Category: Other Nonsense & Spam

Help Finding An Actual Research And Dataset That Uses Distributions.

I need to find a research done by someone where they use a dataset and use distributions such as normal distribution, t distribution, anova distribution e.t.c to do their research and then i need to show my understanding of it. It doesn’t have to be very complicated as I’m just a fresher(undergrad) and all i need to do is show the use of any of these distributions in research in real life. Any links or ideas about any such research papers or actual life use of these done by people?

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/youredumbaflol
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Best Ways To Analyze Data, Useful For NBA Stats

Hello all, just wondering if I have a massive set of data that I want to compare or analyze the set for trends, would there be a good way to do this through a website or should I manually look for these trends myself. Another question would be how could I easily spot trends or important data figures within my set of data. Thanks!

submitted by /u/floppy11
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Mountain Goats Are Goats Who Ascended To 5D

They have escaped the goat matrix. I think this is very important to know for all who have nothing left to lose.

There are also mountain GOAT’s (greatest of all times). These are usually mountain Buddha niggas located on the peak of a mountain who practice transcendence.

Magic: The Gathering Dashboard | Check The API / Dataset Behind It | Feedback Welcome

Hi everyone,

I am fairly new, learning Python since December 2022, and coming from a non-tech background. I took part in the DataTalksClub Zoomcamp. I started using these tools used in the project in January 2023.

Project link: GitHub repo for Magic: The Gathering

Project background:

I used to play Magic: The Gathering a lot back in the 90s I wanted to understand the game from a meta perspective and tried to answer questions that I was interested in

Technologies used:

Infrastructure via terraform, and GCP as cloud I read the scryfall API for card data Push them to my storage bucket Push needed data points to BigQuery Transform the data there with DBT Visualize the final dataset with Looker

I am somewhat proud to having finished this, as I never would have thought to learn all this. I did put a lot of long evenings, early mornings and weekends into this. In the future I plan to do more projects and apply for a Data Engineering or Analytics Engineering position – preferably at my current company.

Please feel free to leave constructive feedback on code, visualization or any other part of the project.

Thanks 🧙🏼‍♂️ 🔮

submitted by /u/binchentso
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What Are The Essential SQL Skills For Senior Business Analysts?

Hello everyone,

I am currently pursuing a career as a Senior Business Analyst, and I know that having a strong understanding of SQL is essential for this role. However, there are so many aspects of SQL to learn, and I’m not sure where to focus my attention.

I would like to know from those who work as Senior Business Analysts, or those who have experience working with them, what are the best aspects of SQL to learn for this position? Which SQL skills do you use the most in your day-to-day work, and which ones have been the most valuable for you?

I appreciate any insights or advice you can offer, and I look forward to learning from your experiences. Thank you!

submitted by /u/LampRunner
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Looking For A Dataset To Train A Chatbot For Recommending Solutions To Java Application Log Errors

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on creating a chatbot that can recommend solutions to log errors that occur in Java applications. To do this, I need a dataset that contains examples of log errors along with their corresponding solutions. I am hoping to find a dataset that is large enough to train a machine learning model to accurately suggest solutions based on the log error message.

If anyone knows of a dataset that would be helpful for this project or has any suggestions on where to find one, I would greatly appreciate it. Any information or assistance would be extremely valuable to me.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

submitted by /u/Farjou69
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How To Treat Features Of Different Types

Hello there, I have a medical dataset in which some features are numeric, while others are categorical. With “categorical” I mean that these features are natively encoded with ordinal integer encoding, such that every possible value is represented as an incremental integer value. It is important for you to know that this dataset has been obtained as part of a survey, so that every categorical value is referred to different types of answers such as “never”, “sometimes”, “a lot of the time” and so on. I have to apply a MLP to this kind of data and I know that in order to do it I first need to scale data. Question is, do I have to scale all features without regard to categorical ones or do I need to scale only numerical variables applying One-hot encoding to the others? I was also wondering if it is necessary to apply one-hot encoding to categorical columns or if I can leave them as they are, applying standardization only to the numerical variables.

submitted by /u/NathanDrake27
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Maryland State-wide Crashes From 2016-2022

Came across this pretty popular dataset on Maryland Crashes from 2016-2022. Check it out here:

From these findings, it’s pretty clear that:

Baltimore county (not city) has the highest number of crashes at 156K incidents, with 2018 being the highest year for accidents. The Baltimore Beltway seems to be the highest place for these incidents, with 2.2K incidents occurring over the course of 2016-2022. Yikessss. The Capital Beltway has the highest # of incidents, sitting at 22K Marylanders tend to hit other cars and objects on the road the most but have the least amount of incidents at U-turns (surprising!) The lowest county with crashes is Kent County

View Data:


submitted by /u/sheetheadd
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Crimes In Boston During Covid-19 (2020-2021)

Interesting dataset pulled from Boston’s Official Government Site. I definately heard about the spike of crimes that occurred during height of Covid, so I decided to merge the two CSVs from 2021 and 2020. It also helps depict/infer the safest streets in Boston.

Curious, is anyone else interested in a specific location/city and it’s crime data? I see tons of datasets like this online. Would love to share and see some interesting ones!

Click here to view the dataset:

submitted by /u/sheetheadd
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Does Anyone Know Where I Can Find A Reliable Dataset That Lists All Airports With Geolocation?

Hey everyone,

I’m working on a map project that needs a list of all airports worldwide along with their geolocation coordinates. I’ve searched online, but I’m having trouble finding a reliable/up to date source.

I was wondering if anyone here knows of a dataset that has it? It would be great if the data included the airport IATA code, and latitude/longitude coordinates.

If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations, I’d greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/px07x
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Poker Hands (with Labels For Raise, Check And Fold)

I was wondering if anybody knows of a location I could get some form of dataset with the structure aforementioned in the above. I’m looking to create a supervised learning classification model that takes a set of poker hands (hold-em style I think) that predicts raise, check or fold based on the cards presented. If it were trained on a dataset from professional poker players I’d imagine it would make plays very similar to them, as such it could be rather successful.

My only other option for gathering this data, I thought, would be to host a simple web app that shows the user 5 cards and asks them whether they want to raise, check or fold, and post it on forums (here?) and and gather the data from the responses into a large database. This however may result in bad plays from users that don’t know how to play poker, and bogus answers, so I’d rather stay away from that.

submitted by /u/ryanward02
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Looking For Galaxy Dataset Containing Celestial Object Location For A Snapshot In Time

Hi, I’m looking for a space dataset about a specific galaxy. Any galaxy will do. It needs to have spacial information for each celestial body (planet, star, black hole) for a snapshot in time, so I’m thinking an x, y, z value. I want to know each object’s location in the galaxy. It would also be nice if the dataset contained what each object is (star, planet, black hole). It could also go into more specifics about the class of the type of object it is like dwarf star, gas planet, etc & the size of the object or its radius. I’m planing on using this dataset for an art project for one of my classes. Thank you.

submitted by /u/michaelbschulte21
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