 116.21W WE DIDOQUEEE
730606 130000.0 USNTS SHFT 6.5 200-1000 37.25N 116.35W WR ALMENDROE
730621 144459.6 USNTS SH? 5.3 37.1N 116.0W IN
730627 035951.0 PCLNR ATMO 2000-3000 N
730628 191512.4 USNTS SHFT 5.3 20-200 37.1N 116.09W WR PORTULACE
730628 194500.5 USNTSYSH? <2.0 37.1N 116.0W ** N
730710 012657.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.3 11 49.798N 078.087E N
730721 180000.0 FRMUR ATMO 5 WR N
730723 012257.6 CPKTS UNDG 6.2 181 49.962N 078.812E N
730728 230300.0 FRMUR ATMO LOW WR N
730815 015957.7 CP UNDG 5.3 21 42.690N 067.410E N
730819 FRMUR ATMO 5-10 WR N
730828 FRMUR AIRD 6.6 WR N
730828 025957.9 CP UNDG 5.2 17 50.580N 068.400E N
730912 065954.5 CPNZ UNDG 6.7 2099 73.320N 054.970E N
730919 025957.6 CP UNDG 5.1 13 45.680N 067.800E N
730927 065958.4 CPNZ UNDG 5.9 100 70.800N 053.420E N
730930 045957.7 CP UNDG 5.2 17 51.660N 054.540E N
731002 151500.4 USNTSYSH? 3.9 37.2N 115.8W IN
731012 170000.8 USNTS TUNN 4.8 <20 37.20N 116.20W WE HUSKYACEE
731026 042657.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 10 49.759N 078.164E N
731026 055957.2 CP UNDG 4.8 6.6 53.630N 055.380E N
731027 065957.6 CPNZ UNDG 6.9 4055 70.800N 053.920E N
731128 153000.5 USNTS SHFT 4.4 <20 36.9N 116.0W WR BERNAL E
731212 190000.3 USNTS SH? 4.5 36.9N 116.0W ** N
731214 074657.1 CPKTS UNDG 5.8 38 50.044N 078.987E N
740130 045657.8 CPKTS UNDG 4.9 4.5 49.837N 078.049E N
740130 045702.2 CPKTS UNDG 5.4 14 49.853N 078.087E N
740227 170000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.8 20-200 37.10N 116.05W WR LATIR E
740416 055257.4 CPKTS UNDG 4.4 1.5 50.041N 078.943E N
740423 151300.5 USNTSYSH? 3.6 37.1N 116.1W ** N
740516 030257.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 10 49.752N 078.093E N
740518 023455.4 INRAJ UNDG 4.9 15 26.99 N 071.80 E P I
740522 141500.5 USNTS SH? 4.4 37.1N 116.1W ** N
740523 133830.2 GBNTS SHFT 4.8 20-200 37.1N 116.1W FALLON E
740531 032657.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.8 42 49.950N 078.852E N
740606 144000.0 USNTS SH? 4.4 37.0N 116.0W ** N
740616 FRMUR BALN 20 WR N
740617 055949.0 PCLNR ATMO 200-1000 N
740619 155959.0 USNTS TUNN 5.0 <20 37.2N 116.2W WE MINGBLAEE
740625 035657.7 CPKTS UNDG 4.5 1.8 49.840N 078.166E N
740707 FRMUR BALN 150 WR N
740708 055959.7 CP UNDG 4.6 4.1 53.680N 055.080E N
740710 160000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.7 20-200 37.07N 116.03W WR ESCABOSAE
740710 025657.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 8.4 49.783N 078.130E N
740718 140001.3 USNTS SH? 4.1 37.1N 116.1W ** N
740814 140000.1 USNTS SHFT 4.6 <20 37.0N 116.0W WR PUYE E
740814 145958.5 CP UNDG 5.4 27 68.940N 075.830E N
740829 095955.7 CPNZ UNDG 6.4 497 73.410N 054.930E N
740829 145958.9 CP UNDG 5.0 10 67.230N 062.140E N
740830 150000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.8 20-200 37.1N 116.1W WR PORTMANTE
740913 030257.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 8.6 49.778N 078.081E N
740915 FRMUR ATMO 1000 WR N
740925 140000.3 USNTS SH? 4.4 37.0N 116.0W ** N
740926 1430 USNTS SH? 3.3 ** N
740926 150500.2 USNTS SHFT 5.6 20-200 37.1N 116.1W WR STANYAN E
741016 063257.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.4 17 49.979N 078.898E N
741102 045956.8 CPNZ UNDG 6.7 2099 70.810N 053.910E N
741207 055957.6 CPKTS UNDG 4.5 1.8 49.933N 077.636E N
741216 062257.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.0 5.7 49.793N 078.133E N
741216 064057.9 CPKTS UNDG 4.8 3.6 49.867N 078.087E N
741216 173000.5 USNTS SH? 4.3 4. 36.9N 116.0W N
741227 054656.8 CPKTS UNDG 5.5 18 49.943N 079.011E N
750206 1530 USNTSYSH? 3.5 ** N
750206 161256.0 USNTS SH? 4.5 37.05N 116.00W ** N
750220 053257.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.6 26 49.789N 078.062E N
750228 151500.1 USNTS SHFT 5.7 20-200 37.11N 116.06W WR TOPGALLAE
750307 150000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.5 20-200 37.13N 116.08W WR CABRILLOE
750311 054257.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.3 14 49.747N 078.146E N
750405 194500.2 USNTS TUNN 4.8 <20 37.18N 116.21W WE DININGCAE
750424 141000.2 USNTS SHFT 4.6 20-200 37.11N 116.08W WR EDAM E
750425 050002.5 CP UNDG 4.7 2.6 48.080N 047.200E N
750427 053657.2 CPKTS UNDG 5.5 21 49.949N 078.926E N
750430 150000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.2 20-200 37.11N 116.03W WR OBAR E
750514 140000.4 USNTS SHFT 5.8 200-1000 37.22N 116.47W WR TYBO E
750603 142000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.9 20-200 37.33N 116.52W WR STILTON E
750603 144000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.7 20-200 37.09N 116.03W WR MIZZEN E
750605 181500.0 FRFAN SHFT 5.3 20 ACHILLE N
750608 032657.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.5 18 49.762N 078.050E N
750619 130000.1 USNTS SHFT 6.1 200-1000 37.35N 116.32W WR MAST E
750626 123000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.0 200-1000 37.27N 116.37W WR CAMEMBERE
750630 032657.5 CPKTS UNDG 4.6 2.4 50.004N 078.957E N
750807 035657.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 8.2 49.812N 078.161E N
750830 211159.5 USNTSPSH? 3.0 37.28N 116.21W ** N
750823 085957.9 CPNZ UNDG 6.4 477 73.340N 054.500E N
750906 170000.1 USNTS SHFT 4.6 <20 37.02N 116.03W WR MARSH E
750929 105958.3 CP UNDG 4.8 6.6 69.600N 090.460E N
751005 042743.9 CPKTS UNDG 4.6 .19 55.800N 075.100E N
751018 085956.5 CPNZ UNDG 6.6 1281 70.840N 053.530E N
751021 115957.7 CPNZ UNDG 6.4 497 73.320N 054.930E N
751024 171126.1 USNTS TUNN 4.7 <20 37.22N 116.18W WE HUSKYPUPE
751026 005959.0 PCLNR UNDG <20 N
751027 010003.5 PCLNR 5.0 <10 88.667S 041.400E
751028 143000.2 USNTS SHFT 6.2 200-1000 37.28N 116.41W WR KASSERI E
751029 044657.3 CPKTS UNDG 5.6 24 49.946N 078.878E N
751118 153000.3 USNTS SH? 4.4 37.0N 116.0W ** N
751120 150000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.8 200-1000 37.22N 116.37W WR INLET E
751126 153000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.0 <20 37.12N 116.02W WR LEYDEN E
751126 004800.0 FRFAN SHFT 5.2 15 HECTOR N
751213 045657.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.0 6.0 49.810N 078.157E N
751220 200000.2 USNTS SHFT 20-200 37.12N 116.06W WR CHIBERTAE
751225 051657.1 CPKTS UNDG 5.6 29 50.044N 078.814E N
760103 191500.2 USNTS SHFT 6.2 200-1000 37.30N 116.33W WR MUENSTERE
760115 044657.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 10 49.824N 078.201E N
760123 060000.0 PCLNR ATMO LOW N
760204 142000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.8 20-200 37.07N 116.03W WR KEELSON E
760204 144000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.7 20-200 37.11N 116.04W WR ESROM E
760212 144500.2 USNTS SHFT 5.5 200-1000 37.27N 116.49W WR FONTINA E
760214 113000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.7 200-500 37.24N 116.42W WR CHESHIREE
760226 1450 USNTSFSH? 4.1 ** N
760309 140000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.9 200-500 37.31N 116.36W WR ESTUARY E
760314 123000.2 USNTS SHFT 6.3 500-1000 37.31N 116.47W WR COLBY E
760317 141500.1 USNTS SHFT 5.8 200-500 37.26N 116.31W WR POOL E
760317 144500.1 USNTS SHFT 5.6 200-500 37.11N 116.05W WR STRAIT E
760403 004500.0 FRMUR SHFT WR PATROCL N
760421 045757.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 7.3 49.776N 078.146E N
760421 050257.1 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 11 49.890N 078.827E N
760512 195000.2 USNTS TUNN 4.9 <20 37.2N 116.2W WE MIGHTYEPE
760519 025657.8 CPKTS UNDG 4.8 3.7 49.796N 078.058E N
760520 173000.2 USNTSYSH? 3.7 37.1N 116.0W ** N
760609 030257.2 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 7.6 49.989N 079.022E N
760604 025657.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.8 40 49.909N 078.911E N
760711 002959.1 FRMUR SHFT 5.0 10 21.859S 138.768W WR N
760723 023257.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.0 6.3 49.779N 078.085E N
760727 203000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.2 20-150 37.1N 116.0W WR BILLET E
760729 045957.9 CP UNDG 5.9 45 47.810N 048.100E N
760804 025658.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.1 .06 49.900N 077.700E N
760826 143000.2 GBNTS SHFT 5.3 20-150 37.13N 116.08W BANON E
760828 025657.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.7 30 49.969N 078.930E N
760926 060000.0 PCLNR ATMO 20-200 N
760929 025957.6 CPNZ UNDG 5.8 70 73.410N 054.500E N
761006 1430 USNTSYSH? 3.7 ** N
761017 050003.7 PCLNR 4.9 10-20 88.667S 041.650E N
761020 075957.8 CPNZ UNDG 5.1 13 73.400N 054.470E N
761030 045702.5 CPKTS UNDG 4.9 4.5 49.821N 078.029E N
761105 035956.8 CP UNDG 5.3 21 61.520N 112.730E N
761117 060017.6 PCLNR ATMO 4000 N
761123 151500.2 USNTS SHFT <20 37.2N 116.1W WR CHEVRE E
761123 050257.2 CPKTS UNDG 5.7 34 50.008N 078.963E N
761207 045657.3 CPKTS UNDG 5.8 41 49.922N 078.846E N
761208 144930.1 USNTS SHFT 4.9 <20 37.08N 116.00W WR REDMUD E
761221 150900.2 USNTS SHFT <20 37.12N 116.07W WR ASIAGO E
761228 180000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.5 20-150 37.10N 116.04W WR RUDDER E
761230 035657.9 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 7.8 49.802N 078.069E N
770216 175300.2 USNTSYSH? 4.3 37.0N 116.0W ** N
770219 232958.9 FRMUR SHFT 5.0 5 21.834S 138.846W WR N
770319 230058.4 FRMUR SHFT 5.9 45 21.891S 138.913W WR N
770329 035657.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.4 14 49.970N 078.086E N
770405 150000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.6 20-150 37.12N 116.06W WR MARSILLYE
770425 040657.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.0 6.6 49.813N 078.150E N
770427 150000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.1 20-150 37.09N 116.03W WR BULKHEADE
770525 170000.3 USNTS SHFT 5.3 20-150 37.09N 116.04W WR CREWLINEE
770529 025657.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.7 32 49.937N 078.770E N
770629 030657.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 9.6 50.006N 078.869E N
770706 225958.5 FRMUR SHFT 4.9 25 21.780S 138.954W WR N
770726 165957.7 CP UNDG 5.0 10 69.540N 090.510E N
770728 140700.2 USNTSYSH? 3.7 37.1N 116.1W ** N
770730 015657.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.0 7.1 49.759N 078.097E N
770804 164000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.0 20-150 37.09N 116.01W WR STRAKE E
770810 220002.0 CP UNDG 5.0 10 50.950N 110.780E N
770816 144100.4 USNTSYSH? 3.7 37.2N 116.1W ** N
770816 154900.2 USNTSYSH? 4.0 37.2N 116.1W ** N
770817 042657.5 CPKTS UNDG 4.9 5.6 49.825N 078.170E N
770819 173200.1 USNTSYSH? 3.3 37.0N 116.0W ** N
770819 175500.1 USNTS SHFT 5.5 20-150 37.11N 116.05W WR SCANTLINE
770820 215958.3 CP UNDG 5.0 10 64.130N 099.620E N
770901 025957.7 CPNZ UNDG 5.7 55 73.370N 054.410E N
770905 030257.3 CPKTS UNDG 5.7 37 50.035N 078.921E N
770910 160003.3 CP UNDG 4.8 6.6 57.290N 106.230E N
770915 143630.1 USNTS SHFT 4.5 <20 37.0N 116.0W WR EBBTIDE E
770917 070000.0 PCLNR ATMO <20 N
770927 140000.2 USNTS SHFT 4.8 20-150 37.1N 116.1W WR COULOMMIE
770930 065955.9 CP UNDG 5.0 5.4 47.850N 048.130E N
771009 105958.8 CPNZ UNDG 4.6 4.1 73.470N 053.980E N
771026 141500.1 USNTS SHFT 4.5 <20 37.1N 116.0W WR BOBSTAY E
771029 030657.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.6 23 49.833N 078.131E N
771029 030702.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.5 20 50.069N 078.975E N
771101 180600.1 USNTS SHFT 4.7 <20 37.19N 116.21W WR HYBLAGOLE
771109 220000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.7 20-150 37.07N 116.05W WR SANDREEFE
771112 013000.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.2 15 WR N
771117 193000.1 USNTS SHFT 4.7 <20 37.02N 116.02W WR SEAMOUNTE
771124 165958.4 FRMUR SHFT 5.8 55 21.896S 138.884W WR NESTOR N
771130 040657.3 CPKTS UNDG 5.8 47 49.958N 078.885E N
771214 150000.0 USNTSYSH? 3.8 37.0N 116.0W ** N
771214 153000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.7 20-150 37.13N 116.09W WR FARALLONE
771217 220000.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.1 10 WR N
771226 040257.8 CPKTS UNDG 4.8 4.3 49.953N 078.115E N
780120 043257.6 CPKTS UNDG 4.6 2.6 49.858N 078.089E N
780213 215259.6 USNTS SHFT 3.8 <20 37.1N 116.0W WR CAMPOS E
780223 170000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.6 20-150 37.12N 116.06W WR REBLOCHOE
780227 230000.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.0 <1 WR N
780315 050000.0 PCLNR ATMO <20 N
780316 145959.6 USNTS SH? 3.9 37.1N 116.1W ** N
780319 034657.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 9.4 49.959N 077.746E N
780322 172958.9 FR SHFT 4.8 10 21.714S 138.926W WR N
780323 163000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.6 20-150 37.10N 116.05W WR ICEBERG E
780326 035657.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.6 24 49.768N 078.044E N
780411 153000.2 GBNTS SHFT 5.3 20-150 37.30N 116.33W WR FONDUTTAE
780411 174500.1 USNTS SHFT 5.5 20-150 37.23N 116.37W WR BACKBEACE
780422 035657.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 11 49.761N 078.186E N
780529 045657.4 CPKTS UNDG 4.6 2.6 49.772N 078.141E N
780601 170000.0 USNTS SH? 3.4 37.0N 116.0W ** N
780611 025657.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.8 41 49.898N 078.797E N
780705 024657.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.8 38 49.887N 078.871E N
780707 135959.3 USNTS SH? 4.0 37.1N 116.0W ** N
780712 170000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.5 20-150 37.08N 116.04W WR LOWBALL E
780719 180000.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.4 2 WR N
780726 230000.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.7 4 WR N
780728 024657.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.6 27 49.756N 078.140E N
780809 175958.1 CP UNDG 5.6 44 63.650N 125.340E N
780810 075957.7 CPNZ UNDG 5.9 89 73.310N 054.700E N
780824 180003.8 CP UNDG 5.1 13 65.870N 112.560E N
780829 023657.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 9.2 49.812N 078.142E N
780829 023706.2 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 56 50.000N 078.978E N
780831 140000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.6 20-150 37.27N 116.36W WR PANIR E
780913 131500.2 USNTS TUNN 4.6 <20 37.21N 116.21W WE DIABLOHAE
780915 023657.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 55 49.916N 078.879E N
780920 050256.8 CPKTS UNDG 4.3 1.1 49.835N 078.416E N
780921 145957.6 CP UNDG 5.2 17 66.530N 086.260E N
780927 1430 USNTS SH? 3.4 ** N
780927 170000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.0 20-150 37.08N 116.05W WR DRAUGHTSE
780927 172000.0 USNTS SHFT 5.7 20-150 37.07N 116.02W WR RUMMY E
780927 020458.4 CPNZ UNDG 5.6 44 73.380N 054.440E N
781007 235957.0 CP UNDG 5.2 17 61.530N 112.870E N
781014 010002.7 PCLNR UNDG 4.9 <20 88.633S 041.450W N
781015 053657.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 69 49.753N 078.165E N
781017 045956.6 CP UNDG 5.8 35 47.810N 048.090E N
781017 135958.0 CP UNDG 5.5 34 63.210N 063.260E N
781031 041657.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 9.6 49.806N 078.143E N
781102 152500.2 USNTS SHFT 4.2 <20 37.29N 116.30W WR EMMENTHAE
781102 180000.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.6 2 WR N
781104 050557.3 CPKTS UNDG 5.5 22 50.034N 078.943E N
781118 190000.0 GBNTS SHFT 5.1 20-150 37.13N 116.08W QUARGEL E
781129 043257.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.3 11 49.810N 078.042E N
781129 043302.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 60 49.949N 078.798E N
781130 173158.5 FR SHFT 5.8 65 21.866S 138.949W WR N
781201 1707298 USNTS SH? 3.8 37.0N 116.0W ** N
781214 PCLNR ATMO <20 N
781214 044257.6 CPKTS UNDG 4.7 2.9 49.813N 078.144E N
781216 153000.2 USNTS SHFT 5.5 20-150 37.27N 116.41W WR FARM E
781217 180400.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.2 15 WR N
781218 075956.3 CP UNDG 5.9 45 47.780N 048.140E N
781219 165659.9 FR SHFT 4.9 10 21.769S 138.945W WR N
790110 080000.0 CP UNDG 5.0 1.4 47.000N 048.000E N
790117 075955.7 CP UNDG 6.0 57 47.870N 048.060E N
790124 180000.1 USNTS SHFT 4.5 <20 37.10N 116.01W WR BACCARATE
790201 041257.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.3 14 50.090N 078.870E N
790208 200000.1 USNTS SHFT 5.5 20-150 37.1N 116.1W WR QUINELLAE
790215 180500.2 USNTS SHFT 4.8 20-150 37.2N 116.1W WR KLOSTER E
790216 040358.1 CPKTS UNDG 5.4 15 49.990N 077.712E N
790301 172400.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.0 7 WR N
790309 163700.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.2 15 WR N
790314 183000.1 USNTS SHFT 4.3 <20 37.0N 116.0W WR MEMORY E
790324 162758.8 FR SHFT 4.9 7 21.830S 138.909W WR N
790404 180659.1 FR SHFT 4.8 6 21.812S 138.741W WR N
790506 031657.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 9.0 49.774N 078.049E N
790511 155959.7 USNTS SH? ** N
790524 040700.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.9 0.39 50.000N 078.000E N
790531 055457.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 10 49.835N 078.127E N
790611 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR PEPATO E
790618 232658.0 FR SHFT 4.8 4 22.140S 138.456W WR N
790623 025657.5 CPKTS UNDG 6.2 152 49.903N 078.855E N
790628 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR FAJY E
790629 185558.8 FR SHFT 5.2 25 21.798S 138.927W WR N
790707 034657.3 CPKTS UNDG 5.8 41 50.026N 078.991E N
790714 045955.2 CP UNDG 5.6 22 47.810N 048.070E N
790718 031702.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 9.2 49.937N 077.850E N
790725 175658.5 FR SHFT 6.1 120 21.880S 138.940W WR N
790728 195558.7 FR SHFT 4.7 15 21.808S 138.808W WR N
790803 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR BURZET E
790804 035657.1 CPKTS UNDG 6.1 113 49.894N 078.904E N
790812 175957.4 CP UNDG 4.9 8.4 61.860N 122.220E N
790818 025157.1 CPKTS UNDG 6.1 119 49.943N 078.938E N
790829 GBNTS SHFT 20-150 NESSEL E
790906 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR HEARTS E
780906 175957.7 CP UNDG 4.9 8.4 64.060N 99.620E N
790913 PCLN N
790914 073300.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 0.79 50.000N 078.000E N
790915 040700.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.6 0.19 50.000N 078.000E N
790916 085953 CP MINE 3.3 0.3? 48.22 N 038.3E n
790922 010000. IS?IN SUR? LOW? 47.000S 040.000E ?? * F
790924 032958.3 CPNZ UNDG 5.7 55 73.370N 054.580E N
790927 041257.6 CPKTS UNDG 4.4 1.4 49.767N 078.120E N
791004 155958.0 CP UNDG 5.4 27 60.660N 071.440E N
791007 205957.1 CP UNDG 5.0 10 61.850N 113.120E N
791018 041657.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 9.0 49.837N 078.148E N
791018 070958.5 CPNZ UNDG 5.8 70 73.340N 054.730E N
791024 055956.6 CP UNDG 5.8 35 47.790N 048.110E N
791028 031656.9 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 59 49.973N 078.997E N
791122 191420.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.7 4 WR N
791130 045258.1 CPKTS UNDG 4.4 1.6 49.789N 078.144E N
791202 043657.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 60 49.891N 078.796E N
791221 044157.6 CPKTS UNDG 4.6 2.7 49.801N 078.173E N
791223 045657.4 CPKTS UNDG 6.1 119 49.916N 078.755E N
800223 180300.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.3 1 WR N
800303 175600.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.1 10 WR N
800323 193658.5 FR SHFT 5.6 80 21.864S 138.928W WR N
800401 193058.7 FR SHFT 5.1 20 21.854S 138.763W WR N
800404 183258.6 FR SHFT 4.5 2 21.906S 138.808W WR N
800404 053257.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.0 6.0 50.012N 077.856E N
800410 040657.8 CPKTS UNDG 4.9 5.5 49.805N 078.108E N
800425 035657.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.5 18 49.973N 078.755E N
800426 GBNTS SHFT 20-150 COLWICK E
800522 035657.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.4 18 49.784N 078.082E N
800612 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR KASH E
800612 032657.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.5 23 49.980N 079.001E N
800616 182658.6 FR SHFT 5.3 25 21.864S 138.904W WR N
800621 170100.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.0 9 WR N
800629 023257.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.7 30 49.939N 078.815E N
800706 172658.9 FR SHFT 4.7 5 21.845S 138.861W WR N
800713 081000.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.0 0.49 50.000N 078.000E N
800719 234658.5 FR SHFT 5.7 80 21.855S 138.959W WR N
800725 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR TAFI E
800731 033257.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.3 11 49.807N 078.148E N
800914 024239.1 CPKTS UNDG 6.2 150 49.921N 078.802E N
800920 104000.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.9 0.39 50.000N 078.000E N
800925 062110.6 CPKTS UNDG 4.7 3.3 49.835N 078.118E N
800930 055700.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.6 0.19 50.000N 078.000E N
800930 055700.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 0.79 50.000N 078.000E N
801008 055957.3 CP UNDG 5.2 8.6 46.790N 048.290E N
801011 070957.1 CPNZ UNDG 5.7 55 73.360N 054.820E N
801012 033414.1 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 50 49.961N 079.028E N
801016 044028.9 PCLNR ATMO 200-1000 N
801101 125958.0 CP UNDG 5.2 17 60.790N 097.570E N
801125 175300.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.5 2 WR N
801203 173258.5 FR SHFT 5.6 50 21.874S 138.945W WR N
801210 065957.6 CP UNDG 4.6 4.1 61.730N 066.760E N
801214 034706.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 54 49.899N 078.938E N
801217 GBNTS SHFT 20-150 SERPA E
801226 040707.2 CPKTS UNDG 4.2 0.97 49.941N 078.183E N
801227 040908.1 CPKTS UNDG 5.8 45 50.057N 078.981E N
810227 232800.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.0 8 WR N
810306 172700.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.5 2 WR N
810328 172259.2 FR SHFT 4.8 5 21.780S 138.674W WR N
810329 040350.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.6 24 50.007N 078.982E N
810331 075156.0 CPKTS UNDG 3.6 .09 50.000N 079.000E N
810410 175659.0 FR SHFT 4.8 8 21.775S 138.969W WR N
810422 011711.3 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 54 49.885N 078.810E N
810525 045957.5 CP UNDG 5.5 34 68.210N 053.500E N
810527 03581234 CPKTS UNDG 5.4 17 49.985N 078.980E N
810605 032200.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.7 0.24 50.000N 078.000E N
810606 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR HARZER E
810630 015712.9 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 10 49.768N 078.119E N
810705 035900.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.6 0.19 50.000N 078.000E N
810708 222258.8 FR SHFT 5.1 20 21.781S 139.049W WR N
810711 171700.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.0 8 WR N
810717 023715.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 8.4 49.810N 078.160E N
810718 174300.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.5 2 WR N
810803 183258.6 FR SHFT 5.1 15 21.833S 138.900W WR N
810814 022712.8 CPKTS UNDG 4.9 5.6 49.791N 078.121E N
810902 040003.9 CP UNDG 4.4 2.6 60.590N 055.700E N
810913 021718.2 CPKTS UNDG 6.0 71 49.910N 078.915E N
810926 045957.4 CP UNDG 5.2 8.6 46.820N 048.280E N
810926 050357.0 CP UNDG 5.3 10 46.790N 048.270E N
810930 125500.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.6 0.19 50.000N 078.000E N
811001 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR PALIZA E
811001 121456.9 CPNZ UNDG 6.0 113 73.320N 054.550E N
811018 035702.6 CPKTS UNDG 6.0 66 49.923N 078.859E N
811022 135957.4 CP UNDG 5.1 13 63.790N 097.540E N
811111 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR TILCI E
811111 170658.7 FR SHFT 4.6 3 21.833S 138.991W WR N
811120 045702.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 8.2 49.740N 078.160E N
811129 033508.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.7 32 49.987N 078.860E N
811203 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR AKAVI E
811205 165759.0 FR SHFT 4.8 5 21.848S 138.774S WR N
811208 164658.7 FR SHFT 5.1 15 21.808S 138.896W WR N
811222 043102.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.0 6.6 49.831N 078.147E N
811227 034314.1 CPKTS UNDG 6.2 176 49.923N 078.795E N
820212 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR MOLBO E
820212 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR HOSTA E
820219 035611.1 CPKTS UNDG 5.4 14 49.824N 078.069E N
820220 172200.0 FRMUR SH? 4.6 3 WR N
820320 170257.8 FR SHFT 5.2 15 21.996S 138.941W WR N
820425 GBNTS SHFT 20-150 GIBNE E
820425 032305.2 CPKTS UNDG 6.0 77 49.903N 078.913E N
820611 105900.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.7 0.24 50.000N 078.000E N
820625 020304.7 CPKTS UNDG 4.8 3.6 49.810N 078.132E N
820627 170000.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.4 2 WR N
820701 170158.8 FR SHFT 5.3 20 21.766S 139.050W WR N
820704 011714.2 CPKTS UNDG 6.2 158 49.960N 078.807E N
820712 102900.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.6 0.19 50.000N 078.000E N
820721 171300.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.5 2 WR N
820725 180158.1 FR SHFT 5.7 55 21.864S 138.943W WR N
820730 210002.9 CP UNDG 5.0 10 53.800N 104.140E N
820731 070800.0 CP UNDG 4.0 0.13 47.000N 048.000E N
820823 024304.2 CPKTS UNDG 4.7 2.8 49.788N 078.092E N
820828 090900.0 CP UNDG 4.0 0.13 47.000N 048.000E N
820831 013100.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.3 11 49.924N 078.761E N
820831 084000.0 CP UNDG 4.6 0.53 47.000N 048.000E N
820904 054700.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.1 0.06 50.000N 078.000E N
820904 175958.5 CP UNDG 5.3 21 69.210N 081.640E N
820915 043300.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 0.62 50.000N 078.000E N
820921 025700.8 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 9.2 49.801N 078.151E N
820923 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR FRISCO E
820925 175957.3 CP UNDG 5.2 17 64.330N 081.800E N
821001 131000.0 CP UNDG 4.0 0.13 47.000N 048.000E N
821010 045956.8 CP UNDG 5.3 21 61.530N 112.860E N
821011 071458.3 CPNZ UNDG 5.6 44 73.370N 054.340E N
821016 055957.3 CP UNDG 5.2 8.6 46.770N 048.220E N
821016 060457.4 CP UNDG 5.2 8.6 46.770N 048.240E N
821016 060957.3 CP UNDG 5.2 8.6 46.770N 048.220E N
821027 072800.0 CP UNDG 4.0 0.13 47.000N 048.000E N
821121 061000.0 CP UNDG 4.4 0.65 55.000N 050.000E N
821129 191900.0 CP UNDG 4.1 0.32 55.000N 050.000E N
821130 094900.0 CP UNDG 4.5 0.42 47.000N 048.000E N
821205 033712.5 CPKTS UNDG 6.1 97 49.919N 078.813E N
821225 042305.2 CPKTS UNDG 4.8 3.6 49.807N 078.068E N
821226 033514.2 CPKTS UNDG 5.7 30 50.071N 078.988E N
830201 135500.0 CP UNDG 4.3 0.26 47.000N 048.000E N
830224 141100.0 CP UNDG 4.3 0.26 47.000N 048.000E N
830225 065300.0 CP UNDG 4.2 0.21 47.000N 048.000E N
830302 084530.0 CP UNDG 3.8 0.31 48.000N 049.000E N
830326 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR CABRA E
830330 041700.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.0 0.49 49.000N 079.000E N
830412 034105.2 CPKTS UNDG 4.9 0.39 49.810N 078.220E N
830419 185258.4 FR SHFT 5.5 40 21.847S 138.906W WR N
830425 170300.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.2 1 WR N
830504 050000.0 PCLNR UNDG 4.4 20-100 N
830525 173058.2 FR SHFT 5.6 40 21.895S 138.918W WR N
830530 033344.8 CPKTS UNDG 5.5 18 49.740N 078.190E N
830612 023643.7 CPKTS UNDG 6.1 81 49.910N 078.970E N
830618 173100.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.6 3 WR N
830624 025611.2 CPKTS UNDG 4.7 2.8 49.820N 078.120E N
830628 174558.6 FR SHFT 5.5 35 21.745S 138.917W WR N
830710 035957.3 CP UNDG 5.3 21 51.330N 053.290E N
830720 203000.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.0 10 WR N
830728 034100.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.0 0.49 49.000N 079.000E N
830804 171358.2 FR SHFT 5.0 8 21.835S 138.922W WR N
830818 160958.6 CPNZ UNDG 5.9 89 73.380N 054.870E N
830827 135959.9 USNTS SH? ** N
830911 063310.5 CPKTS UNDG 4.9 4.5 49.890N 078.210E N
830921 162459.7 USNTS 37.113N 116.043W ** N
830924 045957.1 CP UNDG 5.1 6.8 46.820N 048.290E N
830924 050457.2 CP UNDG 5.0 5.4 46.820N 048.280E N
830924 050957.5 CP UNDG 4.9 4.2 46.860N 048.270E N
830924 051457.1 CP UNDG 5.2 8.6 46.780N 048.300E N
830924 052457.4 CP UNDG 5.2 8.6 46.840N 048.230E N
830925 130957.9 CPNZ UNDG 5.8 70 73.350N 054.380E N
831006 100002.8 PCLNR UNDG 5.5 20-100 88.767S 041.550W N
831006 014706.8 CPKTS UNDG 6.0 67 49.930N 078.840E N
831026 015505.0 CPKTS UNDG 6.1 101 49.890N 078.900E N
831120 032704.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.5 18 50.060N 079.020E N
831129 021906.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.4 14 49.770N 079.020E N
831203 165800.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.7 4 WR N
831207 172800.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.2 15 WR N
831209 155959.2 USNTS 37.021N 115.975W * N
831216 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR ROMANO E
831226 042906.8 CPKTS UNDG 5.5 18 49.840N 078.220E N
840131 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR GORBEA E
840219 035703.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.8 38 49.910N 078.810E N
840307 022906.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.7 30 50.060N 079.000E N
840329 051908.2 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 48 49.940N 079.020E N
840415 031709.1 CPKTS UNDG 5.7 30 49.740N 078.160E N
840425 010903.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 48 49.950N 078.940E N
840501 GBNTS SHFT 20-150 MUNDO E
840502 134959.6 USNTS 37.189N 116.016W ** N
840508 172600.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.3 20 WR N
840512 173058.3 FR SHFT 5.7 55 21.852S 138.961W WR N
840516 155959.3 USNTS 37.091N 115.994W ** N
840526 031312.4 CPKTS UNDG 6.0 61 49.980N 079.060E N
840612 171600.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.5 2 WR N
840616 174357.9 FR SHFT 5.5 35 21.933S 138.992W WR N
840620 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR DUORO E
840623 025700.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.4 0.12 50.000N 079.000E N
840712 135959.9 USNTS 3.6 37.186N 116.012W ** N
840714 010910.5 CPKTS UNDG 6.2 140 49.890N 078.960E N
840721 025957.1 CP UNDG 5.4 27 51.356N 053.249E N
840721 030457.0 CP UNDG 5.3 5.5 51.374N 053.257E N
840721 030957.0 CP UNDG 5.3 21 51.353N 053.271E N
840721 074106.0 CP UNDG 3.8 0.62 48.000N 059.000E N
840811 185957.4 CP UNDG 5.1 3.4 65.079N 055.287E N
840825 185958.6 CP UNDG 5.4 27 61.876N 072.092E N
840827 055957.0 CP UNDG 4.5 3.2 66.770N 033.680E N
840828 025955.5 CP UNDG 4.4 2.6 60.826N 057.472E N
840828 030459.0 CP UNDG 4.5 3.3 61.000N 058.000E N
840909 025906.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.0 5.7 49.870N 078.180E N
840913 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR BRETON E
840915 061500.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.2 0.79 50.000N 079.000E N
840917 205957.4 CP UNDG 4.9 8.4 55.835N 087.408E N
841002 181359.3 USNTS 4.2 37.076N 115.989W * N
841003 055957.8 PCLNR UNDG 5.3 15.70 88.733s 041.600w N
841018 045705.7 CPKTS UNDG 4.5 1.8 49.800N 078.140E N
841025 062957.7 CPNZ UNDG 5.9 89 73.370N 054.960E N
841027 171600.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.7 3 WR N
841027 015010.6 CPKTS UNDG 6.2 140 49.950N 078.830E N
841027 055957.1 CP UNDG 5.0 5.4 46.860N 048.100E N
841027 060456.7 CP UNDG 5.0 5.4 46.840N 048.080E N
841102 204400.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.5 35 WR N
841123 035504.8 CPKTS UNDG 4.7 2.8 49.900N 078.130E N
841201 165100.0 FR SHFT 4.2 1 22.000S 139.000W WR N
841202 031906.3 CPKTS UNDG 5.8 38 49.990N 079.070E N
841206 172858.3 FR SHFT 5.6 55 21.890S 138.954W WR N
841209 GBNTS SHFT 20-150 EGMONT E
841215 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR TIERRA E
841216 035502.7 CPKTS UNDG 6.1 81 49.960N 078.860E N
841219 060004.2 PCLNR UNDG 4.7 5-50 88.450S 041.683W N
841220 161959.7 USNTS 4.2 36.979N 116.006W * N
841228 035010.7 CPKTS UNDG 6.0 61 49.860N 078.750E N
850210 032707.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 48 49.880N 078.820E N
850315 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR VAUGHN E
850406 USNTS TUNN <20 WE y RAIN E
850419 135358.7 CP UNDG 4.7 5.2 44.440N 057.930E N
850425 005706.5 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 48 49.920N 078.970E N
850430 172900.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.1 15 WR N
850508 202800.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.8 90 WR N
850603 173000.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.1 10 WR N
850607 174000.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.8 5 WR N
850612 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR SALUT E
850615 005700.7 CPKTS UNDG 6.0 61 49.890N 078.880E N
850630 023902.7 CPKTS UNDG 6.0 61 49.860N 078.700E N
850711 022700.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.0 0.05 50.000N 078.000E N
850718 211457.5 CP UNDG 5.0 10 65.965N 040.754E N
850720 005300.0 CPKTS UNDG 6.7 27 50.000N 079.000E N
850725 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR SERENA E
850725 031100.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.3 1.00 50.000N 079.000E N
850814 USNTS SH? ** N
851009 USNTS TUNN <20 WE d BEECH E
851012 USNTS? ** N
851024 175000.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.5 2 WR HERO N
851026 163500.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.3 20 WR N
851124 163000.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.8 5 WR N
851126 174200.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.6 55 WR N
860420 231229.9 USNTS SHFT <20 WR MOGOLLONN
860426 170156.6 FR SHFT 4.8 5 22.150S 139.120W WR N
860506 165800.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.7 5 WR N
860527 171500.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.7 4 WR N
860530 172458.2 FR SHFT 5.4 30 21.913S 139.100W WR N
860605 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR TAJO E
860625 GBNTS SHFT 20-150 DARWIN E
860717 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR CYBAR E
860904 160900.1 USNTS SHFT <20 WR GALVESTON
861110 165800.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.9 6 WR N
861112 170158.5 FR SHFT 5.3 25 21.894S 139.068W WR N
861114 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR GASCON E
861206 171000.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.0 9 WR N
861210 171458.6 FR SHFT 5.5 30 21.877S 138.986W WR N
861213 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR BODIE E
870226 045824.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.4 14 49.840N 078.120E N
870312 015718.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.5 18 49.940N 078.820E N
870403 011709.0 CPKTS UNDG 6.2 140 49.900N 078.810E N
870417 010304.7 CPKTS UNDG 6.0 61 49.851N 078.690E N
870419 040001.8 CP UNDG 4.5 3.3 60.781N 056.220E N
870419 040501.2 CP UNDG 4.4 2.6 60.674N 056.295E N
870430 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR HARDIN E
870505 165800.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.8 5 WR N
870506 040205.6 CPKTS UNDG 5.6 23 49.830N 078.125E N
870520 170500.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.4 30 WR N
870605 045958.3 PCLNR UNDG 6.2 N
870606 180000.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.5 3 WR N
870606 023706.9 CPKTS UNDG 5.3 12 49.865N 078.143E N
870620 005304.8 CPKTS UNDG 6.1 81 49.901N 078.726E N
870621 175458.4 FR SHFT 5.2 15 21.984S 138.844W WR N
870706 235956.6 CP UNDG 5.1 13 62.110N 112.770E N
870716 GBNTS SHFT 20-150 MIDLAND E
870717 011707.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.8 38 49.779N 078.128E N
870724 015956.7 CP UNDG 5.1 13 61.470N 112.700E N
870802 005806.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 48 49.828N 078.898E N
870802 015959.5 CPNZ UNDG 5.8 70 73.289N 054.713E N
870812 012956.8 CP UNDG 5.0 10 61.426N 112.708E N
870813 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR TAHOKA E
870916 073001.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.0 6 49.000N 078.000E N
870918 023157.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.3 1.1 49.000N 078.000E N
871003 151457.5 CP UNDG 5.2 17 47.630N 056.220E N
871016 060600.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.6 2.2 49.000N 078.000E N
871023 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR BORATE E
871023 165000.0 FRMUR SHFT 5.6 50 WR N
871105 172955.5 FR SHFT 5.2 20 22.340S 138.970W WR N
871115 033106.7 CPKTS UNDG 6.0 61 49.879N 078.790E N
871119 163058.5 FR SHFT 5.7 60 21.878S 139.037W WR N
871129 175900.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.6 3 WR N
871213 032104.7 CPKTS UNDG 6.1 81 49.970N 078.880E N
871220 025512.0 CPKTS UNDG 4.8 3.6 50.100N 077.500E N
871227 030508.0 CPKTS UNDG 6.1 81 49.900N 078.590E N
880206 041909.1 CPKTS UNDG 49.787N 077.975W I
880213 030506.0 CPKTS UNDG 6.1 49.930N 078.910E I
880403 013305.9 CPKTS UNDG 6.0 49.870N 078.920E I
880422 093006.9 CPKTS UNDG 4.9 49.760N 078.090E I
880504 005706.8 CPKTS UNDG 6.1 49.890N 078.760E I
880507 224958.3 CPNZ UNDG 5.6 73.350N 054.430E I
880511 165958.1 FR SHFT 5.3 20 21.927S 139.107W WR N
880525 170058.0 FR SHFT 5.8 80 21.899S 139.027W WR N
880614 022706.4 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 50.000N 079.000E I
880616 171457.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.8 5 WR N
880623 173058.5 FR SHFT 5.4 30 21.928S 139.042W WR N
880822 161958.5 CP UNDG 5.3 66.310N 078.520E I
880823 1830 USNTS SHFT <20 HARLINGEN
880906 161958.7 CP UNDG 61.330N 047.980E I
880914 035957.6 CPKTS UNDG 6.1 49.810N 078.800E I
880929 070003.1 PCLNR UNDG 4.7 1-20 88.467S 041.750W N
881018 034006.7 CPKTS UNDG 4.9 49.860N 078.100E I
881025 170000.0 FRMUR SHFT 4.4 2 WR N
881105 162957.6 FR SHFT 5.6 50 22.052S 139.029W WR N
881109 2015 USNTS SHFT <20 MONAHANSN
881112 033003.8 CPKTS UNDG 5.4 50.030N 078.980E I
881123 170058.5 FR SHFT 5.6 40 22.908S 139.029W WR N
881123 035706.8 CPKTS UNDG 5.4 49.770N 078.060E I
881130 175454.3 FRFAN SHFT 5.9 100 22.900S 138.910W WR N
881204 051953.2 CPNZ UNDG 5.9 73.380N 054.960E I
881210 USNTS TUNN <150 WE y ECHO E
881217 041807.0 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 49.850N 078.930E I
881228 052800.0 CPKTS UNDG 50.000N 079.000E I
890122 035706.7 CPKTS UNDG 6.0 49.900N 078.830E I
890212 041506.9 CPKTS UNDG 5.8 49.900N 078.750E I
890217 040106.8 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 49.770N 078.070E I
890309 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR INGOT E
890511 163348.2 FRMUR SH? 5.5 21.700S 139.100W I
890603 172958.8 FRMUR SH? 5.2 21.800S 139.100W I
890610 172959.0 FRMUR SH? 5.5 22.260S 138.720W I
890708 034657.7 CPKTS UNDG 5.6 49.860N 078.810E I
890902 041657.3 CPKTS UNDG 5.1 50.030N 079.020E I
891004 112957.9 CPKTS UNDG 4.7 49.830N 078.090E I
891019 094957.3 CPKTS UNDG 5.9 49.900N 078.970E I
891024 162958.5 FRMUR SH? 5.4 21.850S 139.010W I
891031 165658.9 FRMUR SH? 5.2 21.760S 138.980W I
891120 172858.7 FRMUR SH? 5.3 21.790S 130.000W I
891127 165959.0 FRMUR SH? 5.6 22.370S 138.960W I
900526 075957.8 PCLNR UNDG 5.4 15-65 88.683S 041.567W N
900602 174900.0 FRMUR SH? 5.3 30 21.820S 138.940W D
900607 174900.0 FRMUR SH? 4.3 3 D
900626 181900.0 FRFAN SH? 5.5 100 22.200S 138.830W D
900704 175958.8 FRMUR SH? 4.9 18 21.800S 139.100W D
900816 045957.6 PCLNR 6.2 50-200 88.767S 041.567W N
901012 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR TENABO E
901024 145758.3 CPNZ UNDG 5.7 73.360N 054.670E I
901114 GBNTS SHFT 20-150 HOUSTON E
901114 183139.9 FRMUR SH? 5.5 117 22.200S 138.840W D
901121 165958.4 FRMUR SH? 5.4 36 21.900S 138.980W D
910404 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR BEXAR E
910507 170000.0 FRMUR SH? 3.8 1 D
910518 171458.5 FRMUR SH? 5.1 16 21.832S 139.014W D
910529 185958.2 FRMUR SH? 5.5 107 22.256S 138.794W E
910614 175957.9 FRMUR SH? 5.4 28 21.944S 138.988W D
910705 180000.0 FRMUR SH? 0.3 D
910715 180958.3 FRMUR SH? 5.3 34 21.877S 138.963W E
910914 USNTS SHFT 20-150 WR HOYA E
920521 045957.4 PCLNR UNDG 6.6 700-1800 41.583N 088.880E N
920918 170000.0 USNTS TUNN 4.4 <20 37.207N 116.210W WE HUNTERSTE
920925 804000.0 PCLNR UNDG 5.4 1-2 N
931005 020000 PCLNR UNDG 5.8 41.7N 88.6E
940610 062600 PCLNR UNDG 5.7 41.64N 88.86E C

NOTE: 920521 PRC test coordinates were grossly in error- near south pole.
They were corrected 931006.

The only known nuclear explosion in 1993 was incorrectly dated 921005.
Correction made 1994 APR02.

710429 NTS Mine Throw may have been a chemical explosion.

Threshold Test Ban Treaty Verification to date:

USSR/Russian Federation tests verified by the US: None

UK tests at the NTS verified by the Russian Federation: None

US tests verified by the USSR: HOYA On-site inspection at NTS
JUNCTION hydrodynamic method at NTS
JUNCTION seismic method at TUL, RSSD, NEW

The Prophecies Of Nostradumus, A List (August, 1986)

The following is an outline of the late 20th-century events prophesied
by the 16th-century French psychic known as Michel Nostradamus.
Nostradamus has predicted in great detail such events as the French
Revevolution, World War I, Hitler’s Rise and Fall, and even the Kennedy
Assassinations. Nearly two-thirds of all his predictions have come
true. If two-thirds of this comes true, we’re in for some trouble! HBO
produced a movie called “The Man Who Saw Tomorrow,” which documents the
life and predictions of Nostradamus. These prophecies are based on and
adapted from the book, NOSTRADAMUS PREDICTS THE END OF THE WORLD by Rene
Noorbergen, who wrote several books on psychics.

I have drawn on a world map with colored markers all of the invasions,
nuke strikes, etc., with the number of each event placed with the
respective arrows and circles on the map. Print this up and save it,
then compare Nostradamus’s predictions to actual world events. You may
be surprised!

Permission is granted to distribute this file among friends and bulletin
boards, so long as the text below this sentence is unchanged. (Sure,
you can edit any spelling errors and/or ARChive it).


THE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS, summarized by Mike Brown 4/86 and 8/86
From “Nostradamus Predicts the End of the World,” Copyright (c) 1981
by Rene Noorbergen. Note: These are not necessarily in exact order.


(1) Communism in Russia will decline, beginning in the Ukraine as a
result of trade differences with the West. This will occur
around Easter.

(2) The United States and Russia will become better friends.

(3) A great power will unify the Far East with negotiation and

(4) This power will disrupt peace attempts, and the Middle and Far
Easterners will attempt to settle their differences with force.

(5) A meteor will strike the center of the Indian Ocean, causing
tidal waves that will heavily damage the surrounding lands.

(6) A powerful dictator will dominate the Middle East. He will
tyrranize Syria, Iraq, and Jordan. [Maybe Khomeini?]

(7) On August 2nd, 1987 he will attack Iran, Turkey, and Egypt with
an army of nearly a million men. [This date was reached by
astronomy; the astronomical event only occurs on that day.]

(8) Arab forces in Tunisia and Algeria and north-Moroccan guerillas
will invade Morocco’s pro-Western monarchy and overthrow its

(9) Israel will be defeated by the Arabs, with her airforce

(10) A Libyan leader will create much tension in Europe. [Definitely
(11) A “red one” [a Cardinal of the Roman Church or maybe a TWA jet]
will be taken by Arab terrorists at sea.

(12) The Arabs will try to unify more of Africa by overthrowing
pro-Western governments. The Oriental leader will do the same.
(13) Arab armies will threaten central & southern Africa into
alliances favorable to the Middle-East.

(14) The Arab attacks in Turkey will be followed by attacks on the
Greek navy. The U.S. will attempt to resupply the navy, but
Cyprus will be lost to the Arabs.

(15) A series of tremendous earthquakes originating in Central Asia
will cause destruction throughout the warring Greece and Turkey.

(16) Romania and Bulgaria will threaten war with the Arabs when the
Bosphorus Straits are cut off, thus interfering with commercial
and military ship movements.

(17) The U.S. and U.S.S.R. will form a military alliance against the
both the Far Eastern power and the Arabs. The U.S. will grow in
fame, praise, rule, and power, and will even threaten the East
with war.

(18) Geneva talks will fall apart, with the feeling that peace is
unattainable. [Uh-oh here it comes.]

** WORLD WAR ]I[ **

(19) China will launch a surprise nuclear biological-warfare attack
over the Arctic, affecting Scandinavia, Northern Russia, Alaska,
and Canada. Another attack will originate from a space vehicle
270 miles up.

(20) The Chinese will invade France by way of southern Russia,
conquering all in their path.

(21) The Turks will sign a treaty with the Chinese, but it will be
broken when Arab naval forces from Tripoli (Libya) attack the
west coast of Turkey.

(22) The Chinese army will devastate northeastern Turkey with the aid
of nukes.

(23) The Arabs and Chinese will attack Greece with germ warfare, which
will affect the environment for 9 months.

(24) Albania, China’s ally, will invade Greece in a surprise attack
using light armored vehicles.

(25) A Western coordinated counter-offensive launched from Portugal
will delay an amphibious assault on Yugoslavia by [guess who].

(26) The Easterners will advance into Yugoslavia and unleash
bacteriological weapons in central Italy to hinder Western
counter-attack efforts.

(27) Greece and Italy will be attacked simultaneously by the Eastern

(28) When Yugoslavia is overrun, a devastating drought will hit Italy.

(29) Italy will dissolve into dissenting factions and go into its own
civil war. The Albanians will further promote the civil war by
paying off corrupt government officials.
(30) Eastern forces will attack Rome from Albania using aerial
bombardment and germ weapons. They will attack Venice. Central
Mediterranean islands will be evacuated, even as far as Malta.
Venice will fall.

(31) The French fleet will be destroyed in the Adriatic Sea as it
tries to cut off the Easterners in Italy from their Albanian
suppliers. The French and Italian naval defeats will keep food
from reaching the starving Italians.

(32) The Easterners will develop a new land/sea weapon to attack
coastal areas.

(33) The Easterners control of the Po Valley from Venice will give
them total rule. A French/Italian attampt to forstall Italy’s
fall will be crushed.

(34) In order to avoid being wiped out, the French commander will
withdraw and regroup his soldiers along the Po in the upper

(35) England will partially sink as a result of geological alterations
and cause the deaths of 250,000 people. [This event has been
foreseen by at least 4 other famous psychics, also.]

(36) An Easter earthquake will rip open an English temple.

(37) Around New-Year’s, the Easterners will begin a massive invasion
of the western Italian coast, southern France, Sicily, Corsica,
and Sardinia by the use of nuclear and germ weapons. The French
fleet will be obliterated.

(38) The Papacy will leave Rome and a new Pope will be elected.

(39) The French armies will be cut off in Northern Italy.

(40) Prince Albert will be kidnapped in North-Central Italy after the
French unsuccessfully try to cut Eastern supply lines from

(41) The French will again regroup their forces, and will capture a
beachhead. This will be a turning point in the Franco-Chinese

(42) Ill-timed French-Italian attacks will cause the loss of Florence
and Siena by Eastern nukes, and Pavia will be lost by the use of
germ weapons.

(43) Monaco and Genoa will be annhilated by the Easterners.

(44) Ten assassins will be sent to murder the commander of the French
fleet, but they will fail and a sea battle will take place. The
French will again lose their forces on land and sea.

(45) A battle will be fought at the major French port of Marseilles,
creating an opening through which the attackers can enter. The
resulting massacre of nearly half a million Frenchmen will make
people flee far northward.

(46) Toulouse, Foix, and Narbonne will be taken.

(47) Bacteria will spread northward.

(48) Easterners will release deadly bacteria from specialized ships at
France’s port, Agde. Airforces will bomb Switzerland and

(49) Extensive use of nuclear and germ weapons will compose the first
phase of the Eastern offensive against all of Europe, striking in
France, Italy, and Spain.

(50) The Chinese will attack France via air, sea, and mountain.

(51) The Easterners will invade the Balkans to cut off the U.S.S.R.
from its Eastern European allies.

(52) A North-African fleet will enter the Black Sea and attack
Romania, Bulgaria, and southwestern Russia.

(53) A Chinese/Arab assault from Morocco will attack southern Spain
with nukes. This will be followed by an invasion along the River
Guadalquivir. The invasion will procede northward, with the
destruction of Seville, Barcelona, and Leon. The Spanish will
halt the advance for 7 months at the River Ebro, but they will
eventually be crushed.

(54) An Allied fleet will destroy supply bases in the Cyclades, but
will be defeated near Malta, when the French lose Italy.

(55) Eastern bombers will attack deep into Europe with bacteriological

(56) Switzerland will fall by the hand of the Easterners, who will
confiscate the gold reserves and impoverish the Swiss people.

(57) The Easterners will start extensive bombing of central & northern
French cities in preparation for a land attack. The French will
fly in defenses beforehand, though. Central France will be
overrun regardless.

(58) Paris will be surrounded, and attempts to get Allied air support
will be in vain. Paris will surrender after Eastern forces find
a weak spot in the defense, enter the city, and engage in hand-
to-hand combat. The surrender will only be a cover to organize a
counter attack a week later. That will surprise the Easterners,
but they’ll drive the Parisians back into the city. Over 300,000
will be killed or imprisoned. Paris will be completely defeated.

(59) A British taskforce will land in southwest France and attempt to
reach Paris, but will be stopped at Poitiers.

(60) The British will reorganize in Canada and send an invasion force
to establish a beachhead on France’s southwest coast. With the
aid of nukes, they march on to Bordeax and Toulouse. The British
plan will be to cut off occupied Spain from France and also to
gain an opening into the Mediterranean.

(61) A sudden attack from the Easterners will slaughter British and
American forces and will allow the Chinese leader a new command
center, Carcassone.

(62) He will detontate a series of high-altitude, high-yield atomic
devices which will ignite the atmosphere and cause a firestorme
over southwest France, but this will also cause his own base to
be destroyed.

(63) The Scots, left on their island, deny Britain permission to use
their land for a military base, and seek Eastern aid when British
forces invade out of desperation. The resulting battle will
defeat the British.

(64) All life in London will die out during winter as disease sweeps
what is now the city-island.

(65) Poland and East Germany will ally with the Easterners and strike
against the smaller countries, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Austria,
and West Germany.

(66) West Germany and Austria will be invaded. West Germany’s border
will be split down the middle again. Netherlands, Belgium, and
northern France will also be raided.

(67) At the same time of the German/Austrian invasions, Western forces
will attack the Persian Gulf to weaken the heart of the Middle

(68) German leaders will cause the downfall of Central European
defenses, along with Eastern attacks from East Germany and

(69) The Allies will make their last stand at Bruges in northwest
Belgium. The Eastern Forces will dominate nearly all of Europe.

** The Allies take the Offensive **

(70) Nuclear stikes will be made against America and Russia, and food
will become in short supply. The U.S. will be forced into
economic chaos, with looters and riters raiding banks and shops
for food, money, and supplies.

(71) A CONFLAG (Cluster Orbital Nuclear Fire-weapon for Light
Atmospere iGnition) system will be launched from China and
detonated above New England, burning as far south as New York

(72) New York will be partially destroyed by a great earthquake that
will partially sink Manhattan island.

(73) The Orientals will attempt to invade the U.S. near New York, but
the U.S. navy will easily repel their attack. American Orientals
will be placed in “protective custody.”
(74) The Easterners will infiltrate Latin America and murder the
president of Brazil. Their navy will attempt to take the Panama
Canal, but it will be unsuccessful and the attacking force will
be obliterated.

(75) The U.S. and Russia will resort to germ warfare to retalliate.

(76) The U.S.S.R. will be invaded from three directions, but careful
preparation will allow them to use chemical weapons against the

(77) To prepare to attack Asia, Eastern forces will set up Pacific
defenses. They will entrap a U.S. fleet, but Russia will aid the
encircled Americans and help to defeat the Chinese navy.

(78) The American Air Force will make bombing runs deep into Europe.
Seven months later the U.S. and Russia will make a joint attack
on China that will last a full week without stopping. The
Eastern forces will be defeated in their homeland, thus severely
weakening their power.

(79) Scotland and London will be recaptured by the Allies. A new
Middle-Eastern commander will make his headquarters in Rome.

(80) Scandinavia, the Baltic states, and the Balkans will all be
attacked by the Allies.

(81) The British will liberate southwest France, which will be
reinforced by other Western armies. The allies will penetrate
from La Rochelle into central France, to Roanne. Another
invasion force will land near Calais and slowly make its way to
northeastern France.

(82) Central and Southern France will be liberated as the Allies
continue to push onward.

(83) The Arabs and Far Easterners no longer will be able to work
together after the defeats in the Pacific, and this weakens their
still-resisting armies.

(84) Many battles will be fought as Allied forces make their way to
Marseilles, the Easterners’ stronghold and supply port. This
will be coordinated with a submarine assault on southern France.

(85) French and British forces will seize the Spanish city of
Barcelona, and move on to aid in the successful Allied attack on

(86) Nice will be retaken, but the Arabs will attack from Spain and
Italy, recapturing parts of southern and southeastern France. At
the same time, the Arabs will launch a missile attack against the
Allies in Northern France. This attack will be unsuccessful, and
the Arabs will be driven back.

(87) The Allies will use bacteriological weapons against Lausanne,
Switzerland, forcing the Arabs to retreat.

(88) Spain will be reconquered after a large naval battle on March
3rd, 1996.

(89) The Allies will make a massive onslaught into Italy, liberating
it. The Church will be returned to Rome.

(90) The Arabs will be forced all the way back into northern Africa,
but a French force will be annihilated as it tries to cross the
Adriatic Sea.

(91) The Allies will attack the Mediterranean islands.

(92) A secret and very successful raid will be made by the Allies to
free POW’s in Turkey.

(93) Southern Arabia will be nuked by the Allies, but the Arabs will
recapture Sicily. This will have little effect, though, and soon
all of central Europe will be liberated.

(94) 5000 Far Easterners will die when losing Crete and Greece to the

(95) The French, under a new leader named Ogmios, will lead an Allied
assault on Turkey between May 25th and June 21st, 1996. The
Arabs there will be defeated. Northern Turkey will be liberated
on October 3rd.

(96) Western amphibious attacks will fail, and Arab saboteurs will
destroy an Allied military base after a defeat in one battle.

(97) In a surprise attack, the Western forces will attack and defeat
the Eastern navy.

(98) Allies will infiltrate the Middle East, stabbing into occupied
Israel, Syria, and Jordan. Arab resistance will disintegrate,
and within a month the last Eastern forces, in Central and South
America, will surrender. Israel will be liberated.

(99) The Westerners will attack Middle Eastern positions in India,
defeating all.

(100) The desparate Arabs will fight 3 last-ditch battles in eastern
Iran and Northeastern Turkey. The last battle will bring about
the collapse of the Arab empire. The Arab commander-in-chief
will be killed in his own headquarters.

(101) The battles will eventually cease in Iran, and World War ]I[ will
finally be over. The Allies win again!


A Test To See If You’ve Settled In Northern England

To test your understanding of the language spoken by some people in the
north of England.


10 Correct answers – You are obviously an immigrant from the
south of England.

25 Correct answers – You are on your way to being a settler.

40 Correct answers – You have settled!

All correct – It’s time you brushed up on your Queen’s

TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH (The ‘g’ is always as in ‘got’).
1. Intitot? 27. Asta seenim ont telly?

2. Giuzit 28. Corfus arpastate imornin

3. Summutsupoer 29. It dunt marrer

4. Gerritetten 30. Lerruz gurrat pichurz

5. Gerartnit! 31. Astagorratanner

6. Supwidee? 32. Oowurriwee – Wurree weeizson?

7. Smarrarweeim? 33. Eez gunna gerralotta lolly
8. Putwudinthole
34. Eenoze nowt abartit
9. Azeegorriter?
35. Lerrer geronbuz
10. Geeit Mester
36. Eedurnt purriz ed undert watter
11. Eez Gooinoam
37. Eesezeantaddit
12. Astha gorrit reight?
38. Ateldim burrewunt lissen
13. Isthemum?
39. Lerrim purrizaton
14. Astha gorrit withy?
40. Astle clowt thee iftha duntgiore
15. Purremineer
41. Tintintin
16. Ayampt sared nowt
42. Gerary tergithi andweit
17. Thalafter gerra newun
43. Eez gorriz atoam
18. Eesezitintiz – Burraberritiz
44. Thawanstawesh thi errolz aht
19. Lerruzgerruz andzwesht
45. Middadz gorrajag
20. Summoneazgorrageroff
46. Thakken iftha wannts
21. Wiv gorra gerruz imbux
47. Eez nobutta babbi
22. Thamum gerrit lornt
48. Tantad nowt dunatit asanoze on
23. Shut thigob
49. Cantha kumterowerowse tuneat?
24. Owezeeno?
50. Werz gaffer?
25. Aberritintez

26. Wardendenn, watdardooin?

No Credit? Here’s How To Get Started On Your Own!



The following is an honest and easy to follow method that can be
used by any person who has NO credit and wants to “get
established.” The only cost to you will be the interest you are
charged on your borrowing.

One of the worst problems in life is having no credit. Everyone
wants you to produce your credit card etc. If you will follow the
method below, you WILL appear on the credit bureaus as a person
with credit then stand back and wait for the credit offers to come
to YOU!


You may reproduce this text and upload to other BBS. We normally
sell this information for $10 but would appreciate a donation in
ANY amount as we really enjoy communicating with people through
Bulletin Boards around the country as a hobby.

Dave Johnson
PO Box 6155
Thousand Oaks, Calif 91359

Because we appreciate your help, we will acknowledge any donation
and/or comment received.

The best credit reference is a record of borrowing money from a
BANK. Do not waste your time on small jewelry and department
stores as they are not looked on as good references in the real
credit world. Everyone’s goal should be to obtain a Mastercard or
Visa and this is the way to do it:

1. Put aside $500 of your hard earned money to get this program
underway and watch it grow to real borrowing power! If you don’t
have $500 right now, use any other amount and adjust the figures
below accordingly.

2. Select a bank (Bank A) near where you live (banks like you
to have a reason for doing business with them) and open both a
checking account and a savings account. You can open the checking
with $100 in most banks, and put $400 in your savings.

3. Wait one week then go back to bank A and ask for a personal
loan for $300 payable over one year using your savings account as
collateral. They will give it to you right away as the loan is
totally secured by savings. This will create a file on your
credit bureau because the bank will list the loan there.4. Take the $300 loan, go to a bank wher you work (Bank B) and
open just a savings account.

5. Wait one week and go back to bank B and ask for a Visa or
Mastercard secured by your $300 account. This will be done, and
will appear on the bureau!

6. Use your checking account to make your first loan payment
the day you receive your first payment notice to Bank A (about
$30). Try to make this payment in person and take the opportunity
to let the person who made you the loan see you…say hello!

7. Use your Visa Card right away to buy a hundred dollars worth
of necessities that you would NORMALLY buy with cash.

8. Use your checking account to make your first Visa card
payment the day you get your bill. Pay twice what the bank asks
for and again, make your payment in person!

9. Wait two weeks and make a double payment (early) on your
loan and visa cards, again say hello to the bank officer!

10. Be sure to use the checking account by adding your paycheck
or other funds to “build it up” a little.

11. After you have made payments on both loans, apply for a
Gasoline credit card, using those other items as references.

12. Be sure you take care of all payments due on your accounts
ON TIME and become a familiar face in the banks.

13. DON’T PAY YOUR LOANS OFF! Let the accounts run, even if
they are very low, for a year. Creditors want to see your long
term credit history. This will be especially important in the

Before you know it, you will have the credit you need to buy cars,
furniture, get loans, and see an increase in your credit card
limits! Just please, do not abuse this new found freedom. Credit
is terrific if it is used properly!

We would be very pleased to hear from you ….. successes or
otherwise. It is feedback from our friends that has developed this

Thank you, and enjoy your new found Freedom!


Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm)

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Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649
Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766
realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043
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Full access for first-time callers. We don’t want to know who you are,
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“Raw Data for Raw Nerves”


The Newbie Guide To Martial Arts Training (ver 2.5) By Jeff Pipkins

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From: “Randy Pals”
Subject: rec.martial-arts Newbie Guide update
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Archive-name: martial-arts/newbie-guide
Last-modified: 02 Sep 1994

Posting-Frequency: monthly in *.answers, every two weeks in rec.martial-arts

Note: The Newbie Guide has been posted by Randy Pals (,
but the sole author/maintainer of the NG is Jeff Pipkins. Please address
any replies to Jeff (

The Newbie Guide to Martial Arts Training (ver 2.5)
by Jeff Pipkins

So, you’ve never really had any martial arts training, but you’d like
to start. Where do you go? Which school is the best? This guide
will help you find your answers if you’re willing to invest some effort.


You probably already know that there are many different styles of
martial arts. Because variety abounds, it’s only natural to ask which
style is “best”. Unfortunately, it’s just not that simple. The
question itself is not even complete, but even if there were a one-
word answer, chances are that answer wouldn’t help you anyway. Not
unless you’re also willing to pick up and move to a school where the
“best” style is taught. And even then, it’s very important to realize
that two schools that teach the same style, that have the same name on
their signs, are often different, many times drastically different.
So the name on the sign can tell you absolutely nothing about the
quality of the school. So, it’s natural thing to want to ask which
style is best and then go look that up in the phone book. But it is
also possibly the worst way to go about becoming a martial arts student.

The more pragmatic approach is to first make a survey of the schools
in your area. There are probably more schools near you than you
realize, because many schools advertise very little or not at all.
This guide will give you tips on finding them. Then, you should visit
several of the schools, many times, before deciding where you want to
train. This guide will help you by giving you some hints on what to
look for and what to ignore.

This guide is here to help you find a place to train, but to gain
the benefits, you must be willing to put in some hard work. Choosing
a school is an important decision you shouldn’t take lightly. Commit
yourself to spending the time and effort it takes to choose wisely.
If it takes you 2 or 3 months of searching and visiting to decide,
that is certainly time very well spent, and it will be well worth it
to have found a good school that suits you well.


There is little correlation between the cost and the quality of
martial arts training. So why not look for quality first among the
cheaper prices?! Here are some places to look to find M.A. schools:

1. Friends, or friends of friends
2. Bulletin boards at martial-arts supply stores
3. Bulletin boards at Asian bookstores
4. Local colleges (also check “continuing education” courses)
5. Community/Civic Center Programs
6. YMCA/YWCA/Jewish Community Centers (Programs at these places
do not typically require that you be of any particular
religious affiliation in order to participate.)
7. Classified ads from newspapers and local free papers (these can
often be found on your way out of the grocery store).
8. Cultural heritage festivals
9. Bulletin boards at Oriental restaurants. (Hint: if you
decide to ask someone who works there, don’t assume that
they know anything about martial arts. Also, don’t assume
that they are, say, Chinese just because they work at or
own a Chinese restaurant. Beware of stereotypes, especially
where someone may take offense.)
10. Road signs
11. Yellow Pages under “Karate…” or “Martial Arts”

Numbers 1-10 aren’t intended to be in any particular order, but personally,
I would only consider #11 after exhausting the other 10 options. But when it
comes down to that, I would first consider the ones that are near the route
I take between home and work. You can usually find a list of many, but
certainly not all, schools by looking in the Yellow Pages under “Karate…”
(even if most styles there aren’t Karate), or sometimes under “Martial Arts”.
Remember that there is little that can appear in the Yellow Pages to
recommend one place over another. Consulting the Yellow Pages for a martial
arts school should be considered a last resort. You will have to visit a
school to make any comparison at all. If you live in a small town, you
might just visit all of them. If you live in a big city, that might not be
feasible. If you have a really large number of choices, be of good cheer —
you don’t have to find the absolute “best” school, just a very good school
where you can learn and be happy. But do try to visit more than just a few
schools. Also, you must visit a school more than once to form a valid


Cost is neither the most nor the least important factor in your decision.
You must weigh it according to your own priorities. Prices vary widely.
I’ve paid as little as US$35/quarter (3 mos.) at a college, which is
considered extremely low. I’ve paid as much as US$75/mo at a commercial
school, which is considered higher than average. Some schools give you a
price break if you pay lump sum for several months. Some schools require
you to sign a long-term contract to join. To discuss all of the different
ways to pay and the associated legalities is beyond the scope of this
humble document.

Many schools charge an additional fee for each belt test. The fee may be
different depending on rank. They might charge US$15 for your first test,
and US$1000 for your black belt test. Be sure to ask. Some schools require
that you belong (and therefore pay dues to) a world-wide organization.
When inquiring about costs, be sure to ask about costs that senior students
pay, as well as what beginners pay.

You will probably have to spend some bucks on an appropriate uniform or two.
Uniforms vary with the school, but don’t be surprised if you have to pay
US$60 or more for what looks like a pair of white pajamas. You may also
need other equipment, such as sparring gear/pads, training weapons, etc.
Most schools will let beginners get by without a uniform for a while at
first; be sure to ask to get details. If you do this, the clothes you wear
in the interim should be comfortable, secure, and modest. It’s prudent
to avoid wearing your favorite florescent orange aerobic/dance skins or your
prize-winning swimwear. Plain old sloppy sweats are a good bet.

Some arts just inherently have a higher equipment cost associated with them.
Kendo may be the most expensive in this regard because of all the armour
needed to practice safely (though this may be offset by the higher
availability of nonprofit instructors). You may think that Sumo is the
cheapest since they don’t wear very much, but don’t forget the cost of
all that food.

There’s nothing mystical about the martial arts that automatically keeps
a school from trying to rip you off. It’s not the norm, but it’s not all
that uncommon, either. If you get a high-pressure sales pitch and you feel
like you’re being hustled, just walk out. If you’re being treated like
they’re trying to sell you a used car, then respond in kind — you don’t
have to finish the conversation, just walk out. As with any business deal,
the rule is caveat emptor — let the buyer beware!


Perhaps the first thing to look at is the schedule. You can’t learn if
you can’t attend the classes. Depending on the style and school (and size
of the school), there may be separate classes for beginner/intermediate/
advanced, so be aware that the schedule may change on you as you advance.

Find out who teaches most of the classes. In many cases it isn’t the
head instructor. If the classes are split beginner/intermediate/advanced,
chances are good that the head instructor doesn’t teach the beginner
classes. But does he teach most of the advanced classes? And who will
you be spending most of your class time with?

Talk to several students. Ask them how long they’ve studied there, what
they like about it, who teaches most of the classes, etc. Remember that
they aren’t likely to say anything critical there in the school; just ask
what they like about it and read between the lines the best you can.

Take special notice of the atmosphere. I mean the attitudes, not the decor.
Are they friendly/respectable toward one another? After a sparring match,
do they smile at each other or grit their teeth and show disdain? Does the
instructor seem to be interested in growing a student along and pruning them
carefully, or does he mow them down and use them to prove that he truly is a
god? Are there an unreasonable number of injuries in class caused by a lack
of control? Look for healthy and unhealthy attitudes. Ideally, the student
is encouraged to compete with himself/herself, not with other students.

You MUST visit a school more than once in order to form a valid opinion.
That is, unless you get the high-pressure sales pitch and walk out the
first time. But aside from that, if you only visit one class, you’ll still
have no idea what a typical class is like. Classes vary from one to another.
There are good days and bad days for everyone, even instructors. The usual
instructor may be on vacation. There might even be different types of
classes on different days of the week (on one day we do weapons training, on
another we do punches and kicks, on another we do throws and pins, etc.) So
when narrowing down your choices, visit more often so you can get a good idea
of what it would be like to train there.

Be aware that many schools do not have continuous enrollment. You may
have to wait until next week, next month, or even next semester (if the
school meets at a college) for the next beginner’s class to start. This
is pretty much par, so don’t let this offend or discourage you. Use the
waiting time to do more visiting!

The choice of who will be your first teacher is an extremely important
one. Unfortunately, as a beginner, you are completely unqualified to
judge the skill of instructors. You should realize that this is a basic
fundamental dilemma. If you have a friend who is a skilled martial artist,
you could ask them to come with you — but how will you judge the skill
of your friend? This is the beginner’s dilemma. It’s like getting lost
in an unfamiliar town, and everyone you ask gives you different directions.
Most of them are probably wrong, some lie to you on purpose, and more than
one of them may have given you correct instructions (though one route may
be longer than another). There is no way that a guide like this can tell
you how to judge the skill of an instructor. That only comes with years
of experience. So you must make your decision based on whether you like
the school itself, and the attitudes there, and other non-technical things.
There really is no way out of this dilemma. I’m not saying this to
discourage, but because it’s important for you to recognize your own
limitations and to be honest with yourself about them.


Some things you should NOT base your decision on:

1. The RACE or GENDER of the instructor is completely unimportant.
Don’t automatically assume that an instructor is good merely
because he’s an Asian male. Likewise, don’t assume one is not
good because she’s a non-Asian female.

2. It’s not important whether the building is real nice and fancy.
Many people are getting excellent training in their instructor’s
garage or back yard!

3. Do not allow your decision to be swayed by unrelated features,
such as the availability of exercise machines, hot tubs, and
tanning beds.

4. Don’t make your decision based on the garmets worn during practice.
Students in one school may wear something that looks like a skirt,
while those in another school may wear something that looks like
star-spangled pajamas. Pay attention to the techniques and attitudes
rather than the garmets. (But personally, I’d be suspicious of the
star-spangled pajamas…)

5. In some arts like Sumo, the size of the instructor is important, but
this is an unusual exception. For the vast majority of styles, the
size and strength of the instructor are not important. You should
not generally be concerned with whether you are built the same way
as the instructor.

6. If you are not interested in martial arts as a sport, then don’t be
impressed by a large collection of huge, shiny trophies. If you are
interested in it as a sport, you should still curb your enthusiasm of
trophies somewhat. In many tournaments, the trophies are plentiful,
and nearly everyone takes one home for something or other. Some get
one just for being the only one present in their particular category.
So at least read what’s written on the trophies. If you still find
yourself overly impressed by them, visit your local trophy shop.


In most (but not all) styles, there is a ranking system. There is no
universal ranking system. Without any training at all, you can buy a
black belt for US$7.50, tie it on your pajamas, declare that you have just
created a new martial art style, and promote yourself to 10th degree black
belt without breaking any laws (at least not in the U.S.) As a newbie,
you must be aware that this is not only possible, but that it has been
done many times.

A typical Japanese ranking system would be to rank non-black belts from
10th kyu (low) up to 1st kyu (high), and black belts from 1st dan (low)
to 10th dan (high). Depending on the style, there might be only 5 kyu
ranks, or only 5 dan ranks, etc. Typically, 9th dan is the highest, and
there is only one (usually in Japan). Korean ranking systems are typically
very similar, but the word “gup” is used instead of “kyu” (hence the
slang term “guppies” for beginners). The ranking system of Chinese
styles differ considerably; some use sashes instead of belts, but many
don’t have much of a ranking system at all. There are martial arts from
other countries than these, and their ranking systems may be drastically

Don’t be overly concerned with the rank of the instructor. You won’t be
able to even tell the difference between a 3rd degree black belt and a 9th
degree black belt for a long, long time. You should, however, be a little
suspicious of those claiming unusually high ranks. Most of the 9th dans
out there are those who have quit some other school and started a school of
their own, and then promoted themselves to 9th dan. There is no universal
governing body that assigns ranks to everyone. Each style assigns their
own ranks as they please. You CANNOT compare ranks between different
schools! A certain colored belt in one school doesn’t mean the same as
the same color belt in another school. Some schools don’t even have belts.
Some don’t even have ranks. Don’t let the rank game distract you from
what is really important.

Some schools belong to world-wide organizations. These have the advantage
that you can transfer your rank to another member school. They usually
have the disadvantage of dues that each student must pay to the organization.
Often there are two or more rival organizations for a given style. The
politics involved in such things are extremely involved. In deciding on a
school, I would tend to place little significance on their organization, and
much more significance on the quality of training at that particular school.


1. When visiting for the first time, call ahead to make sure visitors
are welcome. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to ask about proper protocol
while you’re at it. Some schools have shoe racks on the way in
the door where you should leave your shoes; most ask that you bow
in the doorway when you enter; some ask that you stand during
opening/closing ceremonies; etc.

2. When visiting for the first time, wear normal street clothes;
whatever you wear to work is usually appropriate (depending on
what you do for a living…)

3. Be very polite.

4. If you’re offered a hand, shake hands. If someone bows to you,
bow back — about the same height, in the same manner that
they bow, and don’t look at them while you are bowing, unless
they look at you.

5. Be quiet during class; don’t do anything to draw attention to
yourself while the class is in progress.

6. Get there early, and stay afterwards so you can ask questions.

7. Don’t discuss other schools at all, if possible. If you cannot
avoid the subject altogether, then at least don’t say anything
derrogatory about another school.

8. Don’t try to impress them with your (limited) knowledge of
different styles and your (equally limited) vocabulary of foreign
words (especially if they’re from the wrong foreign language).


I’d like to thank the following people for contributing their wisdom,
suggestions, and encouragement to this guide. (The appearance of
their names here does not signify agreement with everything written
here, of course.)

Stephen Chan Peter Hahn Bill Rankin
Terry Chan Michael Lawrie Michael Robinson
Joe Chew Mary Malmros Andy Vida-Szucs
Doug Cohen Joe Pfeiffer Diane Winters
Bud Glunt David Poore Tom Yurkiw
Steve Gombosi Lauren Radner

(C) Copyright 1993-4, Jeff D. Pipkins. All rights reserved.

The Newbie Guide amounts to nothing more than my personal opinions, which
at your own risk, you are free to use, ignore, or disagree with. You
must not change the Newbie Guide in any way, but you are free to make
copies of it as long as the copy is verbatim and complete, including this
message and my “.sig” quote at the bottom. You may distribute such copies
as long as you do not charge any fees for that.

Good luck!
–Jeff Pipkins

The Newbie Guide is periodically posted to rec.martial-arts on USENET.
Requests for latest copy, questions, suggestions, and constructive
criticisms are all welcome via email at the following address.
——————————————————————- [sig #10]
I am NOT authorized to represent |
my employer. Use my opinions | I’ve already told you more than I know…
ONLY at your OWN risk. |

Mulches Serve Many Purposes (Gardening)


A mulch is a layer of peat moss, shredded bark or any similar material spread
on the surface of the soil under and around plants. The application of mulches
has many advantages such as improving plant growth, enhancing the appearance of
the landscape and reducing time spent in maintenance.

Value of Mulches

The most common reason for using a mulch is that it will eliminate or at least
retard weeds. Where the mulch layer is sufficiently deep, few weeds will grow.

By reducing the amount of soil water evaporation, mulches conserve moisture,
which is particularly important during droughty periods of the growing season.

Mulches aid in maintaining a uniform soil temperature. They act as insulation in
keeping the soil warmer during cool spells and cooler during the warm months of
the year. By maintaining uniform soil temperatures, freeze-thaw cycles during
winter are retarded, and heaving of perennial plants is reduced.

Mulching materials increase water-holding capacity of light, sandy soils and increase aeration of heavy clay soils as they gradually become
mixed with the basic soil.

Organic mulches serve as food for many micro-organisms found in the soil. During
decomposition of the organic material, soil micro-organisms secrete a sticky
material that promotes the granulation of the soil. The mulch also maintains
more stable temperatures so the actively of the micro-organism can prevail
at an even rate.

Mulching aids in preventing surface soil erosion, particularly if mulch has been
established a few weeks.

In addition, mulches help keep leaves, flowers, and fruits free from soil, which
is important with strawberries, tomatoes, rock garden plants, etc.

Application of Mulches

The time to apply a mulch is in mid-spring when the soil has sufficiently warmed
up for active root growth. As applied before this, the mulch will keep the ground
cool and root growth may be slow. If planting is done in autumn, apply the mulch immediately so that the soil temperature
will be kept warmer longer.

Most mulches should be applied at least 2 to 3 inches deep over the whole area.
Herbaceous plants that require winter protection may need an additional 1 to 2
inches in autumn around the crown or base of the plant.

Problem of Mulches

Weed seeds maybe introduced into the landscape with hay, straw and strawy manure and may serve as a source of weeds.
Various kinds of hulls or corn cobs may have grain or seed mixed in.

Molds often develop on cocoa bean and buckwheat hulls when they are kept too moist or in shady locations. Stirring the
surface of the mulch to aid in drying will eliminate molds.

Several materials used for mulching require an addition of fertilizer to reduce
the chance of nitrogen deficiency of the growing plants. Wood chips, sawdust,
crushed corncobs, straw and shredded bark need additions of fertilizer. Apply
a complete lawn or garden fertilizer at the rate of 2 pounds per 100 square feet
before application of the mulch. If the foliage of the plants become yellow
during the growing season, additional fertilizer should be applied.

Types of mulches

Sphagnum peat moss is generally available and ideal for mulching evergreens and
other plants that grow best in acid soil. Its color is pleasing, it is free of
weed seeds, and it remains effective for one to two years,’depending on the
thickness applied.

Shredded bark makes an excellent mulch that lasts as long or longer than peat
moss. Bark chunks are available in various sizes and are valuable in beautification.

Straw is used for winter protection and as a summer mulch in fruits and vegetable plantings. It may carry weed seeds and is
flammable, so use it away from areas where cigarettes may be thrown.

Crushed stone, gravel chip and pebbles are excellent in the landscape for effect in highlighting plants or garden features. They
are available in various colors and can be selected to blend in with the features of the home, patio or landscape.

Black polyethylene is used primarily in vegetable gardens, and both black and clear poly have been used in landscaping.
Neither should be used in the landscape, however, as drying is reduced and wet soils and woody plants are not compatible.

Crushed corncobs are used extremely extensively in some areas but do require supplemental fertilizer applications.
Buckwheat hulls are fine textured and may blow in windy areas but have a good neutral color and are long lasting.

Sawdust is commonly used where readily available. Nitrogen deficiency is almost certain if fertilizer is not applied regularly.
Wood chips or shavings decompose slowly and may need additional fertilizer.

Fiberglass mats, inorganic in nature, will not rot, corrode or burn and are long lasting but should be covered with bark or
similar organic mulch. Salt hay, spent hops, lawn clippings, leaves, sugar cane, cocoa-bean hulls, leaf mold and paper pulp
have all been satisfactorily used for mulching and, if available, should be considered.

Magic: The Gatheric Official Tournament Rules (August 1, 1994)

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P.O. Box 707 Renton WA 98057-0707

Magic: the Gathering official tournament rules
Includes Magic: the Gathering, Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends
8/1/94 Version

Deck Construction Rules:

1. The tournament deck must contain a minimum of 60 (sixty)
cards, total, of all lands, creatures, spells, and artifacts. In addition
to the tournament deck, players may construct a Sideboard of exactly
15 (fifteen) additional cards. Players are not required to use a
Sideboard, but if they do it must always contain exactly 15 (fifteen)
cards. The use of the Sideboard will be further explained under
Floor Rules (rule #5).

2. There may be no more than 4 (four) of any individual card
in the tournament deck (including sideboard), with the exception of
the five basic land types (Plains, Forest, Mountain, Island, Swamp).

3. The Restricted List : No more than 1 (one) of each of the
cards on the Restricted List are allowed in the tournament deck. If
more than 1 (one) of any individual card from the Restricted List are
found in a player’s deck, that will be interpreted by the Judge as a
Declaration of Forfeiture. The Restricted List may be modified by the
Director of the Duelists’ Convocation as necessary. The Restricted List
is as follows :

Ali from Cairo
Ancestral Recall
Black Lotus
Brain Geyser
Candleabra of Tawnos
Chaos Orb
Copy Artifact
Demonic Tutor
Falling Star
Feldon’s Cane
Ivory Tower
Library of Alexandria
Mind Twist
Mirror Universe
Mishra’s Workshop
Mox Pearl
Mox Emerald
Mox Ruby
Mox Sapphire
Mox Jet
Sol Ring
Sword of Ages
Time Twister
Time Walk
Underworld Dreams
Wheel of Fortune

In addition, any “Summon Legend” card is restricted to one
each, as are each of the Legendary Lands from the Legends

4. The following cards are banned from official tournament
decks :

Bronze Tablet
Contract from Below
Demonic Attorney
Divine Intervention
Jeweled Bird
Time Vault
Tempest Efreet

Several of the cards on the banned list are not allowed because
they clearly state to remove them from your deck if not playing for
ante, and ante is not required to be wagered in an official
tournament (see Floor Rules, rule #6). Any future cards that make
the same statement will subsequently be banned. This list may be
modified by the Director of the Duelists’ Convocation as necessary.

5. Decks may be constructed from Magic cards from the
Limited (black border) series, the Unlimited (white border) series,
Revised Edition, or any Magic expansion (unless expressly disallowed
by the Judge prior to the event). All cards in the tournament deck
must have identical card back design. Under no circumstances will
cards from the Collector’s Edition factory sets be permitted in
tournament decks. They are easily distinguished from legal play
cards by their square corners and gold borders. Use of Collector’s
Edition factory set cards, or any other cards not expressly permitted,
in a tournament deck will be interpreted by the Judge as a
Declaration of Forfeiture (see Floor Rules, #12).

Floor Rules :

1. Tournaments may use a standard, single elimination ladder
bracket system, or other approved tournament form. When using a
ladder bracket system, a ladder chart should be prepared with
players’ names and Duelists’ Convocation membership numbers
clearly printed in their ladder positions. The players should be
allowed to view the chart at any time between their matches, at their

2. The number of players in an official tournament should
ideally be a factor of two (i.e., 16, 32, 64, 128…etc.). In the event
that the number of players are not a factor of two, byes may be
assigned randomly during the first round only, and should be done in
such a fashion so that the number of players in the second round is a
factor of two. Players will not receive ranking points for a round in
which they received a bye.

3. Tournaments will be presided over by a Judge, who may be
assisted by as many Assistant Referees as they may need. A Judge
may be required to interpret rules, to terminate an excessively long
match, to interpret a Declaration of Forfeiture, or make any other
adjudication as necessary during the tournament.The Judge is also
responsible for maintaining the ladder chart, and only the Judge is
permitted to write on the chart (i.e., listing advancing players on the
bracket). Assistant Referees will aid by answering rules questions on
the floor and being available to the Judge for any other assistance
they may require. In necessary cases, the Judge may overrule any
decision made by an Assistant Referee. The decision of the Judge is
always final.

4. A duel is one complete game of Magic. A match is defined
as the best two out of three duels. A player may advance in the
tournament after successfully winning one match, and reporting this
victory to the Judge.

5. Players must use the same deck that they begin the
tournament with throughout the duration of the tournament. The
only deck alteration permitted is through the use of the Sideboard
(see Deck Constuction Rules, rule #1). If a player intends to use a
Sideboard during the course of a match, they must declare to their
opponent that they will be using the Sideboard prior to the beginning
of that match. Players may exchange cards from their deck for cards
from their Sideboard on a one-for-one basis at any time between
duels or matches. There are no restrictions on how many cards a
player may exchange in this way at any given time. Prior to the
beginning of any duel, each player must allow their opponent to
count, face down, the number of cards in their Sideboard. If a
player’s Sideboard does not total exactly 15 (fifteen) cards, the Judge
or an Assistant Referee must be consulted to evaluate the situation
before the duel can begin. If a player claims that they are not using
a Sideboard at the beginning of the match, ignore this counting
procedure for that player, but no deck alteration of any kind will be
permitted by the Judge for that player for the duration of that
match. Any violation of this rule may be interpreted by the Judge as
a Declaration of Forfeiture.

NOTE: The only deck alteration allowable while a duel is in
progress is with the use of a Ring of Ma’Ruf. The Ring of Ma’Ruf may
only be used to retrieve a card from the player’s sideboard. Cards
other than the tournament deck and sideboard should not be allowed
at the tournament. In the event that a player uses a Ring of Ma’Ruf
to retrieve a card from their sideboard, the Ring of Ma’ruf used is
placed into the player’s sideboard to take the place of the retrieved
card, thus maintaing exactly fifteen cards in the sideboard.

6. Players are not required to wager ante during the
tournament. Players may play for real ante, provided that both
participants in the match give their consent, though this agreement
does not allow the inclusion of the banned ante cards in the
tournament deck. Ante cards won in a tournament must be kept
seperate from the tournament deck and sideboard; they may not be
used in the tournament, and are not valid for use with a Ring of
Ma’Ruf. If loss of ante cards from a player’s deck reduces the deck
below 60 (sixty) cards, the player no longer has a legal tournament
deck, and will be removed from the tournament bracket.

7. If a player draws either (a.) no land or (b.) all land cards on
the initial draw of seven cards to begin a duel, they may restart the
duel. To do this, the player must show their opponent that they have
either no land or all land, reshuffle their deck, allow their opponent
to recut the deck, and draw seven new cards. The player’s opponent
has the option to do the same, even if their hand does not qualify for
this rule. For example, if player A draws no land and wishes to
reshuffle, player B may opt to also to try to improve the hand they
drew. A player may only use this rule once per duel.

8. The use of “proxy cards” in the tournament deck is not
allowed. A proxy card is one that has been placed into the deck to
represent another card that for one reason or another the player
doesn’t want to play with (i.e., using a Swamp with the word
“Nightmare” written on it, because the player doesn’t want to play
with their beta Nightmare). Magic: the Gathering is a card game; if
you don’t want to play with a card, then don’t play with it. If you
want to play with a card, you must put it in your deck…no proxies.

9. The use of plastic sleeves or other protective devices on
cards in the tournament deck is not allowed. These items do not
allow for proper shuffling of a deck, as the plastic tends to stick to

10. Players may not have any outside assistance (i.e.,
coaching) during a match. If a player is in violation, the Judge may
issue a warning to the player, or interpret the violation as a
Declaration of Forfeiture, at the Judge’s discretion.

11. Players must at all times keep the cards in their hand
above the level of the playing surface. If a player is in violation, the
Judge may issue a warning to the player, or interpret the violation as
a Declaration of Forfeiture, at the Judge’s discretion.

12. Failure to adhere to the above rules, or any other rules
specific to a particular tournament, may be interpreted by the Judge
as a Declaration of Forfeiture. Only the Judge may make an
interpretation of a Declaration of Forfeiture. This is a more pleasant
way of stating that if a player cheats, the Judge will remove them
from the tournament.

13. Rules note: The Director of the Duelists’ Convocation
reserves the exclusive right to add, delete, alter, transmute,
polymorph, switch, color-lace, sleight of mind, magical hack, or in any
other way change these rules, whole or in part, with or without
notice, at any time that it is deemed necessary or desirable. This
right is non-negotiable.


What’s New On The Moon, By Dr. Bevan M. French (November 16, 1988)

The following material was downloaded from the NASA SpaceLink
BBS at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, George C.
Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama
35812 on 11/16/88.

W H A T ‘ s N E W O N T H E M O O N
by Dr. Bevan M. French

In 1969 over a billion people witnessed the “impossible” coming
true as the first men walked on the surface of the Moon. For the next
three years, people of many nationalities watched as one of the great
explorations of human history was displayed on their television

Between 1969 and 1972, supported by thousands of scientists and
engineers back on Earth, 12 astronauts explored the surface of the
Moon. Protected against the airlessness and the killing heat of the
lunar environment, they stayed on the Moon for days and some of them
travelled for miles across its surface in Lunar Rovers. They made
scientific observations and set up instruments to probe the interior
of the Moon. They collected hundreds of pounds of lunar rock and
soil, thus beginning the first attempt to decipher the origin and
geological history of another world from actual samples of its crust.

The initial excitement of new success and discovery has passed.
The TV sets no longer show astronauts moving across the sunlit lunar
landscape. But here on Earth, scientists are only now beginning to
understand the immense treasure of new knowledge returned by the
Apollo astronauts.

The Apollo Program has left us with a large and priceless legacy
of lunar materials and data. We now have Moon rocks collected from
eight different places on the Moon. The six Apollo landings returned
a collection weighing 382 kilograms (843 pounds) and consisting of
more than 2,000 separate samples. Two automated Soviet spacecraft
named Luna-16 and Luna-20 returned small but important samples
totalling about 130 grams (five ounces).

Instruments placed on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts as long
ago as 1969 are still detecting moonquakes and meteorite impacts,
measuring the Moon’s motions, and recording the heat flowing out from
inside the Moon. The Apollo Program also carried out a major effort
of photographing and analyzing the surface of the Moon. Cameras on
the Apollo spacecraft obtained so many accurate photographs that we
now have better maps of parts of the Moon than we do for some areas
on Earth. Special detectors near the cameras measured the weak X-rays
and radioactivity given off by the lunar surface. From these
measurements, we have been able to determine the chemical composition
of about one-quarter of the Moon’s surface, an area the size of the
United States and Mexico combined. By comparing the flight data with
analyses of returned Moon rocks, we can draw conclusions about the
chemical composition and nature of the entire Moon.

Thus, in less than a decade, science and the Apollo Program have
changed our Moon from an unknown and unreachable object into a
familiar world.


What have we gained from all this exploration? Before the
landing of Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969, the nature and origin of the
Moon were still mysteries. Now, as a result of the the Apollo
Program, we can answer questions that remained unsolved during
centuries of speculation and scientific study:

(1) Is There Life On The Moon?

Despite careful searching, neither living organisms nor fossil
life have been found in any lunar samples. The lunar rocks were so
barren of life that the quarantine period for returned astronauts was
dropped after the third Apollo landing.

The Moon has no water of any kind, either free or chemically
combined in the rocks. Water is a substance that is necessary for
life, and it is therefore unlikely that life could ever have
originated on the Moon. Furthermore, lunar rocks contain only tiny
amounts of the carbon and carbon compounds out of which life is
built, and most of this carbon is not native to the Moon but is
brought to the lunar surface in meteorites and as atoms out of the

(2) What Is The Moon Made Of?

Before the first Moon rocks were collected, we could analyze
only two types of bodies in our solar system: our own planet Earth
and the meteorites that occasionally fall to Earth from outer space.
Now we have learned that the Moon is chemically different from both
of these, but it is most like the Earth.

The Moon is made of rocks. The Moon rocks are so much like Earth
rocks in their appearance that we can use the same terms to describe
both. The rocks are all IGNEOUS, which means that they formed by the
cooling of molten lava. (No sedimentary rocks, like limestone or
shale, which are deposited in water, have ever been found on the

The dark regions (called “maria”) that form the features of “The
Man in the Moon” are low, level areas covered with layers of basalt
lava, a rock similar to the lavas that erupt from terrestrial
volcanoes in Hawaii, Iceland, and elsewhere. The light-colored parts
of the Moon (called “highlands”) are higher, more rugged regions that
are older than the maria. These areas are made up of several
different kinds of rocks that cooled slowly deep within the Moon.
Again using terrestrial terms, we call these rocks gabbro, norite,
and anorthosite.

Despite these similarities, Moon rocks are basically different
and it is easy to tell them apart by analyzing their chemistry or by
examining them under a microscope. The most obvious difference is
that Moon rocks have no water at all, while almost all terrestrial
rocks contain at least a percent or two of water. The Moon rocks are
therefore very well-preserved, because they never were able to react
with water to form clay minerals or rust. A 3 1/2-billion-year-old
Moon rock looks fresher than water-bearing lava just erupted from a
terrestrial volcano.

Another important difference is that the Moon rocks formed where
there was almost no free oxygen. As a result, some of the iron in
lunar rocks was not oxidized when the lunar lavas formed and still
occurs as small crystals of metallic iron.

Because Moon rocks have never been exposed to water or oxygen,
any contact with the Earth’s atmosphere could “rust” them badly. For
this reason, the returned Apollo samples are carefully stored in an
atmosphere of dry nitrogen, and no more of the lunar material than
necessary is exposed to the laboratory atmosphere while the samples
are being analyzed.

The Moon rocks are made of the same chemical elements that make
up Earth rocks, although the proportions are different. Moon rocks
contain more of the common elements calcium, aluminum, and titanium
than do most Earth rocks. Rarer elements like hafnium and zirconium,
which have high melting points, are also more plentiful in lunar
rocks. However, other elements like sodium and potassium, which have
low melting points, are scarce in lunar material. Because the Moon
rocks are richer in high-temperature elements, scientists believe
that the material that formed the Moon was once heated to much higher
temperatures than material that formed the Earth.

The chemical composition of the Moon also is different in
different places. Soon after the Moon formed, various elements sorted
themselves out to form different kinds of rock. The light-colored
highlands are rich in calcium and aluminum, while the dark-colored
maria contain less of those elements and more titanium, iron, and

(3) What Is The Inside Of The Moon Like?

Sensitive instruments placed on the lunar surface by the Apollo
astronauts are still recording the tiny vibrations caused by
meteorite impacts on the surface of the Moon and by small moonquakes
deep within it. These vibrations provide the data from which
scientists determine what the inside of the Moon is like.

About 3,000 moonquakes are detected each year. All of them are
very week by terrestrial standards. The average moonquake releases
about as much energy as a firecracker, and the whole Moon releases
less than one-ten-billionth of the earthquake energy of the Earth.
The moonquakes occur about 600 to 800 kilometers (370-500 miles) deep
inside the Moon, much deeper than almost all the quakes on our own
planet. Certain kinds of moonquakes occur at about the same time
every month, suggesting that they are triggered by repeated tidal
strains as the Moon moves in its orbits around the Earth.

A picture of the inside of the Moon has slowly been put together
from the records of thousands of moonquakes, meteorite impacts, and
the deliberate impacts of discarded Apollo rocket stages onto the
Moon. The Moon is not uniform inside, but is divided into a series of
layers just as the Earth is, although the layers of the Earth and
Moon are different. The outermost part of the Moon is a crust about
60 kilometers (37 miles) thick, probably composed of calcium-and
aluminium-rich rocks like those found in the highlands. Beneath the
crust is a thick layer of denser rock (the mantle) which extends down
to more than 800 kilometers (500 miles).

The deep interior of the Moon is still unknown. The Moon may
contain a small iron core at its center, and there is some evidence
that the Moon may be hot and even partly molten inside.

The Moon does not now have a magnetic field like the Earth’s,
and so the most baffling and unexpected result of the Apollo Program
was the discovery of preserved magnetism in the many of the old lunar
rocks. One explanations is that the Moon had an ancient magnetic
field that somehow disappeared after the old lunar rocks had formed.

One reason we have been able to learn so much about the Moon’s
interior is that the instruments placed on the Moon by the Apollo
astronauts have operated much longer than expected. Some of the
instruments originally designed for a one-year lifetime, have been
operating since 1969 and 1970. This long operation has provided
information that we could not have obtained from shorter records.

The long lifetime of the heat flow experiments set up by the
Apollo 15 and 17 missions has made it possible to determine more
accurately the amount of heat coming out of the Moon . This heat flow
is a basic indicator of the temperature and composition of the inside
of the Moon. The new value, about two-thirds of the value calculated
from earlier data, is equal to about one-third the amount of heat now
coming out of the inside of the Earth. As a result, we can now
produce better models of what the inside of the Moon is like.

As they probed the lunar interior, the Apollo instruments have
provided information about the space environment near the Moon. For
example, the sensitive devices used to detect moonquakes have also
recorded the vibrations caused by the impacts of small meteorites
onto the lunar surface. We now have long-term records of how often
meteorites strike the Moon, and we have learned that these impacts do
not always occur at random. Some small meteorites seem to travel in
groups. Several such swarms, composed of meteorites weighing a few
pounds each, struck the Moon in 1975. The detection of such events is
giving scientists new ideas about the distribution of meteorites and
cosmic dust in the solar system.

The long lifetime of the Apollo instruments has also made
several cooperative projects possible. For example, our instruments
were still making magnetic measurements at several Apollo landing
sites when, elsewhere on the Moon, the Russians landed similar
instruments attached to their two automated lunar roving vehicles
(Lunokhods). By making simultaneous measurements and exchanging data,
American and Russian scientists have not only provided a small
example of international cooperation in space, but they have jointly
obtained a better picture of the magnetic properties of the Moon and
the space around it.

(4) What Is The Moon’s Surface Like?

Long before the Apollo Program scientists could see that the
Moon’s surface was complex. Earth-based telescopes could distinguish
the level maria and the rugged highlands. We could recognize
countless circular craters, rugged mountain ranges, and deep winding
canyons or rilles.

Because of the Apollo explorations, we have now learned that all
these lunar landscapes are covered by a layer of fine broken-up
powder and rubble about 1 to 20 meters (3 to 60 feet) deep. This
layer is usually called the “lunar soil,” although it contains no
water or organic material, and it is totally different from soils
formed on Earth by the action of wind, water, and life.

The lunar soil is something entirely new to scientists, for it
could only have been formed on the surface of an airless body like
the Moon. The soil has been built up over billions of years by the
continuous bombardment of the unprotected Moon by large and small
meteorites, most of which would have burned up if they had entered
the Earth’s atmosphere.

These meteorites form craters when they hit the Moon. Tiny
particles of cosmic dust produce microscopic craters perhaps 1/1000
of a millimeter (1/25,000 inch) across, while the rare impact of a
large body may blasts out a crater many kilometers, or miles, in
diameter. Each of these impacts shatters the solid rock, scatters
material around the crater, and stirs and mixes the soil. As a
result, the lunar soil is a well-mixed sample of a large area of the
Moon, and single samples of lunar soil have yielded rock fragments
whose source was hundreds of kilometers from the collection site.

However, the lunar soil is more than ground-up and reworked
lunar rock. It is the boundary layer between the Moon and outer
space, and it absorbs the matter and energy that strikes the Moon fro
the Sun and the rest of the universe. Tiny bits of cosmic dust and
high-energy atomic particles that would be stopped high in the
Earth’s protective atmosphere rain continually onto the surface of
the Moon.

(5) How Old Is The Moon?

Scientists now think that the solar system first came into being
as a huge, whirling, disk-shaped cloud of gas and dust. Gradually the
cloud collapsed inward. The central part became masssive and hot,
forming the Sun. Around the Sun, the dust formed small objects that
rapidly collected together to form the large planets and satellites
that we see today.

By carefully measuring the radioactive elements found in rocks,
scientists can determine how old the rocks are. Measurements on
meteorites indicate that the formation of the solar system occurred
4.6 billion years ago. There is chemical evidence in both lunar and
terrestrial rocks that the Earth and Moon also formed at that time.
However, the oldest known rocks on Earth are only 3.8 billion years
old, and scientists think that the older rocks have been destroyed by
the Earth’s continuing volcanism, mountain-building, and erosion.

The Moon rocks fill in some of this gap in time between the
Earth’s oldest preserved rocks and the formation of the solar system.
The lavas from the dark maria are the Moon’s youngest rocks, but they
are as old as the oldest rocks found on Earth, with ages of 3.1 to
3.8 billion years. Rocks from the lunar highlands are even older.
Most highland samples have ages of 4.0 to 4.3 billion years. Some
Moon rocks preserve traces of even older lunar events. Studies of
these rocks indicate that widespread melting and chemical separation
were going on within the Moon about 4.4 billion years ago, or not
long after the Moon had formed.

One of the techniques used to establish this early part of lunar
history is a new age-dating method (involving the elements neodymium
and samarium) that was not even possible when the first Apollo
samples were returned in 1969. The combination of new instruments and
careful protection of the lunar samples from contamination thus make
it possible to understand better the early history of the Moon.

Even more exciting is the discovery that a few lunar rocks seem
to record the actual formation of the Moon. Some tiny green rock
fragments collected by the Apollo 17 astronauts have yielded an
apparent age of 4.6 billion years, the time at which scientists think
that the Moon and the solar system formed. Early in 1976, scientists
identified another Apollo 17 crystalline rock with the same ancient
age. These pieces may be some of the first material that solidified
from the once-molten Moon.

(6) What Is The History Of The Moon?

The first few hundred million years of the Moon’s lifetime were
so violent that few traces of this time remain. Almost immediately
after the Moon formed, its outer part was completely melted to a
depth of several hundred kilometers. While this molten layer
gradually cooled and solidfied into different kinds of rocks, the
Moon was bombarded by huge asteroids and smaller bodies. Some of
these asteroids were the size of small states, like Rhode Island or
Delaware, and their collisions with the Moon created huge basins
hundreds of kilometers across.

The catastrophic bombardment died away about 4 billion years
ago, leaving the lunar highlands covered with huge overlapping
craters and a deep layer of shattered and broken rock. As the
bombardment subsided, heat produced by the decay of radioactive
elements began to melt the inside of the Moon at depths of about 200
kilometers (125 miles) below its surface. Then, for the next half
billion years, from about 3.8 to 3.1 billion years ago, great floods
of lava rose from the inside the Moon and poured out over its
surface, filling in the large impact basins to form the dark parts of
the Moon that we see today.

As far as we know, the Moon has been quiet since the last lavas
erupted more than 3 billion years ago. Since then, the Moon’s surface
has been altered only by rare large meteorite impacts and by atomic
particles from the Sun and the stars. The Moon has preserved featured
formed almost 4 billion year ago, and if men had landed on the Moon a
billion years ago, it would have looked very much as it does now. The
surface of the Moon now changes so slowly that the footprints left by
the Apollo astronauts will remain clear and sharp for millions of

This preserved ancient history of the Moon is in sharp contrast
to the changing Earth. The Earth still behaves like a young planet.
Its internal heat is active, and volcanic eruptions and
mountain-building have gone on continuously as far back as we can
decipher the rocks. According to new geological theories, even the
present ocean basins are less than about 200 million years old,
having formed by the slow separation of huge moving plates that make
up the Earth’s crust.

(7) Where Did The Moon Come From?

Before we explored the Moon, there were three main suggestions
to explain its existence: that it had formed near the Earth as a
separate body; that it had separated from the Earth; and that is had
formed somewhere else and been captured by the Earth.

Scientists still cannot decide among these three theories.
However, we have learned that the Moon formed as a part of our solar
system and that it has existed as an individual body for 4.6 billion
years. Separation from the Earth is now considered less likely
because there are many basic differences in chemical composition
between the two bodies, such as the absence of water on the Moon. But
the other two theories are still evenly matched in their strengths
and weaknesses. We will need more data and perhaps some new theories
before the origin of the Moon is settled.


It might seem that the active, inhabited Earth has nothing in
common with the quiet, lifeless Moon. Nevertheless, the scientific
discoveries of the Apollo Program have provided a new and unexpected
look into the early history of our own planet. Scientists think that
all the planets formed in the same way, by the rapid accumulation of
small bodies into large ones about 4.6 billion years ago. The Moon’s
rocks contain the traces of this process of planetary creation. The
same catastrophic impacts and widespread melting that we recognize on
the Moon must also have dominated the Earth during its early years,
and about 4 billion years ago the Earth may have looked much the same
as the Moon does now.

The two worlds then took different paths. The Moon became quiet
while the Earth continued to generate mountains, volcanoes, oceans,
an atmosphere, and life. The Moon preserved its ancient rocks, while
the Earth’s older rocks were continually destroyed and recreated as
younger ones.

The Earth’s oldest preserved rocks, 3.3 to 3.8 billion years
old, occur as small remnants in Greenland, Minnesota, and Africa.
These rocks are not like the lunar lava flows of the same age. The
Earth’s most ancient rocks are granites and sediments, and they tell
us that the Earth already had mountain-building, running water,
oceans, and life at a time when the last lava flows were pouring out
across the Moon.

In the same way, all traces of any intense early bombardment of
the Earth have been destroyed. The record of later impacts remains,
however, in nearly 100 ancient impact structures that have been
recognized on the Earth in recent years. Some of these structures are
the deeply eroded remnants of craters as large as those of the Moon
and they give us a way to study on Earth the process that once
dominated both the Earth and Moon.

Lunar science is also making other contributions to the study of
the Earth. The new techniques developed to analyze lunar samples are
now being applied to terrestrial rocks. Chemical analyses can now be
made on samples weighing only 0.001 gram (3/100,000 ounce) and the
ages of terrestrial rocks can now be measured far more accurately
than before Apollo. These new techniques are already helping us to
better understand the origin of terrestrial volcanic rocks, to
identify new occurrences of the Earth’s oldest rocks, and to probe
further into the origin of terrestrial life more than 3 billion years


One of the most exciting results of the Apollo Program is that,
by going to the Moon, we have also been able to collect samples of
the Sun.

The surface of the Moon is continually exposed to the solar
wind, a stream of atoms boiled into space from the Sun’s atmosphere.
Since the Moon formed, the lunar soil has trapped billions of tons of
these atoms ejected from the Sun. The soil also contains traces of
cosmic rays produced outside our own solar system. These high-energy
atoms, probably produced inside distant stars, leave permanent tracks
when they strike particles in the lunar soil.

By analyzing the soil samples returned from the Moon, we have
been able to determine the chemical composition of the matter ejected
by the Sun and thus learn more about how the Sun operates. A major
surprise was the discovery that the material in the solar wind is not
the same as that in the Sun itself. The ratio of hydrogen to helium
atoms in the solar wind that reaches the Moon is about 20 to 1. But
the ratio of these atoms in the Sun, as measured with Earth-based
instruments, is only 10 to 1. Some unexplained process in the Sun’s
outer atmosphere apparently operates to eject the lighter hydrogen
atoms in preference to the heavier helium atoms.

Even more important is the fact that the lunar soil still
preserves material ejected by the Sun in the past. We now have a
unique opportunity to study the past behavior of the Sun. Our very
existence depends on the Sun’s activity, and by understanding the
Sun’s past history, we can hope to predict better its future

These studies of the lunar soil are only beginning, but what we
have learned about the Sun so far is reassuring. Such chemical
features as the ratio of hydrogen to helium and the amount of iron in
solar material show no change for at least the past few hundred
thousand years. The lunar samples are telling us that the Sun, in the
recent past, has behaved very much as it does today, making us
optimistic that the Sun will remain the same for the foreseeable

As far as the ancient history of the Sun is concerned, the most
exciting lunar samples have not yet been fully examined. During the
Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions, three long cores of lunar soil were
obtained by drilling hollow tubes into the soil layer. These core
tubes penetrated as much as three meters (10 feet) deep. The layers
of soil in these cores contain a well-preserved history of the Moon
and the Sun that may extend as far back as one and a half billion
years. No single terrestrial sample contains such a long record, and
no one knows how much can be learned when all the cores are carefully
opened and studied. Certainly we will learn more about the ancient
history of the Sun and Moon. We may even find traces of the movement
of the Sun and the solar system through different regions of our
Milky Way Galaxy.


Although the Apollo Program officially ended in 1972, the active
study of the Moon goes on. More than 125 teams of scientists are
studying the returned lunar samples and analyzing the information
that continues to come from the instruments on the Moon. Less than 10
percent of the lunar sample material has yet been studied in detail,
and more results will emerge as new rocks and soil samples are

The scientific results of the Apollo Program have spread far
beyond the Moon itself. By studying the Moon, we have learned how to
go about the business of exploring other planets. The Apollo Program
proved that we could apply to another world the methods that we have
used to learn about the Earth. Now the knowledge gained from the Moon
is being used with the photographs returned by Mariner 9 and 10 to
understand the histories of Mercury and Mars and to interpret the
data returned by the Viking mission to Mars.

The Moon has thus become an important key to solving several
fundamental questions about the other planets.

(1) What Is The Early History Of Other Planets?

The first half-billion years of the Moon’s lifetime were
dominated by intense and widespread melting, by catastrophic
meteorite impacts and by great eruptions of lava. Now close-up
pictures of the planets Mercury and Mars show heavily-cratered
regions and definite volcanic structures, indicating that these
planets also have been affected by the same processes that shaped the
Moon when it was young. Such episodes of early bombardment and
volcanic eruptions seem to be part of the life story of planets. Our
own Earth must have had a similar history, even though the traces of
these primordial events have been removed by later changes.

(2) How Do Planets Develop Magnetic Fields?

We have known for centuries that the Earth has a strong magnetic
field. However, we still do not know exactly how the Earth’s field
formed, why its strength varies, or why it reverses itself every few
hundred thousand years or so.

One way to learn about the Earth’s magnetic field is to study
the magnetic field of other planets. In this respect, the Moon is
surprising. It has no magnetic field today, but its rocks suggest
that it had a strong magnetic field in the past. If the Moon did have
an ancient magnetic field that somehow “switched off” about 3 billion
years ago, then continued study of the Moon may help us learn how
magnetic fields are produced in other planets, including our own.

(3) Even the lifeless lunar soil contains simple molecules formed by
reaction between the soil particles and atoms of carbon, oxygen, and
nitrogen that come from the Sun. In a more favorable environment,
these simple molecules might react further, forming the more complex
molecules (“building blocks”) needed for the development of life. The
sterile Moon thus suggests that the basic ingredients for life are
common in the universe, and further study of the lunar soil will tell
us about the chemical reactions that occur in space before life


Despite the great scientific return from the Apollo Program,
there are still many unanswered questions about the Moon:

(1) What Is The Chemical Composition of the Whole Moon?

We have sampled only eight places on the Moon, with six Apollo
and two Luna landings. The chemical analyses made from orbit cover
only about a quarter of the Moon’s surface. We still know little
about the far side of the Moon and nothing whatever about the Moon’s
polar regions.

(2) Why Is The Moon Uneven?

Orbiting Apollo spacecraft used a laser device to measure
accurately the heights of peaks and valleys over much of the lunar
surface. From these careful measurements, scientists have learned
that the Moon is not a perfect sphere. It is slightly egg-shaped,
with the small end of the egg pointing toward the Earth and the
larger end facing away from it.

There are other major differences between the two sides of the
Moon. The front (Earth-facing side), which is the small end of the
egg, is covered with large dark areas which were produced by great
eruptions of basalt lava between 3 and 4 billion years ago. However,
the far side of the Moon is almost entirely composed of
light-colored, rugged, and heavily cratered terrain identical to the
highland regions on the front side, and there are only a few patches
of dark lava-like material. Furthermore, the Moon’s upper layer (the
crust), is also uneven. On the front side, where the maria are, the
lunar crust is about 60 kilometers (37 miles) thick. On the back
side, it is over 100 kilometers (62 miles) thick .

We still do not know enough to explain these different
observations. Perhaps, the Moon points its small end toward the Earth
because of tidal forces that have kept it trapped in that position
for billions of years. Perhaps lava erupted only on the front side
because the crust was thinner there. These differences could tell us
much about the early years of the Moon, if we could understand them.

(3) Is The Moon Now Molten Inside?

We know that there were great volcanic eruptions on the Moon
billions of years ago, but we do not know how long they continued. To
understand the Moon’s history completely, we need to find out if the
inside of the Moon is still hot and partly molten. More information
about the heat flow coming out of the Moon may help provide an

(4) Does The Moon Have An Iron Core Like The Earth?

This question is critical to solving the puzzle of ancient lunar
magnetism, At the moment, we have so little data that we can neither
rule out the possible existence of a small iron core nor prove that
one is present. If we can determine more accurately the nature of the
Moon’s interior and make more measurements of the magnetism on the
lunar surface, we may find a definite answer to the baffling

(5) How Old Are The Youngest Lunar Rocks?

The youngest rocks collected from the Moon were formed 3.1
billion years ago. We cannot determine how the Moon heated up and
then cooled again until we know whether these eruptions were the last
or whether volcanic activity continued on the Moon for a much longer

(6) Is The Moon Now Really “Dead”?

Unexplained occurrences of reddish clouds, and mists have been
reported on the Moon’s surface for over 300 years. These “lunar
transient events,” as they are called, are still not explained. It is
important to determine what they are, because they may indicate
regions where gases and other materials are still coming to the
surface from inside the Moon.


For all we have learned about the Moon, the exploration of our
nearest neighbor world has only just begun. Much of the returned
lunar sample material remains to be studied, and we will continue to
analyze the data from the instruments on the Moon as long as they

From what we have learned, we can now confidently plan ways to
use the Moon to help us understand better the behavior of our own
planet. One such project involves using several reflectors that were
placed on the Moon by Apollo astronauts. By bouncing a laser beam off
these reflectors and back to Earth, we can measure variations in the
Earth-Moon distance (about 400,000 kilometers or 250,000 miles) with
an accuracy of a few centimeters (a few inches, or one part in 10
billion). Continued measurement of the Earth-Moon distance as the
Moon moves in its orbit around us will make it possible to recognize
tiny variations that exist in the Moon’s motions. These variations
occur because the Moon is not quite a uniform sphere, and these minor
movements contain important clues about what the inside of the Moon
is like.

The laser reflectors, which need no power, will last on the Moon
for more than a century before being covered with slow-moving lunar
dust. Long before that, continuous measurements should make it
possible to understand the internal structure of the Moon. It may
even be possible to use the Moon to measure the slow movements of
Earth’s continents and oceans as they converge and separate.

To further explore the Moon itself, we can send machines in
place of men. An unmanned spacecraft could circle the Moon from pole
to pole, measuring its chemical composition, radioactivity, gravity,
and magnetism. This mission would carry on the tasks begun by the
Apollo Program and would produce physical and chemical maps of the
whole Moon. Such an orbiter could also serve as a prototype for later
spacecraft and instruments to be put into orbit around Mars or
Mercury to map and study those planets as we have mapped and explored
the Moon.

Other spacecraft, like the Russian Luna-16 and Luna-20 landers,
could return small samples from locations never before visited: the
far side, the poles, or the sites of the puzzling transient events.
Because of the Apollo Program, we now know how to analyze such small
samples and how to interpret correctly the data we obtain. Each
landing and sample return would have a double purpose: to teach us
more about the Moon, and help us design the machines that might
return samples from the surfaces of Mars, Mercury, or the moons of

Finally, we may see man return to the Moon, not as a passing
visitor but as a long-term resident, building bases from which to
explore the Moon and erecting astronomical instruments that use the
Moon as a platform from which to see deeper into the mysterious
universe that surrounds us.


The Lunar Science Institute in Houston, Texas can provide
further information about lunar science and about data resources that
are available for scientific and educational purposes. In particular,
the Institute maintains lists of available books, articles,
photographs, maps, and other materials dealing with the Moon and the
Apollo missions. For further information, contact:

Data Center, Code L
3303 NASA Road #1
Houston, TX 77058
Phone (713) 488-5200

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